Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
The Caern of Past Days (The Purt Nature reserve, isle of man)

Caern Leader: Hepecarter Totem: Banshee
Caern Guardian: Livila (contested) Secondary Totem: Medusa
Theurge: Monitar Location: The Purt Nature reserve, Isle of Man
Caern members profiles
Hepecarter: Black Fury, Ahroun, Rank 5, 5ft 4’ tall, 45 years old, A graceful brown hared lady who is showing signs of greying. She has a powerful and threatening posture and in the Umbra her head is framed with flame. Kind and gentle but easily riled with little patience for the weak, metis or men. She rules the caern with an iron fist, and provides the financial backing for the Caern. She was an old German noble, having blood of the old defunct German royal family. She has recently arrived on the political scene and though many of her deeds are legendary, little is known about the actual person. She is a real contender for the Kingship of England but despite political pressure from her advocates she has made no move in this direction so far. Still many watch with eager eyes at the time of grand moots. She dresses in plain utility clothing but like the other Garou wears Greek leather skirts during ceremony, which she always attends. She is the leader of the Curse of Adam faction at this caern and cut of her left breast in her younger years and wields a huge klaive.
Livila: Black Fury, Ahroun, Rank 4, 5ft 7’ tall, 63 years old, An old Garou but still a strong fighter even though the signs of age are now starting to show. Her greyed hair is curled and bunched in the old Roman fashion. Much of her past beauty has faded, however she is cunning and resourceful which makes her more of a dangerous adversary. She is famed as a man killer and is a wanted felon in the human world. Rumour has it is she is responsible for assassinating JFK for his treatment of Marilyn Monroe and pinning the fact on a soviet sympathiser famed for his mistreatment of women, a fact she does not deny or confirm. She is biding her time for Hepecarter to make a mistake then she will lead the caern, but as her time runs out her desperation increases. She rarely leaves the Caern, clothes are merely a necessity for a job, but she wears a robe like the old toga, and has a wizard like appearance, some of the other girls quietly joke about it. She is a member of the Curse of Adam faction.
Monitor 'Zarizonia': Black Fury, Theurge, Rank 5, 5ft 4’ tall, 29 years old. One of the youngest high ranking Garou in England. She is known and visits other caerns under the false Garou name ‘Zarizonia’. She is extremely beautiful, dark haired and petite and has a snake-like quality to her. She is a great Theurge and a good advisor in spiritual matters but that is where her role as an advisor ends, with Hepecarter listening to Livila instead in all other matters. She is liked by most but has enemies at the caern because her love of all new things. She also has a fondness of the Glass Walkers of England. Those that dislike her call her a dyke because of the way she reacts to Space-on-disk when she is at London. This is also aggravated by the fact she is still to take a kinfolk mate. Monitor wears only the latest fashions, has a huge wardrobe and favours purple and green items. Monitor is head of the New Age faction and this brings tensions between her and the other caern elders.
Jolene: Black Fury, Philodox, Rank 3, 5ft 7’ tall, 33 Years old, A blonde stony faced women who has dark eyes and an unsmiling face and is graced with a few tattoos across her body. The others give her the nick name of ‘Septic Peg’ due to her role as a caern advisor among kin and garou members. She is a good peace keeper but suffers from her own depressions and anxieties and ironically has no one with whom she can confide when so many confide in her. She favours the New Age faction but is not a strong supporter and her affiliations have been to help build the community on the island. Of the Garou here she is the most active against the Wyrm and wanders in and out of packs to ensure she is always at the front of any conflicts. She normally wears black leather jackets, studs, has a motorbike. Her real name has been let slip - its Fiona (something) and this has caused a little aggravation with elders who are so adamant about anonymity.
Vankelan: Black Fury, Lupus, Ahroun, Rank 3, age unknown, A she wolf originally of the Red Talons who changed tribes to ensure the safety of her pups and way of life. She is a jet black rugged Canadian wolf, with a thick shaggy coat. Vankelan is an uncultured uncivilised beast of war and still harnesses the rage from his former tribe. It is difficult to restrain Vankelan and it is known the beast eats man flesh, yet, no one will punish her as long as she keeps incidents relatively secret and away from the public eye. She has had several pups and has killed several mates and despite her violent temperament is a very productive and valued member of the caern. Vankelan has her own living area at the caern and her lupus heritage earns her much respect. She is not politically minded, caring only about breeding, food and fighting her enemies and tends to scoff at the petty squabbles of the two factions.
Julia: Black furies, Galliard, Rank 3, 5ft 10’ tall, 24 years old, short pitch black hair with a temper to match. She is hideously scarred from before first change and keeps the wounds in all of her forms. At 15 she was gang raped and cut up over a period of 3 weeks in an American underground rape camp, spending 6 months in hospital before first change. Again not originally a Black Fury, being of Indian decent her traumatic experience helped mould her future. She is bitter and twisted and when telling her story she becomes angry and tearful and seems to blame all Americans for her past. Her hatred makes her only a step away from becoming a Black Spiral and sometimes she needs to be reminded of this. She is a strong supporter of the Curse of Adam faction and rarely seen outside of this caern due to her reaction with most men, even garou.
Astanemar: Black Fury, Ragabash, Metis, Rank 3, ‘Hand of Bear’, 5ft 7 tall, 28 years old, A Metis who is unable to take any other form but her war form. Her use is limited and she is bullied by the others only Monitor and Julia treat her with any form of respect. It was extremely difficult for her to attain Rank 3 - as no one would appraise her at 'Rites of Accomplishment' and would impede her progress when trying for renown. She hopes for a warrior's death in combat and it is always at the fore front of any mission. As she is Metis, she is forbidden to take a mate but is far more comfortable among kinfolk males. She is a member of the New Age faction and wears no clothing. It is suspected she is Livila’s child but no one talks about it to either of them.
Callestra: Glass Walker, Galliard, Rank 3, 5ft tall, 26 years old, A long pretty blonde Glass Walker who has been missing in action from mainstream garou society for nearly four years, when in fact she has been in active duty for the Sept here. Although she longs for the big cities she is more at home with the furies and the capital Douglas on the Island. She is not sure that Hepecarter and Livila would let her leave the caern as her skills are irreplaceable and she is honour bound to not try and make contact with other garou. Though occasionally she wishes for contact with her old London caern she has always upheld her word. In recent years this dream has become more of an option for her as the sept has begun to open up to the rest of the World. She eagerly awaits some of the London caern to come visit at one of the moots and her hopes are always aroused once a month. Her traditional buisness suits are rarely worn now and she favours the classic ancestral garb of the Black Fury. Almost always found in the penumbra, she spends much of her time with weaver spirits. She does not agree with the Furies hatred of men though, and she supports the New Age faction.
Portculla: Black Fury, Theurge, Rank 3, 6 ft tall, unknown age but younger than 25, Monitor’s apprentice, pale face and bright red lip stick, tall and dark skinned and far more manipulative than Monitor. She originates from Greece but is well travelled in both the real world and the deep umbra and weaves her 'web of shadows'. Although she fights for Gaia she can only be described as evil, she remains loyal to the sept but all others are fair game for her sadistic nature. Everyone but Mankelan owes her a favour and she has many contacts around the island and yet has not been a caern member for a long time. It is rumoured that many of the islands disappearances are due to her and Vankelan. She wears robes in caern and only dresses in other attire outside of the sept. She has a small boy who is already starting to show the mental illness of his mother. It is unsure if the father is still alive. She has no affiliation to either of the Sept's factions and will often change to the side that is seeing the most killing.
The Caern: A powerful Caern founded by a Shadow Lord Theurge. He never got to enjoy it, battered by the Wyrm during the 60’s, his Sept was destroyed, he personally was slain by Livila, who stabbed him in the back with a silver knife. The furies took the Caern while the rest of the world thought it lost. In fact it has been kept invisible by the rite of the hidden glade and its members were sworn to secrecy. However, spirits have loose tongues and over the years, it became known that the caern existed. There is much in fighting at the Caern between two factions - the Curse of Adam, who believe men are weak and easily manipulated by the Wyrm. Therefore they should also be considered the enemy. The New Age faction believes in trying to give equal rights to women and have a policy of saving all (men and women) who have fallen to the Wyrm. If they are not salvageable then they fall to fang and claw, an attitude that has allowed them the good reputation the caern has built with the Children of Gaia (notably Manchester). This argument nearly splits the sept apart but no-one wants to leave the beautiful scenic caern and so continue to live fighting for what they believe in. All were forced to undergo a rite of silence before entering the caern which forbids them to talk about it to others, since the word is now out, it is not as heavily enforced. In the past the sept has made arrangements with other caerns to allow Black Furies to be recruited at other caerns - notably St Albans 'Caern of the Lost Pups'. When this has happened the Furies have kept a close eye on the exported garou causing these garou to be named as 'Hepecarter's Eyes and Ears'. Some of these garou have earned themselves important caern positions in their new adopted caerns.
All new members to the sept have to lose their old name and take a new classical one. They are expected to also sever all ties to their old human life and minimise their old garou ties. The few Black furies who do not stay are always welcome to leave and are returned to Blackpool. Some leave the tribe to become Children of Gaia, but the door also swings both ways and many of the CoG females have changed tribes in the past and bolstered the Furies ranks. Recent pressure has caused the caern to become open to Silent Striders and the few who may have business there. However, no non-furies have been recruited at the caern causing people to suggest it still remains a sept in all but name.
Visitors: The caern is still considered a closed sept so visitors are few and far between. Only a few Children of Gaia and Silent Striders are said to have gone here and due to the nature of the caern they do not talk about their experiences.