Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
Rite of acomplishment
Renown is earned by a sessions cap, which is determined generally by length of the session but other factors may also apply. Below is the official guide lines for renown earned and will be a combination of 2nd and 3rd edition examples in an extensive list. All renown earned should be selfless without gain of self or pack and should be spoken about by others not by oneself. People tend to think less of people who brag about their achievements. Renown cannot go above the session cap and cannot go above a total of 10 stored without a Rite of Accomplishment. Points given are as a guideline and story relativity could increase or decrease the total awarded (to a minimum of 1.) My personal opinion of some of these ratings are a little high and would indicate more of the extreme end of the spectrum. Things not 'blagged' for in that session cannot be later done so without special circumstances. If it was not important enough to remember the first time, it is lost to time.
With penalties and anti blag the cap you can lose is 10 - which will cause the loss of a permanent renown.
The most you can earn of Glory, Honor and Wisdom in a single 6 hour session is 3 points. Anything over is wasted. This is increased for longer sessions. The most you can have is 10 points. Once you have that you need a Rite of Accomplishment to turn it into a permanent point. Once you have the required renown (Glory, Honor and Wisdom) points, you can challenge for the next rank. No more renown can be earned while your rank challenege is pending.
What follows is a canon list of typical examples of what can be blagged (or anti-blagged) for in a blag session. It is not faultless or includes all options. It is meant as a guide.
Combat and Encounters
Glory Honour Wisdom
Besting someone (including a spirit) in a riddle contest. 3
Showing restraint in the face of certain death 1 3
Ending a threat without serious harm to any garou. 5
Surviving an incapacitating wound 2
Surviving any toxic waste attack. 2
Attacking a much more powerful force without aid. -3
Attacking a minion of the Wyrm without regard to personal safety. 3
Defeating a minor minion of the Wyrm (formori, weak vampire) 2
Defeating an average minion of the Wyrm (Formorach, weak bane), 3
Defeating a strong minion of the Wyrm
(Ranked Black Spiral, strong psychomachiae or bane) 5
Defeating a very powerful minion of the Wyrm
(Nexus Crawler, an elder vampire) 7
...destroying/killing the minion. +1
...without a single other garou being hurt, +1
..without being damaged or hurt in the process +1
...the minions were armed with silver weapons. +1
Detecting the Wyrm
Glory Honour Wisdom
Revealing with certain proof, that a human or kinfolk 'is of the Wyrm' 2
Falsely accusing a kinfolk of being 'of the Wyrm' -3
Revealing, with certain proof, that an area or object is 'of the Wyrm' 3
Revealing, with certain proof, that a garou is 'of the Wyrm' 6
Falsely accusing a garou of being 'of the Wyrm' -5 -4
Glory Honour Wisdom
Purifying a wyrm tainted object, person, or place. 2
Summoning an incarna avatar 2
Traveling to any of the Umbral realms and surviving. 3
Successfully completing a spirit quest in the Umbra. 3
Failing to succeed in a spirit quest to the Umbra. -3
Having and properly following a prophetic dream. 5
Giving a prophetic warning that later comes true 5
Giving a prophetic warning that later does not come true.
Ignoring omens, dreams and the like for no good reason
(I.e. they may be of the Wyrm) -3
Binding 'inappropriate' items to oneself with the Rite of Talisman
Dedication' such as chainsaws, Gameboys or even wristwatches).
This does not count with Glass Walkers or Bone Gnawers. -2
Spending a year in ritualistic seclusion (fasting, meditating) 5
After following mystic signs and advice.
Discovering a talen 1
Discovering a fetish 2
Discovering ancient garou lore 3
Discovering a pathstone (see Rite of the Opened Bridge) 4
Discovering an ancient caern that was lost. 7
Activity, Rites and Gifts
Glory Honour Wisdom
Performing a moot rite 2
Refusing to perform a Moot Rite when asked -3
Missing a moot rite -1
Performing the Rite of Passage 2 1
Receiving a Rite of Wounding 2
Participating in a Rite of Caern Building 5 3
Participating in a successful Great Hunt rite 3
Participating in a failed Great Hunt rite -2
Suffering the Rite of Ostracism -1 -7 -1
Suffering the Stone of Scorn -8 -2
Suffering the Rite of the Jackal -2 -7
Suffering Satire Rite Lose one rank level and all temporary renown points.
Performing a successful punishment rite 2
Performing a punishment rite unfairly (or a botched roll) -5
Refusing to participate in a rite -1
Giggling, joking or otherwise disrespectful during a rite (depends on the severity) -1 to -5
Learning a new rite 1
Discovering/creating a new rite 5
Discovering/creating a new gift 7
Creating a talen 1
Using a fetish for the good of the sept or tribe 2
Using a fetish for selfish reasons only -2
Creating a fetish 4
Owning a klaive (awarded once, after 3 moons of use) 2 1
Owning a Grand Klaive (awarded once; only after 3 months of use) 3 2
Sacrificing a fetish for the good of the sept or tribe 4
Accidentally breaking a fetish or talen -1 to -5
Accidentally breaking or losing klaive -3
Caern Activities
Helping guard a caern 1
Staying at your post when on caern watch, even when tempted not to 2 1
Not staying at your post when on caern watch -3
Not helping guard a caern even when asked -3
Keeping a caern safe from humans through trickery or negotiation. 4
Helping to prevent a caern from being overrun by the Wyrm 3 4
Not preventing a caern being overrun by the Wyrm -3 -7
Died while defending a caern (posthumous) 5 5
Single-handedly preventing a caern from being taken by the Wyrm. 5 8
Garou Relations and society
Glory Honour Wisdom
Teaching other garou (depends on the depth of study) 1-5 3-5
Learning the Silver Record completely (a lifetime's work) 7 8
For homid garou surviving to age 75 8 10
For lupus garou surviving to age 65 8 10
For a homid, ignoring one's wolf nature for too long. -3
For a metis, attempting to hide one's deformity -3
For a lupus, using too many human tools and other Weaver things -1/use
You are a pack leader (awarded once per session and in any area).
Living alone, without one's pack, except for ritual reasons -3
Sept and Tribe
Performing regular duties and chores for the sept
(gained at monthly Moot Rite) 1
Failing to perform regular duties and chores for the sept (subtracted monthly) -2
Serving in any sept position (caern warder,
Master of the Rite, Master of the Challenge etc.) 1/year 3/year 1/year
Refusing any sept position (caern warder,
Master of the Rite, Master of the Challenge etc.) -1 -2 -1
Loyal service to a sept 1/year 2/year 1/year
Loyal service to a tribe 1/year 3/year 1/year
Upholding the Litany (depends on the lengths to which a garou goes) 1-5 1-3
Breaking the Litany (depends on the severity of the transgression) -5- to -8 -2 to -4
Participating in a just challenge 1 2
Participating in an unjust challenge -3
Challenging someone too far above or too far below your rank -3
Glory Honour Wisdom
Giving good advice 2
Giving bad advice -2
Mediating a dispute fairly and impartial 3
Keeping one's promises 2
Failing to keep one's promises -3
Being truthful 2
Being truthful in the face of extreme adversity 5
Being deceptive -3
Being deceptive in the face of extreme adversity -1
Any time trickery backfires -2
Attempting to act outside one's auspice,
openly (depends on circumstances) -1 to -5
Telling a good story at a moot 1 2
Telling a true epic at a moot, one that is later retold by others 2 1 3
Telling a epic that is entered into the Silver Record 3 4 6
Speaking dishonourably to one elders (depends on the severity of the dishonour) -1 to -5
Speaking without permission at a moot -1
Speaking poorly of the garou as a whole -2
Speaking poorly of one's auspice -4
Speaking poorly one's tribe -5
Speaking poorly of one's pack -6
Speaking poorly of another tribe
(depends on circumstances; does not include speaking ill of Bone Gnawers) -1
'Crying Wolf' Summoning a garou of a sept
when there is no real and present danger. -5
Protection and Defence
Healing a fellow garou (non-pack member) unselfishly 1
Showing mercy to a wayward garou 3
Protecting a helpless garou 4
Not protecting a helpless garou -5
Protecting a helpless human 2
Not protecting a helpless human -1
Protecting a helpless wolf 5
Not protecting a helpless wolf -4
Supporting an innocent being accused of a crime (later proved innocent) 5
Supporting an innocent being accused of a crime (who is better proven guilty) -4
Death while defending your pack 4 6
Death in sacrifice to Gaia 7 7
Character suffered a berserk frenzy -1
Character suffered a fox frenzy -1 -1
Character suffered a fox frenzy and abandoned a pack in time of need. -1 -2
Character suffered a frenzy and injured a fellow garou -3
The character was in the thrall of the Wyrm -4
The character performed a heinous act or acts while in
the thrall of the Wyrm (cannibalism, perversion, attacking own pack mates etc.) -6
Maintaining good relations with nearby kinfolk 2
Having poor relations with nearby kinfolk -3
Choosing a mate, but not breeding -1
Honourably mated 2/year
Protecting the Veil 4
Harming/rending the Veil -5
Repairing the Veil (covering up an instance that would reveal the garou to humans) 3 1
Experience Points
Experience points are earned as follows with a cap of 5 for a 6 hour session.
1XP for turning up.
1XP for the best role-play in the session. This is caluclated by a player vote system for best scenes.
1XP for Learning Curve. This is calculated by 3 important things that your character has learned this session)
1XP for Concept. For acting out your character. This has to be exceptional for an XP, more commonly it is given as a Willpower point returned. Anything that is generally harmful or very unwise, that your character would do, may earn this point.
1XP for Heroism. Defeating the minions of the Wyrm and otherwise acting in a heroic way, protecting the innocent, upholding the Litany.
1XP for achievement. Normally at the end of a major victory or when the group achieves a major goal.
Experience points are spent at the beginning or end of the session, with the exception of rites and gifts that can only be spent when earned in session. Not enough XP and the learning of the rite/gift will fail, there is no minus XP. So save and spend wisely. I advise always saving some XP for the caerns moot...the best place to learn gifts and rites.
Experience Costs
All increases must be relevent and appropriate to the role-play.
Trait Cost
Attribute Current rating x4
Ability Current rating x2
New Ability 3
Gift Level of Gift x5
Gift from outside
breed/auspice/tribe Level of Gift x7
Rage Current rating
Gnosis Current rating x2
Willpower Current rating