Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
This part of the site is dedicated to those Garou who have fallen in service to Gaia. There are many Garou who deserve a mention and only a few are listed here, including the cursed and the shamed.

Michael Jones
Cliath: Homid, Theurge, Shadow Lords
Position: None.
Image: A thin man with brown hair and the tendency to wear black leathers. He had a sickly smile that seemed ever so trusting.
Epitaph: Michael was slain in a particularly savage assault on the Caern of the Lost Pups. Magnus left mementos in his shallow grave to remember him by.
Lord Gilliat says: This one had potential. A shame he failed so early, he might have been useful.

Ben Brent
Cliath: Homid, Galliard, Silent Strider
Position: None.
Image: Blonde hair and casual clothes that had seen the worse for wear. He also wore a patch over one of his eyes from an old battle wound.
Epitaph: Ben was slain in a particularly savage assault on the Caern of the Lost Pups. He died early on in the moot and his head severed from the body was thrown at his woman. The head and the remains of the body was buried with Infulenza at the Caern of the Lost Pups.
Michael Jones says: He is but a slave to morals and lacks the ability to make the hard choice or see the bigger picture. he may make a good keeper of the grounds on day
Jonathon 'Choice' Brimble says: Bloody Bone Gnawers! This one did not even have the courage to go to the right tribe.

Cliath: Homid, Ragabash, Bone Gnawers
Position: None.
Image: An attractive short black haired woman with petite figure and playful nature.
Epitaph: After her lover was cut down, Influenza lost control of her rage and was cut down shortly afterwards proving that frenzy never helps. She was buried alongside Ben Brent despite her wishes to be returned to her home caern.
'Botchalism' says: I miss my lovely little lady, she used to make us laugh and smile. She was taken from us before her time.

Shawn Blackrock
Pup: Homid, Unknown, Unknown
Position: None.
Image: TBC
Epitaph: After just recently joining the pack he fought brave and hard in the moot, however, lacking the skill and reserves he was cut down just as the Wyrm retreated. He is buried close to his pack at the Caern of the Lost Pups.

Cliath: Homid, Ragabash, Glass Walkers
Position: None.
Image: He wore a red suit and black trousers with trainers and celery on the lapel. Short neat black hair quite an average build.
Epitaph: He like his pack was slain at the moot of St Albans when the Wyrm attacked in full force. His valiant stand helped the wing hold its deference, but sadly he did not survive the onslaught. He is buried close to his pack.
'Space-on-Disk' says: I said we shall not talk of it again.
'Firepower' says: I like way he rub fire, but he no rub fur anymore.

Pup: Lupus, Unknown, Unknown (suspected Get-of-Fenris)
Position: None.
Image: A dark heavy coated black wolf.
Epitaph: He like Megabyte gave his life holding a side of the caern's defences. His sacrifice enabled others including the caern itself to survive. He is buried with the pack he packed with for a short time.
Jonathon 'Choice' Brimble says: Architecture?

Jack Wolver
Pup: Homid, Unknown, Unknown (presumed Silent Strider Ragabash)
Position: None, pup
Image: A tall and thin man who often favours trench coats and dark dress, he tends to giggle hysterically - especially when someone is dying. His pack hoped this was nervousness but it may be early Wyrm sign. Due to his pure breed his crinos to Lupus forms all have jackal qualities.
Epitaph: Jack had no Rite of the Fallen. He foolishly attacked the caern warder of the Caern of the Lost Pups while bringing minions of the Wyrm. He was cut down quickly and no rite was offered. His pack had to bear the shame. His klaive was taken by the leader of his pack.

Dwain Johnson Jr.
None: Homid, Unknown, Unknown
Position: None, Pup
Image: Dwaine is a tall and thin black African male with his hair kept in short dreads. He also has the body language of a petty criminal - which he is albeit a unsuccessful one.
Epitaph: Slain in an extended fight with a Psychomachiae, he fought bravely so that his pack could live. A touching Rite of the Fallen was made for him and all pack mates dropped something in his grave.

Nathan Jones
Pup: Homid, unknown, Unknown (suspected Bone Gnawer)
Position: None, Pup
Image: Nathan was a smelly, bearded tramp, that would drink alcohol and squirt shampoo, not that he used it, it was his weapon of choice. He dressed in salvaged clothes from the skip.
Epitaph: 'Nat' became lost in the Deep Umbra and wandered into Pangea. He was lost seen leaping at a Tyrannosaurus Rex. True, no one ever found a body, but they did not check the Dino droppings either.

Michael McDunn
Cliath: Homid, Philodox, Get-of-Fenris/Black Spiral Dancer
Position: None
Image: Michael was a big man, nearly 7 foot tall, his hair was grown long, and had orange hints, and was often plated. He often worked out and had a well toned body.
Epitaph: Cursed as a traitor, he followed his true love to the Wyrm, and became a Black Spiral. He then went on to kill many other Garou. The Rite of the Silver Lake is about to be performed on him.

Kenny Mitnick
Cliath: Homid, Thurge, Glass Walker
Position: Head Thurge for a time at the Caern of the Lost Pups.
Image: Kenny was a well dressed man in his early 20's, his hair was growing to his neck and he often wore some bikers boots.
Epitaph: Kenny was slain by Jean De Grace in a pack leadership dispute, no formal challenge was made and Kenny obviously did not survive. So it was in fact murder. His body is buried at the Caern of the Lost Pups, a clay tablet and his broken lap top, show were his body is buried in the Umbra.

David Hunter
Cliath: Homid, Philodox, Silent Strider/Black Spiral Dancer
Position: None
Image: He was an average build man, who would often be seen wearing the Caern's second hand clothes, he did manage to get a decent pair of leather boots before the Spirals took him.
Epitaph: His luck had to run out sooner or later especially with his dealings with the Monkey King. It just happened to be sooner. David Hunter became stuck in the Gauntlet when his pack confronted Michael McDunn, most of them were killed and captured. David could have got away too, but the newly converted Travis Fairbrook led the Spirals to him. When he re-appeared out of the Gauntlet he had a surprise waiting for him. He is now a Black Spiral Dancer.

Travis Fairbrook
Cliath: Homid, Ragabash, Silent Strider/Black Spiral Dancer
Position: Keeper of the Land at the Caern of the Lost Pups.
Image: Travis often wore long coats, a short trimmed beard and the same tell tale leather bikers boots which told the pack apart from the rest.
Epitaph: Travis was twisted from the start, he had no life to speak of, being a government trained assassin. When his first change came he managed to escape. He underwent a lifelong search for his father, who turned out to be a Black Spiral. All it required was the father to ask the son to come with him

Leo Young
Cliath: Homid, Ahroun, Black Fury
Position: Caern Guardian at the Caern of the Lost Pups.
Image: Leo was an ugly woman, short and scowling, with short black hair
Epitaph: The first of the guardian Black Furies at Lost Pups. Leo died defending her Caern, killed by formori and some explosives. Her famous last words as she held Kenny Mitnicks hand in a deaths embrace was 'You're all fucking bastards!'. A Black Fury to the end. Her body is buried at the Caern of the Lost Pups. A buried magnum sticking out of the ground marks the place where she fell in the Umbra.

Corvac Mavlokov
Athro: Homid, Ahroun, Silver Fang
Position: Caern Leader at the Sept of the Glade.
Image: A tall man with short hair and a slight Russian accent. He wore jumpers and combat fatigues.
Epitaph: Corvac was replaced by a Haephodant, the body was never found. Under this guise he turned against the Children of Gaia during the Moot. Many Garou are suspected to have been killed, but certainly one of them is Corvac. No Rite of the Departed could be done, there was no items or part of the body. He will not be able to help his predecessors as a past life.

Vicky Davidson
Cliath: Homid, Ahroun, Black Fury
Position: None
Image: A heavy built woman with short curly brown hair.
Epitaph: Vicky always stuck by her pack, when one of them became lost in the Deep Umbra, rather than abandoning him like the Pack leader (John Willis Smith) decreed, she challenged for leadership. She never won and was killed by her own friend, she is now buried at the Sept of the Glade. A plaque shows her name.

Sian Hargreaves
Pup: Homid, Ahroun, Shadow Lord
Position: None, Pup
Image: An attractive long haired lady from Ellesmere Port, she was a scaly, but often had a problem getting clothes bound to her.
Epitaph: Sian was ripped in two by Michael McDunn in the defence of the Moot at the Caern of the Lost Pups. Most of her ravaged body was recovered, apart from her arm, head and spinal column, taken as a trophy and is now part of a Wyrm fetish. She is buried at the Caern she helped to defend, a set of clothes under a stone show were she is buried in the Umbra.
Dedication - Pete Langham played Sian. Sadly Pete is no longer with us. He was great to game with and a good friend. I leave this here as my own little momentum to a great man. Hope you find peace and happiness where ever you are now.

Olaf Peterson
Athro: Homid, Ahroun, Get-of-Fenris
Position: Caern Guardian at the Sept of the Glade.
Image: A big burly Dutch Get, with an over developed body and a bad attitude
Epitaph: Olaf was the last of the Manchester Get-of-Fenris, although he was not smart, he was brave. He fought and refused to run when the Sept fell to the Wyrm. No body was recovered, but his hide was used as a flag at the Caern heart in the Umbra. Despite being apparently friendless in life after the rest of the Manchester Get were killed, it appears in death he had more friends than he realised.

Jean De Pointaine
Cliath: Homid, Thurge, Children of Gaia (but secretly he was a Shadow Lord under cover)
Position: Advisor to the PSP 2 Pack.
Image: A black haired hairy French man, that knew no English, he smoked cigars almost constantly.
Epitaph: Jean was a good advisor, and when the PSP 2 pack was raiding the NASA installation at Cape Canaveral, he was gunned down by an Apache gunship when the Garou retreated. Although no body was recovered, items of his were buried at the Sept of Winter's Dream. A small cross marks the point in the Umbra. He is missed by the PSP 2 pack.

Elder: Homid, Thurge, Shadow Lord
Position: Caern Leader and Head Thurge and Master of the Rite at the Caern of the Lost Pups.
Image: A black curly haired man, with a thick goatee with white patches in his hair and beard. He wore black, often with a cloak. He resembled Captain Nemo in an odd way.
Epitaph: Kendrick was possessed by the incarnation of the Third Head of the Wyrm. The Wyrm controlled him for years, working to cause the fall of all Garou in Europe. His plans were thwarted, but no body was recovered. The Rite of the Departed continued though by burying items belonging to Kendrick all those years ago. He is buried at the place he loved, the Caern of the Lost Pups, and a statue is placed to mark his place.

Athro: Homid, Ragabash, Fianna
Position: None
Image: A curly haired Irish skinny man, he had freckles and reddish brown hair. Often seen with his crossbow performing odd yoga rituals.
Epitaph: Cormac was blamed by the Wyrm controlled Kendrick for the bad things that happened in the Caern, he was driven out, and away from the shelter of the Caern, his Wyrm taint grew. In a attempt to show Kendrick to be Wyrm tainted, he was slain by the Get-of-Fenris Lee. He never received a burial, and the Caern fell to the Wyrm moments later. Despite his best efforts, many Garou (especially the Shadow Lords) still blame Cormac as the reason why the Caern fell. He is a unsung and unremembered hero.

Elder: Homid, Philodox, Children of Gaia
Position: X Caern leader of the Sept of the Glade
Image: An ageing but elegant and lithe woman, still retaining some of her looks. She would often wear long flowing patterned dresses and smelled of incense or Elderberry.
Epitaph: Mother was respected by all Garou, even the Get-of-Fenris and is the one person who came close to uniting the tribes. She was the leader of Manchester and under her rule made it the greatest Caern in England. She died by being poisoned by a lowly Formori poison. Seemingly ok after the injury, she died in the night. Her Rite of the Departed saw the largest gathering of Garou since the 1400's, John Constantine made a deeply moving speech at the rite. She was buried at the Sept of the Glade, with a bed of flowers to mark her resting place, but it proved not to be her final resting place. The Wyrm excavated her body and animated it as a weapon against the Garou. The Garou saw this as the worst insult, they fought her in the umbra at the Abyss, and before she was cast in the Wyrm beast slew her trusted aid and best friend Rod Peterson. The unearthed grave was left as a symbol of hatred of the Wyrm, if the Manchester Garou needed strength, they would go there and remember. A few flowers still grow at the site.

Summer 'Just Summer' Fairbrook
Cliath: Homid, Galliard, Black Fury
Position: Leader of the PSP 1 pack
Image: A beautiful blonde lady with hair in dreadlocks. Often showing of her tummy scar, and bearing baggy trousers and tight tops.
Epitaph: She died in an Umbral accident, stepping sideways into a rock face of Granite, her body was fused with the rock. She died instantly. To date their is no Rite of the Fallen so there is no grave or monument.

Moves With Moon
Pup: Lupus, suspected Red Talon
Position: Pack mate of PSP 1 and old pack mate of PSP 2
Image: A Greyish wolf with a long red streak running down his back, and tufts of the red about his body.
Epitaph: Like Summer he died in the Umbral accident. His body lies next to the body of his mentor, fused with the rock. No Rite of the Fallen was ever done. It was never discovered if he really was a Red Talon or a misguided Fianna.

Milos Lund
Pup: Homid
Position: None
Image: Milos was a well defined gym worker, he was clean shaven and his hair was dark and he was of Greek origin.
Epitaph: Milos died in the defending moot of the Lost Pups. He was not loved except for Father Wimbish and Stefan Hein who both warmed to the lad. He died in Stefan's arms from a bullet wound to the head, just seconds before the Caern's defences went up. His Rite of the Departed was touching, and Father Wimbish's harano caused the priest to be removed from the Burial area, Deimos had to finish the rite. Some deadlocked hair marks his burial site.

Marianna Barclay
Athro: Homid, Galliard, Children of Gaia
Position: Ex-caern leader of New Sept of the Glade
Image: Tall, elegant lady that used to love flower patterned dresses. Long flowing yellow brown hair and a warm smile.
Epitaph: Marianna was slain defending the caern from a Wyrm assault. She was shot in the back of the head with a silver bullet and slipped into a coma, she died weeks after. Some believe she was a victim of the Curse of the New Sept of the Glade. She has a main burial site at New Sept of the Glade where she is buried with her life lover kin.
Tristan says: The best among us I have had the pleasure to meet.
Lu-Tsu says: Charming lady, wise of the world and a pleasure to converse with.

Stephen Rothman
Athro: Homid, Ahroun, Get-of-Fenris
Position: None
Image: A South African with a thick accent with curly short blonde-brown hair. Often seen wearing desert army wares.
Epitaph: Rothman has two grave sights. He has a marker where a foot is buried at the New Sept of the Glade where he died defending the caern. His main memorial though is in Helsby Hill, where his marker overlooks the cliff looking towards Africa. His body was taken to Africa, where his ashes were scattered.