Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
Opening Howls
'Opening Howls' Part 1
Session 1
In attendance
Mike - Tristan Greyholt (pup - suspected Silver Fang, Phiolodox)
Marc - 'Matt' Gordon Matthew Atherton-Smythe (Pup - Suspected Glasswalker)
Lisa - Hadya Dariz (Pup - suspected Uktena, Theurge)
Amber - Moira McErin Hart (pup - suspected Fianna, Ahroun)
Tristan - Coming from a rich family of old money Tristan had a difficult unloved childhood, sent away to private boarding schools. The servants around him seemed a better parent than his real ones. Removed from school after a turbulant nightmare and irrational uncontrolable anger he was sent to Wales to speak to the Doctor Nikki Davies. His father saddened to be losing his often absent son, realised that he had failed him...probably for the last time. He drove him to St Davids Head where he had a angry parting with his father.
'Matt' - From a rich family buisness, Gordon was sent to a private boarding school in Kent. With the familly buisness being run by his parents, his slow building anger begane to rise as he entered his teenage years. An unfortunate trip to the Science museum had a strange man follow him back. He reported it, but the man was gone by the time they went to check. The same or a similar man was seen by Gordon over the weeks, so much so that after several sightings he went to try and talk to him. His concussion reminded him, it might have been a bad idea. He was gagged and bound in a van when he gained conciousness. He was transported into a house where he was held hostage for a time. When he managed to escape he was quickly captured again and on the way back he was rescused by a tall man called Ian Henrys. The mutilated bodies of his captors were left behind and for a while, Ian kept him in a safe house in the city. He fed him, clothed him and kept him safe. His last news told him, his parents knew he was safe and that he would take him to an elder for healing and safety. Henrys drove him to the pub at St Davids head, expectent to see Nikki.
Hadya - from a loving single parent family, originally from Sudan young Hadya had a unique relationship with her father. Growing an early love for the seaside and the morning mists she continued a lovely childhood until a building rage grew within her. To not upset her sad father, she hid it best she could. Evetually, the anger grew too much that it was picked up by her form tutor. That night, she awoke naked in the city with the chewed carcass of a cat. Vomitting blood, she did her best to get home, until a friendly postman put a coat over her and returned her home. Tragically upset, her father arranged for her to go away to Wales and stay with a lady called Nikki. Sensing this was farewell, she took several items, spent a final day at the seaside with her father before he drove her to St Davids Head, for a final tear wrencing farewell.
Moira - growing up in Scotland was hard for Moira. Occasionally, her angry father would visit, but life was focused with her mum. The squalor of the area amplified her growing rage and it soon led to fights in school, one incident leaving a fellow student blind in one eye. Clothes became black, music became Metallica until Moira was stopped by a teacher - Mr Harper, which after a failed pyschological test, led to a another head psych...and eventually the news she was being taken from her mother. Rather than wait for the final day, Moira had had enough and ran away from home. Taking the train from Manchester, she stopped at a small station called Helsby. With some money, but no shelter, she took shelter in a pub, but was kicked out. Desperate she tried to stay at a church. When they realised she was homeless and she had no where to stay, the clergy forced her to stay on the hill in a shelter. The men that watched her where agressive. Soon she led to an arguement with one, which seemed bad. They decided to remove her and agreed on dumping her in St Davids' Head. With two thugs making sure she did not do a runner, they waited till she was taken away on the boat.
The four pups met at the Chicken Coop, a large Victorian pub chatting briefly with the 1,000 Islands representative Cindy Morse. When settled, they led aboard the motorised dinghy and transported over rough waters to Ramsey Island. Hoping to see seals in the failing light Moria asked for the scenic route, but Tristan was keen to just get to the island. Going over a rocky overhang they entered the cave, carefully navigated by Captain Frank Hoyle. Out the other side, he raced past the house on the cliff, out to the boarding platform where a red haired woman awaited.
She helped them land, announced that she was Nikki and thanked the captain as he headed off. Moira was concerned that Nikki was going to murder them, which made Nikki smile. She asked them for 48 hours and their word that they would not leave before. After that, they were free to go. All agreed. She led them to the house, showed them their quarters and let them shower and change from their old clothes. Meeting downstairs she led them though to the library where they met Laura and Stefan Hein. Settling down, Nikki asked them for the easy or hard version. With no one asking for the easy, she assumed hard. She insisted they drink some whiskey, when Hadya was reluctant, Stefan aggressively insisted. She sipped. The Nikki told them they were werewolves. In disbelief, she changed form, shortly afterwards Stefan and Laura did the same. With vocal cords still in human, she explained that they could do the same in time, and someone in their family was also a werewolf and that they too could soon change. Changing back, she arranged to go for a boat trip, asking Laura to come with them.
The boat journey out was in the dark, and the choppy waters rocked the boat about. Nikki explained about the physical and the penumbra and Laura using a staff stepped sideways....taking the boat with her. The four pups fell into the frigid waters, the currents pulling them under, Nikki shouted for them to change or drown. Struggling to stay afloat, they each in turn shifted into their war forms being strong enough to swim ashore, Tristan eager to save people until they all changed forms. Nikki was playing a harmony flute, preventing them from flipping into frenzy. Cold, they pulled themselves on to the rocks. Nikki encouraged them to shift into glabro to ascend the cliff face, Tristan doing so in crinos. At the top of the cliff, they ran along the rocks till they came to the fallen bridge they saw on the boat journey over. Nikki demonstrated turning into lupus and leaped the chasm. Again, in turn they followed, but Hadya slipped and fell. Hitting the water, she quickly transformed into crinos to get out of the water, then glabro to climb back up. Tristan offered help, but Hadya refused it. Nikki told her not to worry, that there was a runt in every litter. Heading back to the highlands, Nikki gave them each a mirror and instructed them on stepping sideways. Each did so in turn, but Hadya showed great skill and even beat Nikki to the penumbra. They saw that things were different seeing animated faces on the grass stalks and sleeping bouders as well as the huge green blue of a semi sphere of light. Nikki informed them of the caern shield and they howled to be let in by the bald person they saw in the living room. They managed to put words into their howls with wolf speak. Stepping inside, they seated on rocks and Nikki explained the litany from her perspective.
The ST awarded 2 XP for some of the exceptional RP again, 1XP for runners up.
Name Glory Honour Wisdom XP
Tristan Greyholt 1 1 0 4 (2 role-play point)
'Matt' Atherton-Smythe 0 1 1 2
Hadya Dariz 0 1 1 3 (1 role-play point)
Moira McErin Hart 0 1 1 4 (2 role-play point)

Caern of the Sea Bird