Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
Sept of the Oiseaux D'eau
The old 'Caern of Lost Pups'
Cairn Leader: 'Noir Crépuscule' Totem: Mallard (Duck)
Cairn Warder: 'Pédoncules les Ombres' Secondary Totem: Canada Goose
Theurge: 'Vent appelant' Location: St. Albans
'Noir Crépuscule': Shadow Lord, Ahroun, Rank 4, 6ft tall, 37 years old, Brown scruffy hair parted with a savage facial scar down to his lips making him speak with a slur. His dress style changes regularly, often wearing style and fashion. 'The Face that makes Children Cry' is a non-tolerating, strict leader with no love for the English people. He runs the caern like a military operation, having plans within plans, forces vigorous training sessions on its members. He has strange personal practices, changing his lifestyle and habits regularly. It's unsure if they are 'fads', 'distractions' or part of one of his cunning plans. He tends to sleep sporadically and is a creature of the night, often seen at caern's edge in the failing darkness of Dawn. He is more of a werewolf than many werewolves. Few outside the caern know him well. He will make social visits to moots and council meetings as is expected of a caern leader, but he has no love and gets none in return. His scar was given to him in the battle to reclaim the caern, adorned and decorated as a battle scar.
'Pédoncules Les Ombres': Shadow Lord, Galliard, Rank 4, 6ft tall, 34 years old, a tanned skin mixed race male, with several body tattoos looking like a mix of Celtic and garou symbols. For a Galliard he's not that sharp, nor talkative and he had resistance to become the Caern's Warder. Originally Noir had been planned to be the Warder, but the fight went badly for the Galliard and as a result he lost caern leadership to the Ahroun. Still there is no love lost between the two of them, but they work together for caern benefit. He knows some English words but is no more talkative in his home language. Cold, emotionless, unforgiving and unyielding he makes a typical Shadow Lord, and with punishment rites, a person that most people prefer not to cross. Ombres has relationship problems with the native Swan spirits that will only accept a Black Fury Guardian.
'Vent Appelant': Shadow Lord, Theurge, Rank 3, 5ft 7' tall, 32 years old, black skinned, oval face and well dressed. The Wind Bringer spends much time in her lupus form, conversing with nature. A skilled Theurge who has an excellent relationship with the caern spirit and with the many ancestor spirits that are linked to the site. She lacks the Pure Breed of the French garou legendary heroes, the motley brown that most caern members have. She has the oily black fur more common in the Eastern European Shadow Lords. The Wind Caller remains mystic and secretive and little else is known about her in England. She shares a special relationship with the local 'Watcher' spirits and is the only known garou that seems to have any form of connection with the odd war spirits. Wind is the caern's head theurge and access to her is only given to the special few.
'Lune Yeux': Shadow Lord, Ragabash, Rank 4, 5ft 9' tall, 39 years old, from the same family line as 'Coeur agité' he has the same thin frame but long flowing white hair. His fur remains patchy brown. He has facial twitches and often has a flick knife to hand which he can throw with great percision. Out of the caern's garou he is one that called by called genuinely 'evil'. He is the scout for the caern and has a sinister dark side that revels in murder and torture to meet the aims of the caern. He is given a wide area of tolerance as long as he meets the needs and aims of the caern. Sometimes the dark garou cuts a thin line between the atrocities of the Black Spirals. The caern keeps his activity covered up in the eyes of the human and garou world. While he keeps succeeding, he is an asset not a problem.
'Coeur Agité': Shadow Lord, Galliard, Rank 3, 5ft 8' tall, 29 years old, deep piercing eyes, long blonde hair, thin features. She has a slim, beautiful figure. Some might find her too thin and wiry but her movement is elegant and womanly. Known as 'Restless' by the English garou she is one of the more social of the caern's garou. She has even taken an English name 'Kirsty', though no one believes that's her real name. She will be a spokesperson for the caern and providing she is available is the person that any visitor would have to deal with. As a result, she is the best known of the caern's garou. She can be awkward at times, sometimes unsure of herself but almost always gets the job done. With a slight French accent she tends to get her way, having a superb knowledge of the Litany and Silver Accord, she has an answer to give all but the most skilled Ragabash a moment's pause.
'Rompt le silence': Shadow Lord, Philodox, Rank 3, 5ft 11' tall, 34 years old, a good looking French man with short, neat dark hair, perfect teeth, smart attire and a professional attitude. Silence is the kind of guy most men strive to be, just most people think he's no more genuine than other Shadow Lords. He is essential for caern operations knowing all the key rites for his auspice and maintaining the peace at the caern and is good at handling all the key members of the caern. With enough rank and combat prowess, he is likely to be the caern's future leader, a fact that is not wasted on other caern members. If visitors ever get enough rep to get past the caern's hostess 'Coeur Agité', it is him they are likely to meet next. He has had some attendance in external moots where he has been liked, but un-trusted.
'Tonnerre Rouleau': Shadow Lord, Philodox, Rank 3, 5ft 9' tall, 29 years old, pretty, round face, large dark eyes and a curling smile. The attractive typical French looking lady also goes by her human name Amely. Her garou name comes from the use of the Shadow Lord Thunder Clap gift, which she uses frequently. Her character is charming, but she is a player and tends to take advantage of men's affections. She seems to be a little off her game at the moment though and the few who know her think she has fallen in love. This disarmament is quite unsettling for her. As always though a Shadow Lord holds her secrets and hides her weakness. 'Rolling Thunder' also knows some Glass Walker gifts and as a result is involved with the human world more than other garou, until the caern gets a Glass Walker to fill this function.
Jonathan 'Shame' Brimble: Shadow Lord, Philodox, Rank 3, 6ft tall, 35 years old, Ash-Blonde long hair in ponytail, square jawed. The tragic 'Choice', leader of the old caern now serves the French at his old caern. He is sombre and moody but a garou of service and dedicated to his old home. The French garou treat the black furred garou badly, almost like a metis and forced him to take the garou name 'Shame'. Once known for his diplomatic skills that have allowed this once doomed caern to prosper he is now a sad memory of glory days. He helps run the caern's bar 'The Fighting Cocks' and is well liked by some of the old kin who have returned to the caern. His spirit is crushed but glimpses of the once great garou can be seen if old friends come to see him. It is not encouraged though by the caern leadership. Jonathan is believed to be the only surviving son of Kendrick and the adopted son of Lord Gilliat. The old king and 'Shame' have not spoken since.
'Heifel': Silent Strider, Theurge, Rank 4, 5ft 10 tall, 42 years old, Egyptian decent Silent strider with a small amount of Pure breed, enough to make his war form Jackal like. He will wear a Fez in homid, has a barrelled girth, smiling face and often with a day's stubble. Almost always accompanied by a capuchin, which he is happy to sell. It too has waist coat and Fez, but is rarely the same monkey as the last time you met him. Heifel adopts the 'Tell the good news, or the bad news in a positive way' which has makes him popular in caerns he visits. He's also an ever helpful theurge. So much so, that the Shadow Lords invited him to a Shadow Lord only caern to help with public relations. It helps his own goals having more activity in England since the arrival of 'Buries-the-Dead' but you are likely only to meet him at caern during moots as the road is his only real home.
The Caern: The original great Caern, formally of the Get-of-Fenris, and lost to them when they tried to replace the totem with Fenris Wolf. Get’s were then denied any position of power and the Caern quickly grew to become a ‘open’ Caern. In its heyday it was a rank 5 Caern, guarded by 30+ Garou who called the site home. Jealously wanted by many, fell to the Wyrm twelve years ago. The Totem Swan was heavily tainted and much of the native wildlife was destroyed. The park was closed for a year with the area being coated with red algae. When Colchester Caern aided in the recapture of the Caern of the Lost Pups Jonathan Brimble (only just receiving the Rite of the Passage) became Caern leader when nobody else wanted the post. He gathered a large number of pups Garou and newly passaged Garou to maintain and strengthen the Caern, with promises of Glory and a home they could all build together. Many Caerns now consider the Lost Pups Caern worthless and even ready to fall again to the Wyrm. However, Jonathan and his band has managed to hold on to the Caern mainly thanks to Father Wimbish. It is hoped that one day the Caern may acquire its old glory as a Caern for all the tribes and unity, and become a beacon of hope in a rapidly failing world. The caern had always been open to continuous assault by the Wyrm. The local banes knowing exactly where it was, that it became an active war zone. Originally aimed for training pups, the caern became a war caern and a place for glory. 'Watcher' spirits were commonly seen her, feeding on the conflict around the site. Despite doing well, a huge assault on the caern happened during its moot and it shocked all to hear that St. Albans had again fallen. It's leader 'Jonathan 'Choice' Brimble' survived, but was held to tribunal by the Shadow Lords as no leader should survive the falling of a caern. Before he could be ritually killed in moot at Colchester, the local Fianna killed the Shadow Lords at Colchester in a hostile takeover. With the luck of Kendrick, his father, 'Choice' escaped.
The caern was a blight for many years and despite several attempts to cleanse the site, the Wyrm won many conflicts keeping the site. Finally, the French Shadow Lords came in force and took the site back for Gaia. Now, a weak caern, the site is constantly under attack as before and only the well organised French Shadow Lords maintain the site. The French garou operate a linear system of access to caern members which is practiced more in Europe than England. It makes the caern a less friendly place for outsiders and makes it hard for low ranking garou to socially progress. Visitors are given a single garou with whom they can converse and make requests to and are asked to not disturb other caern members. It allows for effective caern running and secrecy but does not help build new links with outsiders. The caern though having regular moots has not yet adopted the Shadow Moot until secrecy can be ensured at the open site.
The caern is also almost at its maximum capacity until its size increases. The caern's only available slot is currently available for a skilled Glasswalker, one who can support the park and the encroachment of the Weaver.
The caern has an extensive 'Grave of Hollowed Heroes' and many great stories and heroes lie here. The list below is not extensive for over 100 garou are buried at the site and include only the fallen in recent years. Due to the sites excessive umbral assaults by the Wyrm many garou die during the caern's moots.
Kern - The strong old leader of the Caern- He led with an Iron Fist.
Kendrick - The wise Theurge who replaced him, whom was possessed by a powerful Bane and eventually caused the Caern to fall.
Alan - Get of Fenris warrior who fought to the bitter end. His hide was used as a flag by the Wyrm when the Caern fell.
Teresa - The squeaky clean quiet Garou, long suffering friend of Tits-On-That.
Lee - Bigger Tougher brother of Alan fell to the Wyrm and became a B.S.D.
Terri Woolford - Older red headed Garou, died when the Caern fell.
Terry Franklin - The perky Bone Gnawer, died when the Caern fell.
Cormac - Infamous Garou who held of the taint of the B.S.D. was the scapegoat of the possessed Kendrick and became Ronin. Slain by Lee at the fall of the Caern.
Elizabeth Evans – A well established mature Garou who was slain during Frenzy.
Michael Mcdunn – A huge Garou who followed his true love right into the arms of the Wyrm, known to be a Black Spiral.
Leo Young - The Fallen intolerable Black Fury Died during Rite of the Moot.
Kenny Mitnick - A fallen Glass walker that was slain by Jean De Grace, he packed with Travis fairbrook and David Hunter, who are both Spirals now.
Sian Hargreaves - Killed during the Rite of the Moot against the Spiral Micheal McDunn.
Deimos - It is unsure if this high ranking theurge died at the second fall of St. Albans. Rumours are abound, but no one has seen her since. A token is left for her in the rather expanse

The Fighting Cocks - the caerns local kinfolk tavern.