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Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
The Music of Werewolf
The game has used music to help lead or link to a story. Here are some of the songs that have been used to feed chronicle ideas and scenes from the last stories.

Music player down at present.
David Bowie: Life on Mars. The campaign song for the 'Life on Mars' story. The lyrics forming a prophecy that helped the pack in to their final battle with the Hiephodant Queen.
Billie Swan: I Can Help. The track linked with Magnus Chrsitguard - the ill fated Silver Fang Philodox. If you had a problem...he could help.
Creedence Clearwater Revival: Bad Moon Rising. The doom and prophecy of the Prophecy of the Phoenix. The song was used in the 'It's Grim Down South' chronicle and was the portent for distruction. It was also used for a rather famous Werewolf movie!
Carly Rae Jepson: Call me Maybe. The song linked to the tragic love story between Ben Brent and his Bone Gnawer lover 'Influenza'. It became their tune at the end of their first meet when she handed him her number on the back of a dirty napkin and said those fated words.
Metric: Combat baby. The song linked to Nina W. Vale and her tragic fall from grace and the death of her kinfolk lover. The angry Black Fury seemed to carry some support despite her hating almost everything about the world.
Cradle of Filth: Venus in Fear. Used often as the enterance signiture of the greater minions of the Wyrm.
Clint Marshall: Requiem for a Dream Orchestral. Another of the Wyrm's songs used for signs of forboding and tragedy.
Moby: Porcelain. Often used for caern moots and bawn scenes. and prophetic dreams.
Talking Heads: Psycho Killer. Sometimes used to represent Stephen Rothman, the South African Get-of-Fenris, bound to duty but with an intolerance of seemingly everything! I show here the live rendition which was stunning when first watched, an epic performance by David Byrne.
The Rolling Stones: Paint it Black. Used for the Fall of St. Albans 'The Caern of the Lost Pups' and the death of Kendrick. It became custom for those garou who supported the caern to wear a black item of clothing at all garou gatherings till support rose for the assault that returned it to Gaia.
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