Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
The Caern of the Park

Caern Leader: Malcolm 'Father' Totem: War Hero
Caern Warder/Guardian: Elephant and Castle Secondary Totem: Pigeon/City Father (London)
Theurge: 7 Sisters Location: Hyde Park, London
Caern member profiles
'Father' or 'Malcolm': Bone Gnawer, Philodox, Rank 4, 6ft tall, 37 years old, Brown haired, square jaw and a charismatic smile. Malcolm is probably the best known, liked and most travelled among the caern members, though mainly among the key caerns. He has a likable rogue personality and is inherently endearing to most to the point that people often forget he is a Bonegnawer. He is the tribal representative in Britain and often spends time in Europe with tribal meetings. He has been caern leader for several years where he won the challenge by a members vote, the 'diplomatic challenge' which was previously unheard of. Malcolm is very much so a more the combative philodox and he has acquired many ahourn specific gifts. 'Father' is rumoured to share a kin relative with 'Jonathan Brimble', which ironically would make him distantly related to Lord Gilliat. Neither Malcom or 'Choice' deny or confirm the rumour and there is a slight comparison in face and dress sense, but none in fur colour. He wears a brown leather jacket.
'Elephant and Castle': Bone Gnawer, Ahroun, METIS, Rank 4, 6ft 3’ tall, 32 years old, A huge brown furred, beast with disproportionate arms and smaller legs, big buck teeth and appears as having a simple mind. He can manage some complex social situations remarkable well, but can only answer in simple monosyllabic sentences. He will often spend time with the totem and the two have their own simple sounds language which they converse with clicks and groans. The huge ahroun also enjoys planting flowers and breeding chickens and it appears 'Elephant' has a low rage. However, he is bigger and stronger than many other ahrouns giving him both a strength and reach advantage which allows him to keep his chosen cardboard 'castle'. At this caern his scary appearance is usually enough to repel any threats or challenges from the few outsiders but he is well loved by the members..
'7 Sisters': Bone Gnawer, Theurge, Rank 4, 5 ft 6’ tall, 63 years old, An old, hooded lady with walking stick and glass eye and a gummy smile. She often goes by the name of 'Grandmother' by caern members and she scolds people, hitting them with her stick. Most are wise enough to get out of her way, even the totem gets occasionally hit as he is too slow to get out of the ladies way, even though it does no hurt to his bronze body. Considered mad, those that know her just know she is lonely, opinionated and stuck in her ways. Her kin husband died several years ago in the Winter and she has become worse with his passing. '7 Sisters' remembers many old stories and even remembers a time when the Stargazers where in England. It is an uncommon fact that was once taught garou meditation and can sometimes be seen practicing it near the statue base. She claims she is the 7th daughter of the 7th sister, but as no one has ever met any of them...they tend to be doubtful. '7 Sisters' can be seen feeding the pigeons, pushing her trolley and collecting odd bits for her horde of collectables that people throw away. She wears leggings, thick jumper and a bonnet.
'Morden': Bone Gnawer, Galliard, Rank 3, 5 ft 10’ tall, 32 years old, black haired and thin pointed face. 'Morden' is Irish, his accent is apparent, yet he claims to be originally a Shadow Lord who fell on hard times and chose this life, he was also an IRA bomber, flew in Afghanistan, made an ice sculpture from water and was a circus juggler. He also killed a psychomachiae on his own and it is usually 2 feet taller than the last time he told the story. Not everyone believes the tales, but they do appreciate the stories and 'Morden' can capture a crowd, hold them with his voice, build tension and provide a suitable moral at the end. He has especially grown fond of 'moral' stories. He provides many of the caerns rites including the Rite of Accomplishment, but beyond this...no one really knows the man. He has secrets which he holds close to his chest and he is careful to not let anyone get to close. He tends to wear black and often has smudged eye liner on and sings Marilyn Manson songs.
'Greenford': Bonegnawer, Ragabash, METIS, Rank 3, 5ft 9’ tall, 36 years old (but seems older). Greenford is short haired, freckled and grins often. He claims to be the caern's Glasswalker and though his definitely a Bonegnawer he has many skills that have been learnt from his time with the Glasswalkers. The small chap has a love for arguing, even if is not something he actually believes or thinks he will argue the point. For him the victory is the winning of the argument, not the making of a point. Greenford tends to wear what he can get, and on occasion has been found naked.
'Arsenal': BoneGnawer, Ahroun, Rank 3, 5ft 10’ tall, 31 Years old, a barrel chested bald garou with beard and glasses. He can be foul mouthed and crude, low on intelligence but really knows his stuff on firearms. He tries to always ensure he has a gun of some kind, but due to the nature of the caern often has to go and 'borrow' back a replacement firearm. He is the caern's Keeper of the Land and will often do caern watches with the totem, talking about the benefits of period firearms. Arsenal is often one of the more direct and honest of the caern's garou, often saying it 'as it is', without thought or regard of people's feelings. He was also one of the first garou to put forward the diplomatic approach to leadership. 'Often noticed but seldom considered', was an early garou name, so he was very keen to join the caern and choose one more to his liking. He will wear jeans, combat clothing and body warmers. 'Arsenal' tends to sleep outside rather than in a hut, or in a cardboard house and has learned to sleep in lupus form.
'Baker Street' or 'Scabs': Bone Gnawer, Theurge, Rank 3, 5ft 10’. 36 years old. A long faced, balding man with beak nose and several days stubble. 'Baker Street' is the caern's spiritual investigator and will often spend much of his time in discussion or debate with City Father. The Bone Gnawers say that there is nothing that happens in London that 'Baker Street' cannot find out by asking City Father the right questions. This particular skill has made him a bit of a reputation and the few visitors that come to the caern are to seek him out for advice with dealing with City Fathers or to find some lost knowledge in London. He can be a little scatty and sometimes difficult to follow, even wandering in and out of garou and spirit speech. Baker Street likes hats, but dress and attire vary wildly.
'Jubilee': Bone Gnawer, Galliard, Rank 2, 5ft 7', 25 years old, 'Jubilee' is dark haired and quite pretty looking of Latin descent. She can play several instruments and sings quite nicely and is one of the most well known of the caern members, as she will often busk in the physical under the name 'Vive Paris'. When not busking, she is a notorious pick pocket and is a clear contributor to caern wealth, via people 'borrowing' it from her. She can be a little cold and hard on people and there is sometimes a suggestion she has also worked as a prostitute. 'Jubilee' is one of the better dressed garou in the caern and she keeps a small 'heirloom' wardrobe which includes a few choices of clothing, including an old 'Malcolm' jacket.
'Euston', or 'Tricks': Bone Gnawer, Philodox, Rank 2, 5ft 9’ tall, 24 Years old, a long haired skater he holds on to his skateboard tightly. The newest member of the caern and normally the leader of any first packs that come out of the place, with young garou. He is one of Malcolm's favourites and as such has been fast tracked through the ranks without the actual experience required for such a rank. This can make him temperamental and rash sometimes making poor judgements which come back to hurt him. Not that the young garou is amiss from asking for help or guidance from elders. Apart from Malcolm he is probably the best known garou of this caern. 'Euston' like baggy clothes and will even go out of his way to steal new ones when he loses his own.
The Caern: It is a small and well hidden caern using 'Rite of the Hidden Glade', which resides in the park. Many of the kin also live in the area of the park, or in some of the nearby areas and although well cleansed, it appears quite tainted to the visitor as part of the effect of the 'Hidden Glade'. The site is a relatively new caern and rose to construction during the first World war when human population had been depleted from the Great War. The site was unpopular for the original Fianna and Get owners and over the years the Bone Gnawers bred their way into a power base at the caern, until it comprised of only Bone Gnawers. As City Father grew the Bone Gnawers worked with him which allowed him a focus at the caern, which remains to this day. The War Memorial which brought so much human attention allowed the spirit inside to gain a high level of sentience and power which allowed it in the 1950's to become the caern totem. Still today it accrues much an abundance of power from the public pilgrimage to the site that the caern's moot cycle is closer to 7 weeks than a monthly one. The totem itself is the biggest curiosity. 'War Hero', a 20 foot bronze statue speaks in English and is constantly active and wanders around the caern in the penumbra. It is rarely on the pedestal where the actual statue resides and builds relationships with garou like a normal human, playing football, going fishing, even painting and juggles old style hand grenades and has a keen interest in the cinema, which the Bone Gnawers routinely set up for him. As such the antiquated spirit has educated itself in modern culture. As it is always active, it takes turns in protecting the Bawn and even helps in caern defence at the Moot when it 'pretends' to become dormant. It even understands its existence as totem and statue and makes jokes about disliking pigeons. Theurges even don't believe the stories unless they go see the statue themselves, which makes it a marvel of the Garou world. 'War Hero' is a surprisingly tolerant totem to all other spirits, only getting hostile with Wyrm spirits. The caern adopts the policy of leaving your mortal life when becoming a member and the new member must take a garou 'deed' name. All deed names have to be London Underground stations, but they may also aquire a more traditional deed name to go alongside their caern name. The caern votes in their leaders, unheard of in other septs. It's shield is not cicular, but more of an oblong and only visible from the inside.
Visitors: The caern has few visitors save a few Silent Striders and other Bone Gnawers. The caern adopts a take what you need attitude and does not punish any type of theft. As such, items that have been in possession for more than a month earn the prefix 'Heirloom' which also tends to instigate someone taking it. This passing around of all goods is very helpful for sept life as all tend to get what they need and don't tend to get overly obsessive over possessions. This life style that makes a healthy, supportive balance of life in the caern is deplorable though to other garou and makes the place actively avoided. However, the Bone Gnawers are happy with this and they sell what information they need to get any additional supplies. The park has a lot of human visitors, especially to the war memorial and 'Speakers Corner'.
Place of Power: Due to the high power o fthe caern in a small compact area, spirits tend to be more active and potent. Any hunting of pigeons in the bawn tend to give more spiritual energy than other spirits. The caern holds an area called 'Speaker's Corner' which allows people to speak their mind in the physical. The same is true in the Penumbra, where garou can say what's on their mind there without risking punishment for it.
System: Any Sacred Hunts of pigeons in the area of the caern tend to give twice as much gnosis back than normal. Garou meditation done at the statue's base or its location gives back twice as much gnosis than other areas. Spirits summoned in the caern are generally not over ridden by the totem, meaning rites performed in the bawn that normally require gnosis can often have their costs reduced by 1.