Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
The New Sept of the Glade

Caern Leader: 'Father' Lord Gilliat Totem: Mare (Black Unicorn)
Acting Caern Guardian: Sebastian 'Seb Secondary Totem: Cockroach
Theurge: Rob Mitchell/Father Wimbish/Mike Penn Location: Manchester, Heaton Park
'Father': Children of Gaia, Ahroun, Rank 5, Age 52, 5’9, a hairless muscular man with a discoloured patch of skin on his forehead (Poliosis), stocky and powerful, armed with a Grand Glaive ‘Sheilak’. 'Father' was Lord Gilliat, now a Children of Gaia. He remains a master manipulator, with plans within plans, but now seems to focus on what's best for the Garou nation than his own tribal or personal advancement. The ex-King of England has turned his back on his old tribe, taking most of the other Shadow Lords with him. In this one move, he has ended the line of Pure Bred Shadow Lords in England. His new title was uttered by 'Mare' in the first moot and is something he has continued to push, although with resistance from the 'Traditionalists'. Some doubt his sincerity and the fact the Manchester Curse won't dispose of him, his old nicknames of 'King of Lies' and 'Unkillable' provide reason for this. He has brought his kin folk wife into public view, Lady Margery Harcourt is like her husband a well spoken, powerful presence amongst the kin, but one that does not fit with the free-love hippies that make up this caern's kin. 'Father' generally always dresses smartly with high cost suits, but now lacking the waist coat and tie. He still often appears with his pocket watch, now broken from the caern's purifying power.
Ian Henrys: He has the title of 'King of Lies', destroyed the last line of his tribe in England and can out fence any Klaive weidler in England. Of course you can trust him, I'd buy a used car from him!
Hepecarter: No single untainted man poses more of a threat to the garou stability in England. He may wear the skin of a sheep with his new tribe, but there is a wolf in there. He shouts 'unity' and all I hear is 'control'.
Uknown Fianna: We remember Cormac, and we still have long silver knives for this one. Hide among the Children, but we can hide too. One day, your crimes will come for you and the Glade will need a new leader.
'Seb' Sebastian Richards: Children of Gaia, Ahroun, Rank 3, Age 19, 5ft 10’ tall, a rough looking, unkempt youth now taking better care of his appearance. Seb, originall a Bone Gnawer has changed tribes with the new wave of Children of Gaia joining the caern. Although young he has held caern leadership and now has settled into the Caern Guardianship being the youngest garou to have both of these roles in the history of the caern. He is faithful, loyal and honest and puts caern and residents first. 'Father' furthers his combat training and is tutoring him in the leadership role and keeps the young garou close. Although young, the ahroun has worked his way into the hearts of most of the residents, more so since the leaving of the Red Talons. Seb seems to have gotten what he wants - a home, but has also got conflicts. Many of his old friends come to the caern still, which cause issues and strife for him and the residents. He speaks little of his real family and little about personal matters including the history between old pack members. He maintains a close relationship with Jason at this caern. Seb wears the caern's wardens uniform when he is on duty.
Rob Mitchell: Children of Gaia, Theurge, Rank 3, Age 40, 6’ tall, blonde curling hair, overweight and jovial with round glasses. He has for many years with the support of Marianna being an effective caern theurge, but sadly with the change of totem and the death of Marianna, he now lacks faith in himself and struggles with the overly antagonist spirit of 'Mare'. He is very unlikely to ever leave the caern and has become part of the furniture, yet now he is unhappy with the way things have become. He will often call for change back to the 'old ways' and 'happy days', making him firnly a traditonalist. He is overly friendly and has an infectious nature to people he meets and is well known by European Garou. His role as theurge means he has to deal with the caern totem, with support, but he prefers dealing with spiritual issues with the secondary totem and the other spirits that occur within the caern's large bawn. He is often late and has become more reliable over the years, he makes a good friend for the community of garou at the sept. Though his smile is less sincere lately, he remains a pleasure to be around. He commonly wears a chequered or striped shirts and large jeans.
Mike Penn: Glass walker, Galliard, Rank 3, Age 35, 5ft 10’ Mike is an easy fellow to get along with. His hair is straight and immaculately kept and he prides himself in his appearance and is never far from his briefcase. He is an arms dealer for the caern and is ‘on exchange’ from London in an attempt to combine forces of the two caerns. In recent years his relationship with London has decreased and he has shown greater loyalty to the CoG, being offered a role on the council as reward for service. Due to his unique skills he is also the human world representative and has had to adapt and train to the role of a caern theurge due to the recent crisis. He has fitted in nicely with the sept and has formed some packs here in the past. Recent political changes have called for him to become a CoG, something he has opposed a little as this would be a final insult to London and the City Streets pack. He has married a Children of Gaia kinfolk, but they have had no children to date and he lives on site with her. He gets on well with Rob Mitchellin and will socialise with any Get who come this way maintaining his relationship with them. Mike no longer insists on wearing his office clothing but his clothes are always well kept.
'Matt' Gordon Matthew Atherton-Smythe says: Remarkably uncommunicative for a Glasswalker ...
Father Bartholowmew 'Hand-of-Bear' Wimbish: 'Star Gazer'/Ronin, Theurge, Rank 3, Age 54, 5ft 10’. Father Bartholomew Wimbish has been around since the early days and has had a chequered past with firstly the Get-of-Fenris and later the Shadow Lords. He is now practically retired after the fall of St. Albans and he just does what he can help in garou society when the harano does not take him to dark places. He did until recently hold a job at St. Albans cathedral as a preacher who still teaches the words of God. He remains a devoted but broken priest, missing his left hand, with a circular monk-like natural bald patch from his disappearing hairline. His unique view is that God and Gaia are in the same being and many of the Christian stories have origins in the legends of the garou. The CoG have focused on trying to cure his harano and it has been a key discussion with many theories being offered. In him, is the hope of a quality theurge that could bring control the caern and Mare. His exceptional work as once the Head Theurge at St. Albans qualifies him for the post. His harano cripples him though. Also, the caern has deliberately withheld the recapture of St. Albans from him. Firstly to stop his harano getting worse, but some say to stop him leaving to return to his old caern. He had happy years at St. Albans and would be happy to return there to die, if his duty would come to an end. Wimbish wears religous garb and will always have his cross and rosemary beads, carrying his watcher staff fetish.
Lu-Tsu says: This man puts to much faith in the wrong things, Gaia above all others should be worshiped, not this God he talks about.
Moves-with-Moon says: Where is the Bears hand?
Damon Wright says: A wise man and I hear one of the greatest umbral explorers. He has a number of friends who are supposedly enemy’s of the Garou. We need all the friends we can get in these times.
Stefan Hein: Howls to a false God are wasted breath, no matter how pure-hearted the howler may be.
Michael Jones: A wise thurege who is a credit to our society. It seem truly unfair he is burdened with his condition. I wish i knew the man better.
Jenny Cork 'Echo': Children of Gaia Ahroun, Rank 4, Age 42, 5ft 4’, She has long brown hair almost always kept in a bob, she is undecidedly beautiful and slightly Asian in appearance. She is a lesbian and has a kinfolk lover; she does not have the usual hatred for men and has had a few boyfriends but now remains distanced from them in times of intimacy. Previously she did her part and tried for children to do her duty but Gaia did not bless her with any. She normally would receive criticism for her sexual orientation, but here at the sept, it seems nobody really cares and she is now allowed to live her life the way she wants. She is skilled in arts and crafting and makes many potential fetish cases, a skill she is renowned for across England. Not to be dismissed, she is a capable warrior but her anger has subsided since joining with the Children of Gaia and there is hope she will convert to the Children permanently as her contact with the Black Furies has diminished over the years to the point that she has now changed tribe. She believes that the caern should be manned by CoG, putting her in the Traditionalist camp. She wears tight fitting clothing with bright colours.
Nina 'Walaria' Vale: Black Fury Ahroun, Rank 4, Age 37, 5ft 9’, A cocky and attractive headstrong lady who has a certain French aspect about her but says she is not French. Her garou name is often just shortened into a ‘W’. She will have an answer and an opinion to most things and can be overly hostile, particular to men, Silver Fangs, Fianna, Glass Walkers and Get-of-Fenris. However she is still approachable (unlike some furies) and it is not unheard of her having a serious debate until she loses interest or patience. She is a capable warrior and has been an active caern guardian for many years at St.Albans. In recent years she has been punished and expelled from the Isle of Man caern with her young son. Manchester, controversally has offered her a place until the boy is older. Despite possibly offending the Black Fury allies, 'Father' has done it for all her years service to the Shadow Lords and the Caern of the Lost Pups. She mostly keeps to herself and helps with what duties she can. She dresses in fashionable, tight clothes and crop tops and is often seen scowling.
Moves-with-Moon: Nina and me are pack members. She is strong fighter, stronger than me even. We have great respect for each other. For a monkey she is ok, may we continue to pack with each other.
Stefan Hein: I will not speak ill of any Garou. My honour will not allow it. So, in this instance, I will say nothing at all.
Michael Jones says: A great warrior. She may be quick to anger, she may have judged some unfairly but still it seems her intentions are at least well meant.
Jane Manson: Children of Gaia, Galliard, Rank 3, Age 35, 5ft 3’ tall, short dark hair, petite and pretty (but for a faded facial acid burn), but is shy and reclusive. She previously packed with 'Rachel' but became more of a recluse when her packmate was slain by the now-ronin 'Has No Friends'. She tends to keep to herself in all but moots where she comes alive to tell sagas and great tales, a role she has always embraced. Many come from afar for this for she has a great talent and memory and can recall fine details of any tale (she has an eidetic memory) and the ability to twist a story without making it an untruth. After a harrowing relationship with kinfolk she is now dedicating her life to the caern. She may still have a personal life, but it is something that remains exclusively private to her and she works hard to keep things that way. Jane has become more vocal with recent changes, she is firmly in the Traditionalist camp, but is generally less vocal about it. She will wear full length and smart clothing in the French style.
Jo Centre’: Children of Gaia, Galliard, Rank 3, Age 39, 5ft 9’ tall. Short cropped dark brown hair. She maintains a lovely tanned complexion with a mole on her left cheek and is an active traveller and recorder of garou history. She famously made a song tale on what it meant to be a tribe from the perspective of each of the tribes of the garou nation. She has a strong French accent and is one of the garou recruited from La mores in France. Historically she formed a pack with Diane, Marianna, Alex and Patricia but most of those members have now gone. She has a short temper for a Children of Gaia and is a Black fury sympathiser, maintaining some contact with the Isle of Man caern. She is often used at this caern to convey messages to the Black Furies or to organise the transferral of personnel. Previosuly she filled the role of a Silent Strider for the caern despite not being of that tribe, a role she misses and has cast aside for responsability. She has the mighty Fenris as a spirit ally and is the spokesperson for the sept when dealing with other tribes as she has an excellent understanding of the other garou tribes. She can speak 17 languages, is one of the Original French CoG garou and is of the line of Marianna Barclay...albeit distantly. Many look at her as the Leader of the Traditionalist, and she does believe that the caern should be purely for Children of Gaia, but she has seen much good potential with other tribes and her opinions are beginning to sway. Jo's clothing is as varied as the weather and she often dresses for the occasion or the situation.
Diane Royale: Children of Gaia, Philodox, Rank 3, Age 43, 5ft 11’. Freckled with fiery red hair, slightly overweight and the least attractive of all the women in the sept. She was once a Black Fury changing her tribe when she was forced to leave her old caern and tried to start a new life with a new tribe. The only real choice was the Children of Gaia and so she found herself here at Manchester. She still has the stereotypical mentality and intolerance to men but has mellowed a little over the years. A prejudice that she does not pass on to the male lupus though and as such her and Freddie were often used to ease tensions between the Red Talons. She despised the Fenris when they were here and has no love for a return to the old alliance. She deals mainly with the women at the Caern and even though she is CoG, always is treated like an outsider by the French garou. She loathes John Constantine and won't speak favourably about Freddie, even though he's passed on. She is a Revivalist, but has very open opinions about which tribes are tolerated and which have no right at the caern. Always with an opinion and an arguement if you don't agree with it. She does choose mates occasionally but she is not as open with it as many of the sept's other members. Normally dresses in combat clothes and utility clothing or a Park wardens garb.
'Howl-of-the-Death-Wolf': Children of Gaia, Theurge, Rank 3, LUPUS, Age 62, An old greyed wolf with a limping foreleg. Now war crippled Red Talon whose waning rage has led him to change tribes. In later life he now focuses on learning rites and helping others to continue the war. Invited here as a Red Talon mediator and a go-between with the Children of Gaia. He has had a few years of good service, but now it looks like he has an interest to take the Rite of the Winter Wolf, something his new tribe would not allow. Of late 'Howl's' has been despondent with the open betrayel and actions of the Red Talons. In one move he has lost his function at the caern and his old tribe. The CoG are trying to relocate him, or find a useful role for him at caern. The old wolf has become more reckless in Moots and it is expected his time is coming to an end. He spends most of his time in lupus or hispo and mainly in the penumbra.
Mathilde 'Nike': Children of Gaia, Galliard, Rank 3, Age 37, 5ft 10’. A dark haired woman with hair down to her lower back, sharp features but beautiful in her growing age. 'Nike' is a French Galliard, from the same caern as the 'Mother' family originally. She speaks ill of Marianna though, despite hearing the stories of her success, which does not endear her to this group. In fact, she is the most loathed person in the caern. Tolerated only due to her strong connection and affiliation to the allied mother caern in France. She maintains an old rivallry with that family and has come to support the weaker CoG that remain here as a spokeswoman for the tribe in France. She is not overly fond of the leader or 'Seb'. She won't speak against them as 'turncoats' or 'outsiders' if they have made the change to the CoG, but she thinks it and there is plenty of other things she will say. The leaders have to tolerate her while she is here as a CoG representative and she is Seb's biggest political rival here. 'Father' though tolerates her, stating at moot, to her face, 'For she spouts like a poisoned Ragabash and all that hear her know her words are foolish'. Despised, if she was to die in challenge there will be no wet eyes. 'Nike' is firmly in the 'Traditonalist' camp. She'll dress sportingly, wearing the trainers that have become her name and a symbol of victory.
Aaron 'Mr Kingsley' Kingsley: Children of Gaia, Ahroun, Rank 3, Age 30, 5ft 10’. A bald headed man, dark hollows with staring eyes. Despite becoming a CoG he still never smiles and rarely talks, often not responding to 'Aaron', prefering 'Mr. Kingsley'. He has changed the least in the tranistion to the new tribe and takes critism that he has not taken on the tribal ideals. To this, he just stares. Supported by the Caern Leader, he remains a handy man, a man that gets things done. Sometimes unpleasant things best left unsaid. He cares nothing for the Traditionalist and Revivalist factions, even though it effects him and often neither attends these sessions or hangs around if an arguement erupts. He shows no interest in mating with the kin at caern. He will still wear a suit when around caern and keeps his own kinfolk hidden and unknown.
Penny 'Hodor' Sutton: Children of Gaia, METIS, Ahroun, Rank 3, Age 45, 5ft 11'. Penny has a massive body, makes a huge crinos and has a masculine look about her, but he deformity is in the mind. She has down-syndrome making her slot of wits and a little awkward in social situations. As the caern is a social place, this is a real set-back. She seems to have embraced the new tribe though and she is a well liked member of the caern. Many of the original CoG refuse to call her by her 'nick-name', thinking it rude and callous. The old Shadow Lords members use it as a way to hold rank over her, keeping her subjugated, confirming her place at the bottom. Penny helps the kinfolk as a gentle giant and it is here that she finds the joy in her life. Penny wears simple clothing given to her by the Children of Gaia, often donated from their own clothing or bought especially for her.
James Brown: Children of Gaia, Galliard, Rank 3, Age 30, 5ft 9’. A round faced, smiling chap who can avidly socialise and entertain in equal measure. He sings many of the stories of the great house of the Caern of the Castle, and is the chief record keeper of the old stories. Despite being a galliard, he can always sniff out a dishonest voice and has philodox gifts for this skill. At heart though he seems a nice but manipulative guy, his kinfolk partner is often seen with him. He is generally liked by the CoG and makes a pretty good arguement against the Traditionalists when discussions arrise. He is greatly disliked by Diane Royale. Mr Brown wears suits and multi-coloured ties, although away from the site he does dress casual.
Robert 'Ro-Bear' Martinez: Children of Gaia, Galliard, Rank 3, Age 30, 5ft 8’. A nerdy floppy haired guy, who has a mismatched coloured eyes and a scar on his eyebrow due to a battle scar. He wears glasses in homid. 'Ro-Bear' is a talkative social fellow but with a great love for Science fiction and computer games which tends to infect much of his dialogue. He'll make plenty of references that most people don't get and will laugh at things that people didn't understand. However, he has creative story-telling abilities and is famous for 'Wolf Wars', a garou story based on Star Wars, in which he changes costumes, uses his miriad of voices and characters and has an impressive 'Silver Sabre' battle with himself. His attitude with many caern arguments is to tell them all to ' cortège' - arguements that would kill them all. Singly he promotes singularity
Max Stone: Children of Gaia, Theurge, Rank 2, Age 28, 6ft 2’ tall, A tall ex-detective now brought fully into garou life. He has abandoned his old tribe and become a CoG due to localised pressure. He forms the intelligence for the caern and normally has a way to sway public opinion or press coverage of the site which makes him invaluable. He recently acquired his fostern status for his actions during the recent solar activity that devastated Europe. Stone is an approachable and calculating Garou, saying little that is unimportant and always have a jovial smile. He likes to call people 'dude', smoke weed and runs a Volkswagen camper van. He commonly dresses in trench coats and cream or grey hats or other smart attire, especially when in a official capacity.
Aidan 'Green Fingers' O'Brien: Fianna, Ahroun, Rank 2, Age 22, 6ft 1', A hot tempered Irish man with few thickly accented words and quick actions. Aidan is here due to the Fianna's close support of the caern from 'Ever-Flowing Cup'. He has become the caern's 'First Pack' leader with Jason, Zbignov, Sauvetage and Haywire and together they work in the Manchester area as the 'Gray Water' pack with Canada Goose as pack totem. Aidan listens well, makes his decision and then goes with it. There is tension with Jason Smith, who is the pack Beta and it is unsure if Aidan can keep him in line. The Ragabash often picks fun at his accent and leaves potatoes around for him. Aidan has too much rage to take this well and Zbignov often is needed to balance the two. Aidan still dislikes Jason and it remains the packs biggest weakness. Aidan dresses casually and his clothes can be a little unkempt and overly used.
Jason 'Black Full Moon' Smith: Children of Gaia, Ragabash, Rank 2, Age 19, 5ft 10’. Has a shaved head, has some of the poliosis marks on his head, moody youth. His mood has not changed from leaving the Shadow Lords and he remains a militarlistic, hard lined, no-nonsense garou. His garou name coming from the fact he is more an ahroun than a ragabash. A good scout and often used for infilitrating the local vampire dens and formori pockets that have sprung up over Manchester. Not happy with the politics of the caern, or the loss of his tribe, which he feels was pushed upon him by Lord Gilliat. He still has his Klaive though he is rarely seen with it, outside of moots. Jason is not a popular caern member and will quite happily let people know what he feels on the matter if he hears. His answer only involves one finger. This attitude makes him a poor caern based ragabash as he lacks the people skills to control and guide rage filled creatures. He is an ex-pack mate of Seb and some of the other pack mates can occasionally be found visiting the caern. They will talk of 'old times' when they have a few jars in them. He will wear dark clothes, sometimes leather jackets but remains well dressed showing his wealth.
Zbignov: Children of Gaia, Ragabash, Rank 2, Age 19, 6ft, A tall Eastern European garou, who has cunning plans and a randomness that makes him highly unpredicatble. A clever ragabash with plans within plans with a Asian flare now as he is back training in Tibet. A real boon to the caern who find themselves lacking a ragabash with caern experience of keeping a sept together. No one can predict him, so people remain a little more cautious when he's around. He prevents a lot of other disputes and promotes the Eastern edge as great wisdom. His words 'The Star Gazer's would consider that foolish, they more correctly would...' and he has everyone listening. Zbignov likes jeans and shirt, but he has deliberatly worn woven, bright coloured Dharma clothing with which he returned with.
Jason 'Speaks to the Dead' Black Owl: Silent Strider, Theurge, Rank 2, 5ft 10’ tall, 16 years old. Jason is of Native American stock spending most of his life in America, forged with his early rites into a growing theruge. His Rite of Passage brought an alliance between the vampires of the city into an amicable truce with his supporting caern. Pivotal, shocking to many, but it did save lives. After this, he wandered around Europe feeling the wander lust of his tribe, until convinced to join a peace pack bringing his weight of experience to bear in. His experiences with Seb have locked him to this caern as the two were packed and are friends and he remains indebt to Seb for saving his life in the Abyss. Jason has taken Jo Centre's old place as the caerns Silent Strider, something that has made him no friends. Occasionally, when pressed for the vampire story, he mentions the fact that there are Vampires without wyrm taint who have Gaia's blessing. He has helped with the Vampire situation in Manchester, but has confirmed a truely powerful vampire must be at the centre of the web. A vampire that passes unseen and seems to predict the future. Both due to the fact he actual is one and Jo is now more active with caern life. It makes the Native American though as target when he's around with the tribe issue. Not that he cares, his time is normal elsewhere speaking for the caern and he's back when Seb needs him. Jason will wear jeans and shirt which has a faint Native feel about it.
Annabelle ' Les Parents De Sauvetage': Children of Gaia, Philodox, Rank 2, Age 19, 5ft 9', long flowing blonde hair to her back (hair extensions) and a thin long face. 'Sauvetage' goes for the Pure breed look, though she lacks any connection to 'Mother' or 'Marianna Barclay' and her line. She speaks mainly in garou or French as her English is poor and it makes her sound foolish. She is new to the caern and trying to find her feet, so she has remained friendly with all and avoided any controversial opinions while she settles in. In fact she does nothing which is considered wrong and this perfect nature makes others a little wary that she is not being genuine. Her stories of her deeds are known, but anything about her character and personality remains obscure. 'Sauvertage' wears long flowing dresses with colours of the current season.
Keith 'Haywire' Snipe: Glass Walker, Theruge, Rank 1, age 17, 5ft 10' tall. Keith is a well dressed city garou and is never far away from his super laptop computer and his trusty firearm. He is currently a 'permanent guest' due to his involvement and support during Marianna's injury and support after her death. Although he is disliked by the Red Talons, they have accepted the importance of a Glass Walker and have allowed him to remain under Mike Penn's tutorage. He focuses on more on his human connections than the garou world and as such his progress in rank has been slow. The two Glasswalkers here have become quite close in a caern that likes to isolate them and Haywire is actually quite supportive of his rich and famous friend. Some one has to be. 'Haywire' can be deeply reflective and often has moods and time alone. The City Streets pack mainly come to visit the caern to see him now and it is mainly about their odd rites and techno babble. A.J. has let something slip about a powerful Weaver spirit to help the Garou, but little else can be learned. Although once packed with Seb, the two have grown a little apart since their pack broke apart and now they both move in different circles. They nod and smile but no longer know each other. Haywire wears baggy clothing in browns and greens.
'A.J.' McLean: Glass Walker, Ragabash, Rank 1, age 40, 5ft 7' tall. 'A.J' has a goatee and numerous tattoos, often wears glasses and loose fitting pants. He is an American born Cuban, foolish, loud but a talented musician and singer. He will happily tell you about his band 'Backstreet Boys' and what a great guy he is. He can sing, and dance and play instruments - but he makes a terrible garou. It has been long for him to earn rank and respect due to his other focuses in life. Fortuantly his rage is low and he has begun to show signs of progress, but it is slow earned. 'Father' has allowed him here at caern to ensure support from City Streets pack at moot time and to build the failing relationship with the London caern due to Mike Penn's distancing from them. Currently they have the space, but need the allies. There is even rumour that Mike might become a CoG! Fortunatly A.J. has money and it is hoped he will grow into a useful member of the society. A.J. likes to wear tight clothing, glasses and 'Benny' hats.
The Caern: The Caern is a powerful one; it always has been, ever since the Children of Gaia took it over from the Iron Riders (Glass Walkers) in the industrial age. The new totem that was introduced was Unicorn which changed the Caern to one of Healing with Crow staying on from the Glass Walkers. Over the years this has changed to cockroach as the abundance of them in the pack increased and again the Glass Walker presence increased. Some argue this is due to the Glass Walker's themselves and their actions within the caern. There always was a problem with a lack of Ahrouns at this caern (those few they had went to Carleon for the better reputation, leaving the caern weak to attack from the Wyrm's greater presence in Manchester. Through the years difference deals have been made with other tribes to ensure that an active contingent of ahrouns are here to protect the place. Mother managed to broker a deal with the Get-of-Fenris and later with a pack of Red Talons, keeping a steady truce between the two tribes. The caern has fallen in the past and during a transitional phase had Dove as a totem, but over the years Unicorn was eventually moved to take its rightful place back at the caern heart. Marianna Barclay took control and was running the caern capably, until the arrival of the Silver Fang Corvac Malkolov, who took control of the Caern. After a few turbulent years the Caern was briefly captured by minions of the Wyrm who damaged it extensively. Now a group of Red Talons have come to reclaim the Caern and its lost power. It is hoped that this Caern will again rise to its former glory in the last days. The Talon, Brokentooth became the leader on the death of Marianna Barclay during the moot that changed Unicorn into Black Unicorn (Mare), yet within a year they left the caern too. The Turbulance that has followed this, saw a Bone Gnawer take charge, and then Lord Gilliat, now called 'Father' and turned into CoG. It's huge size has called in many of it's allies to support the caern with its greater size - and this means there is more of a mixed tribe feel of the caern. Some of these new members are not as keenly invested in the caern as the older members. Some lack the rank to be fully supporitve caern members and have become the caerns 'active pack'. Spiritual potential of the site has been renewed but is imbalanced as there is no great theurge to control the totem and its excessive raw power. The CoG hark back to their glory days of 'Mother' and 'Grandmother' due to their uncertain future and there is much political turbulance at the caern. The caern has gone from strength to strength and is again one of the major sites to visit in England, it has a rich history full of blood and loss as any great caern should have.
Known Problems:
Black Unicorn (Mare) - The totem has excessive power and now will burn allies and enemies alike if not controlled. The Unicorn has excessive rage and lacks the shyness of the old Unicorn. It is bold and aggressive, focusing on protecting the site from its enemies. Many of its moon bridge connections have been lost. Three theruges have taken the role of head theurge, each with their own problems and they share duties among them. The caern is struggling to find a suitable Theurge of skill to take their place. Some want to change the totem back to the original Unicorn. Seb and the leader refuse to entertain this idea.
Vampires - the city has several old and powerful vampires who control the city. These vampires keep the minor leeches in line and frequently out maneavour the garou of Manchester. The situation has worsended as the vampires are aware of the caern's weakness and have taken advantage since then. Currently there is no soloution to this problem.
Political unrest - two factions have sprung up at the caern in response to the newer members from old tribes. Though their loyalty is not questioned the motivations are. Some of the CoG want a return to the old days and to bring in changes to make the caern more like it was in the olden days. However, the caern has changed and others believe that the tribe has to change with it.
Loss of allies - recent changes have cost the caern a lot of support. The CoG are not the faction they once were and many of pulled support for the caern. Though the caern is in a stronger position it is now trying to find its feet again and rebuild its lost alliances. The caern will no longer host the Grand Moot, which some feel foolish. Arguements are made due to its unstable nature and loss of moonbridges.
Bone Gnawers and Silent Striders - The caern has become a target for these tribes. Theft of items has made some very unhappy and some odd rites are being done in the bawn or near the caern without permission. As many of the kin actually live or frequent the penumbral bawn this can be seen as a threat to their kin. Some reactions have been hostile and have taken its toll politically and on tribal unity. Traditionalists have disussed even banning these tribes access and forcing punishment rites on offender. This splits opinions more than any other matters at caern.
Wyrm - the huge caern is now noticed and suffers frequent attacks from the Wyrm. It is better to defend against assault, but it has become a place prepped for war, not peace. This makes many unhappy and it has resulted in deaths on site.
Caern Factions
Traditionalists - believe the old ideals of CoG, Mother's people achieved more and spear headed tribal unity. They meant something. All caern members should be CoG and a closed sept to secure the CoG's future, rather than risking hostile take over (some believe this has happened). Those of Pure 'Mother' blood should lead the caern in the old ways. The totem should change back to White Unicorn and it become a centre of healing and love again.
Revivalists - the old days had their time, but were not as good as we remember. Move forward, things cannot be the same, mixed tribes, Open caern - better for peace if all can be accepted - the caern is now large enough. Rather than risking change, people should adapt to deal with the differences. All goals can be conquered together.
Known Fallen
Freddie McDowell: The metis hidden as a lupus and the caern's jovial ragabash. He was well liked by the residents and his death by banes as they invaded the caern caused the faction of 'Traditonalists' to form. In death he has become more loved than he was in life. 'Revivalists' claim that you should never hide a deformity and this was wrong and need to move forward to better times where others can have faith in the tribe.
Alex Saunders: The Philodox with the words. He was the last of the great philodox from the early days of 'Mother'. His body was squashed flat by a great bane and was barely recognisable. His grave grows poppies and daffodils depending on the time of year.
Marianna Barclay: The old acting leader of the caern who was slain by a formori silver 'curse' bullet and died weeks after the moot. She has since become a legend and some think cut short before she could have united the tribes of England under one banner. Whether or not this would have been true, she was the greatest diplomatic leader of her day.
Mother: The wise old Theurge, who was loved and respected globally who was slain by formori.
Grandmother: Was replaced by a haephodant. It is assumed the young leader's body was disposed of and it has never been found.
Rachel: A beautiful Metis, who tragically became tainted and was slain by Constantine.
Rod Peterson: One time Caern leader, Mother’s trusted aid and best human friend of EST, died slaying Mother’s reincarnated Bane.
Razor Back: EST’s best friend and a great Ahroun, was slain in a Caern assault.
EST: Slain by the other Red Talons for being too weak to lead.
White Patch: Still missing and shunned after betraying the caern. The Get still hunt for him.
Streaks: Another traitor although he is reported to have been slain by the vampires in London.
Danny, John Keenan, Big Mike: All slain defending the Caern from invasion. A small shrine marks the site where they fell.
John Constantine: The shamed Garou now missing in action. Few will mention his name after he left the original pack to the Wyrm. Although not officially responsible many connect him with the deaths of fallen Garou
Corvak Malkov: A Silver Fang that was replaced by a Haephodant and eventually caused the fall of the caern.
Olaf Peterson: The Great Fenris warrior who refused to run at the fall of the Caern, a shame there are few like.
Visitors: It is probably one of the most visited caerns in England and although takes the name of a 'Sept' due to its restrictions on membership it is that only in name. Many people visit and seek refuge and shelter in and out of moot times and was a common site for any Grand Moot in England. The spiritual energy in the place is very high and its bawn large enough to accommodate a limited number of lupus. It has a boating park, farm visitor park (which is practically a small zoo!), golf course, football fields, tram museum and even a papal monument. Several large building are on site, all with a rich history and the site receives a lot of visitors in the physical each year. It is a place of peace and relaxation for many that seek refuge from a busy city life. All tribes are represented among the visitors and there is a chance that lowly pups can meet high ranking elders and key figures in the meeting area. The caern is not as it once was though and although it still gets the numbers, people are not as happy here as they once were. Something needs to be done.

The circle shows the extent of the caern shield.
A: The Northern car park is inside the shield and is the most defended of the common points, it is also a restricted car park as it is where the staff park and other important visitors.
B: Wraith Point, a location that is not liked. The shield crosses the fence, meaning those doing penumbral walks on the outside have the fence barrier to cross. Many strange things happen here from strange lights, watchers, willo-the-wisps.
C: Southern car park is the main used public car park. The largest and some utility vehicles from staff are kept here. It's a good source of income for the Sept.
D: War Edge. Considered the weakest area of the caern. It is the focal charge point in the Moot and many gather here for the glory grab in the revel.