Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
Rage Across the Waves
George - Caern Leader - Charlie Robinson, Shadow Lord, Philodox, Adren
Gandalf - Head Theurge - Powercut, Get-Of-Fenris, Theurge, Athro
Josh - Talesinger - Aoife 'High- Note' Quinn, Fianna, Galliard, Fostern
Matthew, - Keeper of the Land - Tristan 'Remembers-in-Silence' Gilbert, Silver Fang, Galliard, Fostern
Marc - Questioner of the ways - 'Completes-the-Task', Get-of-Fenris, Ragabash, Fostern
Alex - Caern Guardian - 'Diptheria', BoneGnawer, Ahroun, Fostern
Rage Across the Waves - March 16th 2016 - Sessions played March 2020
A seagull spun down through the thick sea mist down past the rocky cliffs pounded by waves, down to a whitewashed pebble-dashed house. Landing on the gate fence, the camera passed it and headed into the open door. Inside Charlie Robinson was bandaging his wounds while the gas stove kettle boiled. Mrs Sloane came in and informed him that the boat had been seen on its way to the harbor and it would arrive shortly. He quickly made himself presentable and headed down to the harbor with Sue Sloane, the light failing already and a Philodox moon in the sky.
The flat back, canary yellow boat plummeted through the waves, rising up and down on the swells of up to 7ft in height. The 9 passengers in the back clung to the guide rope, some enjoying the surf, others soaked and miserable. Its engine's roar to loud to allow speech after a few of the passengers had attempted this but given up and enjoyed the smell of brine and the roller-coaster ride. The journey was 25 minutes and at its climax it blew a loud horn when it pulled into the pier. A rope was thrown and the ship tied up.
The passengers ignored the ship captain and the lady at the harbor-side and each in turn greeted Charlie Robinson. Powercut was absent. Charlie greeted each in turn; 'Highnote', a young, pretty Irish lady; Darren 'Eyes-Across-The-Water', a thin, shaved head young man; a curt nod from 'Wordy', a stubble faced emotionless man; a gentle lady shake from Daria, a pink haired eastern European and lastly the boat had been held for his fellow passengers by Tristan 'Remembers-in-Silence' who greeted him warmly. An odd, well dressed gentleman. Charlie, noted that one of the passengers, the one with the twisted grinning face had jumped of the side of the boat and had joined the others without the greet. The group headed to the Bird Observatory, noting the external chemical toilets on the way. The men's was currently broken.
In the Penumbra, Black Paws, the French Children-of-Gaia rite-master who was injured during the Rite of Caern Creation advised Powercut, also injured from the rite that he would be back to do his final report shortly and the rest of the garou would either leave tonight, or in the morning. 'Powercut', a tall weathered faced, greying man said he'd meet him in the physical at the Bird Observatory as he needed to meet the new caern members. He stepped sideways after a peek and made his way to the Observatory. He greeted them all as well, and 'Highnote' offered him healing, to which the theurge said it was a scratch - when it clearly was not.
Inside the large building, the group congregated around the kitchen table, and a few of them had to stand around the doorway, due to lack of space. A room of 6 held 11. Black Paws came in and gave his report in English with a noticeable French accent. He explained that the kraken-esque bane's assault had resulted in four deaths and that had put back the ritual, causing a weaker caern to be formed. They had formed the caern with their blood and spiritual energy as a last hope. He advised that the caern's spirit - Oyster-catcher, a war spirit, had not settled in its allocated nest and as such, the caern had drifted from its original planned location. The spirit now freely wandered the caern, rather than being in an allocated center. Defenses in the North East were strong due to the cliff slope, but to the West the shield went into the sea which was more difficult to defend. He also noted that the secondary spirits were in conflict with each other, both Seal and Crow were fighting for dominance and they should resolve this issue. Naming the caern should also be a priority as to allow it to build identity to the site in the penumbra. Warning them they had a month to assess the threats for moot, build allies and defences. The site currently had some space for additional spiritual energy at moot for two, or even could support new members. He'd seen Watcher spirits to the North, a sign of upcoming conflict which should also be investigate. He also noted the shields unusual colour. With his recommendations to also build the new totems strength and confidence as it was shedding too much power in the form of rage and its animal like intelligence could not deal with it well currently. He told Charlie, there was an abundance of 'Christian' spirits on the isle and the four who had fallen in the rite had been buried in the Grave of Hallowed Heroes on the site. There was also a single caernstone in the cave, where there was a umbral tether. This would need to be investigated. With this, he wished them all well, saying he would abide by tradition and would not return for a whole moot cycle. All feeling a little morose, 'Highnote' sang a song to cheer their spirits. It seemed the caern listened.
The first pack, Darren, 'Wordy', 'Drives-like-a-Madman' and Dalia stayed with the leadership and they discussed these issues and then debated some names for the site. A concern was made to reference the Shadow Lords, but to not make it sound like a purely Shadow Lord caern and whether to close or open its membership. Originally Charlie preferred a closed Sept to balance the leadership, but the group swayed him into a Caern prefix to keep the site as an open one. So, they fell on the title of 'Caern of the Stormy Isle'. Then they debated on what to do next and decided a tour would be in best order.
The group with Susan headed around the 442 acres of isle, a 2 hour journey in the physical. They saw the 10 main buildings that made up the isle, the ruin that was the abbey and then headed to the Hermit's Cave. At this site, they peeked into the penumbra to see the shrine that was here, the caernstone at its feet, a large polished boulder in front of a much more grand shrine. They made note to visit it in the penumbra. They climbed the cliffs, looked down into the sea crashing against the rocks below, went down to seal beach, saw some puffins and the huge breeding colonies of Oyster-catchers. Following the well trodden path (the isle had no road, nor electricity) they went down to the lighthouse. The automated building stood proud and they noted that the building also housed two large generators that had been decommissioned 2 years prior and now the site ran on solar power. There was some discussion of whether they could get the old petrol generators working again, and Completes-the-Task thought they could. At this point, the tour went penumbral and they left the kin Sue Sloane behind. Immediately realising the umbral storm in the penumbra was significantly stronger, they shifted into warform to move easily showing the others their heritage. Tristan 'Remembers-in-Silence showed his proud fur of warrior hero heritage, while Powercut looked more like a Shadowlord than a Get-of-Fenris. Highnote's Fang dagger was visible in her war form. The Abbey was fully formed in the penumbra and not a ruin, behind its graveyard sported thousands of graves, not visible in the physical and the site glowed with inner white light permeating into the penumbral shield probably responsible for giving it its light blue colour. Hermit's Cave was another factor, for here, the cave entrance being far more grand and its rock face gave it a almost face like appearance, with the entrance like a gaping maw. Going back, the cave was much larger. Here they could feel the closeness of the umbral realm which Powercut assessed as The Abyss. Following the cave round they found another cave, not in the physical were a variety of scattered items were found, a selection of odd socks, a newspaper, a pass with tags, some keys and other personal items. Aware this was possibly a weak link for the caern. From here, they went to meet the totem. Powercut advised they all collect food, which they did and they approached the bird cautiously. It had settled for the night and watched them with one eye as they approached. When they got close enough he stood up, as high as an ostrich. It was offered food to which it moved sideways looking for the food as if its blood red eyes were weak. With translation its voice moved with its motion 'What do we have here?' to one side, 'Now what is this?' to the other and suddenly a violent outburst 'NO! Not now! Stop!' and it gulped down a cockle. It's personality disorder apparent. They made verbal greetings, unsure if it understood and then left the totem to settle. Doing so, it pulled out a feather and it's rage sub-sided.
Returning from the tour, Charlie and Powercut sent Daria and 'Drives-like-a-Madman to caern duty guarding, while Darren and 'Wordy' went to the coast in the penumbra to assess the threats of the Wyrm. They decided that in the morning 'Highnote' and 'Completes-the-Task' would travel to the London caern to ask them about their 'mobile' totem and from there, to Sept of the Cardboard Box to request aid for their moot at Powercut's request. He told them to name drop, as he had been involved with the defence of their caern. The caern in the South France was not easy to get to, and they'd best ask for a Moonbridge from the Caern of the Park in London. As it was dark and there was no light but candles, they turned in for the night. The sky, with no light pollution was utterly radiant.
'Highnote', restless, went for a walk in the penumbra and when she settled down to sleep, she had troublesome dreams, where the water had sung her song after the briefing back to her. As she approached the waves, a light illuminated from the depths...and it woke her with a start in her war form. Fortunately, her room-mate was not present as the Caern Warder had still to arrive, so she composed herself.
'Powercut' decided not to sleep in his room. His experience with the Bonegnawers had made him uncomfortable with soft beds, so he went into the penumbral storm to find a place to sleep. The weather did not seem to let him, with spitting and strong winds, eventually he slept in a garage under one of the 4x4's. He found it hard to sleep in the penumbra here and he had troubled sleep.
Morning came and Powercut made a limited breakfast for people, toast or Kelloggs with UHT Long life milk. He asked about the supply boat and learned it came only once every 3 weeks and often not in the Winter. He made a mental note. When people arrived they ate breakfast quietly. Darren arrived and asked 'Wordy' to get some rest. The Pack Leader reported that the pair had encountered 'Barcodes', a type of formori on the coast and had got into a scuffle. 'Wordy' had been extremely capable. He had not found the banes responsible, but they must have been there. He explained the nature of the formori and what he knew, as he had fought them before. Saying, they tend to be gang related and give rise to crime in the human population. They would be little threat to the Isle, the banes maybe more so. After this, he spoke openly about his discomfort in regards to his role as pack leader. He found his two packmates disturbing, one who stared at him with a broken grin, the other who spoke briefly and could tear him in half in an instant. His only support came from the Theurge Daria, who was annoying at the best of times. Charlie, pointed out, it was not the metis' fault with his deformity. Darren, the Child of Gaia pointed out he knew many metis, but this one disturbed him. He said how could he control the Get warrior? If he ever disagreed with him - he'd easily rip Darren in two! How can you lead someone vastly more capable? Completes-the-Task, noted that 'Wordy' had never shown an interest in leadership and Powercut noted that if he were to challenge Darren, to pick a non-combat challenge so as to best him. If he stepped out of line Charlie knew punishment rites. Darren 'Eyes-Across-the-Water' seemed relaxed a little with this - but still seemed a little flustered. Very tired, he made his excuses and went to get some sleep.
'Highnote' and the other Get-of-Fenris set for their Bone-Gnawer caern visit, 'Highnote' decided to leave her fang dagger behind, due to a variety of rumours. They spirit bridged to the mainland, found a convenient place to step sideways, caught a bus, then a train to a major station, then the Virgin rail to London. They felt the discomfort at the blight that was the capital and their stomach wobbled with the fluctuations of the thick gauntlet. Things moved above them. From here, they got the tram to Hyde Park. 'Completes-the-Task' had been here before and they wandered the massive park for a few hours trying to find someone he recognised as they would have have had two physical guards due to the size of the site. They enjoyed the awe of the Park visit but got no sense of the caern's shield. It was a hidden caern he explained to 'Highnote'. Meeting up with a homeless man, with bald head and wide-spreading beard 'Completes' chatted with an old colleague 'Arsenal' who seemed quite clear there was no arse in his name. They requested access to the caern, and the Bonegnawer after checking their motivations cleared it with his elders. Stepping sideways, they appeared close to the giant bronze totem, marching with gun and bayonet past them doing a parade goose step. It paid little attention to them as it paraded about. 'Arsenal' led them to their Head Theurge. '7 Sisters' ('Completes' noted to the Fianna they all had been named after subway stations) was at the War memorial - currently an empty podium. They introduced themselves and the Elder was quite pleased to meet the pretty lady - who sang her a song. '7 Sisters' admired the song, but could not follow its words meaning (cause of all those Gaelic mumbo-jumbo words). Asking the Bonegnawer elder about their totem's unusual mobility. They learned that the totem 'Cedrick' had been 'nervous' at the caern's foundation and afraid to go to war. Initially Green, but with time, spiritual energy and willpower he had become more confident and his fox-rage had subsided. The current totem was quite amiable for a war spirit and liked fishing and skittles. As the caern grew and the memorial was 'worshiped' at, its power grew so that the caern did not need a moot monthly. The spirit even fought alongside the defenders in the penumbra, for even asleep the totem was able to be mobile and fighting to the frustration of the rite-masters chasing after it. 'Highnote' astounded with this, asked for some stories, which '7 Sisters' retold without the Galliard flair. Then, 'Completes-the-Task' asked for a Moonbridge to the Sept of the Cardboard Box. The totem returned for the rite and fired its rifle skyward forming the portal - the bullet spiraling around the garbage pile, the portal widening they stepped in.
On the other side, they appeared in the garbage pile, cars stacked high and a huge crinos sat wedged between two cars as a throne, the thing so fat, a single leg as big as them in crinos with its 6 breasts, bloated being syphoned by suction cups. Both garou tried to contain their shock and horror at the beast that stared at them chewing a baguette of bread like a bread stick. The small brown lupus before them, introducing himself as 'Typhoid', was completing the portal this side. They changed form to speak with the wolf, doing their best to hide their wolf body language of disgust at the 'thing' that watched them. They requested aid for their moot, and they started to listen when they name dropped 'Powercut', the wolf 'Typhoid' went to discuss with the caern leader. It was a stalling tactic for a few hours clearly and the Bonegnawers sent some kin to meet the newcomers all under the gaze of the baguette eating abomination. Little did they know, they were being tested. However, the pair composed themselves well and were polite and avoided judgment. 'Highnote' notably so; who was becoming known as 'Booper-lady' in garou speak. After several hours the lupus returned and offered an exchange of two ahroun for two ahroun at their moot. 'Completes-the'Task' clarified that as a new caern they had limited ahroun, but they would send two warriors. With this a deal was made and they opened the portal to send them back. Having not slept during their travels and exhausted the pair spent the night at the Park's caern In the morning they traveled back, losing a good chunk of the next day.
In their absence the two Caern leaders went and met the kinfolk of the island and also the normal humans who worked here too. The Silver ladies (Sue Sloane and Anne Thorpe) were met first. Susan had lived on the isle for most of her life, her husband on the mainland, he had suffered a stroke and was now looked after by her daughters. She commonly left the island in the Winter months, but knew it well as having lived her most of her life. Her knowledge of garou and the site made her invaluable. Anne Thorpe, a widower who had come here at the Shadow Lords request with her three dogs. No longer of breeding age, she did as requested and had seemed to have loved the place at first, treating it like a retirement home. Tony Green, a middle-aged soldier with a sharp sense of humour who operated the boat of the island and was the harbor master. The elders quite liked him and his attitude. Kirsty Hunter, a young blonde kin who was a suitable mate, but seemed low and discontent with her life. She had taken a farming role on the island and looked after the sheep and cattle. Anne Marie Sims a middle aged Fenrir kin and she had been sent here by Helsby Hill. She was more than capable of looking after herself and had been given the lowly task of farmer as well. A task beneath her.
The island's other inhabitants were also met. Monica Tyk, an Eastern European naturalist doing studies of the island's wildlife and a project on how animal habitats are balanced with no human interference. She was very knowledgeable and when asked what they were doing here, 'Powercut' and Charlie claimed to be botanists. Monica personally doubted this but pushed no further. They then met Stephen Salter - the National Heritage tour guide preparing for tours starting in April. He was polite and greeted them - he had the other boat on the island, but they learned little from him. He seemed quite work focused and eager to be making money seeing the site as a gold mine, not a social nest. Steve Jackson, a Geology MA student who seemed less focused on his MA and more on living his life. He showed the newcomers his Star Wars bobble head collection and shared a whiskey with them. Last was Suzannah Lloyd, the site manager who seemed a little 'off'. She was very concerned with the increased number of people on the island that water would run out. Their supply was limited by rainfall purification and the well and the new people had doubled the population. She was a little confrontational as she was busy. Charlie noted that Darren had spoken quite nicely of her, and she had not reflected this.
'Highnote' and 'Completes-the-Task' arrived back and were met in the penumbra by the caern leaders. They reported they had completed the task and filled in the report of what they had learned from the Bonegnawers. They explained they had two allies for the moot, but it would cost them 2 garou for the 4th April first. They would need to send someone to help defend the caern at Cardboard box. The leadership seemed happy with this arrangement.
Charlie Robson - 1 Honor - 4XP
Completes-the-Task -1 Honor - 3XP
Highnote - 1 Glory - 5 XP
Powercut - 1 Wisdom - 5XP
Tristan' Remembers-in-Silence' - 1 Honor. 3XP
Rage Across the Waves - March 18th 2016 - 1.15pm - Waxing gibbous moon; Session 2 - Visitors
In the Bird Observatory kitchen the caern leadership had gathered. A few bowls from the earlier breakfast remained unwashed in the wash basin and Charlie, 'Powercut', 'High Note', 'Completes-the-Task' and Tristan 'Remembers-in-Silence' all gathered about the table. The active pack members Darren and 'Wordy' were on active caern guard, while Dalia and 'Drives' were both getting much needed sleep.
Charlie Robinson greeted all and began to hand out the so-far unassigned caern roles to the active group and it became painfully clear they were undermanned. With no word from their Caern Guardian/Warder as to his whereabouts, Charlie had to take this role unto himself for the meantime. Powercut was also given the Gatekeeper and Caller of the Wyld roles, Highnote was also assigned Talesinger as well as Master of the Howl, Tristan remained as Keeper of the Land. Completes-the-Task was assigned no role, but his ragabash one as the Questioner of the Ways and said as much. The active pack was spared any roles to ensure they could be flexible when on mission. This led Charlie to the assigning of caern guard shifts - one for the day, one for the night in 12 hour shifts. He had discussed this earlier with 'Powercut' and he seemed far from happy about what followed. With so few numbers, they would all have to work 2 days of 12 hour shifts, before getting a full day off for their main role duties. All listened in silence, no one complained, but it was not good news. 'Completes' would be left unassigned to guard duty and would be used to relieve caern members when their role was urgently needed. This, would free up the active pack. It would start immediately after the meeting and 'Highnote' would relive 'Wordy' in the Penumbra, Charlie himself would relieve Darren 'Eyes-Across-the-Water' in the physical. After Highnote had fully rested, she and Dalia would be sent to the Fianna at Sept of the Ever-Flowing Cup to discuss with their leadership while the rest of the active pack would be sent to Manchester. Here, they would ask the Children-of-Gaia about how to make umbral structures in the penumbra to try and alleviate the lack of residential space problem. Darren who had been let into the discussion said that the Children of Gaia at Manchester used a utility rite called 'The Rite of Umbral Crafting, created by John 'Has-no-Friends' Constantine years before. He had taught it to the caern as a 'gift' to rectify an issue he had caused. As this was his home caern he was confident he could acquire the training of it for a healing talen (which he and Dalia could make when she was up!). It was agreed, they would do that as soon as they were ready and they should take some rage feathers to aid the trade.
Tristan 'Remembers-in-Silence' went to go and have a look at the site and spent a few hours wandering around assessing it in the physical. He noted the broken toilets and found the water supply, which was running out. He saw it was replenished by filtered rain water and an underground well. The pipes ran to the taps outside the island's buildings where the residents collected their tap water and in the 2 main buildings were showers and baths were located. Many of the island's buildings needed work doing to them due to their age. Some were derelict and used as storage and he knew that he might find an ally with Suzannah Lloyd, who was the National Trust's site manager. She had both funding, tools and the keys to all the buildings. Finding the garden shed he noted it was unlocked and also contained a lawnmower and a variety of tools. On the wild areas the sea air had damaged some of the wild plants less tolerant to it while other areas could be cultivated to allow better growth of the native plants. Worryingly regular litter was washing up daily by the sea, some of which presented threats to the wildlife. In the penumbra the Abbey was unlike the ruin in the physical; it was fully formed some of its structure within the shield, some partly out. It caused issues as it had fused into one of the physical buildings and its white inner light was fusing with the blue of the shield, maybe resulting in that 'funny colour'. Both Seal and Crow seemed at odds with each other, basically breaking the caern's control into two and the totem's rage feathers lay scattered all around. He tidied them up by collecting them and Oystercatcher eyed him warningly. These were then left by the Bird Observatory for Darren and his journey to Manchester.
'Highnote' discussed with 'Powercut' about her dreams and her feelings in regards to it before stepping sideways and going to find 'Wordy' using their new spiritual connection via totem to find him standing by the red and white lighthouse. The weavers spirits overhead scurried furiously to process the energy here for the upcoming night. 'Wordy' had chosen this area to take in the view. Quickly, 'Highnote' relieved him, to which he made a acknowledging word and went back to get some rest. In the physical, Powercut informed Darren of the same and he mentioned that the site manager, Suzannah Lloyd had been asking to see Charlie after discovering he was their team leader. When Charlie arrived, she collared him and after basic introductions took him over to the water supply - 5 huge, black barrels standing in a row. Here, she met Tristan investigating the site and quietly admired the young man a bit taken aback. When she spoke he immediately supported her; she explained an island of 6, had become an island of 20 refocusing on Charlie! The water supply, now 2 barrels empty would have to conserved. No more showers or baths! After saying she had sent a 'strongly-worded email' to her employers, she insisted that his employer would also help with this issue. They could not survive without fresh water. With both Tristan and Suzannah amplifying the point, Charlie agreed to reduce his team's water usage and would see what he could do. Tristan asked if Suzannah had some tools he could use, if so he could repair the male toilets. Explaining he had been brought in as a support to the site manager. She liked this a lot. Suzannah happily agreed as it would save calling for expensive maintenance men and, maybe, they could discuss the site and issues together over an evening meal. Tristan agreed. They would meet at 8.
Time passed. 'Highnote' was into her shift and when passing the abbey noticed a grid of letters that had formed in the path (see image below). They had an almost silver light to them. Unable to read them, she opened the totem link to others, but as soon as she did, the runes began to fade. All of the caern members got to see them briefly. At the same time 'Powercut', also noted that the totem suddenly had a sudden bout or rage and began violently pecking at a rock outcrop as if it was cockle. 'Highnote' felt as if the message had been delivered to her, but it had made her feel uncomfortable, almost creepy. Was it a message from the Caern itself? While they debated, a howl went up - they had a penumbral visitor. It announced his name as Heifel, a Silent Strider Theurge and asked for permission to gain entry - a second howl confirmed his location. She ran in lupus to meet him, asking the elders via mind link if she should let him in. After introductions and his request for 48 hours rest, Heifel checked if his phone would not be damaged by caern entry. As he was going to be alright he asked for a penumbral tour rather than going directly to his quarters. She took him around the site and he asked questions about its forming and the roster. Oddly, at the abbey, he disturbed the soil and tasted it, while discussing the caern members. He highlighted he wanted to help. He needed to speak with both Caern Leader and the Head Theurge and he had an interest to speak with Tristan 'Remembers-in-Silence'. Heading to the Bird Observatory they came across the totem. The black and white bird took one look at the unknown portly Egyptian and then charged, emitting its rage. Heifel, recognising a war spirit when he saw it and quite nimbly got out of sight. It patrolled the area looking for him, investigating rocks for a few minutes and began to lose interest. Heading back to the caern heart, Heifel dabbed the beads of sweat on his head with a handkerchief.
In the physical, Heifel met 'Powercut' and asked if they needed a Silent Strider. They certainly did - and it seemed that Heifel knew two that were looking for a caern. One, his student, Hadya not long out of her Rite of Passage and a second, 'Het-met', an Arabian garou wanting to move to the UK, but could not speak English. Wanting not to influence their decision, he said he would bring both to meet them but clarified the importance of having a Silent Strider as messenger. He asked about their Moonbridges and what links they were planning - offering advice here if needed. He even offered to do a guard shift! Heifel privately was a little surprised by 'Powercut', expecting maybe a different type of man. Charlie then came in, whom Heifel embraced warmly, he was pleased to see him again. The Silent Strider although polite seemed to be checking the members; that they had a mental link established; concerned a little about the small numbers. When he asked about the caern numbers he gauged the leaders responses about his team. Charlie mentioned the low numbers for moot, to which Heifel then offered to come to their moot, providing 'life' did not waylay him.
Tristan headed to the house with the red door, where he had a simple, but well prepared meal with Suzannah, lit by candles - as it was the only source of light. They discussed the site, she handed him a second set of keys for most of the buildings and they discussed the job and life on the island. Suzannah was a lonely lady and not particularly well liked, she vented this slightly over the meal. Tristan could tell she was interested, and realised his pure breed was probably adding to this, but he remained cool, listened intently and remained a little flirtatious, while keeping the discussion work focused, but friendly. They parted close to midnight.
'Powercut's little evening meetings had been arranged and Anne Thorpe decided to come and see him, bringing her 3 dogs, a King Charles Spaniel 'Lola', a white Scottish terrier 'Scotty' and a lazy Golden labrador 'Butch'. She had settled well into her retirement home, saying it was a lovely site, but it would be nice to have more food variety. She said Tony had agreed he'd pick up a bigger variety of food if the managers were to order it. So she'd come to ask if that would be OK and they would pay for the larger orders. 'Powercut' seemed happy with this as she recalled all the lovely things, she liked to eat.
Close to midnight and the end of her shift, 'Highnote' noticed the waters glowing with light. Thinking it pretty, but her hair on her neck stood up again. Getting closer to it to investigate she could see something moving down there where the light is and the words 'Ut Ex' came to her in slow gargled speech. She began to panic and her warform quickly came to her and she gripped her fang dagger in hand ready for whatever was coming. She called to her totem sending the alarm to her caern members. Moments after, a large black shape leaped past her and landed in the water dowsing her with sea foam. Wiping her eyes, the figure had already gone and the light faded, leaving her in the dark. 'Powercut' was already on his way there, as was 'Completes'. She found a footprint, like a shield in shape and sunken deep into the muddy sand. It was far larger than she realised. When the others arrived 'Powercut' checked the area for both Wyrm and Wyld with gifts. He detected the faint tainted red glow from the sea, and noticeably green Wyld footprints leading to the beach from the caern shield. They followed them back along the track the way it had come and saw that it had skirted around the smaller half of the abbey not in the shield and over to the Eastern cliff face side of the island coming close to even some of the penumbral houses. At the end of the trail he could see whatever it was had climbed up the rockface to gain access to the island. 'Completes-the-Task' decided to investigate further and searched the area for any other clues that may have been left behind by the visitor. He decided to climb down the rock face in case he found a spiritual bit of fur, or scale. When in warform, putting his full weight on a rock, it slipped out from him and the clump of rock and the Fenrir fell to the rocks below. Crack. His body smashed on the rocks, shattering his pelvis and spilling his blood into the water. He surfaced gasping for air and his body was carried into the rocks again by the tidal wave. More blood. By the time he fought his way to the surface, his body was already healing. He could see more clearly and he realised why - the water around him had become illuminated - he quickly dashed for the rocks and climbed up the 548 foot cliff face back to safety. Dripping wet and humbled, they watched the lights fade back again. Heading back to Seal beach in the spiritual, they were joined with all the caern leadership and Charlie cut his hand on sandstone and trying an idea he offered blood to the water, to try and get a response. However, only a seal spirit was here and it watched them curiously. 'Powercut' spoke to it, asking if it had seen anyone. The seal barked back it always saw ones around, it's a busy place! He'd often shout 'surprise' to the fishes as he chased, but some of them were too big to eat. Assuming the seal in the water was clue, they abandoned this and Charlie and 'Powercut' went to have a leadership discussion, while the shift was changed and people went to bed.
In the morning. Heifel and several of the caern's members chatted at breakfast. Hiefel asked Tristan about what had happened on his last mission with his previous pack - what had happened to them? Tristan, pointed out he could not say. Inquiring further, Heifel tried to see why - thinking either it an honor position, or an injury that had caused the amnesia. Tristan clarified the point that he could not say. Changing the subject, he asked why Heifel had tasted the soil, Heifel replied with the simple fact - he could not say. To which Tristan said 'Cannot, or will not?'. Heifel changed the subject and left it as that. 'Highnote' mentally communicated with Dalia making arrangements for them leaving tomorrow. Dalia had made a healing talen with Darren ready for a potential deal at Manchester. She was about to say goodbye to Darren.
'Powercut', on his shift in the penumbra had walked the caern for many an hour and the Sun had risen and was now well above the horizon when another howl was heard, this time from the Western rock-face. It howled asking for access to the caern. Then a second time. He ran over in lupus and as he cleared the light blue shield the glabro Silverfang turned to face him. She was tall, elegant, her black hair braided back wearing red travel clothes and a yellow rain mac, open at the front. At her side she held 'Talesinger' , the silver glaive of her ancestors. She stated matter-of-factually "I am 'Cabaret and I request 48 hours shelter.'
Charlie Robson - Wisdom - 3XP
Powercut - Wisdom - 3 XP
High Note - Honor - 4 XP
Completes-the-Task - Honor - 5XP
Tristan Remembers-in-Silence - Wisdom - 5XP
Rage Across the Waves - Saturday April 19th 2016 - 11.45am - Waxing gibbous moon; Session 3: Reaching Out
Outside the caern, Cabaret requested access to the caern formally and was admitted by 'Powercut'. She asked to be taken to her quarters and to speak with Tristan 'Remembers-in-Silence' as well as the Caern leader. She asked a few questions as she progressed to the Bird Observatory. They found a place to step sideways and went to the kitchen. Here 'Completes-the-Task' and 'Highnote' were already here. Charlie, had a little time before he was on caern duty, so he made his way to the meeting. 'Highnote' was about to go and cover guard duty for 'Powercut' in the penumbra. 'Cabaret made pleasantries, asking about how the Rite went, how many died and asking about who was on the roster - the caern's name. Completes made them all sandwiches and some coffee. Cabaret ate nothing and sipped the coffee, then asked to be shown her room. Once they decided on the best room for her there was a discussion over mental link on where they would put the resident pack when the caern went into season.
Tristan had been assessing one of the structures, hoping to be able to bring it back into use and he shared his plans. Heading to the rented apartment where Cabaret was staying. They greeted each other and she spoke to him about his experience on which he had a lacking memory. Clarifying it was a matter of honour that meant he could not discuss it and not an injury, she pointed out that she had come to offer a gift 'Perfect Clarity' to aid him. Pointing out she had been asked to find out what had happened to the other garou, so they could let their families know and complete a Rite of the Departed for the dead. She said his challenge would be to provide something to tell them when she returned. He agreed to this. She then asked about this place and his plans for the future - did he plan to rise above the gardener position - it was below a Silver Fang. He said he had plans in the future, but that he liked the position currently. She asked about becoming a member of the caern, but Tristan advised that it would be better to see if it would do well or not. It was early days. She took this as good advice, then having another appointment she prepared to leave.
Darren 'Eyes Across the Water' announced his departure and he sent the image of him saying farewell to Daria. Daria gave him a limp hug and she tried to say farewell to 'Drives', but he shirked away. 'Wordy', told her flatly 'Don't get drunk'. With this the First Pack head off to Manchester’s 'Sept of the Glade'. He sent a final message to Charlie, saying that he didn't like the pack being split up for the second time.
Highnote did the evening guard shift in the Penumbra on the 19th and while on board decided to see if she could again contact the caern. She had bumped into Heifel doing a rite outside the shield. She left him and went to a quiet place to sing a song of happiness on the rocks. After a while, a light was visible on the horizon, a pale blue-green light. She continued to sing and it slowly got closer, when visible she could tell it was a hemisphere floating on the waves, closer still, she could hear a motor engine as the glowing half ball went past her. She followed it around the isle, until it came into the pier and as it did so, it completely disappeared. A disembodied voice called out to her, asking if he could stay. He identified himself as 'Captain'. A quick mental link to Charlie, she replied that he could stay and the Captain asked to speak with the leader. When Charlie arrived, Highnote saw a white haired, uniformed sailor pop out from his (invisible) hidden caern, now moored on the pier. Captain offered to help with occasionally transporting caern members, if they offered a safe port for occasional repairs and rest. Charlie had a discussion via mental link with his Head Theurge as to whether they wanted to support the ronin. With some thought, the pair agreed as long as Captain kept a low profile. Charlie reinforced this with 'Scent of the Oathbreaker' and they shook hands. Heifel offered to cover a watch in the penumbra, he reported that many of the ghosts were unhappy as their physical bodies had been removed, along with their headstones. He advised finding out what happened to them, and maybe seeing if they could return them.
Before midnight, Tristan had been checking out the lighthouse in the penumbra (not having to break in) and was on his way back, when he encountered 'Completes' on the main path in the penumbra, close to the pier. They were aware of a splash, as they went to the water's edge their night vision picked up an ugly humanoid (current presumption was a Rokea) heading towards them. It spoke in a silent, gulping like speech, which Tristan could understand with beast speech. It was clearly hostile but not actively so and suggested they might be prepared to make the deal the caern was after. It said, that the wolves would have to make a deal or the caern would be attacked. The rokea have the watery side of the caern and would defend it. The wolves would not enter it, and the Rokea would not enter the land side of the caern. They also said that the caern's spiritual energy was not the Wolves and they had declared war against the owners, as was the wolf way. Tristan explained he was not the leader and he could not say yes, or no. So, the man-creature gave them three moons to leave the answer of truce - a dead seal by the red and white tower. He warned 'Completes' he had his smell - and would always be able to find him. The pair immediately reported this to the Charlie.
Morning came. Highnote, completed her night shift at 12 and had a few hours sleep before she left with Dalia at 9 on the 20th. Like the morning before, they announced their departure. They created a spirit bridge to Sept of the Ever-Flowing Chalice, as both Dalia and Highnote were familiar with the Sept. Dalia's weak spirit bridge got them there, where they howled for a guard to get them. Shane arrived from the shield, greeted both of them and took them to meet The High King in the tavern in the physical. The giant beast of man was loud and booming and in the middle of feasting with kin and humans. He embraced 'Highnote' lifting her off her feet and they went to chat in a quiet room. Here, she asked him about how to make a secondary totem at a caern and he mentally requested 'Stag Priest'. They chatted about past times till he arrived and he caught up with Dalia too. When Stag Priest arrived he explained that only a Legendary theurge (rank 6) could learn the rite from Stag - and it was only usable once by that theurge. Realising how difficult it was, they decided to report back to Charlie and Highnote, saying that they also planned to stay the day and leave in the morning. They feasted and visited both of their kinfolk families. Dalia introduced 'Highnote' to hers, and she was also a little surprised that they had not expected to see Dalia again and were overjoyed. As the day went on, so did the amount they drank. 'Highnotes' 'gaydar' began to tingle with the time she spent with Dalia and as Dalia opened up, she voiced her concerns with her pack. Darren was not a forceful leader and was far too 'fluffy' with the other two and was not earning their respect. She also mentioned how awkward it was with the metis. They went to Dana's Burial mound, the site where all their Rites of Accomplishments had been and they sat in the mound, with starlight illuminating its many mirrors. Drunk and surrounded by the essence of Dana, they kissed.
Tristan found Monica Tyk on the cliff-face, struggling to return with some samples. He offered his help and carried them back to her cottage for her. He noted they were mossy rocks, when asked she explained that there were 3 species of lichen on the island that had never been successful transferred to another island or habitat. Current presumption was a limitation on spread of the algae species that formed part of the lichen hybrid. She also mentioned that this was also the same with the famous Bardsey apple tree in the grounds of 'Plas Bach'. It had never been successfully transplanted cuttings and it was the only living example remaining, although some success had been had via grafts.
Back at the Bird Observatory in the physical, a seagull got into the building and was bouncing off the walls and trying to fly into the glass. They noticed the rapid lowering of the gauntlet and put it down to the totem's shifting attention to the building, so Charlie carefully tried to chase it out of the building.
On Tristan's watch, Steven Salter, the MA student ran by naked, covering his privates. He yelled at him to put some shoes on and he investigated he learned that Steven had decided to go swimming and had been surprised when a bold seal had stolen his loose fitting swimming trunks. He retrieved them for him by trading a belly rub with the seal in question. There is some suspicion that this may result in seals trying to steal bathing clothes to acquire more belly rubs once tourist season starts. THe shorts were left outside Steven’s cottage on the front gate.
In the Penumbra, 'Completes' noticed that the totem was not its angry self and was over by the Eastern side of the caern, looking into the water. It was studying its reflection. When distracted, it seemed to forget and return to normal. He also went to the Bardsey Apple tree in the garden outside of Susan Sloane's house and noticed that the tree spirit had woken.after a brief (and slow) conversation he was gifted with a single spiritual apple to plant a new tree. After some discussion, it was decided to plant it on a suitable spot not too far from the old tree so that once it appeared in the physical, it would seem like a natural propagation (and hence astounding al the plant biologists).
He bumped into Tony as well, and Tony passed on the details of the boats he'd found, the best of which was a 50ft rebuild of a classic passenger boat design, which could also hold cargo. He suggested it could also act as a tour boat and was going for a cheap £150,000. There were a few other options but they were either in serious need of repair or too expensive.
Charlie Robson - Honor - 5XP
Powercut - Wisdom - 3 XP
High Note - Glory - 3 XP
Completes-the-Task - Honor - 3XP
Tristan Remembers-in-Silence - Wisdom 5XP
Saturday March 20th 2016 - 4.00pm - Waxing gibbous moon; Session 4: Questions
The Leadership of the Caern of the Stormy Seas gathered at Cristian, the Bird Observatory in the lecture room. Charlie spoke to the leadership team about some of the recent events. He filled them in on the Rokea solution and wanted to know their opinions. He did the same with his decision in regards to the Ronins who had arrived in the mobile caern, Captain and his crew. Some were on the side that they should not be helping the ronin, but they all seemed to adhere to Charlie's decision. Lastly, they discussed the still absent Caern Guardian who'd never turned up. If they were to take a new one, what tribe should they try and secure - and which caern's should they approach - did anyone know any places to try? With some discussion, they decided that Sept of the Park and a Bonegnawer and the Caern of the Past Days (Black Furies). 'Highnote' had become annoyed with Charlie with his lack of clarity and what he wanted from them. They would send Heifel on a journey to go and ask them to send a candidate.
During this meeting, Tony came in and apologised for disturbing the meeting and was looking for 'Completes', who was on caern watch. He left a message to tell him, he'd followed one of the two guys from that red boat to the town of Aberdaron, a house on the hill there. He had taken a photo of it, which he shared with the group. The meeting came to a close shortly after.
The caern received two visitors, a stocky Fianna 'Mr Rushton' and a sharp dressed Shadow Lord 'Mr Saunders'. They both requested to see Charlie, whom they told they needed to take him to see Lord Gilliat on Spirit Bridge. He was ready to go and took Tristan with him as a guard. They arrived at the Caern, the castle of Colchester in the penumbra, its invisible shield only seen once they had entered the site. They were taken to a waiting chamber, showing the glories and treasures of the caern on the walls, until being taken through to a study, where Lord Giliat was seated. He was a big man, his black suit hiding his physical prowess, his black hair, sporting the white patch of hair on his scalp, slightly to the right. Charlie gave a report of what happened on Caern formation and the site now, while Gilliat checked the truth of his words. For clarity, he asked about caern problems and issues and Charlie was mostly truthful to him. When the Lord heard about the money issues, he explained that the caern should be self sufficient when it was up and running and they would need to adapt things to bring in finances. He offered a 150,000 loan with 15% interest to cover the cost of the new boat they needed. Charlie agreed and waited for the papers to be drawn up. After this, 'Remembers' made the spirit bridge back.
Tristan went for his second visit to Suzannah's house. It was quite cluttered, a lady that liked to keep many things in case they were potentially useful. Amongst all her rubbish, she had some treasures. They discussed plans to resolve the water crisis, Tristan had suggested doubling the water collection system with a second filter and another water collector. When he inquired about the wells, he learned that there were several underground wells that had become contaminated with sea water and this had brought an end to the island colony in the 1900's and reduced population to a handful, which it remained too today. Tristan made suggestions of maybe recovering the old wells. They also spoke more about each other and at the end of the evening they kissed on farewells.
That evening, in the physical a meteor shower sparked every few seconds across the light pollution free sky while a green mist rose from the island in the penumbra. At first, it brought panic by the guard, who was unsure what happened. When 'Powercut' was on site, he noticed the totem had become relaxed and was fluffing its feathers up in the mist while resting. The green mist coloured the totem shield back into a more familiar blue/green. Quickly he ran to Hermit's Cave to see if anything was different in there, but the mist did not really reach into the cave and it seemed unchanged. At the Abbey, it's colour had washed out the white light and only Gaian energies could be seen. At this point, he was aware of his spiritual energy returning, fed by the mist. It was filling the caern with gnosis - and he figured restoring the totem. The physical guard was aware of what was happening and when the panic was over, he enjoyed the beauty of the meteor shower. The idea of drinks that had been planned, as for several hours people enjoyed the experience, still confused to as where it had come from.
When morning came, the sky was red as the Sun rose. It lined the clouds with pink and was low on the horizon. The first pack reported in, saying that the mission had not gone so well. The Silent Strider they had been pursuing had gotten nasty and it turned into combat. 'Wordy' had killed the Adren, but had been severely injured. He had been Mother's Touch back in Manchester when they returned with the kin, but he was resting and still badly injured. They planned to leave as soon as he awoke. Charlie, asked them to try and get back today. Charlie called 'Highnote' into a personal meeting when she and Dalia returned from Sept of the Ever-Flowing Cup. They handed the fetish flute to 'Powercut' they had collected. Charlie met them in the kitchen of Cristian, the Bird observatory. He asked them what had happened in Ireland, Dalia and 'Highnote' explained all that happened and then he dismissed Dalia who retired. Then Charlie had words with 'Highnote' for giving away Caern resources with the deal. 'Highnote' explained it was a Fianna thing, to 'gift' an item that would be better than the original gift, but Charlie was not having it.
'Powercut' and 'Highnote' went to investigate Hermit's Cave in the penumbra, to investigate the Shrine of the Crucifixion. Here 'Powercut' spent spiritual energy to awaken the Shrine's spirit. The crucified Jesus spoke to them. With questioning, they learned that many of his 'warriors' were nearby and they were being repressed and when this block was removed, they would take back their holy land. Jesus, said he forgave them their sins, but his people would chase the sinners out of the House of God. They realised that the island was called the 'Island of 20,000 Saints and began to worry! Mentally linking to Charlie, he advised them to go and speak to the Catholic garou 'Hand of Bear', who was stationed in St Albans - 'The Caern of the Lost Pups'.
They approached Captain and his crew to take them to the St Albans caern by using his boat to transport across the waters spiritually, Captain agreed and allowed 'Highnote' and Tristan to come aboard. Leaving port in the penumbra the ships power was unleashed and it materialized on the soft calmer waters of the Verulanium Lake. The blue-green shield visible as they went on deck of the tugboat.
Charlie Robson - Honor - 5XP
Powercut - Wisdom - 4 XP
High Note - Honor - 4 XP
Completes-the-Task - Absent
Tristan Remembers-in-Silence - Wisdom - 5 XP
Rage Across the Waves - Saturday March 22nd 2016 - 9.10am - Waxing gibbous moon; Session 5 - Faith
'Highnote' and Tristan stepped off the tugboat on to the penumbral stone bridge at the narrow end of the Verulanium park. They crossed over to the Northern path heading to the blue-green shield emitting its light before them. Across the grassy hills the ghostly expression of the roman fortification and the image of the wraith-like Watcher spirits ambling about. Heading to the bank of the lake, their shoes slipping into the mud they howled an announcement to the shield before them. A haggered figure appeared all too quickly emerging from the caern shield, black robes, hood over its head, clutching a staff for support. She/he accepted their request to stay and then further asked the purpose of their visit. Deimos, the hooded figure then explained that Hand of Bear, whom it also cynically called 'the Good Father' was away on a personal quest. 'Highnote' suggested that Deimos might be able to help them instead. When they questioned her about spirits, Deimos simply said that spirits are single minded, easy manipulated and Christian spirits were no different to all the Gaian ones. When they also asked the hooded figure about Watchers, Deimos explained that the spirits always gathered around areas of conflict. They fed on conflict. The Fianna and Silver Fang decided to stay and wait for the return of Father Wimbish, so Deimos summoned a guide for them. Lee Holden soon bounded down to the Lake all ginger hair and grin, he escorted them to a residential cottage alongside of the cathedral. Here they were given a key, so they had a room to stay in and were asked to return it when they left. They then headed to the Fighting Cocks, a hexagonal Tudor bar, close the lakeside. They sat in their selected booth, had free drinks and eventually Lee brought his keyboard out and music was provided by the talented ragabash. The Caern Leader, Jonathan Brimble came over as the evening went on, introduced himself, learned a little about the new caern from the pair and explained that, if needed, he could send Father Wimbish to their caern when he returned, though they were happy to remain and stay. 'Highnote' mentally reported back to Charlie and he then ordered them to return. Not really wanting to, 'Highnote' spoke with Tristan to see if he would support the leave and as a result, they made their excuses. Once they'd returned the key they then promptly left to return home. Tristan called his mother and asked to borrow a car. They both spirit bridged back to his family home and then took the borrowed car to the coast, where they could spirit bridge back to the island. The car was left on the grassy slope.
Heifel made his farewells and decided to leave the caern and a few were sad to see him leave. He was asked to go to both the Sept of the Park and Sept of the Past Days to inquire about a garou to take the role of Caern Guardian and also pick up Hadya Dariz and Hek Mek, the potential Silent Strider for this caern. The First pack returned carrying 'Wordy' as his leg was still useless following his injury in battle with the Silent Strider. Wordy made no complaint and sat quietly as 'Powercut' mother touched him and brought him back to full mobility. Around this time, 'Highnote' and Tristan 'Remembers in Silence' arrived back from St Albans. Tony requested some help to bring the ordered supplies to the island. All of the orders had also arrived with the shop supplies for the start of the season, Tristan and 'Completes' offered to help him with the haul. The sea was very rough for the two garou, but Tony took it in his stride, which made them think that things must get much worse. Once they docked at the coast, they went to the warehouse and Tony was a little shocked by the 12 huge barrels and filtration system for the upgrade to the island's water supply. 'Completes helped to load the filtration system and two of the barrels to the boat and loaded the barrels with as much supplies as they could to maximize the space. After this, they made 2 other journeys across to the coast before they called it a day - and they still had another journey to make. During the night, the Rokea moved into the caern's waters and the totem went over to the eastern shore to investigate its new protectors. It peered into the dark waters and the predatory sharks peered back. In the morning, the £150,000 cleared into the island's accounts and Charlie let Tony know that he could now get his new boat. Tony took this time to notify the leader that he had some interviews planned, but was hopeful for a new kid called 'Robbo'.
'Powercut' called a meeting in the penumbra with all the caern members, they gave the physical watch as a trial to Anne-Maria Sims and the rest of the caern was in the spiritual realm. 'Powercut' explained that he needed to know people's capabilities for the upcoming moot and he needed to know their combat ability. The best way of doing this was sparring fights. The Get-of-Fenris ragabash 'Completes' eagerly stepped forward and sparred up with Tristan. A brutal exchange of punches and the ragabash quickly gained victory as he knocked the Silver fang to the ground. 'Highnote' went next and she used some gifts to gain advantage but again 'Completes' knocked her to the ground and she tapped out before being knocked unconscious as the Fianna did not want to quit. As no one seemed to be able to beat the Get, Charlie stepped in. He hit the Fenrir a solid blow, but then the Fenrir took the advantage and after a few exchanges Charlie tried to activate 'True Fear' to cow the Fenrir, but as he prepared the gift, the Fenrir lunged forward with a big roundhouse. Charlie went flying and when he came around, people were above him tapping his face to rouse him. Even the leader had been taken down. No one had managed to defeat the Fenrir, so 'Powercut' stepped in, the Theurge was older and outranked the ragabash. Fenrir looked at Fenrir. When they lunged, blows were landed on both sides, but 'Completes' outstretched his limit with lots of small blows, while 'Powercut' went for a simple, dodge and punch aiming directly at his opponents head. After a few exchanges, 'Completes' was getting worn down and a final exchange brought the Head Theurge the victory. Like at Helsby Hill, the Get Theurge had to be able to push his point among the hot heads. 'Powercut' thanked all, saying he'd learned were people were best placed at the moot.
Two days after leaving Heifel returned bringing with him the 4 new candidates for the two roles, Highnote greeted them, showed and took them to the bird observatory in the penumbra. Charlie met Hadya, a small Somalia garou, Hek Mek, a chunky Egyptian who was head and shoulders above her, there was 'Diptheria', a Bonegnawer from Sept of the Cardboard Box looking more like a snooker player, than a homeless man and finally a red haired moody Black Fury brandishing the klaive 'Ellon Vallen' called 'Destiny'. He spoke to them each briefly and then he asked the two candidates for Caern Guardian to fight in homid. 'Destiny' asked for clarification on gifts and if she could use her klaive. He pointed out that it was a non-lethal contest, so the klaive would not be allowed. They battled each other and it was clear that 'Diptheria' was clearly the stronger of the two after the short fight. 'Destiny' quickly pointed out that she was disabled by not being able to use her klaive, and that a guardian needs to be able to organise the caern defences. Charlie acknowledged this. They were then given a tour of the island, both in the physical and the penumbra. Charlie spoke with both of them privately about what they would do to help defend the caern, listening to both their ideas. 'Destiny' was strong willed and had the potential to bring the Black Fury caern as potential allies, but her strong dislike of alpha males made her a little threatening for the leadership. Charlie decided to offer the position to the Bone Gnawer and 'Destiny' stormed off at the rejection. 'Diptheria' was joined to the caern totem and took the role of Guardian. Hadya and Het-Met stayed the night and would have the final decision in the morning. They settled them down into temporary accommodation.
That night, the red sky of the sunset soon brought strong winds, heavy rain and forked lightning and as the Sun went down, the North Sea's strong winds buffeted the island and rushed across the land. Islanders windows were shuttered to prevent glass breaking and the settlement went into the lock-down. Foam from the ocean built up on the coast like a huge blanket and many of the native animals withdrew into cracks and crannies in preparation for the storm. Seals moving closer to the cliff face sheltering from the hurricane winds. Charlie on physical duty in the evening was getting knocked about in the wind and the foam now getting blown across the island, stacking up on structures. Unable to see the path, he slipped, fell, and snapped his leg joint. In intense pain, he shifted up to heal his wound in glabro and started to take shelter. 'Completes' offered to take the shift and went out in to the wind. The Get was elated back the hurricane and took all the winds had to offer, he even saw one of the cattle enclosures wall blow past him and despite many scrapes throughout the night, his grin never failed. In the penumbra it was worse, 'Highnote' and Dalia enjoyed the setting sun singing and playing music. The calm before the storm but then the hurricane hit. Here humanoid wraith like spirits started to fly through the site, including the shield and they pushed and shoved the two garou as the endless stream of them continued. It got so frightening that the pair had to shift into their war form. Dalia quickly lost her flute and when reached to get it, lost her grip of the rock-face and hard to resort to clinging to 'Highnotes' leg. Highnote, used her gift 'Howl of the Banshee' to try and frighten the Wyld spirits, but it was Dalia that could not keep the grip through the howl and she let go. Dalia disappeared backwards into the darkness and mist. Highnote stopped her howl and let go trying to rescue her caern mate, reaching for her wildly. Dalia luckily grabbed her when she came into view and they both took shelter on the lower ledge of a cliff face, protected from the wind. Unable to continue with the caern guard, she informed 'Powercut' who was also in the penumbra dealing with the same situation. 'Powercut' could sense the totem's distress and he made his way to its location by digging his claws in warform into the ground to prevent being dislodged and blown across the ground. He'd never experienced such a hurricane. When he got to the south-western side of the caern, he could see the poor bird - pinned to the shield about 20ft of the ground. It flapped its wings feebly in the wind and called, but could not bring itself to the ground. It's body pinned against the glowing shield, which bulged with its close proximity. Not being able to do anything to help, he found a place to hide from the storm where he could keep an eye on the totem. He settled in one of the ruined structures.
In the early hours of the morning before sunrise, the winds dissipated and a mess was strewn across the island, most of the foam had gone leaving shattered roof tiles which had been blown down and pieces of fences scattered about. 'Highnote and Dalia had tried to find somewhere to sleep when the winds had died down around 4am and as most of the rooms were taken had fallen asleep on the sofas at Cristian. Dalia in lupus. After sunrise 'Remembers' was walking about assessing the damage and tidying up the mess, shaking his head. He went by Tony who had collected his things that had been strewn about from his damaged shack and was now checking if his boat was not badly damaged as it had banged against the pier. He still had another supply to pick up and had to check the boat was sound. Most of the caern members went about checking on the site after the storm. Charlie went to check on Anne, her dogs barked at him while Tristan was putting tiles back on to her roof. Susan was trying to tidy her battered garden and confirmed that this happened from time to time, more often in the Winter months.
The caern assembled for an update in Cristian, the Bird Observatory for an update for all that had happened. Here he also spoke with Het-Met and Hadya about their experiences. Hadya explained her turbulent Rite of Passage and her journeys with Heifel and she mentioned she'd had experiences with the Changing Breeds in the East. On Het-Met's interview his experiences had been in Egypt, mostly combat focused ones in that turbulent region and he said he'd built power and wealth which he could bring to the caern. Charlie was not impressed and decided to offer the position to Hadya as he thought she would be more amiable to their situation here. Het-Met did not take this well either, saying that was Charlie 'a stupid white boy' and clearly showing he was a creature of rage. He shouted abuse, slammed the door and stormed off. Chuckling Charlie welcomed Hadya to the caern.
At midday on the 26th March 'Hand of Bear' howled an introduction in the penumbra and saying he was short on time, wanted to see whoever had requested to see him. 'Highnote' took Wimbish to the Cathedral and he investigated the site while 'Powercut' came over to chat with them. Wimbish realised that the caern's energies had caused the previous already potent spiritual site (the abbey) to reform in the penumbra. While many of its native spirits were being repressed by the strong Gaian energies. He explained that in the past, Christians protected Christians and although he did not know the history of the site, this was true in most places. He showed them symbols that the Christians used to let each other know they were Christians and the forms of blessings you could put on your house. He suspected that the hostility was because half of the reformed abbey was half in the shield and half out and that the Christian spirits were trying to recover their holy place. By nature they were opposed to any pagan spirits, which they traditionally battled with.When questioned about the missing bodies of the buried saints, he said that spirits wanted to be remembered and that there was several ways they could handle this.
1. Make a shrine or statue to remember all the lost Saints of the island. This structure would need to be treated like a fetish and be suitably elaborate. Wimbish recommended building it in the physical and then allowing its essence to flow through to the Spirit World with enough time so that they can notice it. This would give the spirits a 'grave' and a spiritual anchor all of their own. The sight would also need to be made Christian friendly.
2. Making the spirits think that you were not pagan - not easy with the totem wandering around - but if you were Christian in nature then you are part of the cure - not the problem. Christians protect other Christians.
3. Ensuring the Shield never goes down or giving the illusion that it never goes down, in which case the spirits would never attack. If the shield is never down, there is never a chance to attack.
4. Hiding the caern, it would like the shield had gone down and then the spirits would be damaged by the caern shield. They would reform in time and it would drain the totem considerably but it would be a quick fix for the problem. A moot might be needed after this method.
Charlie Robson - Honor - 4XP
Powercut - Glory - 4 XP
High Note - Honor - 3 XP
Completes-the-Task - Honor - 5XP
Tristan Remebers-in-Silence - Wisdom - 3 XP
Diptheria - Honor - 4 XP
Rage Across the Waves - Saturday March 26th 2016 - 12.50am - Waning gibbous moon; Session 6 - The Little Things - part 1
'Highnote' was sent to the Black Fury caern to go and meet them so that the recently visiting 'Destiny' did not damage the caern's reputation after her angry send off. The leadership thought it was better that they send the likable female Fianna than any of their other members. Heading to the Isle on Man she made the journey relatively quickly, but did not know where the caern was and sadly the caern was also, on top of that, was hidden.
When 'Highnote' did finally get to the Caern he was ushered into the 'throne room' where he had a meeting with the Elder Hepecarter. She was seated on a high chair, with bright light behind, resting against the chair was her huge klaive, her straight German features framed by her curly hair. She descended the steps, always a few steps above 'Highnote' and asked the newcomer some questions about her caern. 'Destiny' was one of the faces in the crowd that watched. She surprisingly asked about the Rokea at the caern, which took 'Highnote' by surprise, but she answered it with some subtle evasion. After the meeting was resolved, 'Highnote' was allowed her meeting with 'Monitor' and some of the other caern garou. The head theurge was a young, beautiful dark haired woman, almost hypnotic in her grace.
'Completes' and Tristan went to see Tony for a trip back to the mainland. They needed to go and collect the last order of barrels still on the mainland after the storm. They helped Tony move all the good to the different building first and the shop stores were delivered to the shop. While here, 'Completes' had his first look inside the shop. Mainly tourist items, with some neolithic 'finds' and books. An information board on the King of Bardsey took his eye and he stopped to read it for a while. Planning to kill both birds with one stone, they also decided to go and check on the poacher who had shot one of the seals. The crossing was relatively easy, as if the storm had sucked up all the wind for now. Tony pulled into the moorings just down from Aberdaron beach, a simple Welsh beach town. He roped the boat off and the two garou said they would help load the boat, and then needed to go to town for a while.
After loading the barrels they went to an internet cafe. 'Completes' was looking for funeral services and local art studios that could make a statue for the saints of the isle. Nothing was very local, one close to Caernarfon, but it gave them some information to discuss with the others. Heading up the hill, they quite quickly found the house they needed. The town was not very large. Most of the houses were arranged in a V shape, with a spread of housing along the coast, which tended to be hotels, care homes, seasonal shops and some residential houses. It was petite, quaint, picturesque and very, very welsh. Heading up to the top of the hill, they discovered the house that Tony had photographed. As they looked about it and knocked, they noticed an elderly lady next door who peered through the window. Tristan went to speak with her and she said that the neighbor came by occasionally, not every day, and he was not a very nice person called Owain. 'Completes' checked the back to see how he could get in, and seeing the double PVC back door and that the window would take some damage to open, he decided the best entry was via the penumbra. Tristan headed back to the front of the house, eyed by the curious old lady next door until he went into the alley and stepped sideways with 'Completes'. Here, they could tell that the house was Wyrm tainted more than the area around, a black corrupting filth that affected the area and its taint had spread into the neighbors house. They went to the front door, which had not formed in the penumbra as it had been opened a day before, so they could easily walk through its ghostly outline. Checking the rooms one at a time, they found the living room, a veritable mess of used food packets and containers. No one had made an effort to clean the place. On the wall, there were some photos of the island and even a photo of Tony on his boat. One pushed his eyeball through to check the physical, where more had been taken from a boat while in the shallow waters around the island. The walls on the stairwell up in the penumbra had writing, some illegible in long, spiraling huge words, hundreds of letters long and larger writing words like 'Kill', 'No Hope' and 'Filth', with key letters replaced with symbols. The stairs creaked as they ascended in glabro. At the top, Sense Wyrm told them that two areas of strong taint, one in the bedroom and the other in the boiler cupboard were here.
They called for the First pack for backup and upon their arrival they discussed strategy with Darren, deciding on a frontal penumbral assault with minor cover in the physical. Hitting the bedroom first, they lunged in on the large tapeworm creature that had nested in a fleshy container on the wall above the bed. It mentally assaulted Darren, but it was the last thing it did as the 6 garou ripped it apart. The bed had handcuffs attached to the headboard, some blood stains but no sign of its victim. They quickly went to the second area of taint and ripped open the airing cupboard.
A similar organic sack was inside and when burst, hundreds of smaller tape worm banes fell about them. The garou went about dispatching the babies while 'Completes' checked what was in the physical they were feeding on. Inside there was a naked man, a mass of unkempt beard, hanging from handcuffs in the cupboard. Barely alive, badly beaten and his ribs showing through his skin in malnourished he hung suspended from a hook, human waste and filth at his feet. 'Completes' took him down, but he was out of it and rested him down in the bathroom. No coherent words could be got from him. They reported in to Charlie, who advised them not to leave the place for the police. When asked about this guy and how they should get him to hospital, the indecision creept in as they realised that would lead to questions. Darren, the pacifistic Child of Gaia stated that Charlie would need to order them to put the guy out of his misery, else they wouldn't do it. So Charlie ordered 'Wordy' to do the deed as currently he was busy with some Welsh singer. At night, they removed the body and dumped it in the ocean, while the first pack remained for 'Owain' to come back. The rest of the garou returned to Bardsey island for a meeting.
While all this had gone on, Charlie and 'Powercut' at caern side had not been idle. The Welsh singer Brynn Terfell had come to visit with his two aids. Brynn had wanted to sing a song in the chapel on Bardsey and was asking for permission to do so. He wanted to bring a piano to the island to play in the chapel and said his producers could do a short documentary on the island as part of this. There may be some financial gain with this. Charlie after meeting him agreed that they were happy to do this and Brynn said his producer would be in contact. They left the singer to tour the island and visit the quaint Abbey.
Charlie Robson - Honor - 4XP
Powercut - Wisdom - 5 XP High Note - Honor - 4 XP
Completes-the-Task - Honor - 3XP
Tristan Remembers-in-Silence - Honor - 3 XP
Diphtheria - Absent
Rage Across the Waves - Sunday March 28th 2016 - 11.25am - Waning gibbous moon; Session 7 - Runner
Daria and 'Highnote' both shared the same bed when Daria was mentally contacted to come and join the others at Cristian. She dressed, gave a small kiss to Highnote and headed over to Ice Claw and 'Diptheria'. They discussed the meet up with the first pack to go and check the Aberdaron coast line for other Wyrm manifestations after the den was uncovered the other day, they mentally linked up with the first pack and spirit bridged to the mainland. Darren explained that they had captured Owain and killed his 2 colleagues he'd come with. They met up with them at the house. Upstairs they found the two dead formori there had been a brief scuffle and Owain was tied up and injured in the bathroom. 'Diphtheria' questioned him, but quickly grew annoyed at his lack of compliance and ripped his throat out. They called 'Highnote' over to 'baby-sit' the bodies and help clean up so that no one came in while they were away. Highnote was not keen on this idea. The first pack, 'Diphtheria' and Ice Claw left Owain's house.
After some prodding, Daria and Wordy took the lead with the young Theurge checking for wyrm taint. The outsider Get kept back, checking the penumbral horizon and obviously assessing the pack’s performance. They found a few buildings, one of which they went into was a shared flat, around the same time that the caern noticed a missing kinfolk. Checking the ground floor in the penumbra, they saw heavier taint, but not to bane or formori levels. They found a cellar doorway under the stairs and it led to a small cellar, complete with crates and boxes. Searching them the largest had a nice padded bottom and some moderate taint. They checked upstairs and found 3 more flats, with meager accommodation and some negative emotions. It was during the day, so they did not step sideways. Ice Claw watched how Daria composed herself. Heading back down to the cellar, they peaked into the physical and could see a guard standing in the corner with a machete playing on his phone. After some discussion they suspected this was possibly a vampire and his group of humans and not wanting another blood bath, they left it for the moment since this would have to take place in the physical. Deciding to make a note of it for the future, they left the house.
A second house revealed another 'tape worm' like bane and its breeding ground, a similar set up that was at Owain's house. They dispatched it quickly with so many garou present and rescued the poor 14 year old girl who was in the physical that was being used as the spiritual food source. As she had only basic clothing Dalia gave up her clothing to get her to the hire car that Darren had picked up. They brought her back to Owain's house. Back at the Caern of the Stormy Isle, 'Powercut' who had been informed of all of what had gone on, went to see Hadya who was in preparation to go to the Nottingham caern, 'Powercut' asked her to see if she could contact The Black Fury on the Isle of Man to see if they could send someone to pick up a girl that had been used by formori. She had never been there before but she knew that Nina Vale was affiliated with the Caern of Past Days. She would head to St Albans and speak with Nina and then contact 'Powercut'.
Back at Owain's house 'Highnote' went to distract the nosey neighbor while they bundled the girl into the house in the physical. 'Highnote' learned about the previous and the current tenant from the elderly neighbor who warmed to the fianna girl. She spoke about her daughters and that no one came to see her now, they had tea and pink wafer biscuits. 'Powercut' got a mental link by Hadya and she informed him that the Caern of Past Days were going to send 'Zarizonia' to collect the girl. They had agreed she would come to the island, leaving a van on the mainland to drive her back.
Earlier in the day at the caern, Charlie had Anne-Marie burst in to Cristian and said that Kirsty had gone, her traveling bag and some of her things had been taken. Charlie informed Powercut and he went to see Tony as that was the only way of the island. When Tony was questioned he confirmed that she had come to him in the early hours saying that she wanted to be on the mainland for shopping before 9. Though the weather had been rough, Tony was convinced to take her. Aware that he had done wrong, he asked if he wanted him to stop taking people altogether? 'Powercut' grew angry and rather than pursuing it, left Tony. Remembers later came by Tony's shack, still in disrepair and left a note on the door for him to come see him. Charlie collected a sock of Kirsty’s to catch her scent, then spirit bridged to the mainland to follow up on her and made his way to the bus station.
After noting some of the message flying about, 'Completes' queried what was going on and why they weren’t including the only tracker/scout they had from the process. After some brief juggling around of duties he followed Charlie in the physical, bringing Lirsty’s sock. They used Completes 'Rite of the questing stone’ to track the direction she had gone inWhile Charlie had checked bus routes and possible train routes. A quick discussion with one of the drivers later he worked out the most likely route Colchester by catching the train at Caenarfon. Dismissing the smaller stations, they aimed for it and ran in lupus form in the penumbra. He spoke to the first pack for the next 90 minutes as they dealt with the bane search at Aberdaron. Using garou stamina, they got there after the long run they arrived outside of the seaside town. Stepping sideways they went to the railway station. Completes checked with the Rite, seeing that she must have already left. At the railway station, Charlie convinced the guard his daughter had run off and he was trying to find her. He was convincing enough that he went to check with the ticket man in the office. He said she had bought a ticket a little after 9 going to Colchester. There were several routes she could have gone, so after some discussion they decided to use sightl line spirit bridges to Bangor and see if they could intercept the train there, but due to terrain issues and other problems, they were too late. Instead of trying to follow the train directly, Charlie decided to spirit bridge directly to Colchester and wait for her in the train station. Here they quickly found a place to step sideways as Colchester was a nightmare in the penumbra. Once more back in the physical they went to Colchester railway station, a large site. They both found a place to watch the two exits of the station (the main-street and the car park) and waited for Kirsty to arrive.
Back on Bardsey Island Suzannah came to see Tristan 'Remembers-the-Past' with a smart man in a business suit. She seemed pleased that she had achieved a goal. He introduced himself as Karl, the agent for Brynn Terfel and was looking to arrange a day or two for the filming. He had spoken with Tony and agreed on a price to get the Piano over and he just needed the days. He booked in with a 3 day margin due to the cancellations of ferries over to the island. They arranged the day of the recording would be on Friday 8th April and the Piano would come over on the 5th April. The recording would take a single day, but the documentary crew would film for the next few days. He asked if they would be able to book some rooms for the crew to stay over and the small chance that Bryn and himself might need to stay due to weather and queried the cost. Tristan with some discussion settled on £1,700 for food and board for the whole crew, even if there was some excess time for bad weather. Karl seemed happy with this and asked Tristan to get a contract drawn up for him. Tristan and Powercut were now the only Werewolves currently on the island.
Night time came and Completes and Charlie continued their stakeout. Around 9.30pm, Kirsty came out and Completes stopped her. Charlie then caught up and they went into the Red Lion opposite the station for a chat. Kirsty made it clear, she wanted to go back to her family. Charlie explained the dangers of Colchester and that the island was safer, while Kirsty emotionally explained how she hated it there and she wanted to be with her Mum. Charlie, though made excellent points was forced to use the gift 'Persuasion' on her and made her agree to come back. As it was so late, they would have to wait till morning. Completes, who had occasionally mentally linked with Charlie telling him not to be so hard on her suggested she could stay with her Mum. They took her to her house, via less used paths and Completes took a watch outside.
At night at Owain's house in Aberdaron , Darren and the First pack disposed of the 3 bodies and cleaned up as much as possible. The upstairs carpet was blood soaked, so they pulled it up and dumped it in the ocean with the weighted bodies of the three foromori. The fishes and waters would purify them. The young girl, the second victim from the new house was a little more coherent, so when she slept they took her to Tony's boat moored on the mainland ready for pick up by the Black Furies.
'Zarizonia' howled her arrival at the Stormy Isle and was met by 'Powercut'. Some of the others had now returned, but the caern was still quieter than usual. She spoke with the Get Theurge as they had not met before. 'Powercut' explained where the girl was and before she left, 'Powercut' asked for a quiet, personal chat. He explained his issues as the head theurge and also the issues with the runaway kin. When he explained that Kirsty was unhappy and a depressed kin, she seemed to take more note as the Get was trying to help her. She offered some advice, but said she would need to speak with Kirsty to better prescribe aid. 'Powercut' was happy with this and 'Zarizonia' said she would return to meet her.
Charlie Robson - Honor - 4XP
Powercut - Wisdom - 5 XP
High Note - Honor - 4XP
Completes-the-Task - Honor - 3XP
Tristan Remembers-in-Silence - Honor - 3 XP
Diphtheria - Glory- 4XP
Rage Across the Waves - Sunday March 29th 2016 - 8.25am - Waning gibbous moon; Session 9 - Authority
Completes stayed outside of Kirsty's family home, a relatively quiet looking street lit with yellow street lights. He waited outside the house while he heard the two chat inside, Charlie went to go get a cheap hotel rest since he had be on his feet for two days, and told him to contact him if there were any issues.
Night went on and things were quiet with the exception of a brief variation in the gauntlet. Completes checked the goings-on in the house but there nothing seemed to be happening in the house so he updated Charlie and kept his watch from the roof of the garage across the street.
About 4am a beat up white van arrived and a gang of 8 or 9 scruffy people jumped out, led by a charismatic guy in a suit. When it became obvious they were aiming for the house he switched into Hispo while signaling Charlie and jumped across on the van roof and warning them off, trying Infectious Laughter to defuse the situation. He noticed the suited man affecting him with a kind of gift or similar but didn’t know what it was. Interpreting this as an attack, he jumped at the suited guy but he stepped aside at the last minute and Completes landed badly. At the same time he got hit by a silver bullet from one of the other people. Completes felled the suited man, the guy with the gun and one or two others, but the amount of attacks with silver overwhelmed him while he was trying to separate them out and reposition himself. The last sending Charlie received was a distinct “Ah sh*t!”
Charlie dashed to Kirsty's house only to find police already present and the area cordoned off. Mr Saunders caught up with him as he spotted Completes’ Thor Hammer pendant on the floor, and called him to the Caern, while charlie answered his fellow caern member's cries to what had happened. A Fianna Theurge tried summoning Completes the Task’s spirit but failed. They questioned Charlie about what had transpired and accused him of a perceived breach of the veil, and endangering the caern. Why did they not take the difficult kin back home, why had he allowed the incident to happen? Why had he left a spiritually active guard in an active Wyrm area? Charlie tried to explain that the Get had acted under his own accord but the Fianna eager to flex their muscles at the caern saw an opportunity to weaken the Shadow Lords and forced a punishment rite on Charlie. Lord Gilliat was clearly annoyed by Mr Keenan's decision, but as Guardian and it being a caern safety issue, he couldn't oppose it. Charlie Robinson was given the 'Voice of the Jackal'.
In the meantime, two other Fianna worked over Kirsty,beating her relentlessly. Taking the difficult kin, now subdued, to the caern heart they placed her at the exact point in the physical where Grandfather Thunder resided. They called forth the full power of the Totem and used the gift 'Roll Over' on her. Her fragile mind couldn't take it as the totem filled her head and her will broke, causing her to revert mentally back to the time she was a child.
Once he had somewhat recovered from his rite, Charlie hired a car and drove back arriving the next day with Kirsty.
At Bardsey, in the early hours of the morning the caern members had learned about the death of 'Completes', feeling his loss from the totem. They had all been shocked and bar a brief explanation of what had happened did not fully know the details. The First pack was called back from the mainland immediately.
A new visitor from London, 'Guns-and-Stuff' arrived with his bodyguard 'Firepower' and was greeted by 'Diptheria'. The Bonegnawer was, as usual, not as accommodating as the other caern members and questioned the guest about why he'd come to the caern. 'Highnote' in the penumbra came to see the new visitors knowing of both of the Glasswalkers, noticing the totem staring at one of the structures when previously it had ignored them. 'Guns-and-Stuff' asked for his 48 hours and suggested that he offered his services for providing weapons. 'Diptheria' was not very keen on bringing weaver into the caern, but 'Highnote' explained that 'Guns' made all manner of fetishes and talens. When this spread, Daria was interested in a Fianna glaive but the request fell on silent ears. Guns went to the physical near Seal Beach and he returned a fetish to the Rokea. 'Highnote' was distressed by this, first that he seemed to know of their leader 'Bleeds Night' and that he was handing the fetish back to them. Guns-and-Stuff explained that he had been asked to do so while visiting and although the protest, Diptheria allowed him to return the 'Sanctuary Chime' fetish to the waters.
Highnote and 'Diptheria' called the First pack to meeting. They spoke with Darren first, saying that they were unhappy with him not using Daria to her full effectiveness. She was a Gaian warrior too and being still young needed the training. Darren explained that he had been merely protecting his spiritual asset from combat risk and relying on his stronger ahrouns. 'Highnote' pointed out that it was causing pack tension and he should lead by example. Someone also mentioned that he had been called to task on the same issue by Ice Claw the day before. Dismissing the rest of the pack they spoke with 'Drives-like-a-Mad-Man' who found the whole thing unpleasant. They realised he could only speak through mental speech and it seemed that his twisted face, hidden by a hoodie, also made it impossible for him to talk. Trying to coerce the Metis out they spoke about his pack as family, the Metis answered briefly and said he preferred the company of the birds. 'Family' did not have any meaning to him. Feeling a little sorry for him, they let him go. 'Diptheria' leaving this meeting noted that the totem watched him, staring directly at the bonegnawer as it crossed the bawn. Previously, the totem had only looked down at the ground and was a little unsettled by this change of nature.
Tristan was showing Suzannah the Island's updated water supply, Tony who'd helped with the install was going around with them. Tristan had created two more sites for water collection, relying solely on the rain and the filter. Tripling the current collection system. Suzannah was keen to know if there would be enough water for when they came into season, not wanting to tell the visitors they couldn't bathe. Tristan said he hoped the barrels would be full...but they would need rain. A lot of it. Suzannah mentioned if he'd heard about the news that some resident had found a body wash up on the coast. Tristan hadn't and he probed for details, while Tony became nervous. Suzannah had said the Police were looking into it, not much else was known, but it could be an accident or a suicide. Local residents were quite shocked as nothing much happens here. Suzzanah, proud with what Tristan had done suggested she was going to put her out of a job! She also asked for a date tonight, to which Tristan agreed. When she left Tony spoke with Tristan, clearly stressed. He pointed out that he'd taken the First pack to dump the bodies and he was often seen on the waters. Tristan went to check his boat, which had been well scrubbed. He could tell by minor taint where the bodies had been and agreed to help give it a spiritual clean later tonight.
'Highnote' went shopping with Tony noting he was very distracted and collected a large amount of items in Aberdaron for the upcoming 'Rite of the Departed' when 'Completes' body returned. Tony stayed on the pier on the mainland waiting for 'Highnote', a little uncomfortable by the divers he could see on the rock face. He guessed they were Police and was growing concerned for his safety. He waited a good few hours for Highnote and spent the time checking his yellow boat.
Charlie returned to the caern, he left the car on the coast and met Tony who took them over by boat. Caern members gathered at the pier to meet them. 'Powercut' was absent. Both Tony and Charlie helped the battered Kirsty on to the land. There was plenty of questions for Charlie but everyone was morose. Kirsty was taken to the farmhouse, were a stunned Anne-Marie helped her indoors. Charlie then went to find 'Powercut'. The Head Theurge was in the penumbra and they had words when he came to see him. 'Powercut' spoke of his incompetence and why the hell did he allow the Shadow Lords to do it. Why had he not come back straight away? Charlie answered as best he could and he regretted the whole situation. It has been a series of unfortunate mistakes. 'Powercut' listened to it, but kept his anger inside, he heard the name of the garou that had broken Kirsty...and he remembered it. Lastly. 'Powercut' apologized for speaking badly of Charlie when others had been present. Then 'Powercut' went to see Kirsty. Anne-Marie spoke to him about her future now that 'Completes' had died. How would she manage the farm work and look after Kirsty? After his answers also pointed out that some of the cows had become sick, with tongue lesions. She then left him to see Kirsty, who tried to grab invisible sparkles in front of her eyes while in bed. He used Mother Touch on her to heal her bruises and black eye, which she smiled at and said 'hi'. He held her hand, realizing the old Kirsty was no longer there.
Charlie went to meet Guns-and-Stuff to show his face and when there asked for a klaive to be fashioned. He was planning to give it to his head theurge due to all of what had happened. Guns-and-Stuff took the order happily. He also asked Guns about how the Glasswalkers dealt with the Police and public officials. This discussion then led to the fact that they had a Glasswalker currently sitting idle and unpacked. Guns went into the penumbra to call him on the mobile. Discussing it with 'Matt' he brought the young Glasswalker through to meet the caern leadership.
Matt came to meet Charlie and it rather quickly became clear that he had some baggage. Deciding that the better knew what they were dealing with, he told them he was the son of Digital Raven and he was related Space-on-Disk of the City Streets pack.
Charlie had a mental discussion with his caern members who had a very mixed opinion of the benefits of a Glasswalker and the potential disaster that the young garou could cause. 'Powercut' was certainly not keen on the idea of giving him even the time of day. Charlie made a clause with a trial membership and made a cabinet that he would have to follow using the gift 'Scent of the Oath-breaker'. He gave him a tour of the island and yet again, passed probably too much information over to the Glasswalker, letting him become aware of the Rokea situation.
'Highnote' was preparing for the Rite of the Departed, and Daria came to speak with him. They chatted ideally for a bit, but then she mentioned that Darren had told her off after that meeting - but not to say anything to him! He'd said that he should be hearing from her about her issues, not from the caern leadership. Daria also talked about making more effort with 'Drives' and after a while, they coerced him to come sit with them, but he remained silent.
'Powercut' and 'Diphtheria' finished the construction of the nest and were aware of the totem watching them. It stared at 'Diphtheria' and spoke in its chirps. 'The Head theurge translated it and joined in the conversation. It said, it's feet 'tingled' and that it was to strong for the monkey ghosts. It also spoke a little about 'All-Tribes' and 'All-the-Birds', now far more coherent than before. It also said they served it and it wanted a nest. 'Powercut' showed it the nest which it inspected. They then went to collect the Moonstone from Hermit's Cave and between the pair of them carried the stone back to the nest. As they arrived, the Oystercatcher had already made it its home and seemed to be adjusting its feathers while seated inside. As they got closer, they realised it had some smaller birds it was nurturing. Expecting to see Oystercatcher's, instead they were shocked to see two different breeds of what they thought were Dodo's.
Charlie Robson - -2 Glory, -5 Honor. Failures Dagger - 3XP
Powercut - Wisdom - 5 XP
High Note - Honor - 4XP
Completes-the-Task - RIP
Tristan Remembers-in-Silence - Wisdom - 3 XP
Diphtheria - Honor- 3XP
'Matt' - none - 3XP
Rage Across the Waves - Tuesday March 31st 2016 - 8.55am - last quarter moon; Session 10 - Authority part 2
The morning sun rose. Darren, doing a watch in the physical, called in that he had come across a huge head washed up on the beach. It's size was like that of a dinosaur’s, furry, short faced and with a dog like snout. It was missing its body and wobbled around the waves as they ebbed up the beach.
It was not long till 'Diphtheria' was there. They were aware of the Rokea, who were on high alert both in the physical and the penumbra and assumed that it was them that had taken the rest of the things body. Charlie went to find Tristan in the islands shop where he was doing some essential work and he was called over and he checked the carcass for wyrm taint. It identified as strongly tainted (similar to a fomor), and thought he recognised it as an mythical Irish creature called the Dobhar-Chu.
Highnote also confirmed this - it was a 'giant otter'. He tried to speak with one of the Rokea with Beast speech and got only a simple 'its dead' before it swam off. Charlie unsure of what to do with it, asked Powercut who took it through to the penumbra to dump it there away from human eyes. Powercut, was not happy with the interruption and was at the farmhouse providing support and help to Kirsty who was now up and about. She was not herself and almost childlike in her behavior.
Matt went to see Charlie to see what the Caern leader wanted him to get on with and Charlie after a brief chat, he sent him to go and see what he could find out about the possible/suspected 'Police' investigation. Matt went to go and see Tony, who had never seen the young lad before - and queried who he was. After several questions to check who he was Tony said he had a problem with another lady who was with him, a youngish lady who had come across the waves. Tony called her 'another dog-soldier' and as he could not leave her alone, he asked the lad to go and find 'Diphtheria'. 'Diphtheria' recognised the girl but couldn't initially place her - when she spoke she begged for a home. Talking with 'Powercut' he placed her as Botulism’s outcast daughter 'SARS'.
They took her to Cristan where they asked for her story...but as she explained that she'd been outcast due to the death of a kin, 'Diphtheria' could tell this was not the whole truth. As he pushed her, she finally said that she had gotten high on a guard shift and it has led to the death of a kin wolf, who are highly prized in garou society. This had resulted in her being kicked out from the tribe and exiled from the caern. When the truth was known, SARS showed her wrist, littered with small holes along the vein. 'Diphtheria' spoke to her about helping herself, about being better than that and that she needed to be strong. SARS pointed out that its easy to be strong when you have people's help. They agreed to give her 2 days of food and rest. They showed her some quarters and the leadership discussed what to do about it. With some debate of whether they should help or not, they agreed that Captain could be called and that SARS could potentially join his crew. 'Highnote' would see if she could call Captain again...
Later SARS met with 'Diphtheria' again, begging for help, explaining that she could get back into the world with support. She even offered 'favour' out of sheer desperation. 'Diphtheria' started to want to get rid of her.
On the mainland, Matt made a call to his contacts to try and find out what is going on with the Police investigation, they would try and find out, but the investigation was still underway and no reports had been filed. Matt went for a walk on the beach and using his hoodie did a partial transformation of his ears to wolf and eavesdropped on the chatting divers. They were talking in acronyms and he heard something about 'if its suicide, who dumped him'. Heading back to the mainland with Tony, Matt met Tristan who was working maintenance and had a discussion about the site buildings and Tristan asked about Matt's history and who he was. Tristan could not offer much in return as he could not talk about his previous pack.
Tristan 'Remembers-in-Silence' came across Bernie the seal who was being attacked by some of the island's crows. Using his Beast Speech he told the crows off and saved the happy go lucky (if slightly derpy <Ed>) seal. Tristan chatted with him for a bit and was thanked for his help. Bernie stated that he was starting to like the island more as of late. Tristan did a good thing, as surely this was a conflict between the secondary totem spirits seeping into the physical.
Charlie and Highnote had a chat and went to Hermit's cave to investigate the strange site. While there there was a strange disturbance in the physical and they saw a ghostly form looking like a hermit. The spirit, though repressed by the power of the totem, seemed stronger inside the cave and it tried to speak to them. It gave its name as St Egan. Curious to what was happening 'Highnote' peeked into the penumbra... the distance was great and she saw a huge chasm, a pit to match all holes...and the distance was too far...her eyes ripped out. Screaming! Charlie called for help and Daria came to help her beloved Highnote and gave her Mother's Touch. Despite this, the eyes did not fully heal back and the gore remained and remained blind. They helped her back to her quarters to rest.
Powercut was helping Anne-Marie and Kirsty at the farm. Charlie and Matt came to speak with him about the events of the day. They helped out with farm chores and left Matt shoveling cow shit and feeding the sheep. Powercut showed Charlie the infected cows and he agreed to make a phone call to get a vet over to the island first thing. They discussed Kirsty, who had been bread baking and doing some art. 'Powercut' still showed some anger to what had happened and Charlie tried to fix that imbalance of their friendship.
Charlie Robinson - Wisdom - 5XP
Powercut - Wisdom - 5 XP
High Note - Wisdom - 3XP
Tristan Remembers-in-Silence - Wisdom - 3 XP+3 XP RP Challenge
Diphtheria - Honor- 4XP
'Matt' - Honor - 3XP
Rage Across the Waves - Thursday March 31st 2016 - 1.30pm - last quarter moon; Session 11 - Authority part 3
It usually started with a meeting - and this time was not much different. The caern elders sat and informed each other of what had gone over the last few days. Tristan raised the matter of getting contractors to come do some of the larger scale construction work, while 'Diphtheria' mentioned the lovers he had seen on the beach. Matt’s possible contributions to the caern were also raised, and it was mentioned he was good at getting into places without being noticed. The entire SARS situation was raised once more with 'Diphtheria' being adamant that she should not be able to stay.
At Mid-day a group of seals gathered in the penumbra and called out to Tristan and Diptheria. Using Tristan's Beast Speech as a way to communicate with each other, they thanked them for their support and gave a token of their friendship - a fetish key-ring. After this they asked for assistance in supplanting crow. While the most active of the spirits which was the umbral representation of Bernie, a more Weaver affiliated and sentient seal came to him and it revealed itself as a Great Elephant Seal, a larger and more spiritual potent than the others. Tristan attuned the weak fetish to himself.
On caern duty in the penumbra Diphtheria noticed that one of the Watcher spirits who was ambling about seemed to have taken an interest in the shield itself. Unsure why, he checked with some of the other garou and continued to watch the spirit as it ambled around very close to the shield. The Watcher spirit numbers had increased and decreased over the last few days and there was no explanation for the reason why.
The evening came and everyone with the exception of Matt assembled in the penumbra at the base of the cliff for the Rite of the Departed for Completes-the-Task. Highnote prepared the rite and some people brought items for him. She sang a song and then gave a speech about dying with glory and remembering fallen comrades. They buried his pendant as no body was to hand. Tony had given over the old plaque from the ship in there, 'Wordy' put one of his knives into the earthen hole, Tristan dropped off Completes’ mug, Charlie offered a rage feather and even some of the first pack put items in. Only Diphtheria did not, as he had not really spoken with Completes in his time there. They howled for the fallen. After the funeral they went to Tristan observatory for some drink and memories. The kinfolk had gathered and even most of the islands human residents as Steve Jackson has also brought some booze to say thank you for Tristan's rescue day's before. They intermingled, although 'Powercut' was nervous and a little annoyed that someone had brought Kirsty in her poor state and he did not want to have to explain to the humans what had happened to her.
Suzannah asks about some of the people to Tristan - new people?
Lord Gilliat made an announcement howl, along with Father Wimbish, 'Choice' and Mr Brown. As he was handling these important guests leading them to Tristan, another howl went up and he had to guide another garou - Dmitri who'd also chosen this difficult time to arrive and was at the base of Cliff near Ogof Barcut. Dmitri asked for his 48 hours of rest and shelter. He too was led to Cristan, while Lord Gilliat and Father Wimbish left their glaive and staff appropriately in the penumbra. Mr Brown stayed with them to guard the royal fetish. Lord Gilliat went around meeting many of the new members of the caern, keeping speak 'human' acceptable. Father Wimbish chatted happily, glad to be back and 'Choice' mostly kept to himself. After meeting Charlie and Powercut, he asked for a private audience upstairs, Charlie kept silent mostly due to his 'Voice of the Jackal'. Gilliat apologised for the sorry affair and explained it was a political point with the Fianna, whom he was regretting this alliance with. Daria supported Highnote’s entertainment (wearing sunglasses to hide her injury) feeling her way through the music. Wimbish had a brief conversation with Matt about the fate of some of his former pack and seemed surprised that the Hyphodant managed to fool him as well.
Dmitri made a challenge of a drinking contest with anyone who would listen (and some who didn’t) as there was an abundance of alcohol brought by Highnote and Steve Jackson - and was involved with story telling with Highnote. SARS wandered in and Diphtheria warned her to not to drink much. On her second drink he told her off and made her leave. He ranted at her to go and leave and that she was an embarrassment and this then led to an argument with Highnote. Why are the rules so strong with SARS? 'Diphtheria' warned her to stay out of it and the situation escalated from there, with the ahroun was clearly holding it back. Fortunately the Galliard left with Daria guiding her with her eyes through pack sight.
Wordy accepting Dmitri's challenge and despite considerable fortitude with the alcohol, he eventually got drunk, since Dmitri was using a gift 'Resist Toxin' to stave off the effects of the booze. 'Wordy' became uncharacteristically chatty, making drunken speeches and eventually he fell asleep was dropped off in one of the beds upstairs.
As the night went on, the two Fianna girls went out to the cliff face in the night since Highnote needed to try and call Captain. However, during this,'Highnote' was taken over by one of her ancestor spirits, “the Spear of Ulster”. The ancestor guided by Daria went to see how the World had changed in the last millennium. The Spear of Ulster went to try and resolve some of Highnote's previous arguments, much to the dismay of Daria who was just trying to keep her safe. Highnote still could not see and The Spear used the Sunglasses to protect the veil. 'Diphtheria' was annoyed by the ancestor (almost as much as by Highnote herself) and soon called in for the night rather than risking an altercation. Not wanting to leave it there The Spear attempted to speak to Lord Gilliat, but the Shadow Lord leader, as soon as 'The Spear' announced 'herself', the Lord quickly decided that he had no interest in speaking with them. Daria then took The Spear to bed. Dmitri had a chat with Lord Gilliat and 'Choice'. They recognised this garou from the stories and they mentioning the attack on Bishop Stortsford College that left so many students dead that Dmitri was responsible for. The chat did not go that well for Dmitri, bu they recognised the success against the Black Spiral pit. The party ended and people went to bed before the first rays of light.
Suddenly the totem called the alarm, the caern was under attack. When the umbral guard, Charlie got there they saw what was left of SARS. A blackened upper body gasping for breath - he realised then she'd walked into the shield. Oyster-catcher had attacked SARS with spiritual energy as the invader tried to come into its territory. The totem went into a frenzy of rage at this violation and Powercut attempted to calm it down. SARS horrifically burned and most of her body destroyed was saved by a healing talen that Charlie used on her. It did little and panicking he called over others to help with the mother's touch. SATS became coherent, asking to let her die and to please say it was in combat. They then took the injured SARS to a bird observation hide on the southern tip of the island in the penumbra and someone stayed with her through the night to be sure she did not revert to her human form and died in the night.
In the early hours of the morning the Vet arrived brought over by Steven Salter on his Duck tour boat. Luckily Matt was up before most other people and dealt with it, taking the vet to the kin farm house. 'Powercut' still stressed after the night before and with a lack of sleep came out with Anne-Marie. Matt took the vet to the cows and then she quickly recognised the symptoms of Bovine viral diarrhea. The herd need to be separated from other stock and the food and milk should not be sold for 6 months.
Charlie Robinson - Honor - 5 XP +2 XP from RP challenge
Powercut - Wisdom - 3 XP
High Note - Glory - 4 XP
Tristan Remembers-in-Silence - Wisdom - 3 XP
Diphtheria - Honor- 4 XP
'Matt' - Wisdom - 3XP
Rage Across the Waves - April 1st 2016 - 10.30am - Last Quarter moon; Session 12.
'Diphtheria' went to talk to Tristan on the beach and discussed the idea about finding shark teeth - especially some Rokea teeth and using to make fetishes or talens with. He inquired about how easy they would be to acquire, they made some general chit-chat and Tristan let 'Diphtheria' know about the incident that happened last night with SARS. 'Diphtheria' seemed not to bothered and went to see 'Powercut'. Rain had started again and it was just as heavy as the night before.
Matt came to see 'Powercut' at the kinfolk farm in the morning again, it had been a full day already and as it started to rain...yet again. Dripping wet, he was let into the farmhouse where Anne-Marie gave him a towel. 'Diphtheria' was also soaking wet and was sitting on the living room sofa. Matt asked for a Rite of Accomplishment from 'Powercut', but as the discussion went on, but then changed the request and backed off again. Anne-Marie taking the towel back and letting Matt out, then turned to 'Powercut' and said he was a very strange boy indeed. 'Diphtheria' made the discussion with 'Powercut' again about how to make Rokea talens and got the lowdown from the head theurge, with the upshot being that Rokea would be unlikely to provide teeth voluntarily.
'Highnote' started making the base of the statue that was to become the shrine to the 20,000 saints of the isle, her eyes allowing her to see by now, albeit blurred, but it was sufficient for some basic tasks. She collected some pebbles and stones together and made a square plinth with cement and spent time forming it, having issues in the rain. Daria would have spent time with her but after they had woken up, she was needed by the First Pack and left her lover to go and join them. Suzannah, in yellow wellies looked for Charlie to have a discussion with him, but no one could point her in the right direction. She was told that Charlie was probably asleep. No one mentioned after his long night awake babysitting the crippled SARS. He'd left a fairly reluctant Daria to do the job in the early hours of the morning.
Later on in the day 'Diphtheria' was again on guard duty in the penumbra with raincoat, trudging through the mud, noticing a crow watching him from a stone wall. The caern had fully woken up after the party the night before and most of the cobwebs had been cleared. A howl went up in the penumbra granting access to the caern by King Lothar and his retinue. 'Diphtheria' nearly fell over himself to get to the howl location and granted the King access to the caern. The King was a huge man, 7ft tall and a chest broader than a weight lifter. His human form looked like others’ glabro, complete with a cropped blonde hair cut and small blond goatee of fingers length. His small eyes, when seen behind his sunglasses, in the vast expanse of his head stared at the Caern Guardian. Charlie was suddenly up and he met the Fenris King of England at the Bird Observatory. He plied a greeting but his squeaky voice immediately was taken in a negative way. Lothar ordered him to assemble all his caern members for a meeting. The King took a beer and placed himself on the sofa in the meeting room in Cristian...his man mass taking most of it up. Charlie called everybody to the meeting, mentally told Darren to go and find Matt to go and relieve Daria looking after SARS, as she was already on the way. When Darren found him at Cristian in the main room. This took some time, even using wolf senses as Matt was not mentally linked and seemed to not retain his odour. He told him Charlie's instructions as he shook off the deep soak he'd received. Matt stepped sideways to try and go find where this Bird watch was. Taking his time stepping sideways, he slowly materialized in the meeting with King Lothar...
The caern's garou assembled and King Lothar gave a head press and growl with 'Wordy' when the two were reunited, some Fenrir salute. The King left his 'bodyguard' at the front door. Lothar was abrupt with Charlie and standing turned his body to speak to all the caern members. He asked about the Caern's spiritual side and when Powercut spoke he acknowledged that he had chosen Powercut specifically for this role as he had turned down his Shadow Lord past for the Fenrir and would ensure that Fenrir would maintain the spiritual side. When Tristan said he planned to encourage Seal as secondary totem, Lothar grew angry. Tristan pointed out that a sea spirit would be advisable for an island caern. Lother pointed out that 'island' had a land in it and Crow was linked with the Get-of-Fenris as Mighty Fenrir would play with them. If he did not get his way, he'd put a new leader in charge and someone who didn't have a squeaky voice. He asked about the Green Mist and 'Powercut' eluded to it being from Pangea. If Pangea - why not send the first pack to investigate it Lothar came back. Powercut pointed out that they were close to moot and the First pack would be sent after and more preferably to investigate the cave which he suspected led to the Abyss. Lothar told him to send the pack now and not wait. He said he'd seen the threat of the coast on the way over and called it a 'Daisy picking show'. 'Diphtheria' pointed out about the vampire - which made Lothar snort. When he mentioned the bane breeding grounds, Lothar pursued this line of discussion and learned that they had already destroyed it. Lothar asked was this a War Caern or a Peace caern as they sure as hell had a War totem. What would they do for that war? Powercut invested his plans to make talens and fetishes here to help the war, which Lothar seemed to approve of. He then asked people to speak about their Caern leader and encouraged people to speak up. Tristan realised that the dumb hulk had actually been clever as doing it in this format allowed him to see the issues and find out more than a direct conversation. At this point Matt's blue and red lines appeared as he had his slow 5 minute piece of the umbra. Charlie was a little embarrassed as the King moved around the slowly appearing garou. He joked about putting a chair where he was appearing as a lesson to him, but luckily for Matt did not go through with it. He stood behind the little Glasswalker in Glabro until the ragabash appeared. Charlie told him off and then when he realised Lothar was behind him, the King said he'd have been dead if he'd been an enemy and advised him about 'peeking'. Turning back to Charlie, the King asked why he'd not been in the meeting. Charlie said something about a trial member, but the King caught him in a lie and gave him a verbal tirade. He turned back to Matt and said he'd heard about his family - and they'd probably be the death of him. Darren raised the point about his and Daria's gnosis being low and the worry due to the large number of garou they would not get their share. Lothar directed it to 'Mr Robinson'. Then 'Highnote' spoke up about Charlie, saying that the Leader did not listen to their points and in 'combat assessment' She’d not been allowed to use her knife. It was the stuff that Lothar was looking for and pressed it home till he was clear with the matter. He told 'Little Man Robinson' that he needed to listen to his people and he was seeing only failings. His final words were his expectations, laying them down for all to see. Lastly, he asked 'Mr Robinson' if he could leave the island. Charlie agreed and the King left with a nod to 'Wordy' on his way out. All caern members just sat their in silence for a few moments after the King had gone. Stunned. After a while, the leadership dismissed the other garou and had a discussion about who was to have access to the the spiritual energy in the moot.
Night came, the rain continued this time with forked lightning and 'Powercut' had assembled the key leaders and Tristan for a meal at the Kinfolk farmhouse. They used this time to get to know Tristan. 'Powercut' had had limited interactions with him and admired him for all the great work he'd done on the island. They ate a simple pasta meal and chatted about minor issues and more about company. Matt had been placed to look after SARS who was starting to recover from her horrible injuries. As the discussion went on, Powercut became distracted and umbral disturbance was happening. They noticed a large number of crows outside, all cawing in protest. When they went out to see what was going on with some investigation they saw some seals pulling down a tree with a crows nest in it with the force of their bodies, crows circling and pecking defending their chicks. In the penumbra it was far worse a great spiritual battle was underway between Crow and Seal. Tristan using a combination of gifts 'Beast Speech', 'Persuade' and 'Command the Gathering' stopped the conflict in a localized area, but the caern was far too large to stop the war.
Charlie stepped sideways and saw the swarm of crows that suddenly beset on him, he made a spirit bridge to the bird hide from his memory and focused his will. It got him through the swarm and covering his face in crinos he made his way to the bird hide's open-doorway. As he came through several of the crows fluttered around until they joined their spiritual army outside. Matt was covering SARS, they could hear Seal cries among the commotion and both garou had to shout to be heard from all the caws. Charlie was aware of the totem now, who was chirping loudly and he then became aware of its frenzy but unable to see anything out of the door in low light but black bodies and feathers. He crawled on the floor outside shielding his head and crawled down to the beach to see what was happening. Many beaks pecked and clawed at him in their frenzy and he could just make out through the gaps the Seals in a defensive circle. There was nothing they could do, he called with spirit link to 'Highnote' but she was locked up in Carreg Fawr, the First Pack's house. 'Wordy' had clawed the horde and had been injured by them, so they had locked the door and shuttered the windows. 'Powercut' was concerned about the totem and had made his way as best he could to the 'caern heart' and had seen the totem attacking the side of Cristian in its frenzy. Charlie crawled back and there they waited it out. Ten minutes went by, of claw and carnage.
It passed as quickly as it had begun. Spiritual bodies, feathers and dead seals all becoming incorporeal were the remains of the spiritual battle. In the physical, they found baby seals, now being feasted on by seagulls, their eyes pecked out. Caring mothers trying to protect the dead carcass of their child. In the penumbra, Powercut saw the totem climb into its nest and hide its beak in its body feathers...and the shield flickered as the totem, humbled with the after thought of its frenzy, tried to sleep. Panic spread across the caern and 'Powercut' managed to talk to it, to keep it awake. Tristan went around checking the buildings and immediately set on fixing Cristian before the penumbral damage crept through into the physical. It has been a bad day all round.
'Diphtheria' needing to let off some steam, went to find that damned Watcher. Powercut and Matt joined him, in case they were needed and the BoneGnawer singled one of them out and went for it in spiritual combat. The fight was close and brutal and for a moment, it looked like the Caern Guardian would lose, but he mentally clawed the spirit into destruction. It's body disappeared into the ether, leaving a spiritual flute, which remained only for a brief moment before its staff took its place. 'Diphtheria' gave the prize to 'Powercut', but the Head Theurge was too drained to attune it. He got a warning jolt and let go. Wrapping it in a cloth he took it home for safe keeping.
Charlie Robinson - Honor - 4 XP
Powercut - Wisdom - 5 XP
Tristan Remembers-in-Silence - Wisdom - 4 XP
Diphtheria - Glory- 4 XP
'Matt' - Wisdom - 3X
Rage Across the Waves - April 2nd 2016 - 9.30am - Last Quarter moon; Session 13. Unlucky for Some
Charlie patrolling the length of the caern in the Penumbra slipped and fell on the pebbled path and hurt his back. When he got back up again a howl rang out.
"My name is Jean De Grace of the Gleaming Eye and I come to speak with Tristan 'Remembers-in-Silence' and the Caern Leadership". Charlie headed over and called the Caern Leadership, including Tristan over for the discussion. De Grace also brought three other nude people with them, a guy and two girls - presumably young pups who had not yet had the right to have bound clothes in the penumbra. They followed to the Bird Observatory silently and let Jean De Grace do all of the talking. The Silver Fang explained to Tristan that it was his duty to go and further his line and that a female kin had been selected. He'd spend 2 days there with her. Tristan, being a little surprised, accepted to do his duty. De Grace explained that any child would be the responsibility of the tribe, but he could request the kin fetch choice. De Grace checked with the elders when he could leave and they quickly agreed that he could go immediately. Tristan made his preparations so that people could cover his duties while he was gone. De Grace agreed to wait for him in his offered quarters, as long as he did not have to wait to long. He offered a spirit bridge to the Chateau De Fontainebleau where he'd be staying.
Once De Grace had gone, the pups asked if they could have access to the Abyss via the cave. They explained they'd been sent on a quest to recover a Caern stone from the Umbral realm and Father Wimbish had said they'd had a direct link. Powercut questioned them, learning that Danny had made this request of Deimos (against the other two's protests) and concluded the quest to be too dangerous for the unprepared pups. He explained some of the realm to them and the dangers, the paths of Silver, Iron and Gold and the dangerous rumours of the Nightmaster and asked Matt to help train the young garou. When Matt took them outside to begin basic combat training and some sneaking skills (it was clear that the girls had no idea of how to fight) the elders discussed what to do with them. Powercut, not wanting to send them off without proper training wondered if this was actually part of the challenge to seek the advice to be able to do the task. Still concerned he had a brief discussion with Matt and proposed that if he went with them, but left them to take charge, he could earn a permanent position in the caern. In the meantime,Charlie had to resolve who would do the job of Tristan while they were gone.
Later on in the day there was a sudden explosion of violence in the First pack's house and Daria screamed over to Charlie via the mental link and gave him access to her eyes to see what she could see. 'Wordy' and 'Drives' were both in Crinos, in the physical, lunging at each other. Darren trying to get in the way in homid was hit with a back claw and went flying. Daria screamed and ran to check and Mother's Touch him, as soon as he was OK, she closed the curtains to try and protect the veil. Charlie screamed at them to stop, 'Wordy' went over the metis, twisting his arm around and then pulled it up with a crack then tore it from its joint. The Metis clawed him again, spilling 'Wordy’s' intestines.'Wordy' staggered, took out one of his fang daggers and stuck it in 'Drives' neck. Both injured, 'Drives' mauled they stopped for a moment and then 'Charlie's screams got through. He was already on route running as fast as he could to the kin house. Getting in, Charlie got between them. He asked what had caused this, as the pair of them bled. 'Wordy’s' answer, in typical fashion, was abrupt 'He insulted me'. Charlie turned on 'Drives' and in mental link the Fianna Metis said that he'd told the Get that he had no control after his drinking fiasco. Charlie pushing - and using a gift learned that the Metis had said 'You have the control of a BoneGnawer' and that had caused the fight. Charlie verbally chastised 'Drives' and forbade him any healing as punishment (and in the view that all healers were extremely low on gnosis). 'Wordy' in contrast got barely a word said to him. Charlie checked with Darren who had a slight concussion after his healing. He asked Darren to clean the place up. When they were alone Darren holding his head, said he'd struggle to control them. He also blamed Daria and Highnote building the Metis' confidence up - causing him to test his position in the pack. The pack would be better off without him. Charlie took it with note.
On the way back Charlie was finally caught up by Monika Tyk and Suzanne Lloyd, who had been trying to speak with him. They noticed his funny voice and when they asked - Charlie said he had a cold - Monika seemed unconvinced. She then told Charlie that she had no idea who they were - but his people could not walk across the island willy-nilly due to the endangered lichens. She said her piece and stormed off. Suzannah smiled as she left and praised Tristan for his great work - and that the water supplies were now back to normal.
Charlie Robinson - Wisdom - 5 XP
Powercut - Wisdom - 5 XP
Tristan Remembers-in-Silence - Wisdom - 4 XP
Diphtheria - Glory- 4 XP
'Matt' - Wisdom - 3XP
Rage Across the Waves - April 5th 2016 - 1.10am - Waning Crescent: Session 14. Visitors
With two days rest and recovery, the First pack was in a more suitable position to start to head on their penumbral jaunt, but Darren 'Eye's Across the Water' was having concerns about his pack’s cohesion and raised the matter again with Charlie.
During the last 2 days Matt had struggled with the training of the visiting pups, but had got to know them quite well and he was not enjoying the thought of them struggling alone with it, with what was potentially a dangerous task. Yet, he realised eventually that if he went with them it would be their confidence and ability to learn that would be affected. Kathryn in particular had the wrong attitude and would struggle with adjusting.
A hulking Albino Fianna Metis visitor had been to see Daria, Highnote and a little embarrassingly the mutilated 'Drives'. Additionally 'Non Inglese' arrived, an Italian garou trying to find 'Caern of the Seabird', he stayed the day and no one could understand him.
Tristan's visit to the Chateau of Fontainebleau had gone as planned and he returned from the experience not willing to share much of it. He was struggling to get back by boat as the sea was too rough, so he returned by penumbra and remained there until he could arrive in the physical. He had seen the piano delivery men struggling to get the piano to the island. 'Diphtheria' had gone to find SARS and found that she had collected some items to make her life in the Bird Watch more comfortable. She had taken some blankets and a pillow and a picture she'd liked - one of Kirsty's. He took it off her and returned it to the kinfolk farmhouse.
The usual elder meeting occurred and they discussed the latest issues and welcomed. Not all were in attendance in person so Charlie and Powercut were both mentally linked into the discussion and Tristan explained what was being said to Matt who remained unlinked to the caern. They welcomed back Tristan and brought him up to speed with the last few days. They discussed the Police investigation and that they had been to speak with Monika, Tony and Suzanne in the last few days. Suzanne had not known what company they worked for, so they agreed to use the Shadow Lord company that had the lease - CS Limited.
When 'Powercut' learned of the theft of the Kirsty Drawing he went straight over to the hide and attacked SARS. A couple of blows exchanged, but the Get easily took advantage and killed her despite being aware of the Bonegnawer policy of ownership. When she was unable to fight, he crushed her skull and put her in a shallow grave, face down and began to burn her body. He was in the process when another guest arrived - Persephone, the Black Fury who had been advised to come here for a caern position. Charlie asked Daria to cover him in the physical, stepping sideways to do so. Charlie was pleased to meet the Black Fury at least, as she had been expected a few days ago. He took her to meet the caern members in the Bird Observatory, the totem eyed her angrily - Powercut declining a meet as he was 'busy'. After the introductions, Charlie gave her a guided tour. Tristan and Matt went to clean up in the Penumbra and seeing smoke went to investigate. He realised quickly what had gone, by the blood and the mess around SARS shelter and the charred body in the grave. 'Powercut' explained they fought - she didn't show throat. Tristan querying the story, but did not protest and helped clean up the rest of the area as the bird shack was damaged, before its effects appeared in the physical. Matt, who'd also come to investigate leaving the pups training was more horrified.
Charlie went back to his duties. Matt and Tristan were fixing the bird hide when two new garou arrived by spirit bridge. Matt recognising Nikki Davies and his cousin Laura West. Nikki scowled and asked what he was doing here, Matt was respectful and waved to Laura a hello. Nikki asked him to not encourage her - they were having an adult conversation. Tristan let the others know they had another visitor, in response to which 'Diphtheria' fired off a number of expletives. Charlie asked Daria to cover him again as he headed over. 'Powercut' took the visitors to Cristian and Laura marveled at the spirit life at the caern. He was on the way, when he was aware that Daria had gone into frenzy. Contacting 'Highnote' to find out what had happened, 'Highnote' said she'd just stepped sideways. They realised, her low spiritual energy had caused an issue while stepping sideways. After a while, she managed to come out of frenzy and finish her journey. Highnote was there, with the flute in case and he comforted the young theurge. Darren's mind was made up - he'd talk to the leadership.
Nikki and Laura met Charlie and the leadership at the Cristin bird observatory. Laura had found a copy of Stephen Kings 'It' on the book shelf and asked to borrow it. She talked about the issues of an island caern and was all kind of her usual brisk with talking. She then suggested an alliance particularly to deal with the Rokea issue. Charlie, having little patience for her intolerance of Shadow Lords decided against it and brought the meeting to an abrupt end. Nikki let herself out, while Laura waved goodbye. Charlie happily said farewell to Laura. After Nikki had left, Matt shuffled in and asked to discussed the pup situation. He clarified their issues and struggles, and explained he’d come to the conclusion that joining them would result in a safer quest for them, but would likely not allow them the shock toi their system and the growth they needed to make it in the future. As such, unless Powercut insisted, he would suggest it would be better if they went on their own. Powercut still asked for him to go to the abyss with them, to investigate the link type and potential threats to the caern from it.
A howl went up, and it was an announcement to speak with the Leadership announcing the name 'Meat Pudding'. When they met the metis, his smell was horrific and his open wounds were apparent in his homid form. He spoke with Charlie saying that the site was known to be beloved by BoneGnawers and he would be interested in making an alliance and maybe a Moonbridge link. Charlie tried to remain polite and agreed to send someone to come and visit the caern - Diphtheria would be a good choice...though he mentally doubted that he would agree.
Life was returning to normal, but then another visitor arrived. This time 'Leanne', the perky Children of Gaia from Caern of the Giant's Chair. Again, she requested a discussion with the Head Theurge and the Guardian. She asked to be taken to seal beach, where she met Bernie the Seal and using a spiritual trick managed to coax the Walrus out of the Bernie the Seal, seeing the strength that the spirit had gained from the totem's presence. She was led to Cristian's meeting room and like before the totem seeing her charged. She took out a stick with chime bells and stuck it in the ground before the totem. Confused the totem checked what it was and Leanne used this time to leave the scene. She remained composed unlike many past visitors. At the observatory she asked about the spiritual issues they had had - and this had started causing problems with their caern. Unable to talk about it in detail due to a secrecy agreement, she explained that the Seal/Walrus was the same as their totem and that the conflict was causing major problems. She reinforced that it needed to be resolved - you should take no action that causes a caern to fall. The leadership talked about their preferences for the secondary totem spirit. Leanne, could not approve of anything, but said an alliance may be considered if they were to change - but it would need to be resolved urgently. At the same time, they lured the Bernie spirit to the Oystercatcher totem to see what would happen. The two spirits were compatible and Bernie's energy grew being so close to the totem. She thought it was primal energy's - probably from a spirit like a Gomphotaria. Leanne left and said she'd try and get her leader to come.
The pups were taken to the Hermit's Cave in the penumbra and a little of the depth of the task was revealed to them when they sensed how deep the penumbra was. It was revealed that Matt would go with them, but under his own totem, rather than traveling with their totem. Danny and Amy did not mind, Kathryn did not seem keen. They said their farewells and they all stepped sideways under Amy's control. Matt felt the plummet with the red/blue lines going further than they had before. When he emerged he was in a dark and dank, black obsidian cave passage - turning back and forth he could not see the pups. With a heavy sigh he checked his phone and proceeded cautiously and quietly along the passage...
Several hours passed before Dr David Spendlove, a balding, seemingly unimpressive garou, bar for the flash of Stag's chosen stood at caern's shield edge with his bodyguard 'Salmon-on-Sea' a native Uktena ahroun, complete with modern tribal markings and black leather jacket. He too was led to the penumbral meeting room where they had a very forward chat. All leadership members attended, including Tristan. Dr Spendlove explained that an alliance could be made and he explained somewhat cryptically about the purpose of a caern - and its existence beyond the Apocalypse - which was coming. He said pure Wyld places were meant for Gaia - not the Garou world, showing a deep wisdom. Charlie asked if he could keep a confidence - and then explained about the Rokea. Dr Spendlove seemed impressed in learning that they shared a caern with them and gave a little insight into the mind of a shark. Not to think of them in the mind of a wolf or human. Communication is pointless, but for the hunt - and even then as a solitary hunter. The War of Rage was a mistake - and one that is still happening. Actions speak louder than words. That is the mind of a shark. He also thought that the 'Green Mist' and Pangea were linked to the seal spirit and losing that spirit would cost them their ancient link. If they would resolve the secondary totem dispute, hide their caern - he might be open to teaching them the Ritual of Forgetfulness and possibly a moonbridge with them. Things would need to be in place first though, before that step would be taken. When they asked about securing funding - he said what do you need funding for? He'd said once the land was secured - they needed nothing else, buildings could fall back to Gaia and garou could eat, sleep and live in the penumbra. He even suggested a non-caern location for the kinfolk. The two caerns could help each other greatly. Allowing their chance to all speak in case any hear disagreed with the action, they said there would be another meeting after the Secondary totem was resolved. They would speak again then. He asked permission to leave. 'Powercut' offered him a tour, but he said his caern was in crisis and he was needed there. He would save time for pleasantries in the future.
Charlie Robinson - Honor - 3 XP
Powercut - Glory - 5 XP
Tristan Remembers-in-Silence - Honor - 6 XP
Diphtheria - Honor - 4 XP
'Matt' - Wisdom - 5XP
Rage Across the Waves - April 6th 2016 - 9.30am - Almost new moon: Session 15. Changes
Heading across the waves, Tristan 'Remembers-in-Silence' made his 'official' return to the caern, with him on the boat he had three removal men, a Grand Piano (which they'd struggled to get on on its 4-wheeled dolly) an elderly building contractor, Tony and Robbo. It cut through the choppy waves and headed to the pier. Suzannah, Monika, Charlie and 'Diphtheria' were all waiting for the boat arrival. After the greet, they watched the 3 men (2 polish and an English team leader) maneuver the piano on to the shore. As it went up the path, Charlie noted the strange reaction of the fatter Polish guy as he crossed the physical boundary of the caern, he notably sensed something odd! Getting some of the caern members to check them with Sense Wyrm, they had slightly higher than background taint. He became suspicious, so 'Diphtheria' decided to help with the piano move. Using mental speech, 'Diphtheria' got the First pack to go and investigate their van on the main land. Darren asked about going to Pangea, but 'Diphtheria' explained he'd rather that they do this. As they got close to Cristan, the fat polish man had a break and stretched his arms and legs. Powercut who was watching in the penumbra was aware of the situation, noticed what he was up to. The guy was very close to the location in the penumbra where the totem currently resided. Before they needed to make a scene in the physical, the fat guy came back and they worked for another 50 minutes to get the piano to the chapel.
Darren on the mainland, checked over the van and it just seemed a normal white van with the company logo. They found nothing odd about it, but he saw a wolf scent pendant hanging from the mirror. He thought it could be a love of a creature - a kin fetch? Was this a lost kin? Or just a coincidence?
At the main door they realised the large piano would need to have its legs removed to have a chance to get inside. Getting a tool kit they dissembled the piano, they would not let Tristan touch it (for insurance purposes). Finally, they got it inside the small chapel having to move things around in the chapel. However, they seemed reluctant to want to return it to the mainland in the future, giving the amount of work that was involved. When they went back to Tony's boat the First pack (Daria and Darren) tailed them for a while. They did not learn anything else...
It started as it usual did with a meeting as the day usually did. The Caern elders had assembled with 'Highnote', Tristan and 'Persephone', the newest caern member. Their was a proper introduction for the Black Fury and they discussed what the plans were for the day, how they were going to sort out the crisis with the secondary totem. Another caern was at risk. Tristan was more on the stand to not go on a Crow killing spree and was thinking of ways to humanely removing them from the island in the physical. Suggestions were made of promoting the Seals to help make the transition. At the end of the meeting, 'Persephone' officially met the totem, fed it and joined the caern. As she did so, she was in time for the mental image from 'Drives' and Charlie who let the caern know a new visitor had arrived. It was 'Polio' from the Sept of the Cardboard Box. He met with Charlie and on the way to the Bird Observatory hiding several blue eggs 'for the children' in nooks and crannies as he slowly made his way to the meeting room on his hobbled foot. When he was in meeting he blatantly took a mug and put it in his pocket and asked why they'd not sent any garou for the moot on the 4th? Charlie, a little confused, checked this with 'Highnote'. It seemed that people had the date confused and he apologized to the Bonegnawer saying how mad busy it had been and said they would send someone for the next event. Polio didn't seem not too bothered, he was just a messenger. The Moot event had gone well regardless. Charlie asked for him to return with his reply - Polio said it would depend on what he was told by the leadership. Powercut went to meet Bernie the Seal and gifted him a gnosis point.
Later that day, Charlie came across a woman, playing a wooden flute on the shore in the physical. He'd never seen her before and immediately called for help due to a stranger on the island. He asked her name and when she spoke to him, she said what he wanted her name to be - she was not in the business of giving names to things. Her eyes deep green and hair mousey blonde, very beautiful and oddly calming. She explained that this place was so beautiful, she loved it here. As Tristan arrived, Charlie turned to him but as he turned back the lady had gone as mysteriously as she'd appeared. Tristan had only seen the woman through Charlie's eyes through spirit link - he'd not seen her directly! They did not have much time to debate the odd event.
Moments later in the South-West side of the caern a green mist event occurred, not as strong as the first and localized. 'Diphtheria' and 'Persephone' raised the alarm. The first pack, came out and it restored some of their spiritual energy and ironically Daria's confidence. 'Powercut' suggested that the best time for the First pack to go to Pangaea would be now. Saying their farewells, the First pack stepped sideways among the green mist as it rose through the rocks.
Charlie Robinson - Honor - 5XP
Powercut -Wisdom - 6 XP
Tristan Remembers-in-Silence - Honor - 6 XP
Diphtheria - Honor - 4 XP
Rage Across the Waves - April 7th 2016 - 11.30pm - Almost new moon: Session 16. Conflict
It was 'Persephone's first caern watch. It was long and boring and nothing much happened for the most part. After 2 hours she'd seen everything she could see. Another 2 hours and she was getting tired and looking for ways to entertain her mind. After another 2 hours she was taking breaks to try and break up the shift. The early morning sun shone through clouds as it rose above the sea and the island slowly began to awake. She saw Tristan up early talking with Suzanne, organising another date, Powercut and Anne-Marie opening enclosures and feeding the cattle before doing daily cleans of the stables, grooming the horse and collecting eggs. In the Penumbra 'Diphtheria's shift was coming to a close and there had been strange lights by the abbey and only two of the watchers were there - not the usual four. The shield was looking particularly white.
After breakfast Sue Sloane came into the Bird Observatory where Charlie, Powercut and 'Diphtheria' were discussing some caern defence issues and the fact that physical watches had not been assisting Tristan with litter patrol as they were meant to. The elderly lady came in and grabbed a cup of tea and settled herself on a sofa pushing away the beer cans from the nights before in a 'boys-will-be-boys' manner. She asked if she could be of help? She seemed to know a little more of what had gone on than they realised and asked for an explanation of what happened about Kirsty. She also highlighted Tony's concerns about the Police investigation and Anne-Marie's continual placement as a farmer. She also made some suggestions regarding Monika Tyk and asked 'Diphtheria' if caern physical defence could be managed a way which was less disruptive for the islands humans. She had concerns about this young garou 'Matt' who she'd seen about. She remembered some stories a year ago about how he'd been partial responsible for the death of Glasswalker kin in London and had these concerns now for the safety of the island's kin. Especially as one of them recently got lobotomized! Charlie did his best to listen to her concerns but had other matters on his mind. 'Diphtheria' made a mental link joke about putting her on guard duty and see if she'd like that!
Tristan after only an hour of sleep went past the boathouse and saw Tony fishing while Robbo was doing boat cleaning. He shouted to Tony and the ex-army soldier jumped to his feet and ran over to hand Tristan a letter addressed for the island. It was handwritten and had a funeral invite.
Dear Antonie Harrison,
It is with heavy heart that I write these words, but your brother, Jean-Paul has passed away after a short stay in hospital as a result of a work accident. You deserve all the details but I am struggling at the moment to do this suitably and I can never contact you by other means. It has fallen to me alone to organise all the details We plan to say goodbye to him officially with a service and an after meet on the Thursday 14th April. I hope this gets to you and that you will attend, your brother would certainly of wanted you there.
With condolences,
Agnes Poirtot
Not knowing an Antonine he tucked the letter into his travel bag. As he continued with his duties he came across Steve Jackson doing yoga by a beach and the unlucky youth was suddenly attacked by two rather daring Oyster-Catchers. As usual the daring Tristan saved the day and managed to get the birds away from the young man. but not before he injured his arm. It seemed the totem's aggression was seeping into the physical counterpart.
Tristan went to meets Charlie and explained his idea of planting berry bushes on the mainland. It was a crow's main diet and it would provide a suitable habitat for the crows and help them migrate from the island. Tristan said he'd make the order on Suzanne's laptop for the bushes. He also showed the letter to Charlie and he said it was for Powercut. Handing it to Powercut made heavy reading for the head theurge. He made an excuse and needed to go to the mainland, which put off Tristan's Rite of Accomplishment. Hadya returned to the caern for a few days.
The Sunset was beautiful, as it slowly tipped below the horizon the sky went red and all came out to admire it. That night - the caern had settled and Diptheria was on penumbral duty when he suddenly became aware that the caern was under attack. The totem was chirping and he could see white impacts on the shield in the North and the South. Tristan and Highnote stepped sideways and ran to the Southern side of the caern, while 'Diphtheria', Charlie (who took a while stepping sideways) and Hadya tackled to the North. Persephone stayed to defend the physical.
In the South, Tristan could see an army of undead wraiths and spirits assaulting the caern. Some as monks and some dressed as priests as they ran into the shield and were draining the spiritual energy of the caern - using their very own spiritual essence as a way to fight the totem. Tristan saw the 'leader' behind the horde - a white knight on a dead horse. He spirit bridged past the main horde, while Highnote tried to divert the horde from the shield with a direct assault. Tristan leapt into combat with the leader who used his guards to try and turn the odds. Tristan was hit by 'True Faith' and took injuries after he slew the heavenly host guard. Finally, after a tough fight he took down the White Knight, while dripping with blood and the horde began to fade. Highnote had fought well, and gave a life saving mother's touch to the injured Silver Fang.
In the North Diptheria, on his own took on several waves of the undead draining his rage quickly. Huge balls of light were being thrown at the shield and it was already starting to buckle. His assault took pressure of the shield attack and he pressed it to the enemy. The small injuries he received were starting to add up and he was pushed back. Hadya was struggling at the abbey so could offer no support until Charlie finally arrived. Strengthened by Lune's Armour the two garou were able to push back the shambling corpses until Charlie was crippled by a force of spiritual light, which held him up. 'Diphtheria' realising it was from one of the templers who was pointing at Charlie, Diptheria, now injured and without rage took the fight to the Templar. Doing so allowed Charlie to escape and continue the fight. Crow spirits and Seals also joined the battle helping Hadya who could also see the spirits attacking the Rokea in the water. Even Totem and Powercut came to join the fight as the undead pushed into the caern. The Northern reinforcements came to help, but when they arrived, it was already over. 'Diphtheria' had defeated the leader and doing so, like in the South, brought the fight to an abrupt end.
Bloody and injured the caern licked its wounds, but totem was now battered and the shield drained. It was unsure if the moot would need to be early, or they needed to hope on another green mist event.
Charlie Robinson - Glory - 5XP
Powercut -Glory - 4 XP
Tristan Remembers-in-Silence - Glory - 4 XP
Diphtheria - Glory - 5 XP
Rage Across the Waves - April 8th 2016 - 8.30pm - Almost new moon: Session 17 and 18. Moot
After the shield lay greatly weakened after the assault the elders had the decision to either continue trying to maintain the caern till the 16th and hope for a Green Mist event, or do the moot early. Powercut was not happy with any risk or waiting on a dream - so he asserted that the moot would happen tonight. Not all were ready for it so a brief meeting was held, after which all members went to prepare for the moot tonight.
'Diphtheria' went to scout for nearby threats suitable for the revel he had to wander quite far in land and after a day of searching found a retail park that seemed suitably tainted in the penumbra for a revel target. It was a slate factory in Pwllheli which was on a nearby industrial estate. The site looked foul and the spirits tainted and withdrawn.
In the penumbra at caern, Tristan took his time in creating a row of terraced cabins using the Rite of Umbral Crafting. Charlie came to learn how to do this rite as well and after a suitable challenge they learned the rite. Charlie used this to build a sweat lodge in the penumbra - originally for a rite of cleansing but as Powercut pointed out - it was inside the shield - someone would already be pure from the shields cleansing light before they got access to the Sweat lodge.
Tristan after finally completing his instrument for his challenge to Highnote for the gift Apes-craft blessing went to learn the gift from the ancestor spirit at Hermit's Cave. There were problems with the self-made instrument and it broke easily. With the aid of the Hermit they fixed it and Tristan acquired the gift as part of it.
Arriving in the physical Tony arrived at 9.30am carrying the load of camera crew and Brynn Terfel. They were met by Tristan who got a 4x4 to take their gear up to the chapel. He refused an interview with the camera crew but advised them of the island personnel on who to go and speak with from the human residents. The camera crew filmed the recording and spent the day filming the rest of the documentary. Suzannah, Tony and Monique all posed for the camera.
Early evening came and Captain and his crew arrived by his spiritual tugboat in the penumbra. Charlie was pleased to see them and after a dialogue asked them for assistance with the moot for tonight, Learning that they had moored themselves here as his own boat spirit needed a moot itself. They were all in time to watch the beautiful sunset, leading to the night of the moot. Persephone went to the ruined abbey to look about in the penumbra. Its structure was more intact and the light of the shield illuminated the shadow Gothic structure. She marveled at the site and could still sense its spiritual power. 'Diphtheria' went to check on Tony and Anne-Maria that they were OK and in place as physical guards and then headed to the moot.
Highnote and Powercut, dressed in hoods to look like Oystercatchers made the final preparations and then greeted the arrivals at nighttime to the podium of the chosen area. The site was covered with crucifix, braziers and decorations dedicated to St. Brigid and had seating stones for the rite placed in a semicircle. Daisies and daffodils were scattered around the moot site, arranged in bouquets and cast loosely on the floor. Mead was available in fired clay goblets available to drink and a fire was burning. Highnote ran some fire gazing and people spent precious gnosis to get visions from the burning embers. He beckoned people to stare deeply into the rising sparkles which rose about them.
Tristan saw a maiden of white robed dress fleeing from a fawn. She hid in the bulrushes and cast a spell to change into the rushes themselves. The fawn angrily searched, failing to find her and then cut down some of the reeds to make a pipe to call for the maiden to lure her out. Still not finding her with his tune he left...and Tristan noted that some of the broken reeds bled human blood. No sign of the maiden could be found.
As he was waiting with mead 'Diphtheria' was approached by the totem studying his goblet drink. He offered it some, but it seemed nervous by the thing. He left some on the ground for it to try with its long beak, as Charlie stepped into the flames.
Charlie's fire vision saw a man in black robes and staff set upon by two Green dragons, unable to beat past his shield with dragon fire and tail lashes they cast boulders of Earth on him, burying the wizard in rock. Eons passed and Charlie able to pass through the shield saw him cast spells to feed himself and make him young again. Finally a day came when people broke through and the wizard was released...he vanished as they came in and a shrine of the crucifixion was found.
'Diphtheria's turn and he went for his vision seeing a woman crying at a statue of a man made of ice...he could not understand their speech with no Spirit Speech. A woman of grass and rocks appeared and the blonde woman made a deal with the feminine golem. She seemed not happy with this deal and played the flute which allowed the statue to melt releasing the man inside...and seemingly sentencing the woman to an unknown death. She made her heart-felt farewell to the man.
Powercut also went for a flame gaze and saw a man on a rock, hope lost - he knew not the language - but he knew Spirit Speech so could follow the words. About him was a gathered crowd looking at the man up above. Their leader on the rock, killed his horse saying that he did not need it! His horse was out there and if he did not win today, then he would not need a horse. He'd rather die free. Powercut made note of the face - but he did not know him.
Slaver's fire gazing seemed to have no effect on him, while Captain wiped away a tear being deeply effected by his vision. Hadya decided she'd had enough of visions.
After the fire watching they gathered around the totem in a pentagram - Charlie, Powercut, Highnote, Persephone, Tristan all forming the Inner Five with the Black Fury leading the rite. People were aware of the Rokea in the water circling the isle preparing for the moot, despite no one telling them as such. Each of the garou in turn called for a Wind from a polar direction and linked it to a caern spirit. As they did so, the spirits announced appeared as they were called. The wind picking up. Tristan called to the South wind and Seal, having Bernie's glowing spirit amble up for fish support. 'Persephone' called to the Mother and the spirit blonde maiden appeared with her flute. 'Diphtheria' recognising her from his fire vision as she took her space in the circle. Five ancestral ghosts also appeared, three brown crinos, a white and a notable black one - the last they all knew as they had buried him a week ago. Five final ghostly guards took up the last defence for the inner five.
The totem then fell asleep in its nest and the caern shield went down. Suddenly no longer connected with each other, they felt loneliness and despair as the night flooded in, no longer lit by the shield's glow. The first howl went up - spending gnosis as they did so, then the second. Each howl being held for a minute till the next howl joined in, each forming a beam of light skyward, a beacon for any possible attack. The guards, Captain and Slaver looked anxiously about for enemies, but none came. A third howl, then the fourth - each howl being maintained, yet wobbling in pitch as they breathed though the nose to maintain the howl. The first howler now holding it for four minutes. Finally, the last howl went up and spiritual energy was burned and each wavered down in pitch bringing the light down on the ghostly apparition of the Oystercatcher. Closer, closer to the sleeping bird. Suddenly energy exploded, the totem's essence was restored. It awoke, the shield went up fully restored and the link awareness came back as the mental link was restored. Spiritual energy swept out in a blast of electrical energy billowing out from the totem. Oystercatcher rose, wreathed in power, staring at 'Powercut' with a strange look - one he was unsure if it recognised him. Regardless, they had made it though the Inner Sky the caern was safe for another month.
Charlie called for the Breaking of the Bone. He asked for all to speak any concerns or issues and passed around a bundle allowing each to speak. Most people had no issues, Hadya and Captain merely said thanks for their place. Slaver picked his nose. When the bundle came to rest with Tristan he spoke that he had concerns. Calling Highnote a 'petulant child' and to Charlie that he needed to be better and lead more and make decisions with confidence. Diptheria also spoke up at his turn and Charlie had words with each other over the SARS situation. Charlie was elevated though in people's eyes with how he handled this and he offered friendship to the Bonegnawer ahroun afterwards. Oystercatcher walking about the circle with interest snatched the bundle away and in its own spiritual way said that no more females will die. Unsure if this was linked to SARS or part of its new connection to seal, Powercut took note.
Finally Charlie made a line with cord and asked for all wishing to move forward with this caern to support him and cross the line showing their support. All of the garou present did - but for Tristan who remained alone. Thinking for a moment, he then smiled and then stepped over with a cheeky grin. They all then sat down, but Tristan remaining standing. Tristan then brought forward a Crown and told them a history lesson about the last king of Bardsey who had wandered into the ocean. He said each moot, the Old King would pass the crown on to someone who had done an exceptional deed.The new king would have the crown for a month and have the privilege of staying in the Penumbra mansion 'Ty Hovel'. Tristan asked all present for nominations. 'Diphtheria' and Powercut got the most nominations from the crowd and with the tie breaker it went to Powercut. Powercut whispered to the Guardian 'It should've been you'. 'Diphtheria' replied with 'Full claw... and Hadya finished his sentence '...to the face!' with a smile. Tristan then had his Rite of Accomplishment completed in front of spirits and caern members. Fenris Wolf appeared for this rite and he moped about with crow.
Next the Stories and songs section saw people telling the stories of what great things other people had done. Hadya, not being one for stories told of her journey to Sherwood and the travels to the Shadow Lords in Spain, a beautiful lupus caern. She did not know other people's stories as she'd mostly been on the road. Highnote talked about the deeds she had seen at caern and even a story of fallen comrade 'Completes the task'. Slaver then told a story about how he had fought hard and defended Australia from a black force coming from the only North pass. As he talked about rolling dice, people suddenly realised it was a 'Risk' story. Captain saved face and pulled him back. Tristan retold the story that when he was fighting with the spirits that he had lay dying totally spent after defeating the Holy knight - Highnote had come forward and saved his life. He spoke of Charlie and Powercut and the founding of the caern, the battle to hold it and the 'Tears of Gaia' scars they had from it. Peresphone and Hadya commended people for their kindness.
Powercut with knife asked people for some of their blood, which he mixed with caern soil and painted on to the faces of the participants of the Revel led by 'Diphtheria'. They traveled to the mainland a place called Pwllheli were they found a Geonite bane. The battle was long and hard but they felled the mighty blight from the earth and came back drained and relieved.
When 'Diphtheria' returned with the pack he went to wander Seal beach alone to think. Here he saw Bernie whom he fed as usual. Unable to understand the excitable seal spirit, it showed some wooden drift wood, which slowly he crafted to become a wooden key, showing a glimpse of the caern's fetish making future. 'Diphtheria' called Tristan over for spiritual help and Tristan arrived as crows were trying to steal the key from Bernie. The Bonegnawer was clawing them away due to the savage attack. The dying crow spirits caused Fenris to come. The mighty wolf growled threateningly at the Guardian. Protecting the ahroun, Seal transformed into Walrus and the two mighty spirits squared off. Tristan translated the spirit hisses and growls of the two spirits as they tried to warn the other to backdown, but 'Diphtheria' touched Walrus and gifted it with spiritual energy giving it more strength. In that instant, the Walrus called a glowing Pegasus which circled and landed causing all to stare in wonder. Presented with another tribal totem...Fenris snarled but had to withdraw and he left taking crow with him...and so the spirits left the island of Bardsey. Walrus bestowed the key to the Pegasus which took it with its mouth and morphed it into its mane. The great white winged horse, wreathed in light addressed Tristan saying to the Silver Fang that no female shall ever be punished or killed on site and that the structure over there could be used for the healing of women. Pegasus would bless it. The spirit gestured to the sweat lodge. The totem unable to react with any of this as it was all outside the caern. Oystercatcher was as close to the shield as it dared, pacing its prison. Powercut had noticed this and came to explain to Oystercatcher what had happened. Seemingly happy with all of this the totem spirit suggested that they do all of this again and Powercut mentioned they probably would. A spirit of seagull took to flight, leaving the caern the same way as it had arrived nearly a month before. It flew out to sea.
Charlie Robinson - Glory, 2 honor - 8XP
Powercut - 2 honor, 1 Wisdom - 7 XP
Tristan Remembers-in-Silence - Honor, 2 Wisdom - 6 XP
Diphtheria - 2 Glory, Wisdom - 8 XP