Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
Places of Power

The most common currency on the Isle is that of talens and weapons. The shortage of guns due to strict laws make them a treasured commodity as well but these are seen as weapons of the Weaver and as such some tribes will have only limited use of them. Weapons remain the highest trade item, but healing and utility fetishes and talens also have good value. Klaives remain the highest weapon trade. Some garou rate stories and information also quite highly and often deals can be made with these.
There is one thing that has a greater value though than weapons though and that is the valuable commodity of space. Caern positions and membership are few and far between as most of the caerns in England are already full. Being offered a caern position or membership is a great honour and gives the granted garou a home. Many young garou just cannot get places at caerns due to lack of experience and the fact that higher ranking garou are preferable over the lower ranks. Generally cliaths and fosterns look for placements in active packs connected to caerns and form trouble shooting groups who focus on the areas where the adopted caerns operate.
The Get-of-Fenris
The Fenris presently hold the crown of England and King Lothar is unlikely to be bested in combat in the immediate future. His combat prowess is un-paralleled by any English garou and he rarely leaves those alive that are stupid enough to challenge him making the fear of a challenge something that people don't take lightly. The Fenris, who had been in a weak political position until the turn of the century now are the key makers of law and provider of direction in England. Some would argue this is very bad and others that the militarisation of the garou world is not a bad thing in the End Times. The GoF have a good weapon trade going which has been aided by the tribes clever use of the Weaver in England using all of the weapons at their disposal to wage their relentless war. The GoF have only one caern at Helsby Hill spanning the Chester protectorate. Sept of the Mere is controlled from the Helsby area and there are key garou in most other major caerns. It is in a hazardous area, but the might of the garou there ensure that their sept remains secure. They also provide support for a fledging caern at Delamere Forest and have key personnel in most of the important caerns in England. Fenrir of England are feared but respected by all the other tribes and they make mighty allies.
The Shadow Lords
The master manipulators of the isle are led by Lord Gilliat who rules from Sept of the Caste in Colchester. Lord Gilliat, last of the Kendrick line spent most of the 90's as King of England and much was achieved under his leadership. He has made many attempts to wrestle back the crown, without risking outright challenge to Lothar and it suprised all that Lothar left him alive after defeating him. Little of what goes on escapes the Lords, so Gilliat remains well informed on current events and does much to manipulate events and laws. The SL numbers have been reduced in recent years so much that their main caerns at Colchester and at St Albans are padded out with Fianna but they remain the leading factions at these caerns. The SL are despised by most tribes and the memory of Kendrick has more or less gone and it is a memory that not all remember fondly. Descendents are identified by their white patch in their hair. A Fianna betrayl at Colchester saw the massacre of many of the Shadow Lords and Lord Gilliat, unable to take the caern back by Law or force, eventually decided to join the Glasswalkers of Manchester. With this act, the last of the English Shadow Lords joined him as Children of Gaia. Though the Kendrick bloodline continues with its kin. Future descendents join the Children of Gaia. The only active Shadow Lords now, are the French line which had taken hold by capturing St Albans caern. There is no love though with the French and the traiterous Fianna at Colchester.
The Glass Walkers
The Glass Walkers are a resented but much needed tribe allowing the control of the urban world in Great Britain. Many of the caerns are close enough to or within a city and cannot go unaffected by the progress of urbanization over the years. Garou with knowledge of the Weaver are in great demand to help protect the essential caerns. The tribe is led by Motherboard, a clever manipulator who is too weak a warrior to be able to acquire kingship but makes her power play in other ways. The GW have tried to wrestle authority by having a monopoly on caern support. Her spy network is faultless as most GW are loyal to Motherboard and most caerns have a resident GW who helps feed this network. In the 90's the GW received a serious setback as many members were evicted or killed in a GW purge. They have since recovered politically and also with their numbers, but the trust has never returned. Many English GW have a white coat, rumor has it due to White Howler blood. There is still no proof of this. Not all Glass Walkers here are from the key families though and a secondary group do exist and have their own agenda.
Silver Fangs
A crippled tribe but nowhere more noticeable but on the shores of Avalon. They have recently opened a small caern at Dover but have had several serious set backs with its development. The original intention was to take charge of the Isle and restore the SF to authority. However Jean Paul Diesce's mental condition has deteriorated and he is no longer suitable for leadership. Many of the caerns kinfolk were killed in transit and the caern has been slow to recover. On top of this the isles huge increase in foreigners come to live here in Great Britain has increased hatred, fear and racism allowing places for the Wyrm to grow in their minds of the common people. There is also a small detachment of Scottish Silver Fangs with their own leader. She is too mentally weak though to make a play for leadership and this small caern tends to focus on its own agenda than the bigger picture. The SF remain strong but no longer in the race for political superiority.
The Fianna although populous on the Isle have no garou who could take the roll of leader. There is a self proclaimed 'King of Ireland' but he does not contest his claim with Lothar, knowing full well that he would lose. So, in Grand Moots he tends to give homage to the true king. It appears there is no one of power and backbone. There was talk of such an Elder in the 80's but if so, she never came forth to challenge for the kingship. For now though they seem content this is after all their home and the tribe receives enough respect to keep them on the political map. Recent events have seen the Fianna at Colchester betray their allies in the Shadow Lords and they killed many garou in a hostile take over. Lord Gilliat escaped the massacre and plotted revenge. Although the Irish Fianna did not agree with this action, they did not aid the old King of England and did not punish its people involved.
Black Furies
A strong tribe with a potential King (Queen) but the tribe is more concerned with internal problems and until recently was a closed sept, even its 'opening' has been questioned with few garou actually visiting there since the change. Hepecarter is rumoured to be in preparation to challenge King Lothar at the next Great Moot but there are those that claim she never would, for in a single move she could raise them to the top of the political ladder or cast them into its depths. Either way, the garou World would lose a great warrior. The only BF caern is Sept of Past Days on the Isle of Man and very little is known about it.
Children of Gaia
The last tribe worth mentioning. The CoG in England have had a few notable figures who have strived for garou unity and one who nearly succeeded. Mother was a great leader who had the respect of all tribes and nearly dissolved the monarchy under her rule. She came the closest to uniting the tribes of the United Kingdom and maybe this sealed her fate. She was killed in a formori assault and the caern has never since recovered from this loss of their greatest legend in recent times. There are two CoG caerns in England, one a political and spiritual centre, the other the power house caern. The peaceful New Sept of the Green, who is lacking in ahroun but is large and powerful in spiritual energies. This is a common community place and a common location for Grand Moots in Great Britain. It is also the seat of power for the Children of Gaia. The other caern is in Caerleon and is also well established (and Shadow Lord affiliated) and called the Sept of the Legion. This site seems to attract the ahroun and the metis who can make a name for themselves here as the totem is one of war and the area has lots of opportunities for fights and therefore glory.
The Others
The other tribes are represented in some way, however none of the others have much political sway or the numbers to be able to do much but hold their caerns. The Bone Gnawers have 2 major caerns, but lack anyone who has the respect to be called their leader There are few Uktena, Wendigo and Stargazers most remaining in their home countries. The Silent Striders remain the messengers of the Island and though well travelled have no home base or powerful individuals. They seem content to do what they do and keep the communication lines open. Red Talons are no longer represented in England, though it is suspected that one of two Red Talon kin wolves may exist in sanctuaries.
Black Spirals
Easily the most powerful of the tribes in numbers and available resources and it is somewhat fortunate that their efforts are not focused in a single cause and in fact often in conflict with different pits goals. In the rest of the World most of their numbers are made up of conversions but here in England they have a huge bank of kinfolk or breeding stock. A great many of their number from true breeding rather than the usual converting of Gaian garou. Occasional though a pure White Howler is born, few of these members get out of their pits, but the few that do are savagely hunted by the Wyrm and rarely last the year. There is a legend that a perfect metis will come from the White Howlers and he will be the herald of the Apocalypse. For this reason the Wyrm keeps close eye on all of the pure born and they often have special privileges in their ranks. It has been surmised that there is a comparable number of pits to caerns across the island when in fact all likelihood there is likely to be much more.
Cairn Heart
Average size of a Caern
Rank 1
Average Population: Up to 10 Garou
Average Bawn: About 200 acres or smaller
Maximum Moon Bridge Distance: 1,000 miles
Gauntlet: 4
Advantages: Minimal inter-pack politics; more cohesiveness; good chance of filling a Sept position; unlikely to attract Wyrm creatures.
Disadvantages: Little inherent power (Gnosis); no ranging room for Lupus.
Rank 2
Average Population: From 8 to 15 Garou
Average Bawn: 200-350 acres
Maximum Moon Bridge Distance: 2,000 miles
Gauntlet: 4
Advantages: Relatively little politicking; packs can acquire healthy totem spirits; may have a chance to fill a minor Sept position.
Disadvantages: Still not much raw power; small Bawn for living space; still cramped for Lupus; few defenders if attacked.
Rank 3
Average Population: From 10 to 20 Garou
Average Bawn: 350-800 acres
Maximum Moon Bridge Distance: 3,000 miles
Gauntlet: 3
Advantages: Source of significant power; relatively easy to access spirits and mentors; reliable allies within Sept mates
Disadvantages: AlMost no chance for inexperienced Garou to fill any Sept positions; defence is tricky due to larger size of Bawn; enough Garou for politics and in fighting; large enough to come to the Wyrm’s attention; difficult to expand or maintain properly.
Rank 4
Average Population: From 15 to 30 Garou
Average Bawn: 800-1,000 acres
Maximum Moon Bridge Distance: 6,000 miles
Gauntlet: 3
Advantages: Strong and powerful Caern with many powers, allies and spirit connections; other Garou know and respect the Caern and may come to it’s aid when attacked.
Disadvantages: Crowded, particularly where Lupus Garou are concerned; considerable inter Sept politics; Wyrm actively seeks to destroy the Caern; limited access to Caern resources.
Rank 5
Average Population: From 25 to 50 Garou
Average Bawn: 1,000 acres and more
Maximum Moon Bridge Distance: 10,000 miles
Gauntlet: 2
Advantages: Great source of power; many Garou come to its defence when threatened.
Disadvantages: Huge Bawn provides problems for defence; space is at a premium due to such a large population of Garou; Elders are often distanced from the pups; Wyrm attacks are almost constant; too large a Caern to be easily concealed, even from mortals and other super naturals.