Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
The Umbra is the area were you can see the list of new stuff.
Player Fetishes and Talens
Lost Fetishes - Unique
Garou Rites
Totems and Spirits
Merits and Flaws
Some of these are player made or from the original Werewolf forums. They are usable in game, or can help you to design your own fetish.
Player Fetishes and Talens
These are some of the agreed upon fetishes and talens that have been used on in the game that have been designed by players and the ST and a few unpublished ones and some from the old White Wolf forums. All of them are available to make via 'Rite of the Fetish' or available to be acquired in the game. Some of them maybe unique and may require a new one, or acquisition of the original to access in the game.
Chote- Key to the Umbra Level 3 Gnosis 7
Chote contains a cricket spirit that when activated (gnosis roll) will reduce the local gauntlet by 1 for every 2 successes. This power is negated by the proximity of silver. No silver item can be taken through at a reduced gauntlet level, due to the nature of silver. Chote can be used once per day and then powers down, he counts as an automatically bound item, and is in the shape of an earthen ring of stone (not a key) about the neck. His stone colour can be changed at the whim of the owner, providing he is not asleep but will always resemble a known type of stone. Chote is a excitable spirit, who can speak the language of crickets and basic spirit speech.
BAN – Cricket requires that you play an instrument to the stone as often as you expect to use him.
Sk’Bore- Skater Level 2 Gnosis 7
Sk’bore is a spirit of an ancestral Garou who long after his death has become fascinated with skateboards. He is unsure how he became trapped and claims he is/was a Star Gazer Galliard. He allows his owner to inherit the gift Balance (three times a day) when he is being ridden. No roll required and reduces any related rolls difficulty by 3. He also allows his owner to use Leap of the kangaroo once per day (Roll Stamina and Athletics Diff 7 to jump twice as high or far). Sk’Bore will fall asleep after using his powers for one day. Sk’Bore is quite a simple spirit and can often speak like a child but has knowledge far beyond that of a young pup. He knows Garou language, Chinese and spirit speech. Spirit speech is still required though to converse with the fetish but he has been known to act as a translator in times of need. He is automatically bound to his owner. The spirit enjoys being a fetish and will not leave if the main board is broken.
BAN – Sk’Bore likes to be ridden harder, faster and more dangerously than before and likes his owner to make greater risks on the board. When he becomes scratched or damaged though he must be maintained, or will lose his compulsion and willingness to skate.
H.B.- Bane Claw Level 3 Gnosis 8
H.B. is the remnants of a Catalan Bane. Although purified of his taint he still has a small fragment of his former self which can manifest as evil thoughts. He allows his owner to inherit Sense Wyrm (see later) three times per day or to use the Bane power Beacon (once per day) that repels (redirects) in this case Wyrm creatures within a 10 meter radius. Any Wyrm creature who still enters is on a –1 all rolls in the Beacon area of effect. This power has no effect on creatures or Garou that can hide their Wyrm taint. H.B. is a nasty spirit, malignant and cruel spirit. He is in the form of a pale green claw necklace and when Sense Wyrm is activated he glows redder as you approach the Wyrm taint. He does not allow owners to sense Wyrm through their eyes unless a good relationship is going.
BAN – H.B. likes cruelty and enjoys when the owner is cruel to those weaker than themselves. This does not have to physical, some comments cut deeper than physical wounds. His last owner was a bossy Silver Fang whom the fetish remembers and actually quite misses.
Herbal Drum Level 3 Gnosis 7
This is a small rounded drum with a small potion making kit in the bottom, it is concealed by a sliding door at the base of the drum. The drum must be played in a particular way. (roll rituals and performance, cost of 1 gnosis, difficulty 7). Once activated a Herbalism and Intelligence roll (Diff 7) is required to prepare a poultice. A single success is required but multiple successes can increase the volume or potency of the poultice.
If used on un-Wyrm or un-Weaver plant spirits (which are always friendly) it temporally awakens the spirit which will allow itself to be ground up into a potion or poultice. Depending on the plant used it will have different effects.....
1. A Foxglove poultice when opened and smeared over a target gives a resistance to fairie magic, all Fae will have a +2 difficulty on rolls while in the area (10 ft off)
2. A Wolves bane bud when awoken makes 'Inquisition juice' a nasty poultice. When smeared on the target, all werewolves, however powerful, receive a +2 difficulty on all rolls and has a similar effect as tear gas on humans. It can kill werewolves who have allergies to it.
3.Garlic cloves when chopped fine become a liquid. This liquid can be smeared on wounds or drank and the recipient will be more easily healed. Giving -2 on all healing rolls (including mothers touch). It will heal any living thing but has nasty effects on vampires and undead who are repelled by its healing powers. (like folk lore). A particularly strong potion (2 gnosis) can be made, which restores 1 gnosis point to a drinker or will do 1 unsoakable damage to a vampire (not even fortitude can soak it).
Potions are treated like talens but its powers last only 1 day per success on the rituals and performance roll (rolled secretly). The drum can hold 1 recipe plus 2 more per point in Herbalism that the drummer has. Thanks to Nancy there are many more, but players are encouraged to come up with their own ideas based on actual herbalist lore.
The drums other use is to awaken a spirit no bigger than a car, this costs 2 Gnosis and like the rite of spirit awakening, there is no guarantee on how friendly or hostile it will be. It is the same roll, although a botch will awaken a nearby bane.
Fixed Deck Level 1 Gnosis 6
This fetish is almost exclusively used by Ragabash, although a few of the Fianna tribe are known to posses versions of this fetish. It appears to be an ordinary deck of cards, but when activated the owner can decide who receives which cards when they are dealt out, no matter how much the cards are shuffled. This lasts for one scene. A fox spirit powers the fetish.
Sheep's Clothing Level 2 Gnosis 7
A fetish commonly used by Garou who spend a great deal of time among humans, this is used to hide the beast from others, allowing the Garou to avoid the curse. When activated the Garou does not have any social problems due to her rage. So if the humans willpower is lower than the groups rage, the human will not feel uncomfortable. It also adds +1 difficulty to any power that reveals the Garou to be a supernatural creature. The effects last one scene. An ancestor spirit powers the fetish.
Everywhere Map Level 3 Gnosis 7
When not in use this appears as a normal piece of paper. However, when activated and unfolded the paper shows a map of the local area with an arrow pointing to the activator's current location and the legend "You are here". The map will even work in the umbra and other realms. Some Glass Walkers call it a 'Google Map of the Umbra'. It is powered by any high soaring bird species
Skull of Dark Passage Level 5 Gnosis 8
A very rare fetish, possessed only by the Silent Striders and the Uktena, this fetish allows its bearer to pass into the Shadowlands. The fetish appears as an ancient human skull, covered in strange glyphs and symbols. When activated the bearer can step sideways into the Shadowlands. The Garou stare into a reflective surface and roll his gnosis against the local Shroud. This is treated just as a normal attempt to side step, except that if it is successful the Garou will enter or leave the Shadowlands rather than the penumbra.
These fetishes are used by the Cyberwolves in the Cyberrealm of the Near Umbra, and some more advanced Glass Walkers. Every technofetish a Garou has adds one to the difficulty of all shape shifting rolls. For more detail see Umbra: The Velvet Shadow.
Cyber Eyes Level 2 Gnosis 5
These fetishes are made by reworking the Garou's eyes and then binding in a small weaver spirit that likes to inhabit cameras. When the fetish is activated the Garou has perfect night vision, even in total darkness. The Garou's vision becomes amazingly acute, reduce the difficulty of all vision based perception rolls by one per activation success. In Crinos form these eyes appear red and surrounded by metal.
Strong Arms Level 3 Gnosis 6
By reworking a Garou's arms, and binding in metal elemental, the Garou's strength can be vastly increased. For every success on the activation roll, the Garou adds one dice to her strength for the rest of the scene. In Crinos form the arms now have no fur and appear to be mechanical. Remember that although the Garou may be very strong, there are still limits to the stress her body can take, and lifting really heavy things may cause damage.
Data Interface Level 3 Gnosis 8
A data interface is made by reworking a small part of the Garou's skull. A small socket is made and in Information Gemoid is bound into it. Using this the Garou can connect themselves to any computer, the lead will always fit the socket. If the computer is connected to a modem, the Garou can then Astrally project themselves into the Computer Web. For more detail see Umbra: The Velvet Shadow, and the Digital Web supplement for mage.
Lost Fetishes - Unique
‘Pompeii’s Fallen Hero’ – Klaive of the Lost Gladiator Level: 4 Gnosis: 7
Image: A black Ivory hilt with fine golden trimmings, The Butt of the hilt is shaped as an eagle’s head, and bears a mini shrine to Nemesis – Goddess of Fate and Revenge. The blade is a short Gladius of the Mainz Style, Type ‘C’ (Pre 1st century) and has been finely polished; the occasional nick can be seen in the blade. It can appear as wooden or finely crafted silver.
System: The blade has an Ancestor spirit residing inside, a Garou who fought in the arena. The spirit comes into its own in one on one combat. Once activated, it allows the player to contact the Ancestor in the blade and for a while he will control the wielders actions. He has a Melee of 00000 and a Parry/Dodge of 0000, but will not even strike at even a dishonorable opponent if prone or ‘down’. He also has access to the special combat maneuvers, but the ST should choose when these are being used. The owner will also not strike to kill – any ‘killing’ wound counts as an ‘Incapacitated’ wound. The blade will wait for permission from another, other than the wielder, before it will deliver a killing blow. If the Ancestor power is not being used though it counts as a normal Klaive, and can be used as such. It is silver and inflicts aggravated damage.
History: The blades original spirit was a Falcon and was made for the war against the Fianna of Britain in 50 AD, it had many users and eventually found it’s way to the arena, and the Garou who used it, Pontous Philus, of the Warders, Athro, looked for those opponents that were unjust or showed signs of taint. He had a particular hatred of Vampires and would hunt them at night. It was one night when resting in his quarters when the explosion was heard, and the Earth Goddess shook with fire and rained burning stones on to the City. Pontous helped his beloved kin wife and two sons escape the inferno, but as we went back to rescue a pack mates kin a roof collapsed and burning stones crashed down on to him. He was burnt alive. Weeks after he was one of the few recovered by the Rite of the Questing stone. His noble act and sacrifice had the Silver Fangs of Rome place his spirit inside the blade that had been his life. He would continue to serve the Garou Nation as he had wanted...even a Urah Warder has a place in Gaia’s plans.
Ban: The Ancestor spirit is averse to killing unless it is done with the proper ritual, and acts with all honor. Any dishonorable combat act, even against a Wyrm creature (such as hitting a downed opponent or a blind side attack) will insult the blade. The show is everything. When the blade is offended the blade becomes of wood (the symbol of freedom of Gladiators), and will return only to Silver once the owner has been redeemed. The ban can occasionally (ST choice) be averted in the case of a especially nasty vampire, as the blade has a special hatred for them.
Klaive of the Caesar - provided by Iscariot form the WW forums Level: 5 Gnosis: 7
System: This fine blade was crafted for use by the great Alphas of Rome. More than any other Klaive it marks the burden of leadership that the Fangs must bear as they bravely carry the Garou through their struggles in the
world. Upon activation this blade gives +2 die to all Leadership rolls for a scene, increasing to +3 if those being led are Silver Fangs as Falcon marks the bearer as one truly worth of his title. If the bearer scores more than 4 successes on the activation roll he may also use the Gift: Inspiration.
If the blade is used for any frivolous purpose the hilt will turn rotten and black to mark the bearers misuse of his office, barring him from again wielding it's effects until such time as he can redeem himself.
Paulino Et Dexter – A Klaive Gladius Level: 5 Gnosis: 7
Image: A bronzed leaf shaped blade that is incorrectly called a Gladius - it resembles more the Kopis , 'The little Right Paul' is a Etruscan Fetish that predates the Roman Empire. It has a remade scabbard - The Vagina, which has various carvings of acts of love across the case. The Hilt's head is carved into a phallus.
System: The blade is a symbol of manliness. It will grant a +1 Leadership to any wielder when it is held up high. When activated it provides the owner with +1 to strength and stamina, but it's real use is to allow the owner to guarantee fertilization of a female kin on that next scene, during sexual intercourse. Even women who cannot normally give birth, because of age, disease or injuries will still become fertilized. It also increases the chance that the child will be a boy. Note that this is a Klaive not a Grand Klaive even though it is a Level 5 fetish.
History: The blade was associated with Kings of Etrusca, and was rumored to be wielded by Romulus himself, although it is unknown if Romulus was Garou. However the first king of Rome was called Romulus and he brought the Klaive to Rome. Over the Years the blade saw little battle action, and more bedroom action helping to corrupt both Caligua and Nero till the owner Caius Valerius Crispus thought to try the blade to impregnate a loved Metis. When the Silver Fangs got wind they broke in during the act itself, and Caius and his Metis Lady were put to death. The blade was locked away into dark storage, and it then became 'lost'. It's location like the fact its powers could work on a Metis is still unknown.
Ban: The blade is a Harsh Latin sexist and it refuses to allow any woman to wield it as this is not their place, although it likes being stroked and the attentions of women.

Amphora of Spirits Level: 3 Gnosis: 10
Image: A terracotta jug that is as tall as a man, it is a typical Amphora shape, with a spike at the bottom to plant the pot into the ground
System: If the Garou owner is to drink from the jug once per day he will regain a single point of Gnosis, during this drink if he activates the fetish he will go into a prophetic dream. He can not choose what he will see, or whether it is useful, but it is sure to come true. The exact oracle vision is down to the ST, but it should be cryptic and have a moral meaning. The liquid inside the jug changes to fit the place that the Amphora resides. So if in a Irish pub it would pour Guinness, in a Russian bar it would be Vodka, by the Sea it would be pure water etc. and it never runs empty. The owner must have the gift Spirit Speech to have a vision.
History: The amphora has always been difficult to attune to a Garou, and in the past it was the use of only Theurges. It was used as an oracle device for the House of the Conquering Claw and even warned them of their demise, however the Head Theurge chose not to foretell these warnings as he had already fallen to the Wyrm. When the Barbarians sacked Rome it was carried off into Germany and was never seen again. The rumor of the Fountain of Youth was linked to this fetish, as it was rumored to have fallen over tipping it's ever-full contents out slowly.
Ban: The spirit asks that it's given Gnosis never be used in a selfish cause.
Feather of Antonius – Level: 2 Gnosis: 5
Image: A single Goose feather, which had been said to have been turned into a Quill in the Middle Ages. It remains of the purest of Whites and is impossible to stain.
System: Once activated the Spirit will force a Garou to make no action that could be seen as a Cowardly act (even if under magical or mind control), he can never Fox Frenzy with this Fetish. The Fetish can also activate itself if the owner is showing signs of cowardice and many Garou have died because of this fetish, unable to flee. He will always fight to the death.
History: A 'gift' to a Garou that had shown signs of cowardice, it was originally handed over during a punishment rite, with the feather being awarded at the end of the Rite. The rite is long lost, but the spirit (a Goose that used to guard Rome during the Early years) remains with his sole purpose, the destroy cowardice. It has known many owners, but in 326 AD the owner Pintos the Younger charged head long in to a wave of tainted humans in a city riot. His body and the Feather were never found, and Legend tells that he charged foaming at the mouth with Rage all the way into Malfas itself. Some Elders scoff at this story - saying it is but a warning to cowardly Garou incase the Feather should turn up on their door.
Ban: It has none, but will activate itself when a Garou is being cowardly.
Julius’ Bane – Level: 5 Gnosis: 8
Image: A Peugeot a Long bladed Roman Dagger, with ornate carvings both on the hilt and on the blade. It is a little longer than the length of a hand and is a thin blade. The lion symbol is incased on the case with gems. As an antique in human culture this item is priceless.
System: The blade works just as a Fang Dagger, but when activated it will roar like a Lion. It also allows a owner to know and recognise any Black Spiral kin or Garou even if in disguise. Lion powers this Fetish
History: Made by a Celtic assassin who was assured it would be used against Julius Caesar as revenge for all his slain people after the invasion of Britain. He made the Fetish from the blade of a felled Centurion, and sent it on it's way to fulfill its destiny. Once done the Blade lacked purpose and missed it's makers who became the Black Spirals, and it continued to find restless service in the Dacia campaigns. Then it became lost, but resurfaced in the Victorian ages and was written about as a Cultist blade by H. P. Lovecraft. It was taken into a Cult library where it resided next to a copy of the Necronomicon until the collection was broken up during WW2, the blade never resurfaced.
Ban: It forbids use against it's kin - the Black Spirals, and although the blade can still be used, any activation roll against Spirals will automatically fail.
Claudius’ Papyrus – Level: 3 Gnosis: 7
Image: A piece of Papyrus, browned at the edges and stored in a case of Elephant Tusk Ivory. It has a bronze lock and key. The case and the document is sealed with a layer of wax making it waterproof.
System: Any deal that is recorded with the Papyrus is made final. If activated and both parties have signed the parchment the deal cannot be broken. In fact any party trying to go back on the deal will find that they are unable to do so...they become compelled to stick to their deal. After the deal is completed the writing will fade on the parchment, and it will again become a blank document. However the deal can be broken if the Fetish is destroyed. A law spirit of Justice powers this fetish.
History: The fetish was made in the waning years of the Roman Empire by a Silver Fang Philodox who had been repeatedly betrayed and lied to by a Germanic Shadow Lord. He made the fetish as a way of getting back. The Shadow Lord made a deal in which he would have to betray a pack mate who had broken the Litany. The day came when the Shadow Lord led this pack mate to the Formori, with intent to aid her in her blooding. When she engaged the Formori, she was quickly overwhelmed, and compelled not to aid her or give order to aid her, he watched her get ripped apart. He returned when realised he had been tricked and in a dual he slew the Silver Fang who made the Fetish. He took his Klaive for his own and threw the Papyrus into the Tiber. The Fetish had been used only once and then it became lost...
Ban: The ban for this fetish is that the owner should never break a confirmed deal (or attempt to if under the affect of the fetishes spell), to do so means that the Fetish can never be used by that Garou ever again. There is no Rite of Contrition, and any attempt to activate the fetish will result in failure by that Garou. The spirit believes that once a deal is broken, it will be easier to break any future deals, so the owner must be very careful.
Spear of the Unearthly Light – Level: 6 Gnosis: 10 or 6
Image: The spear resembles a roman clover headed spear, with a second short point at the spears base, the wooden shaft is old and black and as tall as a man, and can be oily to the touch. The head is of a unknown metal, pallid in colour, and when activated the spear will shine with a deep inner light, and faint singing voices can be heard causing the blade to vibrate gently.
System: The spear is immensely powerful, firstly it is unbreakable, no matter what force is applied, and if thrown (even of a cliff) it will always be recoverable by the owner that it selects. Any weapon or amour that the Spear hits risks a 1 in 10 chance of breaking, it will even split stone. It can be used one or two handedly as per rules, It will do an extra 3 levels of damage to any demonic or intermittently evil spirit or person and this damage is unsoakable. It can be activated daily, and it's effects last for a scene. The sword radiates pure holiness and has the effect of True Faith at 5, this will repel all supernaturals (except the owner), and will damage any undead at one level per success per round (unsoakable aggravated). A Christian worshipper will fall to his knees, as he recognises the Spear as Holy, and will devoutly fall the owner from then on as a leader. Any combat opponent will be distracted by the spear of white light, and gains a +1 difficulty on 'to hit' and 'dodge' rolls. The Spear though will choose an owner who must be virtuous and if they fit the Spears high standards may be attuned at difficulty 6, any one else trying to attune the Spear is at difficulty 10 to do so. An unwanted owner will always be resisted by the Spear, and any action which causes the Spear upset will immediately cause the owner to re-roll to attune the Spear as it attempts to cast of the owner. There is a owner who is 'destined' to carry the Holy Spear, if he were to re-appear he would require no attuning roll to wield the spear.
History: No-one knows who created it, it is suspected it was a cult that formed in Judea in the early years of Julius Caesar's reign, although the metal will predate this, it has not always be owned by Garou, in fact few of it's owners have been Garou. It was taken by a Centurion and it spent many years in the Roman Army, and it's influence turned the Centurion into a good man, after a revolt he refused to order a massacre, and left the Army the day after becoming an outcast. The Spear was passed on until a local soldier used it to plunge into the crucified body of the Messiah to check if he was dead, his spirit blessed the blade, and it turned the spirit of the Fetish into an avatar of his Holy Father. The soldiers hand burned, and he flung the Spear into the water thinking it on fire. The Spirit of the Lake caught the Spear and it sank beneath the waves. Guarded by the Spirit, it rested until a Destined warrior called 'Great Bear', of the Last of the Christian Romans, who defended the British Isles from the invading Saxons. He was passed the Spear by the Spirit of the Lake, and with it he defeated the invading hordes. In his last final great battle, which drove the Saxons away for 50 years, Great Bear was given a mortal blow. As he died he instructed that the Spear be returned to the Lake Spirit. His followers buried him on 'Tintagel' the Legendary Isle and for years retold of his story. Many years passed and the story was so well told that the Spear became a sword in the tale, as this was the sacred weapon of the mounted Knight, and then a Medieval Priest gave it a new name. The weapon remains with the Spirit of the Lake and she waits for the day that a noble soul will come to collect it, and it will again be used to turn the tide of the invasion.
Ban: No deed, which is considered un-Christian or un-just may be performed by the owner, any act, however small, even a lie, will cause the Spear to have to be immediately re-attuned. Such a saintly life as the Spear requires can only be led by a very rare person.
Garou Rites
The unpublished content that was omitted from the official books due to lack of space and was released as a pdf. In my game these rites may be accessible but should be considered more difficult to acquire requiring NPC's in game who would more likely have them.
Rite of the Spirit Ward (Level Two)
Theurges commonly use this rite to bar spirits entry to certain areas. When performed the Theurge must mark the area banned in some way, and decide which spirits he is preventing from entering. This can be as specific as "no servants of Grandfather Thunder" or as broad as "no Banes", the Rite master may even choose to ban all spirits from the area. The approach used varies according to the tribe, Stargazer perform complex Feng Shui, while Red Talons make simple claw marks.
System: Usual roll for Mystic Rite, although this can be increased if the area covered is particularly large. If the marks or items are disturbed or destroyed, the ward is also destroyed.
Rite of Umbral Crafting (Level Four Mystic)
The Garou can use this rite to construct a shelter inside the umbra. The shelter must be easily camouflaged within the realm, anything that stands out will be absorbed by the realm. A spirit may also be coaxed into the structure which will power and defend the structure. This spirit needs to be maintained monthly with the rite of the moot. The cost for construction is one gnosis point per 10 feet square. Nothing can be created which the builder has no knowledge of. With no spirit to support the structure the total cost of the shelter must be repaid in maintenance again each month to avoid it being reabsorbed by the realm. Once constructed the realm makes a safe hiding place from the rite of the questing stone, which will not work unless the searcher is in the same umbral realm- which is unlikely. This rite is best performed in a side or pocket realm. The roll to add each section is performance and rituals (difficulty dependant on realm).
Rite of the Broken Vessel (Level Four)
Known most commonly among the Black Furies and Uktena, this rite is also used to destroy mystical items, such as Fetishes, that are considered too dangerous to keep. During the rite, the Rite master lights a fire and holds the item above it. She then calls upon the spirits of the flame to burn the powers out of the item and consume them. As the rite progress the fire burns hotter and brighter, the more powerful the item the stronger the fire. Finaly there is usually some impressive pyrotechnics depending upon the nature of the item destroyed, spirits are released and sent to their home realm and magical energies earth themselves.
System: The rite master rolls Wits + Rituals (difficulty the level of the item +4) and spends a Gnosis point. The rite will work on all types of mystic items, Fetishes, Talismans, Treasures, Relics and so on. If the rite succeeds then the item is reduced to a pile of ash, and any spirit the item contained is sent straight back to its home realm in the umbra.
Rite of Luna's Glare (Level Four)
Only performed at night, in times when a Sept is assembled for war at a Caern, this rite calls upon Luna to show her face to the Garou in all her glory. Whatever clouds were covering her part, and her radiance increases so that it stirs even the Garou who have already looked upon her face this night. To perform this rite the Rite master needs an item of pure silver made by his own hand.
System: The Rite master rolls Charisma + Rituals (difficulty depends upon how clear the sky is, 5 if its clear to 9 if its completely overcast). Every Garou present gains back Rage for the current moon as if it was the first time they sae the moon that night. In addition for every two Gnosis points the Rite master gives to Luna she will increase her light, and all Garou present will regain an additional Rage point.
Entry to the Fae World (Level Three Mystic)
The Fianna use this ritual to enter into the world of the Fae, the Dreaming. In effect the Fianna has enchanted someone, possibly herself, and can now see Fae miens and interact with Chimera. To perform this rite the Garou must be at a pure well or spring, a crossroads or a boundary between two patches of land representing a gateway to the Otherworld.
System: The usual roll for Mystic Rites is required, although if the recipient has activated the Gift Faerie Blood the difficulty is reduced by two. For each Gnosis point the Rite master spends, the target is Enchanted for one day. (see Changeling for a description of the full effects). If they step sideways while under this effect they may make a Wits + Faerie Lore roll (difficulty 8) to enter the Near Dreaming rather than the Penumbra.
Black Spiral Dancer
Rite of the Fertile Mule (Level Four Mystic)
While many of the Dancer rites would sicken the Gaian Garou, none would repulse them as much as this one. Performed only under the new moon at the Caern's Heart of one of their Pits or Hives, this warped gift from the Wyrm allows his chosen tribe's Metis something that is normally denied them. The chance to have children.
The rite always has two Dancer participants, both Metis, who have been singled out for the honor of having a chance a reproducing. The rite involves the participants taking specially prepared potion, the ingredients of which include several psychoactive drugs and bodily fluids. They then begin a series of copulations with Wyrm creatures and Banes, culminating in each other. This Rite only works in Pits that were formerly Caerns of fertility however, although Black Spiral Theurges would love to be able to use it anywhere.
System: Usual roll for Mystic Rites. In addition both participants must spend a point of Gnosis and make a Stamina roll (difficulty 8) due to the effects of the drugs and the physical exertion. They chance of a child being conceived is 1 in 10, plus 1 for every success after the first scored by the Rite master. System: Usual roll for Mystic Rites. In addition both participants must spend a point of Gnosis and make a Stamina roll (difficulty 8) due to the effects of the drugs and the physical exertion. They chance of a child being conceived is 1 in 10, plus 1 for every success after the first scored by the Rite master. System: Usual roll for Mystic Rites. In addition both participants must spend a point of Gnosis and make a Stamina roll (difficulty 8) due to the effects of the drugs and the physical exertion. They chance of a child being conceived is 1 in 10, plus 1 for every success after the first scored by the Rite master.
Totems and spirits
Some of the official, Storyteller, player and forum made totems and spirits collected here for use in the game.
Totems of Respect
Wild Ass
Background Cost: 7
Wild Ass is a tireless animal, and although his domesticated kin work with humans, Wild Ass has learnt to have a fear of humanity, to him it means imprisonment and a life of hardship. He is at home in a rocky landscape.
He offers Garou who follow him advice on how to escape imprisonment (-2 difficulty of any escape rolls) and gives an additional gift of +1 stamina, as well as the Gift: Open seal.
Ban: Wild Ass insists that Garou coming across a captive Ass or donkey that they will ensure that this animal is set free. He also will not adopt any Garou that reside for long lengths in a city due to his lack of trust of Humans.
Deer/ Doe
Background Cost: 7
Deer or Doe, the female part of the totem, are Spirits under Stag's brood. Like him they are an old spirit that remembers the day's when the Fianna first formed. Both are nervous, but Deer is more likely to be aggressive, doe more evasive, and a Garou will never know which sex the Totem will show when called.
Traits: Followers of Deer/Doe will never get lost in wooded areas, and they gain the Gift: Speed of Thought. Also any Fianna and Fae will be more likely to look favorably on anyone showing they are a follower of Deer/Doe.
Ban: Followers must always be respectful of prey and never deliberately aim to harm a Fianna.
Eagle (Provided by Sneakolai of the White Wolf Forums)
Cost: 7
A distant, aloof and proud spirit, Eagle, Sun's messenger and warrior, rides the winds where he wishes, so well-traveled that he is respected among many peoples, both mortal and Fera alike. He is Zeus' bird, the figure on the standards of the Roman Empire and many Germanic peoples, the States' symbol of freedom, the inspiration of the Native Americans' Thunderbird myth, and more. The Silver Fangs know him as one of Falcon's brood, the Fenrir and Fianna have seen him on the battlefields alongside Hrafen and the Morrigu, and he is respected even by the isolated Hakken Shadow Lords. The Natives of the Americas have long held great reverence for Eagle, praising his strength and utilizing his mortal children's feathers, bones, and claws in their sacred ceremonies. Therefore, Eagle is especially known to the Garou of the Pure Lands -- he was once a great patron of the Croatan. When the Three Brothers migrated to Pure Lands, Eagle met with them, and was impressed by the stoic honor of Turtle's tribe. Since the Croatan's sacrifice, Eagle retreated to the high reaches, but today some packs still seek him out. The great raptor is obviously warlike in many aspects, but his true calling is one of nobility, to support others, whether in combat, battle of wills, or magical endeavors. Eagle often appears with the Sun behind him, he will circle, making an announcement, before landing and adjusting his plumage. Respect is the key, and only a Garou who is capable of making himself humble before Eagle has any chance of courting him. His eyes can see into souls, and sins are laid bare.
Traits: Eagle's chosen may share the Gifts: Eye of the Falcon and Razor Claws among themselves. When a pack member is in possession of an eagle claw or feather, she may temporarily increase her Rituals and Medicine ratings by one as she invokes Eagle's power. Each packmate increases his permanent Willpower rating by one while following this totem, emulating their patron spirit's tenacity. Finally, all Garou in the pack receive one temporary point of Honor and Glory renown.
Ban: As he is tied to Helios/Hyperion/Katanka-Sonnak, Eagle demands that his children honor Sun as well as Moon: they must learn a minor ritual (or invent their own) to show reverence to the Celestine of Day. Finally, Eagle expects his children to act properly: should his followers suffer Honor denouncements, it may cost them up to twice the renown penalty (at the Storyteller's discretion). A notable break in the Litany will result in the Totem abandoning the follow. The Totem will never support someone with no honor.
Totems of War
Background Cost: 7
Camel goes also under the name of 'Ship of the Desert' and is a animal that can survive hardships. He can go for long periods without water, and can journey far even under hot conditions. The spirit is quite approachable, trusting and eager to help a Garou with a good cause. He can turn suddenly though and become hostile if he feels he has been tricked or ill treated. He has a particular kinship to Silent Striders who would ride his kin into battle.
He offers Garou who follow him the strength to survive adverse weather conditions and travel long distances (+2 dice on Survival rolls and Stamina rolls that are appropriate). He also offers the opportunity for Garou to learn the Gift Resist Pain to aid them in their battle against the Wyrm.
Ban: Camel insists that whenever offered a drink the Garou should drink to they cannot drink anymore. As indulgence now is survival later.
Background Cost: 6
Goose is not afraid. He is also highly territorial and will pursue anyone in his chosen land. Followers must always bring an offering of they enter his land, and they have the time it takes for him to devour it. He is quite a knowledgeable bird but will tend to bully those that show weakness. The strong earn his respect.
Traits: Goose followers get his hard bite which inflicts a additional dice of damage, they can also fluff themselves up adding +1 dice to intimidation rolls, making them look bigger. His biggest asset though is his focus, any Garou defending his home Caern or territory will not receive any wound penalties while this is his priority.
Ban: All followers of Goose must adopt a Caern or a territory to defend, and at least 2 hours a day must be spent in guarding that place from outside attack. Garou have great respect for Caern guards who have Goose as a totem.
Dragon (Pendragon)
Background Cost: 7
Dragon hated the Garou for killing his kin in the War of the Rage, and has mostly withdrawn his help, however an ancient part of him remembers the Dark Ages of Britain, and the loyal Garou he had there who carried his name and flag. He will aid any Garou of that Line (Silver Fang or Fianna with at least 2 in Pure Breed) as long as they bear his banner. He is proud and a regal beast that appears with all dramatics, with a deep booming yet alluring voice. He holds a dramatic posture in conversation and will always appear as a huge towering Dragon of old with wings erect. When dealing with Garou he goes by the name of Pendragon (or Head Dragon - in the Celtic tongue). He also has no love of the French or Germans and still today considers them his enemies.
Traits: Pendragon does not offer the ability to breath fire, instead he offers constant guidance and wisdom. He also can appear even in the physical in the Garou's image making an enhanced Delirium. The exact effects are up to the ST but it will make weak hearted humans have a heart attack, may cause even cowardly Garou to fox frenzy and those Formori that are normally immune suffer intense fear at the sight of Dragon. He also grants any follower the background Fate at 2 dots.
Ban: He will rarely choose a follower if he does it is because they are a hero of old, related to Uther Pendragon or Arthur of Legend, he will expect that the Garou acts with the according honor and privilege of that name. They must never harm a Mokole and must never disrespect the name of Dragon. They must also always bear the image, openly and proudly, of Pendragon, a T-shirt, a pendant or a obvious Tattoo.
Cougar (Provided by Sneakolai of the White Wolf forums)
Cost: 6
Although called by many names -- cougar, puma, mountain lion, panther, catamount -- this totem is universally known as a clever and tireless predator with more than simple raw power to offer. From Hopi to Seminole to Blackfoot to Mohawk and far beyond, many people of the First Nations revere the cougar for his ferocity, cleverness, and purity. He embodies aspects of Wisdom and Respect, but first and foremost is a totem of War, granting his children his skills in the hunt. He is a difficult totem to court, and packs must pass tests of physical and mental endurance. When encountered he will often pace eyeing up his target's capabilities, quick motions and running are not advised as the totem may become excited and attack. Theurges are said to have had success with him by making themselves look bigger for those first contact encounters.
Traits: All of Cougar's children receive an extra dot of Stamina and lower the difficulties of all Perception rolls by one. The pack shares a +1 bonus to Stealth, Survival, and Primal Urge pools under the usual restrictions. Each pack member receives one temporary point of Glory. Pure Ones of all shapechanging breeds may regard the pack more favorably.
Ban: Cougar is not afraid to get his paws dirty, but his followers may not be unclean. All members of his packs must ritually cleanse themselves (via the Rite of Cleansing or other variants such as the sweat lodge) as a unit once per week. His children must also be consummate collectors of secrets: whether they are confidantes, occultists, explorers, journalists or archaeologists hardly matters. Lastly as a favored Totem of the Bastet, any Garou following him will lose 1 honor from any temporary honor they receive as well as having a negative effect when dealing with the Silver Fangs, Shadow Lords, Get-of-Fenris and the Fianna.
Horse - The European Horse
Background Cost: 6
Also known as 'Equidea' among the Fianna and the Silver Fangs of old. For thousands of years has carved the face of war by his speed and reliability. A man with gift of horse and spear was almost unstoppable. He is noble, proud and a bit pretentious, and can be an elitist spirit, that will accept only the most prestigious or apparently wealthy from their kind. Theurges dealing with him, often dress up in their culture's fineries. He dislikes reference to him being a work beast, or being asked to do a menial task.
Traits: Horse followers gain his speed and are able to run opponents down. Their land speed doubles in any form but their breed form, and in Crinos or Hispo they can get a free knockdown attack when charging into an enemy. This is in addition to any other actions, and may not be used against an opponent which is the same size or larger than the follower.
Ban: All followers must show the proper respect to the Totem, and all dealings with the Totem must be dressed appropriately for a professional member of that society, and they must never look the Totem directly into its eye.
Mustang - The American Horse (Provided by Sneakolai of the White Wolf forums)
Cost: 6
Although not indigenous to the Americas, the modern horse, when brought to the "New World" by Europeans, was soon venerated by the Natives. The "Big Dog" became a valued ally in the efforts of war and hunt -- particularly upon the Plains -- and a man's worth was measured by the number of horses he owned. But while the Europeans broke horses to saddle and metal bit, the Pure Ones' kin most often rode bareback, and did not savage the animal's mouth. As the Natives were steadily slaughtered and subdued in the name of "Manifest Destiny," their horses, never fully tamed to begin with, went wild and roamed where they would, unbound. Even to this day, entire populations of mustangs still run across the windswept plains and foothills, a living symbol of freedom admired by many. As a totem, Mustang is a staunch defender of the Wyld, fighting against the efforts of both the Weaver and the Wyrm. Like the Garou, he and his kind are social animals, and like many werewolves, he is full of Rage and often unpredictable. Although high-strung and demanding, his physical prowess, which his followers share in, is undeniably useful in these End Times. Mustang's body language is quite easy to read, he will often trot, and flick his head when becoming impatient or angry, and like his European cousin eye contact is best avoided.
Traits: Mustang grants his children his speed, strength, or endurance; each pack member may permanently increase his or her Strength, Stamina, or Dexterity rating by one. The wild stallion enjoys running and roughing it, and Garou who follow him also find similar physical exertion easy, for the pack shares a +2 bonus to Athletics and Survival traits amongst themselves. Finally, each pack member receives one temporary point of Glory.
Ban: Obviously, packs following this totem may not harm wild horses. Mustang also highly values his freedom, and demands that his children do not bind others: his children may not possess fetishes, although talens are acceptable. Due to the totem's unpredictable and indomitable wildness, followers of Mustang lower their frenzy difficulties by one. Mustang does not like being "leaned" upon, and his packs may not purchase the Totem Background Ability: "Totem is nearly always with the pack members" (page 123, Werewolf Revised), nor does he readily answer to summonings without excellent cause.
Totems of Wisdom
Dodo (Provided by Gandalf)
Background Cost: 7
Dodo is from chimeras brood. He is a extremely intelligent yet clumsy spirit which has over the years caused him to be viewed as unintelligent much to dodo disdain. He's has a good memory and will remembers those who keep his memory alive on the flip side those who cross him are remembered too and it is much harder to appeal to him within a rite of contrition
Traits- Dodos followers gain the gift fearless and the merit eidetic memory
Ban- Dodos followers must work to ensure the memory of dodo survives. Dodo also prefers that while they do so his packs remove the rumours of dodos been unintelligent.
Background Cost: 6
Swan is a vain yet beautiful spirit, yet she is hardy enough to deal with humanity and the Urbanised areas. Swan mates for life and respects beauty and love above all else. She is best dealt with flattery and respect.
Traits: Followers of Swan gain a point of Dexterity, and a additional dice of damage on bite attacks and gain the gift Mothers Touch.
Ban: Swan demands that her followers do nothing to split a couple apart. Also like all healing spirits she will deny healing to those of 5 Rage or more.
Background Cost: 5
Duck often appears as a Mallard, and in a male/female pair or as a crowd, she is curious, used to humans, and urbanisation, and not offended by the Weaver. She is Gaia's chosen Spirit of Love, Fidelity and Loyalty. She makes a great companion spirit, as well as a Totem. She is a friendly and excitable spirit who will engage in friendly conversations, often with several people or other ducks all at the same time. She will babble and Garou followers must be patient and offer rewards of food for tasks. Bread is a popular gift. The spirit has been known to attack as a crowd but with little effect, and Duck will pine and mope for any of its number that gets slain.
Traits: Followers of Duck gain access to the Gifts: Silence (Book of Auspices), Calm and Mercy. Although she will only allow access to one of these gifts per day unless the action is being done in the name of Love.
Ban: Duck asks that a Garou does not cut off their ties to their birth culture just because Gaia has asked them to defend her. Garou should make ties back into their old lives, as well as being part of Garou society. Duck will likely accept patronage if her doing so brings two creatures together in love, and will deny help if an action would split up two who are in love.
Crane or Stork
Background Cost: 5
Crane and Stork are elegant birds of Unicorns brood, they represents new life, hope and safety for ocean goers. However they are shy and graceful birds that prefers to remain isolated. Garou must do much to gain his confidence. Stork has a love and faith in children and is often seen as a protector of them. Crane is a bringer of good luck. He has a respect for Children of Gaia and Philodox's.
Traits: Followers of Crane and Stork gain +2 on empathy, and he can mask the Delirium in children under 5. Followers of Crane can once per session re-roll any failed roll, while Stork teaches Garou to fly in the Umbra.
Ban: Crane will not deal with any Garou with 5 or more active rage (if a Garou has more than this he loses his benefits until his rage is below 5). He will also abandon any person who harms a baby.
Rabbit (Provided by Sneakolai of the White Wolf forums)
Background Cost: 5
Gentle and good-natured, this totem, while not a famous one, is nonetheless known as one of Stag's brood. Possessed of a sense of humor, Rabbit is a trickster, fleeing before the Rageful, never engaging in battle. Many gafflings and jagglings serve this incarna; they are ubiquitous in the Umbra, much as his mortal children are common on the other side of the Gauntlet. Rabbit is timid, but he knows much, for he and his kin find many interesting things while foraging. Despite his utter lack of combative skill, he has managed to survive through a combination of quick feet, quick tongue, quick mind and a healthy dose of good luck. Packs who follow Rabbit tend not to have many Ahroun in their ranks, but those who can restrain their Rage, speak softly and tell a good story can win the favor of this totem. In return, Rabbit grants his children his swiftness and a few other useful skills. Garou, because of their predatory nature, must approach Rabbit with caution for the first time, else he will flee into the Penumbra. Carrots and salad make an enticing lure or appropriate gift for him.
Traits: Like their patron, Garou who follow this totem move quickly; each pack member benefits from the Gift: Speed of Thought. Rabbit also shows his children how to survive in these dark times, and one pack member at a time may have a +1 bonus to his or her Stealth, Dodge, Survival and Subterfuge dice pools. Finally, Rabbit's children share in his good fortune, and once per story each packmate may call for a re-roll on a botched or failed roll.
Ban: Rabbit's children (both mortal and spirit) must be spared as often as possible, although the totem will allow his packs to hunt rabbits and rabbit-spirits if they are absolutely starving for food or Gnosis. Rabbit also asks that his followers aid and protect children of all species -- unless, of course, the young ones are (sadly) already irredeemable as minions of the Wyrm. He also asks that they be prolific with their children.
Squirrel (Provided by Sneakolai of the White Wolf forums)
Cost: 5
While he is known as a spirit of Stag's brood, Squirrel is not a popular totem (bar from the Get-of-Fenris, whom where he has a special place), since he is often overlooked -- quite literally. (This is one instance where his own cleverness did him in.) He is insatiably curious, and has only managed to survive due to his quick feet and quick tongue -- of course, it was likely his wagging of that tongue that got him into trouble in the first place; he is smart enough to find secrets, but does not always hold onto them, for he is a terrible gossip. When embarrassed parties call for Squirrel's blood, he flees to Stag's antlers, and chuckles to himself. It is therefore not surprising that Squirrel's children have interesting lives -- and that most of his followers of Ragabash. Still, Squirrel does not discriminate; Garou of any auspice may be his child, as may members of any tribe, whether of traditionalist wilderness bent or modern urban primitive. Squirrel's boons are not considered "impressive" among a warrior society, but those warriors are often thankful when surreptitious spies report the doings of the enemy camp. He speaks quickly and often clicks his teeth in conversations, he is also nervous and excitable and will often move around a tree while gossiping.
Traits: All members in a pack following Squirrel benefit from the Gift: Hare's Leap. The pack may also share a +1 bonus to their Survival, Streetwise, Investigation, Stealth and Subterfuge pools under the usual restrictions. Ragabash -- and only Ragabash -- in the pack also learn the Gift: Blur of the Milky Eye.
Ban: Squirrel asks that he and his cousin rodents (rats, mice, voles, shrews, etc.) are not preyed upon, in neither the Umbra nor the mortal realm. Followers of Squirrel also must collect embarrassing secrets -- and blab some, once a month, preferably at a public venue, such as a moot. This ensures that Squirrel's chosen live dangerously.
Background Cost: 5
Mole is a busy little fellow that is constantly on the lookout for food, or maintaining his home. He is quick in his speech, and constantly looks about himself as if he has misplaced something. However in correct circumstances he loves company and will chatter for ages, enjoying social interactions. He hates lights though, and will quickly depart of he is exposed to it. The Get-of-Fenris both dislike and distrust him and any followers who make themselves apparent.
Traits: Mole followers gain the ability to see in the dark, even in the pitch black of caves. They also gain the Gift: Burrow. When dealing in conversation followers gain a extra dice in any roll that is required, as long as it is not intimidation.
Ban: Followers can only contact him at night or in a dark place. He will never come into the light, the powers he grants are not available in well lit places.
Totems of Cunning
Dryad (Provided by Gandalf)
Background Cost: 8
Dryad is a spirit from Pegasus brood. She is normally shy and it is quite rare to see packs under her sponsorship these days. It is rare for garou to be able to call her without the assistance of a black fury, this is due to her special relationship with the goddess Artemis. Of all the tree she prefers to linger around oaks.
Traits- Dryads followers are watched over by dryad along with the local fauna while they rest, warning them of approaching danger. Dryad can communicate to all plant life and allows her followers to the same(the expenditure of gnosis to awaken sleeping plant is still required),Her followers may also step sideways through contact with a tree, no reflective surface is required and there is one automatic success. Lastly she allows her chosen to the ability, to allow them to always find their way within a forest or jungle or woodland
Ban- Upon selecting dryad as their totem her packs gain a massive affinity with the natural world and as such are less at peace when distant from dryads forests. As such her children are unable to gain willpower while resting outside of of a forest/jungle/woodland area and Gaian caerns (city parks do not count).
Kelpie (Provided by Gandalf)
Background Cost: 8
Kelpie is from stags brood. He is cunning and chooses to remain hidden. Which make it extremely hard for garou to gain his sponsorship. It is almost unheard of for pack to call him and most cases of pack gaining the totem is because he choose them and not the other way round.In the uk he also answer the call of Nessie and is able to take the form of a serpent within the UK and its waters.
Traits-Kelpies followers gain two points in swim and one in dexterity. She allow her chosen to use the gift sticky fingers
Ban-You must do you best to remain hidden and remain out of public view. If this ban is broken a well preformed rite of contrition is expected by kelpie.
Lynx (Provided by Sneakolai of the White Wolf forums)
Background Cost: 6
Whether he is stalking a snowshoe hare in white-out conditions or evading larger threats (such as wolves or trappers) and leading them astray, few things escape a mortal lynx's notice. As a totem, Lynx is known for his cleverness and adaptability, which are employed in both the hunt and the battlefield of the mind. He knows that there is a time for observation, a time for introspection, a time to share stories, and a time to strike. Like his pelt, his methods change with the season. Lynx observes the doings of the world, remaining largely unnoticed while he learns the secrets of men, spirits, animals, and supernaturals alike. No one single role is assigned to him: he is generous, stealthy or contrary by turns as the situation calls for it -- he is the mystic, the host, the teacher, the sacred fool, the cunning warrior and more. Many stories exist about Lynx's interactions with Wendigo and his brood, but the Great Cannibal Spirit has had too many unfavorable encounters with the trickster (who got the best of him) to want to claim the cat as one of his own Incarna allies. It was Uktena, himself part feline, who was impressed with Lynx's skills, and thus adopted him into his own brood. Although he is a difficult spirit to court, Lynx is favored by many Ragabash, those who see the virtues of change, and the warrior who prefers ambush tactics.
Traits: Lynx's blessings confer stealth and balance in the proper conditions; his children may use the Wendigo Gift: Camouflage and the Silver Fang Gift: Ice Dance under the usual restrictions. The pack also shares a +1 bonus to Rituals and Enigmas dice pools, and each pack member's Perception rating is increased by 1.
Ban: Like the demeanors of many cats, Lynx's Ban is threefold. Firstly, Lynx is a trickster, and not easily angered -- if his children repeatedly succumb to berserk Frenzies, the spirit will withdraw his patronage from the Rageful ones. Secondly, no member of Lynx's pack can refuse a riddle (gamecraft) contest; to do so proves the individual Garou unworthy of his blessings. Finally, Lynx's chosen must show hospitality to members of the Wendigo tribe, despite the Cannibal's bias against the cat-spirit.
Totems of Respect
Eagle (Provided by Sneakolai of the White Wolf forums)
Cost: 7
A distant, aloof and proud spirit, Eagle, Sun's messenger and warrior, rides the winds where he wishes, so well-traveled that he is respected among many peoples, both mortal and Fera alike. He is Zeus' bird, the figure on the standards of the Roman Empire and many Germanic peoples, the States' symbol of freedom, the inspiration of the Native Americans' Thunderbird myth, and more. The Silver Fangs know him as one of Falcon's brood, the Fenrir and Fianna have seen him on the battlefields alongside Hrafen and the Morrigu, and he is respected even by the isolated Hakken Shadow Lords. The Natives of the Americas have long held great reverence for Eagle, praising his strength and utilizing his mortal children's feathers, bones, and claws in their sacred ceremonies. Therefore, Eagle is especially known to the Garou of the Pure Lands -- he was once a great patron of the Croatan. When the Three Brothers migrated to Pure Lands, Eagle met with them, and was impressed by the stoic honor of Turtle's tribe. Since the Croatan's sacrifice, Eagle retreated to the high reaches, but today some packs still seek him out. The great raptor is obviously warlike in many aspects, but his true calling is one of nobility, to support others, whether in combat, battle of wills, or magical endeavors. Eagle often appears with the Sun behind him, he will circle, making an announcement, before landing and adjusting his plumage. Respect is the key, and only a Garou who is capable of making himself humble before Eagle has any chance of courting him. His eyes can see into souls, and sins are laid bare.
Traits: Eagle's chosen may share the Gifts: Eye of the Falcon and Razor Claws among themselves. When a pack member is in possession of an eagle claw or feather, she may temporarily increase her Rituals and Medicine ratings by one as she invokes Eagle's power. Each packmate increases his permanent Willpower rating by one while following this totem, emulating their patron spirit's tenacity. Finally, all Garou in the pack receive one temporary point of Honor and Glory renown.
Ban: As he is tied to Helios/Hyperion/Katanka-Sonnak, Eagle demands that his children honor Sun as well as Moon: they must learn a minor ritual (or invent their own) to show reverence to the Celestine of Day. Finally, Eagle expects his children to act properly: should his followers suffer Honor denouncements, it may cost them up to twice the renown penalty (at the Storyteller's discretion). A notable break in the Litany will result in the Totem abandoning the follow. The Totem will never support someone with no honor.
New Merits and Flaws
Compulsive Gambling (2pt Flaw)
The Garou finds it almost impossible (willpower point
expenditure required) to resist the urge to gamble.
Whenever he passes a one armed bandit or casino, he feels
the urge. Similar any bet made by another person, becomes
irresistible to pass up, even to the point of challenges.
This Flaw ensures that the character may never have more
than 2 in resources and any family heirlooms of worth.
Life Debt/ Blackmail (2-4 pt Flaw)
Your character has had his life saved, or saved from great
shame by a minion of the Wyrm and he feels that he has to
repay the debt. This creature whether a Formori or a
Vampire uses this to it's advantage and could come to ask
for repayment of the debt at any time. The Power the
creature has over you is one of shame and also of honour,
and if your secret was ever to be discovered it would
finish you with your pack or Sept. If it is recurring (in
the case of Blackmail - 4pt) the creature will continue to
haunt you with threats of exposure. If a life debt (2pt)
then one returned favour would then make you equal. The
creature could even have a good relationship with the Garou
or could even be the antagonist.
Sept Popularity (2 pt Merit)
The Garou is very popular in the Sept, if you are a
Galliard, you know the right songs, and people often ask
you to sing them. If an Ahroun you inspire people by your
presence. If a Philodox everyone trusts and confides in
you. This Merit gives you a +2 on all social related rolls
within the Sept, and makes you more likely to be taught new
gifts and rites.
Photophobia (3 pt Flaw)
You cannot tolerate anyone taking your photo. Even if you
think you are being filmed or recorded you will
automatically get a +1 on all difficulty rolls. If someone
takes your photo or points a camcorder at you, the feeling
is overwhelming. You must immediately take a fox frenzy
Safehouse (2pt Merit)
You have a place, unknown to Wyrm agents that you can rest
and recuperate. It takes the form of a country cottage, or
a small bungalow in a quiet area of town. It is only safe
though as long as you do not lead the Wyrm agents back to
you den.
AIDS (4-5 pt Flaw)
You are HIV positive and this is known, if AIDS is full
blown (5 pt flaw) has taken affect then you will start each
day on the ‘Bruised’ health bar in lethal damage.
Progressively it will get worse, as the ST dictates. Garou
can sense your illness on you, and you may not breed with
Kinfolk, without serious repercussions. Life at the Sept is
harsh, and you are treated like a Metis.
Disowned by Tribal Totem (4 pt Flaw)
Your tribal totem has disowned you because of a past
transgression (by part of you or an ancestor) and has
spread it’s contempt throughout it’s brood. You may not
have any dealings with any of these spirits and if pushed
they will attack you. Any dealing with Garou of your tribe
or with those who have adopted Totems of that spirit or of
it’s brood automatically have a contempt for you, and all
social dealings are at +2 difficulty. You may also not
visit any Caern were that Totem is the Guarding spirit.
Characters with this flaw may not start the game with ‘Rite
of Contrition’, but may learn it in game. 5 successes are
required to right the wrong with this rite.
‘Dead to the World’ (2pt Flaw)
You are not dead, but you are to the world. Maybe you were
a famous car racer and crashed on television, or an Army
Hero killed in the Gulf. You may have used the Umbra or
your regeneration powers to recover the injury, but
reappearing now would be a breach of the Litany. Your
dental records and DNA records, original name, or even your
face could give you away. As a result, dealings within
human society have to be treated with grave caution.
Easy first change (1 point Merit)
Your first change was in Garou company, or in isolation.
The experience was not as traumatic as normal, and has not
left you as traumatised. Your aggression is not as
pronounced, and dealings with the human world may be at
times (according to ST) at a –1 difficulty on social
dealings. Humans do not sense you as being as dangerous as
other Garou. This Merit must be played through.
Lassie! (7 point Bone Gnawer only Social Flaw)
You resemble a medium sized domestic dog in all 'fuzzy'
forms. You could appear as a cocker spaniel, a poodle, a
collie, anything within the medium size range. Other
Garou see you as a freakish abberation/retarded cousin,
with members of tribes who place a high value on pure
breed (Silver Fangs, Shadow Lords, Get of Fenris, Fianna,
Wendigo) regarding you as the rank below your real one.
In addition, you gain the effects of the Flaw: Short in
Crinos, and only gain half as many traits (round down)
when you shift forms. Humans react to you at twice their
normal willpower rating on the delirium chart. You may
never purchase Pure Breed, Past Life or Primal Urge.
Geek (2 pt Flaw)
You always used to play on the computer a lot as a child. You avoided sports in school and used to get bullied. You wore NHS glasses, and although first change has got rid of your short sightedness you still look like that geek. Maybe you stammered, and still do or never grew out of Pokemon (no offence to the Pokemon lover). Maybe you have backward fashions, you always wear a body warmer, or school shorts. Whatever you try to do though, you are always less aware of fashion and what's trendy. As a result, everyone treats you like a second-class person. You are less likely to be able to seduce a woman, make new friends, or stop people feeling sorry for you. This affects all your interactions with NPC's any social rolls are at a two dice penalty, and if it is seduction then a +2 difficulty is also added.
Bully (1 point flaw)
You are unpleasant and have the reputation for it; you bully those that are less able, whether because you are bigger or smarter. You care nothing for people's development or feelings, as long as you are the top dog. Maybe it was because you were bullied at school, or you had a nasty first relationship, but it has left you scarred. Only the Get appreciates you, as long as you are bigger than them, and some tribes (Children of Gaia, possibly the Fianna, Uktena or Black Furies) find you utterly unpleasant. As a result you are at a +2 difficulty with any social dealings with weaker people, or with people with the protector nature or demeanour. However you may also have an additional dice when intimidating any one weaker than you, 2 dice if it is someone you regularly bully.