Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
Grand Moot 2014

This is the list of all of the garou that will attend the Grand Moot 2013 being held at Manchester's Sept of the Green. The moot will be used to discuss the garou nations goals in the next years and provide direction due to the recent fall of 'Caern of the Lost Pups'. There will likely be a challenge for the leadership of England as well as opportunity to learn gifts, new songs, rites and spend time to make new allies and spend time with tribe mates. Due to the nature and importance of this Moot we will allowing the ronin of the garou world to attend. Some of the shamed maybe allowed to rejoin their former tribes if they have completed exalted deeds.