Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
Silent Strider's Rumours

Lupus Salmon-on-Sea

'Silent Strider', Garou symbol

'Wyrm', Garou symbol

'War of Rage', Garou symbol

'Rite of the Fetish', Garou symbol

The Great Wendigo

Hard Drive annoyed

'Ratkin', Garou symbol

Glass Walker Symbol, The Tribe of James Purcell

One of the better portraits of a 'Flying Death' Get.

Image of Buries the Dead capturing a Vampire book of Lore.

Attack of the Nexus Crawler

Greater Seagull Totem

Jean De Grace Howls at the moon.

Buries-the-Dead howling for her Garou son

'Star Gazer' Symbol, Tribe of Father Wimbish

House Gleaming Eye of the Silver Fangs
Ian Henrys: I have been traveling in America trying to find out what has been happening with the Salt Packs and I have discovered that one of the NASA launch sites (Cape Kennedy) has been spiritually destroyed. The pack that is being led By Salmon-on-Sea have managed to destroy the Bane that was in control there. They also reported that the place was full of the Undead, the creatures called Shamblers. Local Hunters had been combating them for a while, and actually helped the garou by causing a distraction and attacking the north part of the site. The Site manager was killed in the assault as were many tainted medics and personnel. They were massacred in the aftermath of the assault. Three American garou died. 'Keeps-with-Pace', Abraham Baker, and 'Stands-Tall'. Salmon-on-Sea was injured in the assault but is now fully recovered.
Speaking from his home Caern in Nottingham, England
Winds Galmesh: (Translation) I have been to France, the recent news of the fall of Manchester is seen as a sign by the Red Talon Sept there. They have given me the job of making a deal with Marianna Barclay of the Children of Gaia. They will send a pack to reclaim the caern, as long as either a post of caern leader of caern Guardian (or Warder as we call it France) is given to the Leader of their Pack. Marianna was reluctant but she recalled the old days under 'Eats-Small-Things' and although much is to be discussed she agreed. The Red Talons are coming back to the home land of the Gray Wolf, all garou must see this as a sign of growing strength of pack unity in the Last Days.
Speaking after meeting with Marianna Barclay at the Sept of Sherwood, England
Omar One Leap: (Translation) There is new type of Formori that is infecting our land further, what is unusual is that they are not combating us, but they attack Pentex establishments and Vampire Chantries with Fervor. All I am told is they believe their messiah is coming and they must free 'the Sleepers'. I have called a Moot, to discuss what is to be done, should we leave them, aid them ,or attack them equally as they still are of the Wyrm.
Speaking from the Sept of the Etesian Wind.
Buries-the-Dead: Spread the news, I have had my fill of Egypt. I have not found what I was looking for here, and the Leeches have grown to fear me and now flee at the mention of my name. I need a change of scene, I have grown a need to see my son again, and I hear he joined a Salt Pack, and now he plans to make a Caern. He makes me proud, I may even try for a place in his new Caern. I am sure they can make use of an Athro of my reputation. I may even look up his father, it has been 18 years and he may have changed.
Speaking from the excavation site (32) in the City of El Minja, Egypt
Ian Henrys: I have heard that the Shadow Lords are willing to share the secret of the Punch-Dagger-Klaive manufacture as a gesture to Tribal unity in Britain. If this is so, Britain may have a new light of Political stability between the ruling Tribes. I must admit the Glass Walkers are completely lost for words. It was also said that the Walkers should make an equally important gesture by sharing information more readily. I would also like to thank the garou who have given me the honor of being the first Silent Strider to visit this great caern in over one hundred years.
Speaking from the Caern of Past Days, The Isle of Man.
Sekhmet: There is a rumor about that a Great Lupus Wendigo Ahroun is running amok in Scotland and he has killed some hitchhikers. It has got into the Newspapers as the 'Beast of Ben Klibreck'. The humans are presently looking for a big cat, a very big cat. I am told he runs with a pack of kinfolk wolves, he is Alpha over. So far no-one has contacted him, not yet, the Four-Runners pack is out looking for him, before he threatens the Litany itself. A very very bad thing, oh yes!
Talking to Fianna kinfolk residents of the Loch Choire area.
Heifel: I was talking to Hard Drive, he was very moody, he did not want to buy a monkey. He said he no longer happy with Sept of Tower and he is looking for new home, I asked if he want to move in with my Monkey! He was very very very moody, I no like him, he make me nervous....Do you want to buy a Monkey?
Talking to a very distressed Gordon Newell, Sept of the Legion, Caerleon
Heifel: I talk to Ratkin, they make me nervous, they say they plan a big assault against the Wyrm, they plan to attack the drug lords in Ibiza, they say something new in drugs, makes into Formori, very bad. Many English go there, might get infected, I say I help, but they say go away Paki Garou, dogs do enough damage. I was quite angry cause they eat my monkey, and they no pay. Can I buy a monkey!
Complaining to a distressed Shadow Lord, France.
Ian Henrys: I was in attendance at the meeting about the New Caern to be built at Delamere , on of the things that shocked me was James Purcell 's response to his betrayal. I have never seen him like that before, it is like he is acting as if someone has slept with his girl. I just never thought he would take it that personally. I dunno, was it right what they did. I suppose so if they pull it off, but I would not want to be on the receiving end of James wrath. They say everyone has a dark side, and the lighter the good side the darker the bad side. James is a very 'light' person.
Speaking from his home Caern in Nottingham, England
Winds Galmesh: (Translation) I am told that there is dissension in the Ranks of the Sept of the Flying Death over this New caern business. One side sees this as a threat to their caern and worse...their traditions. The others see it as a good political and military aide in the battle with the Wyrm, although the king supports the latter I am unsure if his leadership skills are good enough to prevent civil war. My contact seems to think that these rogue Get will try an assassination on the leaders of the New caern to sabotage it's chances of success. Is this not a break of the Litany, helping a caern to fall by not allowing it's creation.....
Speaking at a Tribal Grand Moot (Children of Gaia) in France.
Buries-the-Dead: Thanks to my activities in Chester we have managed to destroy four Leeches. It was a surprise attack on the faction called the 'Camarilla'. The fifth older leech managed to escape but we believe he led us into the others. Are we pawns in their own war, I care not as long as we kill vampires. The savagery and speed in which we dispatched the Leeches even inspired the Get. The escaping Leech could be tracked by us as he smells of the mineral Lime. We have established two war packs with Get warriors, I think we can purge Chester within a year! I am collecting the right fangs from my victims now to prove rankless lupus of an elders status.
Speaking from Lower Bridge St, Chester after the skirmish.
Heifel: Oh Dear! There is much big trouble over in Germany, a Nexus Crawler has attacked an active pack and killed them all. Oh Dear! Oh Dear! Oh! Dear! This very bad news, their Caern now in serious trouble It kill one famous Get too, much trouble....Oh Dear, Oh! My!
Frantic message delivered to the Caern of the Castle.
Peggy Longtooth: <Parp!> he he he ha! Looking to make a Caern eh! Ha He Whee! <cough, cough> My Caern leader could advise them, yes, she could, a unique perspective she has...hmmm! A very unique perspective, maybe they should go, hmm! Yes they should...or my name is not Peggy Longtooth...<cackle> <Parp!>
From a discussion held with Jonathon Brimble and James Purcell, which ended when Peggy arrived.
Ian Henrys: I come with good and bad news. I assume you want the good news first. The first excursions against the Wyrm in Manchester has been a resounding success. The Formori and two banes fled from the Red Talons, it was a massacre. The area needs to be cleansed and the Bane repressing the totem needs to be driven away. The Caern has shrunk a great deal, and much damage has been done, but the battle looks like it is won.
Now the bad news. As one Caern is restored, another is threatened. Space-on-Disk , Virus and the 'City Streets' pack have been on some 'Mission' into the Cyber Realm, when they were led into an ambush by a computer program. As silly as it sounds, the Suffolk Worm virus is a potent and deadly program in the Cyber Realm, it set upon the City Streets pack. They could not have won, and Space ordered the retreat. Hard Drive was about to get Calcified by the beast, when Space leaped in and pushed him aside. She was calcified. The beast took out all the Internet connections at the Caern, and even the umbral shield fell for a while. Thanks to a 'Ghost in the Machine' they managed to recover her body, they managed to heal it...but...this is the hard bit, she has not been able to move any of her body, they have her hooked up to a machine which allows her to say 'Yes!' or 'No!' by a flashing light. She is unable to change forms, to kick in her regeneration.
Garou's golden lady has fallen.
Motherboard is frantic, they have no Caern Theurge that could replace her, and few Theurges could deal with the awkward Weaver spirit Totem. This could be the end for London...as after the temporary failure of the shield, much of it's power has been drained, they need a moot and urgently. without a shield, it is only a matter of time, till their hidden Caern is found.
An urgent meeting is to be called.
I know we have moaned about London and the Glass Walkers a lot, but can we defend Britain without them?
News from the Moot at 'Caern of the Ever-flowing Cup'
Cyber Realm Scape
Jonathon Brimble: You know, De Grace says to me he wants to leave the Caern to go to The Sept of the Falcon, and although I have moaned about him loads, I just do not want him to go. Can this Caern survive another moot without him, heck it is certain that Lee is not going to fend them of. To make matters worse a Silver Fang has turned up, probably to spy on me and the Caern, how long is it till he starts poking around and asking questions about breaks in the Litany. I should be grateful though they saved a lost cub from a Formori pitt. Also a Fianna has turned up with his dishy kinfolk wife, he has got Lee all excited and jabbering about 'how things are going to change about here', as if a whole legion of Fianna had turned up on our doorstep. Heh! I only wish they had! Oh by the way, do you know 'Has-no-Friends' has been looking for you.
From a discussion held with Jonathon Brimble and Ian Henrys
Buries-the-Dead: I have returned from the nether worlds, but I bring grave news, there is a bane, by the name of 'Pin Stripe' from the 'Halos' group of Banes, that will do something catastrophic...it may start the Apocalypse itself. This bane, must be stopped at all costs. I go now to find my son, and too claim this new Caern of the Mere as my own. No Get will stop me claiming my right to leadership of this Caern. Then we must hunt down and slay this 'Pin Stripe'
After her Appearance coming out of the mist and heavy rain at The Sept of Sherwood.
Hard-Drive: Old Fat, confused Garou with no honor should watch their mouths, else they may find their Harano problem coming to an abrupt end. You will help us priest or I will give you no quarter.
A Formal challenge to Father Wimbish to be settled at the next Moot
Jean-Paul Diesece: I regret to inform you that many of the Kin from Europe have been killed during transportation....including my dear wife. We are not letting this incident lie and all Caern resources are being invested in this. A tragedy of this magnitude shall not be allowed to happen to the First Tribe again, we must send the Wyrm a message, nay, a lesson. The marriage of The Lady Testini is confirmed, and although I do not agree with the choice of Groom, as long as he is capable of siring a new heir, I will not be displeased. Please take these letters to the Caern of the Lost Pups, they are Marquis De Grace's instructions.
To Ian Henrys at the Sept of the Falcon in private