Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
Sept of the Stormy Isle
Caern Leader: Charlie Robinson Totem: Oyster-Catcher
Caern Guardian: 'Diphtheria' Secondary Totem: Seal/Walrus
Theurge: 'Powercut' Location: Bardsey Island, Wales
Charlie Robinson: Shadow Lord, Philodox, Rank 3, 6ft 1’ Tall, Adren, 30 Years Old, With a face etched in cracked stone and brown swept back hair, his family line can be traced alongside the line of English Shadowlords and carries the marks to show it. In garou form he has a few 'tears-of-gaia' scars from the caern's creation. Having a difficult early garou life, he finally came to help with the forming of this caern, from which he was chosen as the leader. He's a general nice guy that focuses a little too much on being a nice guy. He makes an awkward leader for the caern but has only a little resistance to his leadership, although he is often questioned on his decisions. Charlie has had to make some tough decisions during his time at the caern and seems to shoulder that burden, tending to over think and second guess his own decisions. He was requested to form the Shadow Lord front for the caern and had now become its sole member as the original Caern Guardian was either waylaid or killed before arriving at the Caern. Charlie relies heavily on the people below him to sort out many caern issues and the kin support for this caern is far greater than for most other caerns. Charlie prefers to dress smart choosing suits as his main attire but has taken to incorporating turtlenecks in his tenure at Bardsey Island.
King Lothar says: He's tiny and he ain't truthful and that good at hiding the fact. A Strong caern needs a strong leader. Good leaders need a kicking to make em better.
Father Wimbish says: Sometimes indecisive and sometimes over talkative but always puts his people first.
'Diphtheria' : BoneGnawer, Ahroun, Rank 2, 6ft Tall, 24 Years old, A seemingly well dressed BoneGnawer from the Sept of the Cardboard Box. Before coming here, most of his life was within France and the Sept named. He was involved with saving the caern during the Nexus Crawler incident there and as such has some connections with the Head Theurge. He is a hard man and very combat ready, far beyond his rank and forms a capable defence for the caern. Tending to be a silent at times, but when he talks it is with a reason and his opinions are abrupt and to the point. His rage remains close to the surface and he is not the most tolerant of the garou. He is the newest of the Caern leadership and is still finding his feet around the social circles. He wears the same old suit he arrived with, which he tries to keep well presented.
Highnote says: Dippy ain't no hippy when he gives some lippy. Mood ain't that good, wearing his tramp's hood. Mean-a-while, there's no smile when he's spitting bile. A bard he finds hard...no love for the Gall-E-ard. Diphtheria is a mindless beast. We all know it.
Slaver says: Dwesses nice for 'gnawer an' I like he don't talk much good like me. Few words...lots of thoughts Nana said.
'Powercut': Get-of-Fenris, Theurge, Rank 4, 6,2ft tall, 32 years old. A tall dark man with greying hair and a weathered face. Born from a line of french Shadowlords he never took that path and instead embraced the Fenrir. He helped his pack settle a dispute between the Glass Walkers and the Sept of the Cardboard Box over moot privileges. It got out of hand and he lost a few of his pack mates in the conflict. This still affects him to this day. He then later moved to the Caern of the Red Tower, located in the Pink Granite Coast (Ploumanach) helping them recovering from the haephodant crisis. He learned from their head theurge, he had been there a few years learning a lot from his mentor developing a deep relationship and a mutual love of gardening. He left after his mentor gave his life to protect the caern and he ended up at odds with his Glasswalker replacement. He has now returned to the UK at King Lothars "request" to run a newly formed caern. 'Powercut' remains a moody, less tolerable elder who spends alot of his time with either totem of the kinfolk, he has a ornate French sabre-Klaive which he has called 'Kirsty', the hilt made from the Bardsey Apple tree. He is a great support for Charlie, but remains his biggest critic non-publicly. He has started wearing the green uniform of the island more due to his time with the kin.
'Matt' Gordon Matthew Atherton-Smythe says: Too intense - needs to get laid more.
King Lothar says: A Fenrir with no love for Shadowlords or Glasswalkers and a capable theurge at that. Probably wasted on an island caern, but he is developed enough for a place of his own.
Aoife 'Highnote': Fianna, Galliard, Rank 2, 5ft 7’ tall, 21 years old. A pretty Irish strawberry blonde who loves life, love and song and lives the Fianna way. Sent from the Sept of the Ever-Flowing Cup with two other Fianna, she is the jewel in the crown - a Fianna with the pure blood of that line. Her temper can surface just as easy and she has her fang dagger close to hand in case of trouble. Capable of playing many songs, she has a clear, crisp voice and a bubbly smile and a very unoffensive nature. Loved by many she makes a great spokesperson for the caern and reminds all of what a British garou should be like. A real treasure for this caern she is the Talesinger and often gets send on diplomatic missions. She is having an affair with Daria, the first pack's inexperienced theurge and if the Elders know about it, they turn a blind eye. Highnote has a great future ahead of her if she can get by without offending Charlie or the Guardian Diphtheria. Highnote wears more practical gear for traveling and work and flowing dresses for the social she loves.
'Wordy' says: Yup.
Daria says: Supportive and kind, the lady knows how to show a good time and is my best friend here and one person I could not do without.
Tristan 'Remembers-in-Silence' Gilbert: Silver Fang, Galliard, Rank 2, 5ft 11’ tall, 24 Years old, a blonde short haired, fine featured gentleman. Tristan's past is a mystery and he is not the most talkative by nature. His first pack were all lost in a penumbral realm and what happened remains locked in Tristan's head. He can never talk about it. He acts as a very capable Keeper of the Land and provides beach combing, house maintenance with the islands non-kin site manager, whom he is in a relationship with. So far, the pair have handled all threats from storms, aggressive wildlife and water crisis with a skip in the stride. Tristan is very highly regarded for the tasks he does on Bardsey and is fondly seen by kin, island residents and the animals with whom he can converse via gift. He was even awarded a minor fetish by a Seal spirit! It is certain his future here will be important for the caern's evolution but it remains unseen if he will keep this position or search for higher reaches. The tribe, although encouraged by his capability, are not happy with a Silver Fang gardener. Tristan often wears the islands uniform, particularly when the island is in tourist season.
Steven Jackson says: What a dude! He saved my boxers from one of those angry seals when they went for me and was even discreet about the event to Monika. I don't need to lose any more face there!
Cabaret says: A garou with pure blood of one of legendary heroes should not be a gardener. He has the fur to lead caerns and the capability to win wars. They put him to work little picking...what a horrific insult.
Darren 'Eyes-Across-The-Water Gayle: Children-of-Gaia, Philodox, Rank 2, 5ft 10’ tall, unknown age, A shaved head and occasionally some facial hair, he has a light weight frame and likable nature. The Sept of the Green sent him to progress his skills and he has a low level of pure breed from one of the minor lines there. Darren has had a pretty sheltered upbringing and this is his first real trial of responsibility - being the First packs leader. He is a capable philodox, but struggles with the strong ahrouns in the first pack, trying to do the right thing but lacking the physical power to compete with them. Darren is not fully happy with his first placement, making a home on the island but has made no real friends there. He loves the island, its sights and sounds and seems respected by the leaders of the caern but is keenly aware he needs to do better. Darren wears jeans and short arm tops when warm or polo-necks in cold weather.
Daria says: He tries, but I am find him trying and I feel he is jealous of the time I spend with Highnote.
'Wordy': Get-of-Fenris, Ahroun, Rank 2, 5ft 11’ Tall, Age 21, Strong jawed and severe with cropped hair and few emotions the image of a veteran soldier. Another Helsby Hill garou and one that has strong admiration from the King of England for his dedication and the fact he never complains about any hardships. 'Wordy' rarely speaks unless he has to, preferring speech in simple short sentences only when necessary. His garou name came from a pack's rite of accomplishment where he gave a long, quality and uncharacteristic speech on his packmates behalf which impressed the listeners. He seems to have little personal drive but prides himself with his combat ability and favors guns and knifes, of which he has many In his first month at this caern he quickly disabled and killed a Silent Strider Adren when he recovered a kidnapped kinfolk, stunning his own pack when things went South. The Fenrir is the second in command of the First pack. 'Wordy' wears simple military khakis.
Tony says: Ha! 'Wordy' is decent, a proper military man. You know where you stand with him and is likely to let you know if you piss him off.
Lord Gilliat says: An unquestioning grunt who makes a good tool but lacks the forward thinking skills that makes an effective garou.
'Drives-like-a-Madman': Fianna, Ahroun, Rank 1, METIS, 5ft 11’ Tall, Age 17, A black-orange furred metis with distorted jaw and malformed face. 'Drives' has had a rough life, his parents put to death and then raised at Sept of the Ever-Flowing Chalice keenly reminded he was always a metis. He has little experience of dealing with the human world and has limited experience with the garou world as well. He has dealt with this by being quiet and withdrawn preferring the company of animals and spirits who don't judge him. He is unable to speak easily and tends to rely on lupus body language as his malformed jaw does not allow jaw control and gives him a distorted and hard to follow speech. He is the first packs Omega. 'Drives' has some human clothes bond to him, but he prefers the penumbra and his war form.
Daria: Fianna, Theurge, Rank 1, 5ft 10’ Tall, Age 16, A dyed pink haired Eastern European Fianna with round face and a pretty smile. Daria has just completed her Rite of Passage and is quite young and inexperienced tending to be sensitive and emotional. She lacks real confidence and takes teaching from Powercut but she is nervous about the serious and intimidating Get-of-Fenris. She spends much time with the other Fianna and some thing is having a lesbian affair with 'Highnote'. If this is so, the elders turn a blind eye possibly due to the well-liked Fianna Galliard having such status here. Daria is the First pack's spiritual support and is learning very much on the job. She struggles with Darren as a character and the two ahrouns tend to think of her as the pack's 'weak link' which she is keenly aware of. Daria has a Klaive which she keeps relatively quiet - but all caern members know of it. She wears some sexy clothing, but not always weather appropriate for the nature of the caern.
'Matt' Gordon Matthew Atherton-Smythe says: She seems clever. Needs to be more confident.
Darren 'Eyes-across-the-Water' says: She thinks I don't like her, but its not true. She can just be awkward and you have to tread on egg shells when about her. Easily hurt and easily offended and you are likely to not stop hearing about it.
Hadya Dariz: Silent Strider, Theurge, Rank 1, 6ft Tall, Age 18, A Sudanese curly haired girl who had a troubled start in the garou World. One of the children of 'Buries-the-Dead' and a beloved Uktena kinfolk she has plenty of unofficial support from her mother. After a troubled start in Caern of the Seabird and Sept of Sherwood she come under the support aide of Heifel who trains and supports the young theurge. Close to her wolf nature she is a troubled garou still and not a supportive member of garou society. Now packless, she has looked for a caern to have spiritual support while she develops her skills as a Silent Strider. She is the caerns Silent Strider and a communication aide for the caern. Hadya loves her weather beaten traveling gear, bought in Egypt when traveling with Heifel around the European countries.
Laura 'Mouse' West says: Hadya is always watchful and seems to never sleep. Shame, cause if she did - we might have more fun.
Peresphone: Black Fury, Theurge, Rank 2, 5ft 11’ Tall, Age 19, A pretty, Greek Fury from Caern of the Last Days who has recently been trained and now is looking for pack or caern for development. Her hair is often held up in a bun and has slightly olive skin. Not much is known about her as the Caern of Last Days does not let many details out off their walls. It is believed she is the child of a kin and human restaurant owner on the Isle of Man and is far more tolerant of others unlike many of the Last Days garou. The strong links at this caern to the Black Furies is probably the reason why she was sent here and she occasionally returns to her home caern for moot and tribal gatherings. The caern's newest member and has taken the role of 'Master of the Howl' and her Wyld strengths help her run the caern's moots. Peresphone loves a variety of European clothing, most of which is bound to her allowing her to change her style far more than the usual garou and she really does dress for the occasion.
Hepecarter says: A young woman, with heart and mind solidly locked and grounded. She will do much in a quiet backwater caern for the local people and make the site a true Heaven on Earth.
The Caern: Formed in the early months of 2016 the site is a beautiful and savage place showing that an area can still be ravaged by the energies of the Wyld. Storms and bad weather is common and the site is a place of special scientific interest due to the rare species on the island - some which can be found no where else. Thousands of birds, seals and even dolphins call the place home and the caern has no electricity with little light pollution. Even the lighthouse has limited use. Life can be hard in the Winter when they have to survive on supplies. The island has a boat which ferries people back and forth ran by an ex-military man called Tony. About a third of all journeys get cancelled though due to terrible weather. A small number of kin live on the island and a few non-kin humans who maintain the site or do active research. Currently people can rent rooms on the island and this remains a source of funding, but this might change in the future as the caern becomes more isolated. The secondary totem is focused in a single seal which appears in the physical and the penumbra called Bernie which is very approachable and domesticated. Occasionally when being defensive this seal becomes the protector Walrus, which certainly is not domesticated! The caern's totem is free wandering, but will rest in its nest - a large dual personality War spirit Oyster-catcher slowly gaining intelligence as the caern's energies grow. The site is linked to both Pangaea and the Abyss. Occasional 'Green Mists' from the Wyld energies flood the caern and restore gnosis and these can make Moot dates unpredictable. A cave, alleged Merlin's tomb called Hermit's Cave is a backdoor to the Abyss and a serious threat for the caern going forward. Most investigations into the Cave have yielded no fruit into ways of solving the problem. The island is the home for thousands of Christian spirits (the Islands nick name is the Isle of 20,000 Saints) and these also can cause problems with the caern as they don't tend to get on with the Pagan spirits here and battle to recover their abbey which is dissected by the caern's shield. Most of caern life revolves around Cristian - the Bird Observatory and most meetings tend to happen there. The Southern farm is controlled by humans and the islands kin now have a more active role in garou life than you would normally see in other caerns. The caern shields colour varies from Blue/Green to Blue/White depending on the mood, dates and strength of the caern's spirits. The caern takes financial support from the Shadowlords, some spiritual assistance from the Get-of-Fenris but Black Fury spirits dominate the moods of spirits here. The caern makes a few specialised fetishes and talens including a short term talen called a 'Rage Feather' which allows easy access to rage restoration. Several of the caern's members are now involved with this, despite this the caern is over-crowded and spiritual energy is at a premium often causing arguments and power squabbles. Despite having a section of the caern underwater - it does not cause a defence issue for the garou and moots are rarely opposed - not even by the troublesome Rokea in the South.
Visitors: Caern's traffic has died down since its creation as the site becomes more familiar and the owners have become less social. A few Silent Striders still come here and a few gift or rite seekers. A few even hope to take advantage of the sites easy accesses to Pangaea or The Abyss or its sweat lodge for healing - not all succeed as its assets are held tightly by Leadership. Few come for support of the moots as rarely is gnosis given to visitors - something at the caern saps precious gnosis in moots -something out there...in the water. What they do have is given to the caern's active members. The caern has few threats - so Glory tends to be hard to get for visitors and what little there is tends to go to the Caerns Guardian and those taking part in the revels. It is said the caern is supportive for ronin, metis and other social outcasts and they do occasionally get visits from the down-trodden seeking some benefit. A few come to acquire a new fetish or get a talen for trade - however all fetishes made here tend to be historical and never an item of the Weaver. Some rare Dark Ages fetishes also surface here.
Places of Power: Sweat Lodge. Inside the shield, existing only in the penumbra is a simple and crudely made structure. It's a small box room which can be heated below to vaporize the water stored inside. Rumor has it that the lodge can cure women, both kin, human or garou of a variety of illnesses and disease. Even mental problems can be cured - a kin on the island was cured when she bathed in the lodge itself. The Sweet lodge is blessed by Pegasus which is presumably why the lodge has no effect on men. A Spanish Uktena garou came here recently to try and get cured of her harano, but the attempt failed. Whether it was because Pegasus did not find her worthy - or harano is a step too much for the lodge.
Hermit's Cave. A small cragged cave, larger in the penumbra than the physical and often a home for several ancestor spirits who reside here. The cave has a 'Hall of Wonders' often most of the things in there is garbage, but occasional a fetish or talen can be found lying about in there. People think this is one of the ways that the caern makes so many talens and fetishes within a calendar month and certainly this is an answer for the rare fetishes of Roman history. However, the caern's Talesinger is a lover of ancient lore and traditions and he claims the credit for their production. Either way, the caern's Moonstones come from here as the cave's darkness leads down to the Abyss so no journey to the cave should be taken lightly.
Fallen: There was four French garou, 2 Fianna, a Shadowlord and a Silver Fang who died during the caern's creation who are buried in the Hall of Hallowed Heroes.
Completes-the-Task - a Get-of-Fenris Ragabash from the Sept of the Seven Hammers in Norway who died in London defending one of the islands kin. He was killed by formori armed with Silver. He is buried in the Hall of Hallowed Heroes.