Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
The Caern Of The Camper's Tent (Wentnor, Shropshire)

Caern Leader: Matt Hopper Totem: Peacock
Caern Guardian: Pete Marshall Secondary Totem: Ram/Sheep
Theurge: Harkitan Sabh-Haun or ‘H’ Location: Wentnor (open)
Caern member profiles
Steve Milton: Shadow Lord, Philodox, Rank 4, 5ft 9’ tall, 52 years old, whitened Brown hair and a friendly face. He has changed his ideals over the years and is no longer a role model Shadow Lord; he is far more approachable and friendly. He is an un-well Garou, his time is running out, he suffers from Jaundice, a liver failing illness. Despite garou resistance to such illness his immune system is now so impaired that he is starting to show signs of it requiring to spend more time regenerating. This has caused Matt to take leadership from him. Although a good negotiator, famed diplomat and a people person his status as a warrior leader his ability is limited. He is one of the most popular of the caern members and Matt often uses this when he needs to cajole the masses. He wears casual old brown trousers and striped or chequered shirts and often seen in a white overall. All appear well used. He often has a friendly smile which has been more strained of late due to illness.
Matt Hopper: Shadow Lord, Ahroun, Rank 4, 5ft 10’ tall, 53 years old, short cropped whitened hair and a goatee beard. He is a classic Shadow Lord and represents the physical power of the Caern, and this is beginning to manifest itself since he has acquired leadership. Failure is not an option, all ideals, however high need to be met. He has a reputation of being a little 'rough' when dealing with people and is quick to remind people that 'Power breeds respect'. Still he has a sharp mind for strategy and deception which has aided the caern over the years. His loyalty to Gaia has never been questioned. Leadership is flexible with him and Steve, but if Matt had plans...nobody would know. His knowledge is high and he is a good judge of character but is not a favourite member of the Caern, in fact, it would not be unfair to say he is disliked. Dresses similar to Steve, but his clothes are fresh and sharp and often with a tie. He is also often seen wearing reading glasses, although it appears he does not seem to need them. People surmise it is to show signs of intelligence or a false sense of weakness.
Harkitan Sabh-Haun or ‘H’: Uktena, Theurge, Rank 4, 5 ft 8’ tall, 48 years old, he is a Middle Eastern Indian Uktena, who has a bit of a chip on his shoulder. Although the most approachable of the three Elders he can be easily upset by even the most tenuous comment on nationality or ethnicity. He has many plans and a huge spirit network of information gatherers. He is presently pushing for the unification of the tribes, but will most certainly fail without the support of the other Key Garou in the English caerns and septs. He is friendly with Marianna Barclay and will often spend his free time at Manchester. People suggest it is all in aid of unification, but others would slur him by suggesting there is a darker purpose to his visits. Historically, he does not like many of England's Silent Striders accusing them of lacking the purity that is required of Gaia's Chosen. He wears a turban and suit, has the air of a professional and still has friendship links with the human world mainly from the Gurdwara. Although not a Sikh anymore - he does show favouritism to those in the human world that follow that faith.
Jenny Price: Fianna, Galliard, Rank 2, 5ft 9’ tall, 30 years old. a thin Irish girl with a petite figure. Her accent is quite strong and she enjoys her Alcohol, food, men, songs and company (in that order). Although catholic she has a dark past with lots of colourful stories if she was too tell them. She does her best to keep off excesses but is a bit of a party animal.The stories often change in the retelling with parts of the story being amplified or omitted. Kinfolk talk of her very fondly and she is the representative of the caern with dealings in the human world. She has a strong art background, was trained as a teacher, has a degree in Art and holds an advisor position within the council. She uses her position to effect proposals for road works that would come too close to the caern and damage the environment. She keeps good links with the City Streets pack and often calls on them for assistance with finances and pulling strings within human law. Recently she has been receiving pressure to become a mother and do her duty for the war with new children. She often wears colour banded jumpers and arty clothes with her hair back.
Howard Carr: Children of Gaia, Philodox, Rank 2, 5ft 11’ tall, 26 Years old, attractive brown haired gent, tends to have trends or fads and is a slave to fashion. Jenny’s best friend and former pack mate from the earlier years. He is quiet and keeps secrets to himself but is knowledgeable and well versed with music and the finer points of garou law. He is also a little sad and morose and this is often reflected in his artworks. Theories abound to why this maybe, dead packmates, a fallen lover or the missing days of wanderlust and freedom. Whatever it is, he keeps it under his hat and does his duty, often giving the air of a higher rank. He is a lore keeper of the caern, a post he shares with Jenny due to personal interest. He can get jibbed as 'The Galliard that never was' by 'The Barking Bitches' Pack whom he quietly tolerates. Realistically, he is the most likely candidate for promotion at the caern and is said to have the ear of the Caern's elders. He dresses in high fashion, commonly wearing several T-shirts.
Claire Cooper: Children of Gaia, Galliard, Rank 2, 5ft 4’. 19 years old. Bubbly and cute red-brown haired girl, innocent and a little immature. She has been slow to build security at the caern but is now finding her feet and still her immaturity can often get her into trouble. She adopts funny little sayings that are the in-joke between her and Hailey the remains of the 'Barking Bitches' pack. The two of them are often inseparable and they will often deal with Wyrm issues for the caern as a pack still. She has been used in the past with other adopted cliaths and pups as a pack leader for the caern's active pack, a role which may yet be revived. She wears fashionable clothes often a new item every week, spending in excess of £400 a week. She has a strong minded fashion sense and often a sharp tongue for those that don't meet up to her standards. Trainers, tight tops and tracksuit bottoms of other figure hugging items are some of the clothes of choice, although she can also be seen in ballroom gowns and dressed to impress at the races. Her greatest asset is that she is Matt Hopper's favoured caern member and he often allows her to get away with as much as a ragabash.
Hailey Woodcraft: Black Fury, Ragabash, Rank 2, 5ft 7’ tall, 21 Years old, Not the traditional Black Fury, she concerns herself more with women’s rights within the countryside and is a promoter of fox hunting within the local community. She is bubbly and up for a laugh, puts herself out amongst the kinfolk, and is recognisable by her poor complexion. Still, she is a Black Fury and has a low tolerance and can be quick to anger. She lost some of her original pack mates during her early years which she still reminisces over. Links with the Black Furies in the Isle of Man is still strong with her and occasional visitors here are for this reason. She dresses in similar fashions as Claire and has similar mannerisms and they often act as twins even though they share no blood. They are unlikely to leave this caern as they are happy and content and have found a place in life. The two form the renamed ‘Wishbone’ pack, specialising in social and intelligence missions with Ram as the totem.
Rob Gunning: Fianna, Galliard, Rank 3, 5ft 10’ tall, 20 years old, A keen musical talent who shies away from actually flaunting his talent, although is often called on by caern members to perform. Round faced but attractive with spiky mid length hair, dressing in baggy clothes, often with shorts showing. He is funny and jovial and pleasant to be with if you can get to know him. He often sings and plays in the Green, to a local audience, never to people he does not know. His lack of confidence ekes into his Caern life and the attitude can be problematic in open or closed moots. He is not a good Galliard, and finds it hard to progress and has found the role of 'Moral Officer' at the caern and the 'Keeper of the Land' which he has had varying success with.
Dave Coombes: Star Gazer, Theurge, Rank 2, 5ft 11, 22 years old, A chiselled face Garou often with a day’s worth of stubble and wearing a baseball cap. He is a talented Theurge and has some good prospects but he is quiet and uncommunicative to all but the spirits, a situation he likes and maintains, although he has held more of a dialogue with Uktena that visit. This can often be shown by his tendency to talk with himself quietly or with unseen spirits making him 'odd' with human kinfolk. It looks likely his Garou name will be 'Holds-Secrets' and is a good secondary caern theurge to 'H'. He is often found in the umbra and continues an investigation into weaver spirits and war spirits that wander into the area. His technical skills are paramount and has Cockroach as a personal totem. Wears high quality fashionable but comfortable clothes and seems to enjoy spending time on public transport, an infatuation that is probably linked to his interest in the Weaver.
Pete Marshall: Get-A-Fenris, Ahroun, Rank 3, 6 ft tall, 22 years old, a very good-looking man from Southport with a scouse accent and a lively jovial personality. He often dresses as a scally and can be seen with a gold chain, or rings. He has a nice temperament though while sober and may well make Guardian one day. His persona changes though when he drinks, he becomes prone to violent mood swings and frenzies. He is trying to combat this but loves the booze but has often used the drink to harness the berserker rage within him. He is not affiliated with Sept of the Flying Death, nor any of the garou there his family originally coming from Eastern Europe and has no fondness for his weaver loving fellow tribe mates in England. This attitude has given him the nick name of 'The Social Get' which he has begun to adopt as a garou name. Matt has a fondness for him but the relationship is strained off late. often seen in white track suit
Zoe: Shadow Lord, Galliard, Rank 3, 5 ft 10’ tall, 22 years old, a very good-looking women, she is also a flirt and tease. Being a bit immature and very opinionated she often says or does things that puts her in trouble, her skill as a Shadow Lord is always managing to wrangle her way out of it. She is liked by the young Garou but there is a mutual hatred between her and the three Elders which she has to often work against when trying to gain favours. She is affiliated with Sept of the Castle and underwent some of her training there though there is no evidence to link her with the Kendrick line and the alliance seems to be one of mutual gain. She wears revealing tops and clubbing clothes almost all the time and always has kinfolk on her arm. In recent news she may be expecting her first child, the father is not yet known.
The Caern: A relativity new comer to the World of Caern’s. According to the Galliards it was originally a Fae Caern that has been taken by hostile Shadow Lords and slowly evolved into a gaian caern. This is hotly denied by the present Elders who say the Lupus Theurge ‘Fur gnarl’ created it with the help with a mythical group of werewolves before 'Fur gnarl' disappeared into the penumbra. There is some spiritual truth to this story, but no practical evidence or any surviving members who were around to ask. It is easily defended due to the low intensity of Wyrm in the area, and the Caern is not hidden, it has an ‘Open’ policy providing the applicants have the ear of the Totem Peacock and also of the Elders. The Caern is situated in a large rural campsite, in a village of only hundreds. The ‘Green’ is the name of the area and of the kinfolk tavern that supports the close-knit community. It is difficult to buy into the area as most houses are not for sale and the land to each house greatly increases the value. The Wyrm has tried to build motorways through the area but has been foiled on many an occasion. The Caern totem has sufficient power to be able to manifest permanently in the penumbra and will wander freely about the caern. The physical site also has a large selection of peacocks that also have free run of the site. They are relatively tame, curious and confident enough to make off with peoples parts of peoples lunch.
Visitors: Moot times tend to bring the largest number of visitors but the caern is not on the main route or especially popular. Silent Striders do come but they have become fewer over the years with the most common visitors to the caern being Glass walkers or Black Furies with business with the caern members. Shadow Lords can also come here, but it is far less frequent and more notable when they do. The caern can get attention though from young and uprising garou and has become a common place to come for young garou looking for residence, rank challenges and the lower ranked gifts. This though is not missed on the elders who have begun to take a negative look on this slowly building reputation of the caern. There is no chance of this caern becoming a sept with the current Shadow Lord leadership and politically it earns some respect for this.