Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.

Changes Part 1
Session 1
In attendance
Darryl - Agansu Oladepi (Silent Strider, Theurge)
Henry - Keith 'Haywire' Snipe (Pup - Suspected Glasswalker Theurge)
Richard Rae - Jason Smith (Shadow Lord, Ragabash)
Andrew - Zbignov (Children of Gaia, Ragabash)
Richard 'Matrix' Cameron - Sebastian 'Seb' Richards (Bonegnawer, Ahroun)
Gareth - 'Watches-the-Lake' (Silver Fang, Philodox, LUPUS)
(Guest player/ST) Raja - 'Howl of the Death-Wolf' (Children of Gaia, Theurge, LUPUS)
In the Penumbra the new Sept of the Glade had gathered for a rite to honour their totem, gathered where some new faces awaiting a meeting with the acting leader. Marianna Barclay disrobed and stepped into the hollow grassland auditorium and approached the broken fountain - the caern's spiritual heart. Taking the role of the naked virgin to awaken the broken fountain and allow the graceful unicorn to arrive, she cajoled the totem by using the silent language of the unicorn via spirit speech. Unicorn, hesitant at first was lured further as she avoided eye contact directly and when it approached close enough she sacrificed some of her gnosis to the spirit by placing her hand under its mouth, feeding it directly. The Unicorn disappeared in a flash leaving the caern raining down small particles of 'snow', the spiritual dust of gratitude from the Unicorn. The rite completed, Marianna was given robe by Rob Mitchell and she was ushered away.
Young cliaths and a pup where led to one of the guest tents selected for the council meeting. One of the cliaths was a lupus and he had struggled to understand the odd gestures and grimaces of Rob Mitchell but followed him anyway. The cliaths stepped inside, lifting the coloured flap. Seated inside was Marianna Barclay in a long patterned dress, and going from right to left, Rob Mitchell (Caern Theurge), Space-on-Disk and Hard Drive (City Streets pack - Sept of the Tower), Stephen Rothman (Fenrir Delegate), Howl of the Death Wolf (Caern's lupus correspondent) and to the left of Marianna, a disinterested 'Broken Tooth' (Caern Guardian). The cliaths seated between the two lupus on the pillows and blankets.
Marianna spoke first in English, then remembering her courtesy, she shifted to a small lupus and asked how 'Watches-the-Lake' preferred to talk. He replied that he would prefer to talk with garou speak, so all present turned to their war form, greatly restricting space in the tent. Space-on-Disk paid attention to 'Haywire's coat, and let slip her disappointment in his colour to the keen eyed of the group. Marianna welcomed them all, discussed that they needed a first pack to change the opinion of the caern as one that could earn glory. She briefly discussed the local threats in each of the four quadrants, (Formori pits in the South, Illegal Frakking in the East, Bane pits in the North) and recommended that the group did not engage in open warfare against the vampire strongholds in the West. She also discussed that pack independence was important and that reports should be given verbally to her every 3 days, and battle plans discussed with the Caern Guardian. This independence would be shown by them sorting their own Rite of Totem, leadership stance, arranging their own quarters on caern and off caern and a meet with City Father who may have a task for them. If they did not take their offer then they may spend their remaining 48 hours of guest time before moving on. She asked all independently if they had an agreement on these terms. All of those present agreed. Howl of the Death Wolf led them out, so that the Council could continue the day's matters.
They went to choose a tent from the many assembled around the caern's inner heart. The one selected, was previously taken by 'Haywire'. Here they debated the leadership of the group, A sometimes heated debate, which caused 'Watches-the-Lake' to howl the Litany. Eventually a more diplomatic leadership was taken, with a war leader, a spokesmen and a spiritual leader going to 'Seb', 'Watches-the-Lake' and Zbignov/Agansu respectively. Also was discussed was the choice of rite-master with 'Howl of the Death Wolf' being asked. This conversation lasted a while until Ian Henries barged in and asked if they wanted to see him yet. He was annoyed by the Bonegnawer asking who he was, then announced he would be happy to perform the rite in the Northern side of the caern when they assembled. To this Agansu asked if he would perform the Rite of Totem for them. Henries accepted and gave them their hour to prepare. 'Howl of the Death Wolf' deferred to the higher rank and did little to argue his point.
As people left to prepare for the Rite 'Watches-the-Lake' locked eyes with an old haggled crone with staff and tattered black robes. Unwittingly, he soon became locked in a stare-down he did not want to back down from. The hour passed for him quickly... while children played ball about them and some kin put their washing out to dry. 'Seb' left caern, stepping sideways then looked for his clothes and went door knocking local residents for some cheese. A kindly old lady helped and he made a note of her address. He used the Wensleydale to feed his fetish rat, before returning to caern. Jason Smith used the time to buy up the rat collections of two pet shops. Zbignov made a chimera puzzle drawing. while Agonsu prayed for religious intervention.
Zbignov went to speak with Henrys about Rite details and soon learned the Silent Strider's plan to hold the Rite at Sherwood forest. The CoG knew enough about garou lore to know the details of the caern there and what they may have planned, so he dismissed the Silent Strider rudely and went to inform the others of Henrie's plan. Quickly, they united against him (apart from 'Watches-with-Lake' who continued his stare-down with the crone. Agansu, speaking for his mentor Ian Henries suggested they should go and meet the 'Sept of Sherwood' as requested and to arrange this, until the arguing brought anger to the lupus 'Howl of the Death Wolf' who stormed out. 'Seb' quickly challenged the Theurge and he backed down to the ahroun and then the group had unity. They went outside following the lupus to the site chosen to perform the Rite of Totem, just outside the Sept of the Glade in a forested area. 'Watches-the-Lake' realized the Rite was about to start and conceded the stare-down to Deimos (though both were aware, it could have gone for much longer) and he bounded after the group for the Rite. Henries confronted 'Howl of the Death Wolf', there was an exchange and Henries stormed off leaving the caern.
The area was seeded with Raven feathers, a Chimera puzzle problem, pet Rats which ran about looking for places to hide and even 'Seb's fetish Rat made an appearance all to influence the rite. The Lupus kicked dirt then sang a howl, inviting those with primal urges to join. Some did appropriately, but Zbignov's clumsy howl gave complications, but not enough to spoil the rite. Eight spirits appeared Rat, Chimera. Holy Trinity, Raven, Grain, City Fox, Uincorn and Owl, each making their own dramatic entrance trying to one-up the spirit before them. Presenting themselves, the group quietly spoke about who to choose and used a diplomatic voting system...Chimera won out with Unicorn a close second. The soon to be pack chose Chimera and elected 'Seb' their overall leader, a discussion in English. Arguments pending 'Watches-the-Lake' who stood blissfully by...
The ST was particularly stupid and awarded 2 xp for role-play for first and 1 for runners-up.
Name Glory Honour Wisdom XP
Jason Smith 0 1 2 3
Sebastian 'Seb' Ricards 2 (+1 Ld) 2 3 5 (2 role-play point)
Keith 'Haywire' Snipe 0 2 2 4
Zbigniov 0 0 3 4 (1 role-play point)
Agansu Oladopi 0 3 2 5 (2 role-play point)
'Watches-the-Lake' 1 2 2 4 (1 role-play point)
Guest player/ST - Raja. I will also add, I was very impressed by the role-play level, even by those who did not earn a nomination - probably due to the high level of competition and who was in what became the key scenes.
Changes Part 1
Session 2
In attendance
Darryl - Agansu Oladepi (Silent Strider, Theurge)
Henry - Keith 'Haywire' Snipe (Pup - Suspected Glasswalker Theurge)
Richard Rae - Jason Smith (Shadow Lord, Ragabash)
Andrew - Zbignov (Children of Gaia, Ragabash)
Richard 'Matrix' Cameron - Sebastian 'Seb' Richards (Bonegnawer, Ahroun)
Gareth - 'Watches-the-Lake' (Silver Fang, Philodox, LUPUS)
Gaz - ''Rage Quit' (Glass Walker, Ahroun)
One of the tall tents, bearing a Get emblem was entered and Stephen Rothman was disturbed from crossing his bullets with his knife. The visitor told him that Henrys had stormed of and that they needed to talk.
The spirits assembled awaited the pack decision. The group chatted among themselves and decided who was to say farewell to the un-chosen spirits. Zbignov took initiative and carefully approached Unicorn. He worked his way towards her successfully, talking calmly in English. Agansu was aware of her confusion at the approach but remained silent. Sacrificing a gnosis as chimanage he then backed away from Unicorn, letting her settle back cautiously into her line. Agansu, spoke to 'The Holy Trinity' using spirit speech and the celestial chorus, he informed them of pack decision. Jesus asked God to forgive them as they did not know what they do, then the Trinity left. Jason Smith tried to say goodbye to Raven, but it soon initiated a game of chase the Crow...which he was losing spectacularly. Agansu understanding this blunder, watched silently until he stepped forward to say farewell to Owl. Owl questioned their wisdom in this, but claimed he understood their choice. Unicorn, then guessed what Zbignov had tried to do...and using spirit speech spoke to Agansu asking if he had been dismissed, respectfully he acknowledged the fact. Unicorn explained that they had made an error and in time, they would understand their folly and they would have need of him. Unicorn flashed a last time its beauty light and faded. 'Watches-the-Lake' went to speak to City Fox, but when it patted him on the head and used monkey speak he was a little alarmed by it. City Fox spoke to the group suggesting it's best to end with a song...and sang 'Singing in the Rain' with an umbrella and his own personal thunder cloud...vanishing on the last 'dumty...dum...dum...' Agnasu then translated for Seb dismissing Rat. Rat also acknowledged this, but claimed they would have need of him in time. He patted the brown lupus of Seb on his nose and scurried off. Agansu then explained to Raven the game was over and he had been refused. Out of the selection he took the most offense, claiming that the group carried wealth and lacked wisdom; they were not for him before spreading wings and taking to the air. Lastly, Agansu went to Grain. She was leaning on the large shadow image of the Chimera waving her hips. As Agansu spoke, she offered him a glass of ale which he drank. He then gave Grain the news of refusal
and she promised him, that she would see him again and would once again be under her thrall. With this last depart....Chimera stepped forward.
The mighty heads of Lion, Goat and Dragon lowered and the beast spoke directly to the minds of the listeners asking who was the leader. 'Seb' said it was him, causing immediate upset with 'Watches-the-Lake'. Chimera asked if this was a puzzle, but Seb sorted it out with 'Watches'...at least, for now. The lupus saw the wisdom in this. Chimera adopted a personality for each of the heads and spoke to them in pack status. One head for Wisdom, one for glory and the other for honor.
Dragon spoke to Seb, 'Seb they chose you as leader. There will be many hard decisions ahead. You need to be a leader. Bone Gnawers often fail. You must not.
Goat spoke to 'Watches-the-Lake', 'Hello my darling! Help teach your pack boyo, about their wolf nature. You are creatures of both aspects. The wolf is so often lost.'
Lion spoke to Jason Smith, 'All see you as a liar and a cheat. You can only change this through your good deeds and building trust.'
Goat spoke to Agnosu, 'Oh...helloo Chuck. Balance your heart and Gaia and God. Belief is strength but it can drive you apart. Seek out 'Hand of Bear' and understand where your path leads.'
Lion spoke to Zbigniov, 'The Jackal has given you voice. Your first goal should be to pack unity, then the unity of the tribes. That will test you.
Lastly Lion spoke to 'Haywire', 'Conflict is coming. Decide on who you are and what side you stand. Remember your loyalties to me and to pack.'
With this, Dragon asked them their name, suggesting 'The Pack of the Completed Puzzle', however with a short discussion 'Seekers of the Stone Peace' was taken. With this Chimera gave the blessing of his spirit link and faded away.
The pack started to discuss what was next, when a single Raven in spirit speech told them 'Told you so', confused by this they then turned and were presented with Steven Rothman in his Afrikaans combat gear. He asked who was leader which Seb acknowledged. Rothman gave him no chance to react, pinning him to a tree and placing his fetish blade at his belly. As the pack reacted, Rothman used 'True Fear' and told them to stay back 'waiting their turn'. Turning on Seb in crinos he berated him for offending Henrys, an elder. he highlighted the fact that he may now go away and speak poorly of the New Sept of the Glade. If this got back to Gilliat or King Lothar, then he 'would carve him a flank of dog'. Threateningly he ordered him to find Henrys and apologise before any damage was done. To amplify this, he used Kalindo and changed form to strangle him further crushing his throat to tree. Before serious harm was done he was told to stand down by Deimos appearing as if from no where. When he reprimanded her, she warned him to walk away before he spent his time locked in the gauntlet and that might improve his mood. Rothman left, unwilling to back down and certain his message was clear. Deimos helped up the manhandled Seb. She informed them that Ian Henrys was off to the 'Sept of the Seabird' and that he would be way-laid by her ex-student for 4 days on a fine matter on the decorum of challenges and elder interruptions in challenges that he would not be able to escape. Then he would return to Nottingham as he would be late for a meeting with 'Shotgun', so they had plenty of time to catch him at Seabird or in 4 days at the Sept of Sherwood. She introduced 'Rage Quit' saying he had turned up late for the Rite, and that he might be useful for what was next. Seb thanked her, as she waddled off, she reminded 'Haywire' to listen to totem and that if 'Watches-the-Lake' sniffed her butt, he would spend a week in monkey form.
Seb took lead and said they would see 'City Father' as ordered by Marianna. Heading to the physical, Haywire acquired clothes for those that had none and several pairs for the lupus. Jason borrowed a kin van; a tree surgeons one and then they headed off to meet 'Watches-the-Lake kinfolk aide Roxanna. They went to her house and as she made food and drinks they abandoned her to go to the penumbra, this time Agansu peeked for safety and when it was clear they went through. Rage Quit used a huge net spider (the spirit of the computer) to contact 'City Father' through Skype and asked him to come spending his gnosis. Moments later he appeared, a black and white image of a man, flickering like an old film and dressed in a tweed suit. 'Watches' had no idea who it was, or of his monkey speak. City Father accepted their introductions and told them of his issue with some vandals who were painting up the Old Trafford walls and asked them to make them stop, either through violence and death or strong words. When questioned further, he informed them that they were at it now, costing him money...the pack immediately raced to the van and headed off to the football stadium to find the vandals. Jason was aware of crows watching them on the way.
It was dark when they arrived and night had stole away the day. Driving into the tunnel, they saw the group of five sprayers and they immediately bolted as one of them had been acting as a spotter. The pack gave pursuit, racing past the humorous and stylish vandalism on the walls 'Save Britain - ban X Factor'.
Rage Quit after a pursuit brought down a 17 year old boy, hitting him in the ribs to subdue him. Seb felled a lean elderly man, quickly realising he was a tramp by his smell. The other three kids got away. As Seb pulled him up, he was aware of his tattoos, a bar code on the left wrist and a 'mum' tattoo on the right arm. He questioned him about them, learning his mum was dead and the bar code tattoo could get him food at the homeless shelter. Suspicious, he asked where it was and that the old man believed he worked for a street artist called Bansky. Seb berated him, saying his mum would be ashamed, to encourage him to stop. He then warned the old man, this was his territory and sent him packing without his spray cans and notified the pack of the situation.
Rage Quit waited for support and walked the teenager back in an arm lock. The kid made several attempts to warn his assaulter about how he was 'going to fuck him up' until they got back to the van. They threw him in the back with the wolf (Watches-the-Lake), which scared the life out of him until he became compliant. Seb took his address from his wallet, saying they knew where he lived and they never wanted to see him there again, it seemed to work. Rage Quit demanded a fiver of him, which he got before they let the kid run off. The pack had gotten the address of 'Bansky', a rundown terraced house and of the YMCA in Moss Side.
'Haywire' used google maps to view the 'Bansky' property and also did a run through of the bar code, learning it was not a regular bar code used by any high street shops. He also became aware that his search had alerted someone to him, a person with the handle 'Digital Raven'. He began to make defenses to prevent the new hacker from tracking his IP.
The ST awarded 2 XP for some of the exceptional RP again, 1XP for runners up.
Name Glory Honour Wisdom XP
Jason Smith 0 1 2 3
Sebastian 'Seb' Ricards 1 (+1) 2 2 3 (2 role-play point)
Keith 'Haywire' Snipe 0 1 3 3
Zbigniov 0 1 3 3 (1 role-play point)
Agansu Oladopi 0 2 2 2
'Watches-the-Lake' 0 1 3 4 (1 role-play point)
Rage Quit 0 1 1 2

Changes Part 1
Session 3
In attendance
Darryl - Agansu Oladepi (Silent Strider, Theurge)
Henry - Keith 'Haywire' Snipe (Pup - Suspected Glasswalker Theurge)
Richard Rae - Jason Smith (Shadow Lord, Ragabash)
Andrew - Zbignov (Children of Gaia, Ragabash)
Richard 'Matrix' Cameron - Sebastian 'Seb' Richards (Bonegnawer, Ahroun)
Gareth - 'Watches-the-Lake' (Silver Fang, Philodox, LUPUS)
Gaz - ''Rage Quit' (Glass Walker, Ahroun)
Waiting underneath the tunnel in the van, the pack discussed what to do next, whether to investigate the Bansky house or return (as both Agansu and Zbignov both had agreed to do a caern watch). They decided to return to the caern, as the van pulled away from the area, they became aware man hiding in the darkness at the edge of a street light. Suspicious, Jason pulled over and asked him directions to get back to the motorway. The man was a bald black African who clearly worked out but was nervous at the request for directions and at first hesitant. After a pause he then provided them the directions. Jason Smith drove the tree surgeons van not far away, turned around and went back to see what he was doing. They saw him checking the spray left overs and moving the card cut outs, while conversing on his phone. Zbignov went over to him and he jogged closer towards him as he approached. The black man saw him and then Zbignov bit the man on his head in crinos, before ripping his head off with a savage claw. Blood sprayed everywhere. The Afican's body still twitching, as Zbignov without hesitation grabbed his phone from his pocket and placed the mans severed head into a plastic bag. He went straight back to the van, handing over the phone to 'Haywire' to see what he could find out and the head in the back. The pack then left the crime scene and headed back to the caern. Arriving there, the car park gates were already closed at this point they discussed what to do next. They then discussed about the body and Jason realised it was just a head - and missing a body. Realising that Zbignov had just brought the head, they decided to go back and collect the body. Jason, somewhat begrudgingly at the error turned the van around and made the drive back. They left Zbignov and Agansu behind to do their watch in penumbra and physical respectively.
Arriving at the crime scene, the body of the African had already gone. Jason drove past the blood pool and stopped the van further away allowing Seb and Watches-the-Lake in homid to walk back to check the crime scene. Seb made to be urinating casually as they looked at the mess not wanting to draw attention. Watches could smell the call of the grave in the blood, wanting to go into lupus to track where the body had gone but Seb would not let him. Soon they were disrupted by a couple passing by, Seb tried to beg from them, which ushered them on. They then could sense some wavering of the gauntlet as the penumbra became disturbed. Using Chimera's mindlink they asked Jason at the van further down the road to peek to see into the penumbra. 'Rage Quit' did the honour, despite being low in any spiritual energy. When his eye got through he could see a large foul beast moving past him in the penumbra and the stench and foulness of the corrupted street line, raining black ash, maggots feasting on the death of the road and contaminated net spiders. He told Jason, who past the message on and then headed out of the van to go and check on the leader (activating Blur of the Milky Eye).
Watches and Seb decided to step sideways to investigate, saying it was the Litany to 'Combat the Wyrm where it dwells' taking Rage Quit and Jason with them. Once through, they could see a large foul clown bane squat sitting on a nearby building. It bore the golden arches on its uniform, the area was heavily contaminated and was an image of suffering. 'Watches' grabbed a maggot from the road, its face screamed slightly, so he squashed it causing yellow green ichors to burst out with a high pitched squeal. Turning at this noise, the Ronald McDonald bane saw the lupus and 'Rage Quit', it climbed down from its rooftop perch and moved to attack. The two garou fled but Jason and Seb hid in the shadows unnoticed. As the beast gave pursuit of the lupus, 'Rage Quit' leapt at it from the shadows, catching it a heavy blow that ripped the side of its face and one of its eyes clean out. As it tried to grab him, another flurry of blows came in from Seb. Sensing victory 'Watches' gave a howl of challenge and turned back to fight. The howl had been foolish, it woke a Psychomachae, a bane of pure hate and anger which lept out at the poor lupus separated from his pack. The lupus shifted to hispo and he moved to take on the bane, landing a blow on the beast. It struck back, 'Watches' made to escape but was to slow. The blow severed the hispo in two with one of the sythe claws crippling him in an instant. The fight with the clown bane also seemed to turn as the beast made several attempts to grab the leader of the group and the return claws did little to injury the bane. Realising their pack mate was in trouble Jason headed back to the hispo, while Seb and 'RageQuit' continued their battle against the bane. The fox took over on 'Watches' and he fled, trying to run on just two legs and leaving his flank behind. He trailed his intestines as his new gore tail and bits of it kept catching on hooks and crannies. Jason covering his retreat was surprised when a pack of Black Spirals leapt into battle with the Psychomachae, allowing them to retreat. The rest of the pack leapt away leaving the clown bane looking to see where they had gone with his only remaining 'good' eye.
When the fox ran out, 'Watches' was still in the penumbral image of a park with Jason close by. Unable to change forms due to the heavy extent of his injury, 'Watches' remained in his crinos to regenerate his blood loss as Jason cradling him back to caern on a spirit bridge to the New Sept of the Green. 'RageQuit' and Seb got back first and asked for permission to enter the caern. Ian Henrys let him in (really Zbigniov using Chimera's camouflage gift) and belittled the Bone Gnawer, Seb was taken aback. 'RageQuit' tried to stick up for him, but was verbally cut down. Henrys then stepped back into the shield. Seb after speaking with Freddie Mcdowell (the mad lupus) entered the caern to find Ian Henrys. He could not and spoke briefly with Zbigniov, his packmate still on duty. As he was now becoming suspicious of the ragabash's tricks he questioned him extensively but got no gratification. Not long after the other packmates returned. Seeing the mess of his lupus pack mate, Zbigniov used his precious spiritual energy to power 'The Mother's Touch' to heal some of his injuries. The rest of the pack settled down to sleep, the crippled 'Watches' learning how to do it in hispo and when morning came he was healed again by Zbigniov using the last of his spiritual energy.
Zbigniov and Agansu spent the night on watch, swapping over in the night. Two kinfolk escorted the one in the physical and 'Freddie Mcdowell' followed the penumbral guard. The kin were pleasant enough, but Freddie gave the suspicion that they were being monitored. Agansu saw a watcher spirit and almost battled the spirit before withdrawing. He also went to speak to Oak to learn Mother's Touch. Oak asked him to listen to one of his stories, but Agansu could not honor it, as he had to complete his watch. After a short sleep, he did go back wasting more of his energy to wake the spirit and then spend the half the day listening to the Oak story. At the end of which, he learned the gift. Haywire had spent the day hacking the phone and tracking the calls at the university computer suite. In the large public area he got into contact with the 'Digital Raven' through some kind of 'Mind Speak'. He warned Haywire of the dangers of 'Space-on'Disk' and not to trust Marianna Barclay. Haywire had none of it and left for the safety of the caern. When back, he took some key things and moved into Jason's own house, near the caern. All the pack ,but those still on watch, slept.
In the morning, 'RageQuit', still the loner... had breakfast at the lakes cafe, while Seb, Jason and Haywire breakfasted at Jason's place. When off duty, Agansu and Zbignov went to rest having to sleep in the day. Agansu for a short sleep only as he had to return to Oak to listen to the story. In the early evening the pack assembled deciding what to do next...
The ST awarded 2 XP for some of the exceptional RP again, 1XP for runners up.
Name Glory Honour Wisdom XP
Jason Smith 0 2 1 2
Sebastian 'Seb' Ricards 2 (+1) 2 2 2
'Watches-the-Lake' 0 2 2 2
Rage Quit 1 0 1 3 (2 role-play point)
Keith 'Haywire' Snipe 0 1 3 2
Zbigniov 0 1 2 3
Agansu Oladopi 0 2 2 3 (1 role-play point)
Changes Part 1
Session 4
In attendance
Richard Rae - Jason Smith (Shadow Lord, Ragabash)
Andrew - Zbignov (Children of Gaia, Ragabash)
Richard 'Matrix' Cameron - Sebastian 'Seb' Richards (Bonegnawer, Ahroun)
Gareth - 'Watches-the-Lake' (Silver Fang, Philodox, LUPUS)
Jason sat chatting with 'Watches' and Seb having breakfast at his place, while Zbignov and Rage-Quit sat in front of the lake having breakfast at the cafe as the peddlo dealer was setting up for the day. Rage-Quit explained he had been given a shift of caern watch for the day verbally as the group chatting using Chimera's mind speak. They debated going to see Ian Henrys, the illegal fraking and the 'Bansky' house as requested by City Father. Expecting trouble from it, Jason went on a shopping spree to B&Q for some kitchen knives, fire axe, plastic bags and some spray dispensers with Detol. While he was gone, 'Watches' and Seb bonded while showing the lupus the human way to use the toilet. 'Watches' tried well, but ended up rubbing his droppings into his skin. This then led to using the shower, which encouraged him to return to his lupus form. he tried to bite the water jets and enjoyed the 'massage' of water pressure. Shaking his fur after, dowsing Seb the lupus was clean. 'Watches' thought that his aide could be of use, so the group moved to her house to go and see her when Jason returned with the car.
It was a short drive to the north of the caern and her house showed the affluent nature she had. She asked a few questions of the pack (eager to get input) and how the lupus was getting on, when they inquired about the fraking going on in Northern Manchester, she was a little surprised. After a short search, learned it was planned around Gristlehurt and Clegg words in the old mine shafts, but all plans for this had been thrown out due to public outcry at the project. With no other evidence to go on, they decided to go and look at the 'Bansky' house. Google showed it to be a terrace in Southern Manchester in a rundown area of Moss-side. When dropping the little Google -orange man, it gave some pretty glum shots of an area of deprivation and poverty.
Zbignov back at the caern was left alone when Rage-Quit reported for duty and leaving the bawn and shield. He wanted to go into the penumbra but with no gnosis after his healing, he went to look for a guard to help him 'step sideways'. He found his mentor, Jo Centre on caern watch in her park ranger clothes, with whom he chatted with for some time. When learning she had the Rite of Summoning, he asked if he could learn the rite. She gave him the challenge to acquire 5 specific national related items from around the World. She took him into the penumbra, said farewells and then headed back to her watch in the physical. Zbignov then asked 'Chimera's wisdom head if he could learn spirit speech. Unsure if this was appropriate from within a sponsored pack she decided to let her favoured son try. Expectantly, Goat head set a riddle.
When one is six,
And Six is none.
When Last is First,
The end's begun.
Zbignov said almost immediately it was the pack. Chimera asked if that was his final answer, as it would accept only one. He became hesitant and then continued the approach. Goat head asked him for clarity in the meaning and so he said that the pack was together but not united and that Seb, the last was currently first. He was unsure of the other line. Goat was impressed and asked him to think on the last lines and to search for a spirit to talk with and to do so, he must become the spirit. Zbignov went to look for a bird, hoping for one of Unicorn's brood.
On his search he heard a howl rise up, in the howl he translated the words 'I am Jean De Grace, Third Claw of Gleaming Eye, Children of Dover, Child of Edmure, Slayer of Krak and Bearer of ' La Lumière'. I bid entry into the caern. Zbignov did not let him in as he was not on guard, but continued his search for Dove. In time, he did find a bird, but it was no Dove, it was a Falcon. Falcon seemed disinterested in him, merely turning its head and occasional pruning feathers. So Zbignov climbed a tree and perched himself at equal height across in a neighboring tree. He imitated its movements and this continued for a time, the Falcon taking interest in this odd garou. He could hear no sounds, but could make out noise. This also continued, until noises became words and he began to piece together murmurs of voice. At this point, he'd realised he had learnt the gift. He then chatted with Falcon's Gaffling enjoying thew ability to do so. He was then contacted by his pack, explaining that he was talking with Falcon, the lupus especially was keen to speak with the spirit. The group assembled as Zbignov kept the Falcon busy.
When they arrived Zbignov acted as a go-between and cushioned the hard words of Falcon to the young wolf. When 'Watches' asked to learn a gift, he received a rebuke. Falcon said that the last of a once great house, was underling to a Bone Gnawer, had earned no fame or glory, that he potted around learning human tricks when his ancient ancestors turned in horror at what the house had become. He held himself with no dignity. 'Watches' saddened by this asked why his house had fallen, why had Falcon stopped helping. Falcon had said they had stopped listening to him long ago, and instead chose to listen to other whispers. With no gift and a sense of angry sadness, his pack comforted him. They left Falcon still on his tree, as Zbignov left, Falcon asked to pass a message on to the Great De Grace, which he agreed to do so. 'Tell him the 'Black Wolf' Brimble has need of him. Gaia decrees to take him soon. De Grace should pay his debts before he goes.'
Returning to caern with the pack, Zbignov waited to see the Silver Fang. A small cue had come to greet him after his private audience with Marianna Barclay. He waited in line then when allowed entry into the tent, he introduced himself and passed on the message. De Grace was calm and composed and asked if he was first in his pack. Zbignov said he was not. Then De Grace said he looked forward to speaking with the leader come Guthroth's Day. Seb when learning of this, looked worried. Zbignov left the tent, John Constantine went in after him, refusing the Silver Fang's hand and giving him a big hug as the flaps closed behind them.
As darkness came the pack headed south, Seb stole a van. They traveled to the 'Bansky' house, as they drove past the house seeing lights on behind the red curtains of the house. They also eyed a gang of ruffians on the corner by a street light. Two of them at the back wore long coats and the others seemed to block eyesight to them. Seb was suspicious that they had rifles or shotguns. They toyed with the idea of attacking them, but instead they decided to go into the house quiet like. The pack split up into two groups. Jason and 'Watches' went around the back. Seb and Zbigniov went in the front.
Jason and 'Watches' were surprised by the amount of garbage in the alleyway, as they made their way across cardboard boxes and litter, they found a decaying body, its stench rife. It had been out for several days and the rodents had been picking at it. Jason could not tell how he had died...but he did identify a bar code tattoo on his wrist, despite the skin discolouration. Traveling to the garden at the back, the back gate was open, two semi rusted bikes were on the fence. They could hear love making from the upstairs window and the light shone through the closed curtains. The garden was full of cat droppings.
At the front, Zbignov used 'Open Seal' on the front door, surprising a young youth playing a console game on a red sofa. The two could sense silver and the smell of weed hit them, but Seb went straight in and grabbed the youth. Two other youths stunned sitting on a green sofa by the sudden assault, one drew a blade out of shock, the other keeping his head drew a pistol. Seb threw the young youth and he sailed over the green sofa missing the two others before smashing a fish tank and landing on a fold down bed behind the green sofa, disturbing another person face down on that bed.
Seb was on the youth with the gun, he hit him on his jaw and knocked the knife out of his hand. The other thugs's gun fired and Seb caught it in his stomach. He flipped to glabro and took him out, the knife guy surrendering.
Jason and Watches kicked the back door down and headed through the kitchen to the next door. As they did so, Jason was attacked by a black tom-cat who got a face full of fur. Watches, grabbed it and threw it out of the door and Jason went in to the living room to find a remaining youth surrendering, 'Watches' kept the aggressive cats at bay with growls. At the other side of the room Jason could see the poor girl on the fold down bed. She had a cover over her, but she was naked. When he checked her, he could see she was cuffed and had dots along her wrists. She mumbled, begging not to hurt her and that she'd be good. Realising what must have happened, he immediately axed the surrendering youth in the head. A woman came down the stairs and Zbignov got ready to ambush her.
She was a beautiful red head in underwear, covered in sweat. When she spoke and they realised her presence, all noticed her and as she surrendered and continued talking they all came under her spell. 'Watches' used Chimera speak to the pack and suddenly realised they had all stopped talking to him and turned to lupus senses. She said they should all go and sit down and as they prepared to sit down on the sofas realising they could not resist her anymore. A silver hispo bound into the room, his rage rained two blows into the woman, ripping her apart into two pieces a she screamed. The group saw another youth at the top of the stairs, his face pixallated by movie censorship, before he could react at the death of his loved one, Seb shot him in the gut and he went down.
Jason checked that people were dead and sprayed the house with Detol. The young naked woman had her bounds cut and a bag placed over her head and the dying 'Bansky' was led out of the house to the van. The corpse of the red haired woman, now a slightly fat man with rows of barbed teeth was recovered and the group left via the back door. The young woman was dumped outside of a Police station, still incoherent with some of her clothes and her purse which identified her as a building studies student. The van drove away with speed.
The ST awarded 2 XP for some of the exceptional RP again, 1XP for runners up.
Name Glory Honour Wisdom XP
Jason Smith 0 2 1 2
Sebastian 'Seb' Richards 2 (+1) 0 1 4
'Watches-the-Lake' 1 1 2 5
Zbigniov 0 2 2 4
Jason was anti-blagged by 'Watches' for carrying a silver knife, which confused the pack's silver sense and reduced his spiritual capability. Silver was for killing werewolves, not formori. Did he plan to use it on pack mates?

Thugs on the corner of the street
'Bansky' wall murals
Changes Part 1
Session 5
In attendance
Darryl - Agansu Oladepi (Silent Strider, Theurge)
Henry - Keith 'Haywire' Snipe (Pup - Suspected Glasswalker Theurge)
Richard Rae - Jason Smith (Shadow Lord, Ragabash)
Andrew - Zbignov (Children of Gaia, Ragabash)
Richard 'Matrix' Cameron - Sebastian 'Seb' Richards (Bonegnawer, Ahroun)
Gareth - 'Watches-the-Lake' (Silver Fang, Philodox, LUPUS)
A small group of Greenpeace activist meet in the Gristlehurst Wood on the edge of the River Roch. There was 3 of them, and a helpful off duty Police officer desperate to find evidence of illegal fraking in the north of Manchester. They scoured the forest, until one of them found a trap door, covered with grass. Lifting the trap door they discovered a dug out room which led down to a elevator. They entered the lift and pressing the button descended into the Earth. When the lift stopped a underground base was discovered. Following the corridor they entered a large cavern looking down on an illegal dig site preparing the site for the earth cracking. One of them photographing the evidence, while the other saw a broken and damp teddy bear lying on the floor. Suddenly, they saw a savage beast, part man, part savaged bear and it attacked one of them. Turning to flee, they realised that the accompanying Police officer had fled and went back up into the lift to the surface. The beast took out both the males and the female desperate to escape grabbed the lift chain and clung for life. At the surface, the lift paused for a moment, until it descended again. The Police officer told her to let go - but she did not...and the beast waited for her to return...
Sitting in the van as it drove around Manchester, the leader of the Seekers of the Stone Peace sat questioning Bansky, who was bleeding to death from a belly wound. Zbignov tried to bandage him with some of his clothes...but it only served to stifle the bleeding. Seb asked him about his evil colleagues and the battered girl. he said they were not evil, but students and the girl was merely doing her 'kink'. When Seb questioned them about the beast, showing the head, Bansky denied it and said that she had been a person, a kind one that they had murdered. Chimera's lion head mentioned that they should protect the veil, while goat head said they should let him go. Seb then asked Bansky what he had seen. He replied that he had seen the murders. Seb simply said 'Wrong answer' and ripped Bansky's head from his shoulders. Afterwards, he pulled the beasts teeth from its head to try and hide its deformities.
The group then decided what to do. They pulled the van over and Seb washed the blood from himself in the canal. Jason bagged the bodies and bashed them with a hammer till they were misshapen. Abandoning the van with the bodies, leaving it burning in the outskirts. Jason received a phone call, which he rejected twice, until a voice message was left. When he listened to it, he told Seb that they had been ordered to the caern for a important meeting. They returned straight away.
Keith 'Haywire' Snipe had been chatting with Mike Penn until he had to go to attend a meeting. Snipe then went to continue his caern walk in the penumbra. As he finished shift he met the rest of his pack returning from the mission. Seb headed to caern heart where he went into the leadership tent. There, he was first informed that he was late...and then that a body had been dumped in the North enterance of the caern. Police had found it before any of the caern watch and now there was an investigation under way. She asked Mike to aquire some details of the body, to check if it was a Red Talon attack. Until the investigation was completed, there was no stepping sideways in the caern area. The broken fountain was to get covered for maintenance, to also keep it away from prying eyes. Marianna asked if that the pack did not hang around the park in the physical as not to bring attention. The Red Talons were going to do all the watches in the penumbra until further notice, to keep them busy and ensure the caern is well guarded. She also asked the pack to report to Broken Tooth with a war report, and it would be best if 'Watches' was to do it as they shared lupus nature. Seb was then dismissed.
The leader informed the pack of all of this in Haywire's tent. Not wishing to hang around the caern, they went to Jason's house. Agansu decided to remain at the caern. Night came and people turned in for the night. Seb slept badly and Haywire had a strange dream about a panicked horse and a scary woman with hair with her hair over her face. When they awoke, they discussed this...as Chimera is known to give prohpetic dreams, though no answer was reached for the dream. Jason taught 'Watches' how to eat as a human with good etiquette, though Zbignov thought it was a bad idea as Falcon had spoke low of him for wanting to be a human. Agonsu then arrived with Chloe. She was annoying. When she was in the doorway Jason told her to shut up or he would knock her teeth in. Chloe, a little wounded did as was asked.
The group then discussed whether to go and meet Ian Henrys or to go and sort out the fraking. Seb was asked to make a decision and he decided to go and sort out the fraking. Haywire spent some time on the net and with a stroke of genuis amanged to crack a website and accessed some e-mails which told him awful that. They learned of the sites defences and also of a new type of formori called 'Bar Codes', some crooked Police officers and web addresses of key people who were in the operation. Haywire shared this information with the group and they thought about how to progress from there.
The ST awarded 2 XP for some of the exceptional RP again, 1XP for runners up.
Name Glory Honour Wisdom XP
Jason Smith 0 2 3 3
Sebastian 'Seb' Ricards 0 2 (+1) 0 6 (3 role-play point)
'Watches-the-Lake' 0 3 0 4 (1 role-play point)
Keith 'Haywire' Snipe 1 1 2 5 (2 role-play point)
Zbigniov 0 1 1 4
Agansu Oladopi 0 1 2 4 (1 role-play point)
Bonus xp was added for the role-play challenge.

Changes Part 1
Session 6
In attendance
Darryl - Agansu Oladepi (Silent Strider, Theurge)
Henry - Keith 'Haywire' Snipe (Pup - Suspected Glasswalker Theurge)
Richard Rae - Jason Smith (Shadow Lord, Ragabash)
Andrew - Zbignov (Children of Gaia, Ragabash)
Richard 'Matrix' Cameron - Sebastian 'Seb' Richards (Bonegnawer, Ahroun)
Gareth - 'Watches-the-Lake' (Silver Fang, Philodox, LUPUS)
The group settled in at Jason's house, as the full pack was there they chose different areas of the house to sleep, as Jason only had 3 bedrooms. Jason settled in his own bed, while Zbignov and 'Haywire' slept in bed. 'Watches' slept in hispo on the dining table, while Agnosu slept in lupus form in the corner. Seb took first watch. He used this time to investigate Jason's house due to his distrustful nature, trying not to awake his snoring pack mates. His investigations led to a very cold, soulless impression of Jason, with no suggestion of family. There was also a small selection of fine crafted silver swords, which made him slightly worried. When searching he became aware of a metallic glimmer on the lampshade and this soon led to finding a mini camera. He left it for now. A storm hit and lightning and rain bombarded the house. Many of the pack had bad dreams through the storm. 'Haywire' had a dream vision of four of the Manchester garou around an earthen mound, the head theurge Rob, Jo Centre, Freddy McDowell and Mike Penn. Notably Marianna was missing as were the Red Talons. 'Watches' dreams were a reminder of his early days when the monkeys stabbed him in his neck with a thin claw. Zbignov's dream was of a strange tree, fractal but still of Gaia, but human heads adorned the branches and wolf hides lay across the branches with large crows arranging them.
Eventually Seb woke up Zbignov who had not slept well and was covered with cold sweat. Seb let him sort himself out, then curled up to sleep on the wall. Zbignov then spent his time wandering, bored on watch. To entertain himself he decided to practice doing some Rites of Cleansing around the house in the physical. He did one outside the bedroom, which had little effect, but his rite in the kitchen caused a huge fracture in the marble counter. He grinned about this and did not try to hide it. When Jason was up, he was suitable annoyed by the broken counter, scratched table and the mess that 'Watches' had left in his bathroom. Despite this people had breakfast and settled into a discussion on what to do in the day. Since the pack was to meet Marianna later on in the evening, they decided to send a text message to give the elders notification about what they had learned. Jason, Seb and Agansu wanted to get the apology to Ian Henrys out of the way. Keith 'Haywire' Snipe became more accepted by the group and he was more vocal with advice with pack members beginning to listen to the pup. They discussed about going to the caern to use a moon bridge to the Caern of the Seabird where Ian Henry's was currently at, but some pack members did not want to impose on the caern, especially in the crisis. Secretly Agansu sent a message to Henrys warning him that the pack was coming. Henry's thanked him for his message. Later in the conversation Agansu received another message from Henry's saying that a people carrier had been organised for the journey to the caern. When he notified the group, some of them felt betrayed by his actions. They discussed about taking Henrys gift, but then thought if they did not, then it would be an insult. Jason as the driver went out to collect the people carrier, he had some initial issues with signing for the vehicle but after a little fuss he met the pack around the corner from his house, making sure no-one. As they settled in to the vehicle, 'Watches' discovered the electric window button and played around with this, which provided him with great amusement.
The journey to St. David's Head was a long one, following main roads until they got to the ocean, which they then followed down the coast. The area was wild and the sea air bracing. In time, they pulled in at a car park in a natural cove. There was a public inn, cliff side path and even a boarding point for ocean tours. They discussed about peaking to find where the caern was, Jason suggested speaking to elders and getting the location. Agansu decided to peek into the umbra, so he went to the cliff tops to get a better view. Sending an eye through, he looked around for the caern; spotting it out to sea...presumably on an island. Telling the pack, 'Watches' suggesting swimming to the caern in crinos. Declining this as a good idea he went to the two tour guides, an elderly man with a refitted tug boat and a younger man with an inflatable speed boat, both shops equipped for maybe 20 tourists. Agansu could not tell if either were kinfolk, so he decided to go with the older man and his tugboat as he had offered to land them on the island for an hour.
The boat journey took them around 20-30 minutes and the currents were strong and the boatman had to account for them. They passed a 3 floor house, modified into a lighthouse on the cliff tops and saw a curly haired woman watching them approach. The boatman did not moor at the base of the cliff, but went south, passing seals on a cobbled beach and landed the group on a flat, sloping, stony beach where he had some wooden planking for a mooring. He said he would return in an hour and left them on the bird sanctuary. The group discussed a physical or a spiritual visit and thought it safer to stay in the physical. They explored, headed north to the middle of the island and the Cliffside house they had seen. Eventually, they became aware of the closeness of the penumbra and realised they had found the caern. Zbignov offered to do a howl of announcement, where he called his name and that of his pack leader. Soon a curly haired woman in ranger gear approached and introduced herself as Nicki Davies, caern leader of the Seabird. She was keen for visitors, but soon had to hide her disappointment when they said they were only here to see Ian Henrys. The pack asked when the moot was and made the offer to attend, which she happily accepted.
They spoke with her more as she led them to the house. They learned the moot rite was to be performed on Sunday 11th or Monday 12th May. Entering the old house, they passed a piano playing man, who wore a finely crafted pendent that looked suspiciously like a Silver Fang artefact. In the long library they met Ian Henrys, standing opposite them with a long table between them.
Seb apologised and the Silent Strider listened, but when Henrys spoke he was expectedly rude, accusing the Bone Gnawer from stealing leadership from the elected leader. He politely spoke to Agansu and asked him if he wanted him to accept the apology. Agansu said he did, so Henrys accepted and in turn offered an apology with an edged tongue. Ian also asked if the ragabash had been punished and Seb said that he had not as he had no rites. Henry's pointed he did and that he would happily perform one, or it could be settled with blood. Seb hesitatingly agreed and they said it would be done when they returned on the 11th or 12th. Arrangements made, Henrys left, but stopped to talk more with Agansu.
The ST awarded 2 XP for some of the exceptional RP again, 1XP for runners up.
Name Glory Honour Wisdom XP
Jason Smith 0 1 2 5 (2 role-play point)
Sebastian 'Seb' Ricards 0 1 (+1) 2 4 (1 role-play point)
'Watches-the-Lake' 0 2 2 4 (1 role-play point)
Keith 'Haywire' Snipe 0 1 1 4
Zbigniov 0 1 1 4 (1 role-play point)
Agansu Oladopi 0 1 2 4 (1 role-play point)
Seb was anti-blagged by Ian Henries for a lack of honour, but his pack mates managed to recover the loss.
Changes Part 1
Session 7
In attendance
Darryl - Agansu Oladepi (Silent Strider, Theurge)
Henry - Keith 'Haywire' Snipe (Pup - Suspected Glasswalker Theurge)
Richard Rae - Jason Smith (Shadow Lord, Ragabash)
Richard 'Matrix' Cameron - Sebastian 'Seb' Richards (Bonegnawer, Ahroun)
Gareth - 'Watches-the-Lake' (Silver Fang, Philodox, LUPUS)
Henrys went to speak to Nicky leaving the pack behind. They spoke briefly then Seb went out to ask something else of Henrys but as he went in he saw that there was a riot on the television. He could see Islamic banners and shouting, police with riot shields and then the banner on the news footage came up with 'riots in Manchester'. It was distracting enough to hold Seb for a while and then he went back to speak with the other pack mates. He spoke to Agonsu about getting him to talk to Henrys instead. When Jason went through he saw the news footage and immediately went to tell the pack mates. He wanted to contact Marianna and the caern to see if they were needed due to the crisis but they had no signal. They checked the time and realised they did not have long till their boat returned for them to take them of Ramsey Island. They grabbed Zbignov who was singing with Stefan Hein while he played the piano. So saying farewell to Nicky, they said they would return for the moot. As they lived Keith 'Haywire' met Laura West albeit briefly. They said they would speak more at the moot. Heading across land to the make shift landing they picked up 'Watches' and washed the blood of him from his rabbit hunting.
The boat journey back was uneventful. The long journey back to Manchester was also uneventful.
Arriving in Manchester they headed North to avoid the city centre and the Islamic riots that were still ongoing in the city. Arriving at the caern they spoke to Mike Penn, who let them know that Marianna and the leadership were involved with the human world due to the riots. He also mentioned that he thought that the riots were a good thing, taking the Police away from the caern. With time before the meeting with Marianna the pack broke up and they each did their own thing.
Agansu went to see Chloe at her house, where they made muffins. They discussed the pack members to a degree and it seemed love was beginning to build with them. When Agansu left, he did so with a plastic tub of muffins. Haywire spent some time with Mike and they discussed 'Digital Raven' and Keith learned he was the other Glass Walker that survived the purge by joining the tribe that should not be named. Haywire also asked him his opinion on the leadership of the London caern and also his opinions of the 'City Streets' Pack. 'Watches' went to see the Caern Guardian 'Broken Tooth' as was ordered by the caern leadership. They had a deep discussion, hunted an umbral deer and Watches left with much to think about. He also challenged for the gift 'Resist Pain'. Jason went home to his broken home from the night before.
When the meeting came, they went into the leadership tent where Rob Mitchell and Marianna waited in homid form. They sat on the blanketed pillows and discussed the issues of the past days. Seb carried the discussion. When they had finished Marianna let them know that the City Father mission was a set up to test the pack. She highlighted that Bansky was not wyrm tainted, but just wyrm influenced and that he had not needed to die, but to be cleansed. As a Child of Gaia first pack, they should also reflect the opinions and attitudes of a Child of Gaia caern. Jason disputed this, highlighting that if he was so important why did she allow the pack to be tested this way? Marianna took this with her stride, but some members felt uncomfortable about him speaking such to the caern elder. Marianna was impressed with the information gathering by 'Haywire' and also said they were aware of the 'Bar Code' formori. She highlighted the recent religious riots and that they could be mundane and while the leadership would deal with the effects of the riots, she wanted the pack to investigate their origins to see if there was any supernatural influence. The meeting then came to a close.
The ST awarded 2 XP for some of the exceptional RP again, 1XP for runners up.
Name Glory Honour Wisdom XP
Jason Smith 0 1 0 2
Sebastian 'Seb' Ricards 1 2 (+1) 0 3 (1 role-play point)
'Watches-the-Lake' 0 1 0 2
Keith 'Haywire' Snipe 0 0 1 4 (1 role-play point)
Agansu Oladopi 0 1 1 5 (2 role-play point)
Changes Part 1
Session 8
In attendance
Darryl - Agansu Oladepi (Silent Strider, Theurge)
Henry - Keith 'Haywire' Snipe (Pup - Suspected Glasswalker Theurge)
Richard Rae - Jason Smith (Shadow Lord, Ragabash)
Andrew - Zbignov (Children of Gaia, Ragabash)
Richard 'Matrix' Cameron - Sebastian 'Seb' Richards (Bonegnawer, Ahroun)
Gareth - 'Watches-the-Lake' (Silver Fang, Philodox, LUPUS
After the meeting with Marianna, Rob Mitchell had been ordered to the Rites of Accomplishment for the Pack 'Seekers of the Stone Truth'. Rob gave them half an hour to prepare and said the rite would take place outside of the shield in the northern park and that they had time to prepare for this rite. Keith went and asked Mike Penn to attend, Zbignov asked Jo Centré and also Karl the armourer attended with Diane Royale (the ex-Black Fury came out of curiosity). The other pack members invited no one else.
When they assemble Rob had placed a small box and people gathered around it as he stepped up on to it. They formed a rough circle with Rob, already tall, rising above them all. He had hastily dressed and his zip was low, but no one commented. He raised his hands and beckoned spirits to come to join and provide judgement. Out of the array of spirits there were some familiar to pack mates and some unknowns.
Agansu had a spirit of Jesus appear, although Agansu saw him only as a Bill Bailey look alike. Two celtic Silver Fangs were there brandishing glaives and decapitited heads. A couple of Shadow Lords bearing poliosis, the white patch. Two brown haired Children of Gaia sporting pure breed of Marianna Barclay, both shifted into a middle aged woman and a young g 19 year old. Jason's grandmother. A pair of ancestral Get-of-Fenris appeared unusually for 'Haywire' - presumed ancestors of the Sept of the Green from the golden years. A silent strider appeared and several other assumed garou in their homid forms. The spirits assembled around and in turn each of the pack stepped up to the box. The rite master asked what they would like to be accomplished with. Then each of the pack and some of the other garou spoke for each of the pack mates. Zbignov, Seb and Jason all spoke for all pack mates, while Keith and Agansu were a little more shy. Some of the spirits heckled but only Agansu, Zbignov and Keith with spirit speech could understand them, although when the Silver Fangs spoke for the lupus, Zbignov translated for 'Watches'. They only spoke of issues that had not been repeated and were more strategically with their words. All of the pack had been up when Keith as omega came up last, however at this point more spirits arrived. City father, Taxi and mighty Fenris made their way through the crowd of spirits and forced the rite master to pass the rite to disbelief of almost everyone. As quickly as they arrived, they left. After this, a shaken Rob Mitchell thanked the ancestor spirits who had been in attendance and they faded away as he lowered his arms.
After the rite it was late, so people began to wander off. Agansu went to see Chloe, but she was woken by his knocks. He was invited in, seeing her the first time without make-up, they had tea and chatted about Chloe's kinfolk life at the caern. She invited Agansu to stay, but he refused, but later softened and said it was late and he would stay in her spare room. He was not spared the dreams when he slept. He saw a crying Chloe...they had been arguing. She said she had dreams about him being pulled into a ditch by dead people...and that Marianna had (past tense) said 'You should always listen to your dreams'.
'Watches' went to his kinfolk home and his modified room, absent of furniture with squeaky flashing toy. He did not speak to the kin, but curled up into a ball and slept. Dreams found him. He saw some black lupus tearing at a downed bird, tearing its feathers and wings. He recognised it as Falcon who said to him 'You always were a dissapointment lupus'. He felt the urge to join in, his derangement feeding it, but he used his might of will to hold back. After they had finished with the bird, it was no longer recognisable from what it once was. Three greyed out Silver Fangs appeared behind him and asked what he had done. The lupus, somewhat stunned, sealing his guilt said 'Nothing'.
'Haywire' spoke with Mike Penn about what happened in the rite. Mike seemed stunned but when questioned about the reasons why it might have happened, Mike said he had no idea...and for the first time Keith sensed a lie. He went back with his remaining pack mates to Jason's house. He arranged to take a watch, but he never took it and his dreams were haunting. A face came to him and called him the 'Harbringer of Doom', letting him know that it was unavoidable or he could do was to decide how to roll the dice. It asked him to reset the balance, allow the Balance Wyrm to return and warned him one of his pack was a traitor.
Zbignov also returned with Haywire and for a while spoke with him before he went to sleep. He was spared a watch, as he had done so the night before. When he slept he saw himself in a race with Deimos, running inevitably towards an executioner and his bloody axe. The cartoon version of Deimos who he ran against asked him 'You want to be first don't you?' He gave a clever response about allowing elders to go first, to which she said 'You can't cheat fate'.
Jason was not happy about returning home as he felt his house to be compromised, but they had nowhere else to go. He took first watch and agreed to wake Zbignov then 'Haywire'. However, after they were all asleep, something hit him when he was in the chair and he awoke in the morning with dried blood on his lap. Shifting to glabro to heal the headache, he looked around...and he remembered his dream, coming to him rather than a usual dream fading away. He saw himself on a great lake of shining opaque waters, metallic in look. A tall hooded crinos with a man-catcher pointed him towards a bobbing unidentifiable figure in the water, screaming in pain. As he bobbed close. he managed enough sentinence to shout an accustion at Jason 'You put me here - and I didn't even deserve it!' Then the crinos used his long man-catcher to push him back out into the waters. Jason asked him what his crime was. Emotionless the crinos said 'He lied'.
Seb left the rite happy and went back to Jason's house, proud of himself, receiving even some praise from the Silver Fangs and unexpectingly from Karl the Blacksmith. He went to sleep, even though he offered a watch, his pack let him sleep as he had done it the night before. Closing his eyes his thoughts wandered to a seaside resort. There was a scrap heap there, high on the hills. As he moved through the shield he floated towards the caern heart where an animated scrap heap watched him surrounded by scrapped cars and twisted metal. At its base was a huge grotesque obese crinos, to fat to move with little metis feeding from its six breasts. It smiled kindly, revealing mismatch teeth and said 'If you need help with the Silver Fangs...we can help!'
When awoken by Jason, the pack realised they had no link with Chimera. Jason's bloody state caused the most panic in Jason who immediately started to pack essential items. Zbignov said he might want this...and handed him his secret punch glaive. Stunned and angry, Jason pinned him to the wall and threatened to cut his throat if he touched his stuff again. He tried to intimidate Zbignov, but he just smiled even when let down. Jason made plans to sell the house. Keith kept his head and went outside and was suddenly re-united mentally with Chimera. They discussed what Chimera could see in the penumbra and Chimera said he could not see the house. Finding somewhere safe, 'Haywire' put his eyes through the gauntlet to see a rather unusual tainted cityscape and the web covered house as he expected. Some fat bane creatures were in the roof across the way, huddling and rubbing themselves on the lattice spiders of the roof. Seb called the pack together, reinforcing this several times to Jason who was intent on leaving. When 'Watches' and Agansu joined them they wandered into the penumbra. Checking the house, they found some Spirit Charms to keep spirits away. Without thinking Seb smashed 2 of them. Keeping watch Agansu noticed a strong taint coming from the neighbours house and soon he saw a Black Spiral by the door. He lundged at the crinos, but it dodged out of the way. Using mental link Zbignov said that Agansu had tried to attack him and then Zbignov cloaked himself in another illusion to dispell the illusion on him. Zbignov started to sing a song...Agansu's wyrm sense tracked some movement to the upstairs windon in Jason's house, a bipedal creature in red silouette, before it dissappeared from view. There was moments of confusion until Zbignov finished his song and cleansed the area with 'Rite of Cleansing' causing immense pain to the bane...its illusion flickered...and for a brief moment at the window ledge they saw a large swollen brain with muscular hispo like legs.
The ST awarded 2 XP for some of the exceptional RP again, 1XP for runners up.
Name Glory Honour Wisdom XP
Jason Smith 0 1 3 3 (1 role-play point)
Sebastian 'Seb' Ricards 1 3 (+1) 3 2
'Watches-the-Lake' 0 3 1 4 (2 role-play point)
Keith 'Haywire' Snipe 1 2 3 3
Agansu Oladopi 0 3 3 3 (1 role-play point)
Zbignov 1 0 2 2
Jason was anti-blagged by Zbignov for not listening to the pack leaders orders.
Zbignov was anti-blagged by Jason for not respecting others territory.
'Watches' was anti-blagged by the ST for giggling in a Rite of Accomplishment.
Changes Part 1
Session 9
In attendance
Darryl - Agansu Oladepi (Silent Strider, Theurge)
Henry - Keith 'Haywire' Snipe (Pup - Suspected Glasswalker Theurge)
Richard Rae - Jason Smith (Shadow Lord, Ragabash)
Richard 'Matrix' Cameron - Sebastian 'Seb' Richards (Bonegnawer, Ahroun)
Gareth - 'Watches-the-Lake' (Silver Fang, Philodox, LUPUS
The Brain dog flickered and briefly appeared to the pack through its layers of illusions through its throws of pain. This allowed Seb and 'Haywire' to get a claw at the beast on the top floor window ledge, while Jason quickly moved to help and support and protect Zbignov who immediately began another rite of cleansing. The bane, now aware of what he was up to leapt down, morphing into a forward facing white furred glowing with light and brandishing a klaive as the train rumbled about them. The dark tunnel world was interlaced with the penumbral garden with both worlds existing in the same space. The klaive swung at Zbignov, but Jason at the right place at the right time knocked the blades hand away. Seb swung past with a claw and seemed to catch nothing until the claw went past the glowing garou's tail. Realising that the the light garou was an illusion as 'Watches' barrelled through it into him. Agansu's claws also found the mark slightly behind the light warrior. A few more wild claws slashed about as the incoming train came in and the klaive found its mark in Zbignov. Jason leapt out the way, pressing body to the subway wall as the carriages raced by. Seb took the train in his shoulder being knocked about. Haywire was hit by the baggage pole and Agansu mostly avoiding the train had his face shredded by the passing train carriages. Zbignov's body flapped about as the train tossed him about. Several people saw the illusions failing between the carriages, seeing the slumping creature, with a malformed brain like upper body, dripping yellow-green ichors. When the train had passed, they lunged in the general direction of the failing illusions with Agansu, Haywire, Seb and Jason wildly slashing the area. Some blows missed, but a claw and Agansu's savage bite found a mark and Seb brought the bane down with a final claw. The beast's body began to buckle in on itself, folding in, collapsing and shrinking until only a black lump of coal like remained. Seb picked it up as the garden area lightened, the clouds parted and the sun shone down in the penumbral garden. Daisies opened and for a while Gaia had won. They found the broken body of Zbignov and Agansu used Mother's Touch to save his life. Jason picked him up.
Rather than stay in the cleansed area, thinking it would bring attention they used Chimera's cloak of disguise to travel back through the city safely. Jason carried the still badly mauled Zbignov back to the Caern's southern park entrance. 'Watches' did an announcement and when confronted by Snow Runner on watch, 'Watches' advised them to remember wolf etiquette. Snow Runner eyed the apes suspiciously but told 'Watches' that they would perform the Broken Earth rite at nightfall to bring the water crashing down on the formori that dig in the Earth. The war pack would help protect the Red Talons during the rite. He also mentioned that the 'scab' wolf was waiting to see the scab (meaning 'Haywire'). Keith assumed this was Mike Penn, but as Jason and Agansu took Zbignov to a caern heart tent, Keith looked for Mike. He did not find him, he found 'Firepower' instead. Keith had heard of him, but this was the first encounter. 'Firepower' was a beautiful thick haired white wolf with articulated plates along his back forming a harness. They spoke in wolf speak, but Keith used Chimera's cloak to keep his fur colour hidden. 'Firepower' called him 'Death Wolf' and asked why he was brown. He quickly grew lost in that conversation and wanted to play a game, but Seb came to check that Keith was ok, due to warning from Chimera. 'Firepower' did not like the bad fur stranger so they played the 'run away from him' game. As they ran, 'Firepower' kept his heel and he could sense that the wolf has been utterly trained. 'Firepower' asked if he was willing, he cautiously said yes, thinking of the consequences of a cybernetic wolf in the physical. However, 'Firepower' took him to the deep umbra. As they materialised on a skyscraper ledge, with fog below them and building rising as high as the eye could see and hover cars racing back and forth. 'Haywire' realising something was wrong, reached out to Chimera and found the totem still with him. He also learned that other 'City Streets' pack members where with other pack mates. Haywire had a small adventure with 'Firepower' flying around in a hover car and even stealing rat burgers and stealing a police hover car before 'Haywire' used Chimera to go home.
Space-on-Disk met Agansu over the unconscious Zbignov. He recognised her from their first meeting with Marianna, she had died her hair since that meeting. Space wore a red business suit and was an admirable professional woman. She spoke about Ian and also enquired about Chloe. Suddenly Agansu thought that she has sent the flowers to Chloe and Space admitted to it. Space asked if Agansu would keep them informed and made a suggestion of a threat to Chloe if he refused. She needed to know about 'Haywire' and asked to be updated on how things were going about the pack, much the same as Henrys had wanted. Agansu agreed and they swapped numbers. Space, being a bit shaper was aware when Agansu spoke with pack through mind speak, sensing his distraction. She questioned him about and made the implication is was rude.
Jason was about to leave caern to organise a meeting with the estate agent to try and book a meeting to try an start getting his first house evaluation to sell the property. He saw a brown haired muscular man with white shirt and jeans walk over to him. They had an exchange, with the man being threatening. Jason learned it was 'Hard Drive' and he clumsily asked questions of Jason and made poor attempts at threats. He 'escorted' Jason around the city, and Jason actually cleverly led him through a stream of pointless phone discussions (which the Glasswalker sat through with enlargened wolf ear where possible). Jason therefore spoke to his mum, who he not bothered to contact in an age, until he managed to lose the Glasswalker at a coffee shop when he gave up his pursuit of information from the Shadow Lord. Hard Drive had no clue when Jason spoke to pack
The ST awarded 2 XP for some of the exceptional RP again, 1XP for runners up.
Name Glory Honour Wisdom XP
Jason Smith 3 1 1 5 (2 role-play point)
Sebastian 'Seb' Ricards 3 2 (+1) 1 3
'Watches-the-Lake' 3 0 2 3
Keith 'Haywire' Snipe 3 0 3 4 (1 role-play point)
Agansu Oladopi 3 0 1 4 (1 role-play point)

Caern of the Sea Bird

Changes Part 1
Session 10
In attendance
Darryl - Agansu Oladepi (Silent Strider, Theurge)
Henry - Keith 'Haywire' Snipe (Pup - Suspected Glasswalker Theurge)
Richard Rae - Jason Smith (Shadow Lord, Ragabash)
Richard 'Matrix' Cameron - Sebastian 'Seb' Richards (Bonegnawer, Ahroun)
Gareth - 'Watches-the-Lake' (Silver Fang, Philodox, LUPUS
The pack met back together after escaping the City Streets pack at the southern car park, 'Watches' was asked to do a penumbral caern watch. They were assembled in the physical next to Jessica's tree surgeon van and Jason's car. It was about 9am and the group headed south towards the El Faizah mosque. They drove by the site a few times, checking out the surrounding area. It was in a retail park next to a computer clearance store and had a regular flow of people coming and going into the site itself. The pack broke up, Jason went into the penumbra, while Agansu went to the physical. Agansu seemed to fit in with the large amount of African gentlemen as they washed their bodies before going into the main hall. There the speaker chanted to the group as they sat on their prayer mattes. Agansu waited for the opportunity to use Sense Wyrm, where he noticed there was foul emanations coming from the Koran, as if some foul bane had chosen to hide in the area of the book. Jason sneaked into the penumbra as a pattern spider, but as he entered the site, his camouflage adapted and he became heavily corrupted. Keeping with this, he moved to help create the illusion and made his way into the penumbral prayer hall. Here he saw a foul bane, 6 black eyes, a maggot like head and chitinous armour feeding its foul offspring with blackened women suspended from chains around it. Some of the women seemed lifeless, their skin blackened, while the bug suspended on great weaver webs fed its children. Jason also noticed a flat faced Black Spiral on lookout on the top balcony. With the information acquired Jason headed out. Agansu found it harder, he was praying on a matt to fit in, and he did not want to leave until the service had finished. This was taking too long, and using Chimera's gift the pack spoke to each other and Seb orchestrated the fire alarm to go off. Using this cover Agansu sneaked out to be picked up by Jason in the car, the pack then sped away.
Arriving at the YMCA building in a much more built up area the pack looked for parking, but struggled at first. When found, the pack had to walk to the building, while Jason stayed guarding the car. Keith, spied out the site in the penumbra by peeking again, but he struggled to push his eyes through and felt he had set off some alarm. He crossed the road to the newspaper shop after finishing his cafe coffee and was recognized by a familiar face. Digital Raven smiled at him, handed him a newspaper and then headed off.
Meanwhile Seb and Agansu went into the YMCA, they inquired about getting food at the desk and the secretary said they would need to get a temporary tattoo of a bar code so they could be scanned by the system. This would entitle them to food and board. Agansu looked through into the cafe and saw plenty of Wyrm taint, the bulk of it across people's faces, hands and clothing, coming from the food that the hall was eating. Agansu's sense Wyrm did not go unnoticed and a bouncer was checking them out. He went over asking them to come with him, and when he forced them Agansu ran. Seb suddenly pressurized to do so, used Falling Touch to send the bouncer flying and race after Agansu. They ran through the street, but the bouncer was after them, he soon caught up with them and Seb ran a corner and set an ambush, punching the now assumed Spiral as he came around the corner, breaking his nose. This was the final straw, bleeding he pulled himself up and fired a spray of bullets at the fleeing Seb and Agansu, with the Silent Strider taking a hit in the leg. A nearby pedestrian caught a bullet in the neck and all hell broke loose. Already on the way, Jason pulled up alongside for the pack mates to jump in and crossing a red light, they sped off, returning to the caern.
Back at the caern, they went to report at the caern and talk with 'Watches', but soon learned most people had gone from the spirit incarna of Unicorn, which asked one of them to go protect the caern the physical. Seb went to do a physical watch, however when he met Chloe, he swapped with Agansu and the two spent some together and a first kiss. 'Watches' went looking for the lupus, but missing them he followed the scent marker to the caern heart. He accidentally went through here and was seen by humans. He quickly returned, in time for the lupus to return on the spirit bridge. . As they did so, Scent of Red Snow challenged Snow Runner for his Beta position...and won. The howls went up.
The ST awarded 2 XP for some of the exceptional RP again, 1XP for runners up.
Name Glory Honour Wisdom XP
Jason Smith 1 1 3 3
Sebastian 'Seb' Ricards 1 2 (+1) 3 5 (2 role-play point)
'Watches-the-Lake' 0 1 3 4 (1 role-play point)
Keith 'Haywire' Snipe 1 0 3 4
Agansu Oladopi 0 1 3 3
'Watches' anti-blagged himself for breaking the veil, but earned honour for being truthful.
Changes Part 1
Session 11
In attendance
Darryl - Agansu Oladepi (Silent Strider, Theurge)
Henry - Keith 'Haywire' Snipe (Pup - Suspected Glasswalker Theurge)
Richard Rae - Jason Smith (Shadow Lord, Ragabash)
Richard 'Matrix' Cameron - Sebastian 'Seb' Richards (Bonegnawer, Ahroun)
Gareth - 'Watches-the-Lake' (Silver Fang, Philodox, LUPUS
Andrew - Zbignov (Children of Gaia, Ragabash)
Returning to New Sept of the Glade the Seekers of the Seekers of Stone Peace relaxed in preparation for Guthroth day. As they relaxed about caern they saw some of the new arrivals. Some Fianna, from Caern of the Ever Flowing Cup with 2 kegs of Fianna ale carried by a giant of a woman, with flowing red hair. Stephen Rothman arrived with his two Fenrir pack mates, a solid mass of Russian warrior sporting a blonde mustache and a blonde haired woman with katanas and automatic pistols with a white leather trench coat. Father Wimbish arrived in the penumbra wearing the full 'Friar Tuck' dress. Nina Vale, a sad Black Fury with kinfolk child in tow, arrived in the physical park. John De Grace arrived with a change of amour. Gun's N Stuff with a selection of sale goods for the Get-of-Fenris and a package for 'Haywire'. Each in turn howled, with only Father Wimbish having issues getting in. He stopped for a while to pet Firepower and he handed him his beer bowl from the Fighting Cocks. One of the few things that had survived the 'Fall of St Albans'. He stroked Firepower, before entering the caern, knowing what this plastic bowl meant to both of them...an end to the good times and friends.
The tents were pulled down, only the leadership tent and 'The City Streets' pack had a tent to remain and the area cleared. The bonfire had been built, each of the members brought a selection of food placed on a table for the banquet. The Red Talons brought a freshly killed deer, but the table was full of stew, samosas, pita bread, five bird steaks and Wimbish's Unicorns tears, a potent vodka drink. Agansu and Chloe came in black and white matching jester costumes, Seb as Robin Hood and the other pack mates used Chimera's illusions to make a costume of the planetary avatars, Jason as Hades/Pluto himself. They met and greeted and mingled among the new faces.
The leadership meeting in the remaining tent had Marianna Barclay, Rob Mitchell, Freddie McDowell, Brokentooth, Jo Centre, Alex Saunders and Mike Penn was given permission to attend for the first time, due to his success in the bane purge in the prison raid. Mike was very pleased to finally receive the recognition for his work, finally a trusted Glasswalker! He looked forward to parading the notion in front of the City Streets pack. Marianna led the meeting and discussed the following points.
1. French exchange - 2 garou from the Sept of the Pearl Tears, a philodox and an ahroun on a six month exchange. In the past the exchanges had been very useful to them, Jo Centre and Patricia Malone were garou of a past exchange who now decided to live in Manchester. The leadership decided to swap Patricia Malone and 'Echo' Jenny for the time as they were certain to get them back. Some members were unhappy with the loss of Jenny as an ahroun, but as Rob Mitchell made such a great case for keeping the Theurges, there was little other choice.
2. Caern Defence - the argument was made to make bigger focus on their kin in defense. Double shifts in physical and penumbra were briefly mentioned. Weapons were suggested and training for the kin, as well as the possibility of getting some of the fallen kin from St. Albans. There was discussion on the mix of pure breed and that a representative should be sent to Colchester to make a mutual mission to investigate the blight that was now St. Albans. Those representatives were to be the First Pack. Broken Tooth wanted to exchange garou for Canadian Red Talons, the idea was heard but dismissed politely.
3. Moon Bridge to Africa - there was much concern about opening a bridge to Sept of the Healing Dawn. The garou disease was mentioned and Rob pointed out that Unicorn was troubled of late and did not seem to like the totem 'Starlight' at the Egyptian Child of Gaia caern. As representatives had been sent here, the Sept decided to send Jo Centre after the moot with the First Pack to investigate the Sept and report back.
4. Caern or Sept - this was always a discussion and one that had been debated for many years. There were points either way, but as in the past, the Sept argument came out on top. Some restrictions were added as well, to not accept all Children of Gaia, but to ensure they were also investigated see if they were worthy.
5. The site of the Grand Moot. Despite the next Grand moot being a huge political one, with chances of upheaval, the Children of Gaia chose to accept the honor again of the Grand Moot being held here. Freddie Mcdowell had concerns about the state of the caern afterwards, but they fell on deaf ears.
6. Vampire Problems. Marianna argued here, as the vote tended to go in favor of war again. Rob Mitchell pointed out the huge bawn needed greater defense and garou would need to be pulled away from defense, this would weaken the caern. Broken Tooth suggested expanding to this, but it seemed like wolf logic. Overall, the war was postponed but pending with the Children gaining strength and reserves for the upcoming war. This, after all others seemed to go poorly for Marianna.
7. The Alliance with the Get - these was briefly discussed, Marianna suggested that she would go personally and spend a day at the Sept of the Flying Death to improve relations, but this would cut into her leadership time. There was some discussion about who would lead when Marianna was gone. Broken Tooth then issued a challenge for leadership at the upcoming moot. This caused a stir. Marianna calmed them and explained the curse to Broken Tooth, who shrugged it off as Gaia's will. He said his actions were pure and Gaia would guide his paw. She bowed her head and accepted his challenge, saying it would be a fight...but not to the death. This brought a close to the meeting and the people left to ready the festivities.
The Red Talons slunked off with the First pack, complete with Zbignov, now recovered from his injury. They went to the North of Manchester and the frakking site. There in the physical, the Red Talons did the Rite of Earth Cracking. A wave of Bar Code formori, huge patchwork gorilla creatures attacked, but were repelled in a savage and short fight. All pack mates received blooding and injuries from the fight and shared kills with the Red Talons. The rite completed, the earth shook, cracking the earth, causing the waters to drain from the lake, flooding the bane pit. Across Manchester gas pipes burst, fires broke out, some building collapsed, a train derailed in the tunnel. Many were injured in falling debris, some died. Emergency responses were initiated, but nearly 1,000 people died. Some damage was done to Heaton Hall, but the Red Talons considered this a great victory.
Music played. Garou cheered and celebrated in costume. Drinking mead and eating food. Some engaged in activities. Diane Royale used some adaptive mouth valves to breath fire and showed fire juggling, inviting others to try. Agansu wanted to try, to chants of 'Yoga Flame', but he did not take up the challenge. Rob Mitchell took up archery with 4 targets. 'Haywire' spent the time practicing with him and chatting like fellow theruges. The Black Furies proved to be better bowman, and even split one of Rob's arrows. They laughed it needed to lose the weight, Rob was a bit crushed by this, the Rite of Accomplishment still fresh in his mind. Rothman showed his crossbow, and split a target in two, adding that women were narrow minded and thought little. No one cheered him.
Ivan Dokavich did an eyelid-tug of war. A few people tried, but it looked more painful than fun, leaving Ivan the champion, but also reaching for eye wash.
Mead sales were high among the Fianna, with glasses being held out for a song and a story. Zbignov got two glasses, tried to share one with Stephen Rothman, now away from the festivities. He poured it away, Zbig shrugged and left him to mope.
Freddie Mcdowell organized a cockroach racing contest. Small ship sails had been attached to the cockroaches back and garou blew into their sails to encourage them to move in a certain direction. Space-on-Disk was deeply offended by the display. The display did much to encourage people to come to the event and a few races were completed. Freddie would have won, but he eliminated himself for cheating. He flicked instead of blew.
Marianna told stories, relaxing at once as a Gallaird. She had children around her and for once, she could be what Gaia had wanted her to be, telling stories and singing songs. She would look back on it as her last happy moment. Keith 'Haywire' saw the old crone Deimos watching the stories. Mcleod told a story of how a formori he slew smashed a fetish, realizing a foul, abomination of a Nexus Crawler. Zbig asked him to tone the story down due to the kids. Mcleod gave him the finger. The kids asked what happened next, and Mcleod pointed out that he died. The children were confused.
'Watches' smelled a small Red Talon female on heat, the passed and smelled each others butts. 'Watches' thought better of it, and left the kin alone, refusing her. Agansu went to help Chloe, having an exchange with a kin male. She pulled away and when Agansu asked if she was ok, an exchange happened between the kin Simeon, who was unhappy now with Chloe rejecting his affections. Agansu tried to buy him a drink, but turning away, got struck with a right hand, knocking him to the floor. Tensions rose for the moment, and the sept stopped waiting for Agansu to rage. It did not come, and he walked away with Chloe warning the youth of his error. Talk was about the wedding between the kin Jessica and Jean Patrick (one of the French Kin), the kin, who was once the mate of Marianna. They had her blessing, but Marianna hid feelings for Jean Patrick and people read her face causing gossip to flare up.
Jason disappeared with Jessica, the tree surgeon...to check her van, he informed the pack he was going outside for a walk..and he might be some time. Seb sang, drunk on beer and mead. Father Wimbish tried to run the line in the giant padded 'Guthroth' suit, but was beaten down by batons, knocking him to the floor. Several tried to get by, but the Fenrir and Fianna were too strong to get past in the line. Only one made the run without being knocked over, as they pulled the suit off, it was revealed to be Lady Roxanne, hair slightly ruffled, but otherwise unhurt to resounding applause. 'It appears I am a better Christian than you Father Wimbish, all because men don't know how to shuffle their sticks." Shocked and smiling, Wimbish bought her a drink with a card trick and the two sat down and laughed for a while. Marianna and Frank went some where quiet, she was still clutching her wound.
The bonfire was lit. Deimos informed 'Haywire' it was his turn to go on watch and that she had forgotten to tell him. Rob Mitchell came over and said the same exact words, setting 'Haywire' off to replace Patricia Malone on caern watch. The costume went on and people watched as glowing embers lit the sky, dancing around in the penumbra. Fire salamanders flicking their tails and they painted a beautiful array of colours. A shower of comets fell as people watched and it was one of the most perfect and beautiful of nights. Chloe and Agansu sneaked away to Chloes house, keeping their private life private. People slept under the stars, singing carried on for a while, but then silence and only a wolf kin made noise as it caught a rabbit.
Keith Snipe walked a while around the caern. At Wraith Point, where he needed to cross the fence he noticed clothes hanging from the 25ft iron gate. They were organised as if on a dummy. Soon he saw blood and the dummy became a headless corpse. As a kin set of the alarm, he saw the engagement silver band on the hand and opened the blood covered shirt to see words carved into his chest '1=1'. Hysterical sobs followed, Samantha had arrived. She clutched at the lifeless legs, seeming to lose all reason, a cross of screams and sobbing. Keith tried to keep her away, but he was not helping, Jean Patrick's blood now over her clothes, all reason now gone. 'Echo' and Diane Royal were the first to arrive, they carried the body back to caern and the sobbing kin girl. It was a hard walk for Keith, before he returned to post, he asked to speak to Deimos. Diane looked oddly at him, then stated 'it' had never arrived for Guthroth Day.
Seb and Jason were awake and saw the body taken into the leadership tent. They went to see what they could do to help...shortly before Marianna arrived.
The ST awarded 2 XP for some of the exceptional RP again, 1XP for runners up.
Name Glory Honour Wisdom XP
Jason Smith 3 0 0 4 (1 role-play point)
Sebastian 'Seb' Ricards 3 1 (+1) 0 5 (2 role-play point)
'Watches-the-Lake' 3 0 0 3
Keith 'Haywire' Snipe 3 0 0 4
Agansu Oladopi 3 0 0 5 (2 role-play point)
Zbignov 3 0 0 3


Hard Drive

Marianna Barclay

Mike Penn