Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.

"What they got in there....Werewolves?"
Sept of the Etesian Wind (Tanta, Egypt)

Caern Leader: (Omar One Leap) Totem: Amaunet
Caern Guardian: Omar One Leap Secondary Totem: Owl
Theurge: Jamila Location: Tanta, Egypt
Omar One Leap: Silent Strider, Ahroun, Rank 5, Warder and Leader, 5ft 11’ tall, 49 years old, A moody, unwilling but effective leader who has followed his uncle (the previous caern leader who was killed by a mage) whose years of age is finally catching up with him with etched lines in his face. He still suffers from the shame of a secret marriage to another garou (the rite master) and though the fact is not known it is whispered about due to the unusual relationship between the two. Omar's past is well connected with the Bone Gnawers in the area and he has adopted many of their customs and mannerisms as an ideal, one of which is his fondness for pack mates as mates. He is a stern faced white haired Arab who is a great war time leader. Omar has always considered himself the Warder of the caern and prefers that title to the leader one but has learned to tolerate it at official rites and moots. Omar has a strong belief in fate and believes that all suffering is towards a final goal, as incomprehensible as that maybe. He has to make regular trips to allied caerns outside of Egypt to regain his gnosis, something that has become particularly loathsome to him. He holds many secrets and has much to hide, but is supportive providing that people do not become to inquisitive around the caern. He is a reluctant leader who has wanted to stand down for many years but has repeatedly been forced to remain in post via his duty to Gaia. He is proud of his moustache and wears a wrap.
Badr-al-Dujja: Silent Strider, Ragabash, Rank 4, Master of the Rite,5ft 7’ tall, 45 years old, An aging Eastern beauty with a sharp tongue and bite. Her attitudes could betray her as a fury, but she has a warm side, which has been buried amongst shame and ridicule. Although her history is a crime, the war focused nature of the Sept and of Egypt itself allows her to forgo punishments of her crimes as long as she keeps up the war effort. No one survives that long in Egypt and her closeness to Omar has helped to protect her from the people who would look to uphold the Litany. She is Omar’s ex –wife and old pack mate and their history goes back to the early days of their lives. Still hurt by the death of her stillborn Metis son and the shame of their past. She has hypnotic blue eyes, unusually in an Arab and is rarely seen without a veil and wrap.
Jamila 'Old Dark's Passing': Black Fury, Theurge, Rank 3, Gatekeeper, Head Theurge, 5ft 4’ tall, 31 years old. A young, Westernised, white Egyptian. She is a strong minded and willed individual but not hostile to all men, allowing every man a mistake with her before passing swift vengeance. Often saying 'War irons out the weak, clumsy and thoughtless and makes the mind strong', she sees the garou as the Warriors of Gaia and Egypt as the battlefront and no one has yet discredited the argument. She is proud of her position and is fiercely competitive, a great ally and fierce enemy. She knows her craft well and is adapt at dealing with the spirits of the area but as battle ready as a European ahroun. There has been a Black Fury as head theurge at this caern for many a generation and she keeps links with other like Furies and had a spiritual dialogue with Nena Vale before the fall. The poistion is passed on from mother to daughter (adopted if not by blood). She dresses as an adventuress and has a keen interest in Egyptology and the ancient lore of the realm. When she has time, she eagerly wants to acquire the secrets of the four umbral elemental towers.
Rifai 'The Taciturn' : Silent Strider, Philodox, Rank 3, Keeper of the Land, 5ft 9’ tall, 26 Years old, an expert on Setites and Guls (vampires). He is a traditional Arab who has a keen dislike of tourists (especially Americans and Britains), in his younger days he was a part of a separatist movement of terrorists and remains a political focused member of the caern. His duties as Keeper of the Land at this caern keeps him busy as life is never quiet at the Etesian Wind and he has learnt a large variety of rites to help with caern maintenance. He can be amenable to foreign garou but it normally has to be worth his while. He has become increasingly vocal though of late with the political excursions with the Muslim Brotherhood. Omar, his older brother, often has to remind him that the focus needs to remain on the Wyrm and that the political excursions of the humans is one war too many. He wears traditional Arab dress and has several children with his wife.
Meles Ayad: Bonegnawer, Ahroun, Rank 3, Master of the Challenge, 5ft 8', Unknown age, The newest Garou member to the Caern, he is a dirty street urchin of debatable age, his hair has thinned over the years but the war has not been kind to him. Meles has to rely on his other senses as he was blinded by the Ratkin in Port Suez, but he still manages to do his duties well. He has many links with the city (city father) and Ratkins (despite his injuries) and the other Bone Gnawer caerns in Egypt and can readily call allies with some notice. He laps up any attention spent on him and loves new visitors to the caern, always keen to ask their opinion of ‘man-eaters’. He wears rags and is very dirty. His Crinos form lacks fur on his four legs, enhancing his mongrel look. He has maintained the position as Master of the Challenge for a while at the caern, a position mainly filled by galliards but he has performed his duties so well he has held the role with renown.
Vezil Amakwad: Silent Strider, Philodox, Rank 2, 6’ tall, 31 years old, Vezil is a well travelled Arab, originally from Iran. He is fondly liked, well known and many of the garou nation respect him. He is being slowly groomed for the new caern leader by Omar and seems more willing to embrace this future than his mentor. He is winning a diplomatic battle to have the young garou Ennu (Hope) brought to the last Silent Strider caern. The diplomatic power the caern would have gain is great and he kind of hopes that the Wyrm will try to make a battle stance out of it. If Vezil has one flaw it would be his placing too much faith in dreams, visions and old legends. He sees oracles in every corner and every shadow on the wall is a message of the future. Vezil dresses as a plain clothed Arab.
Ken Bucknell: Stargazer, Ahroun, Metis, Rank 3, 5ft 6’ tall, 57 years old, a metis who always casts a garou shadow or reflects the crinos form in reflective surfaces as well as having an excessively animalistic homid form. He is a balding old man, who travelled about with Peter and Liz Torbet forming the 'Joined Allegiance pack' for several years and they had many deeds to their name including the terrorist assaults on the Aswan Dam. He suffers from bouts of mopping and depression but always forces a smile and is known by the local community as the man who drives a tractor to work. He is also eccentric and generally hides his Stargazer nature and keeps a second life as a part time school teacher. This post helps with the acquisition of lost pups as many people will tend to go teachers as they are considered beacons of the community and highly respected in Egypt. The few pups that are acquired this way are shipped out of Egypt to allied caerns. Ken Bucknell is a true Star Gazer and stays on as a representative of the Beast Courts of the East and an ally and spokesperson for the changing breeds in the war zone.
Liz Torbet: Black Fury, Galliard, Rank 4, 5ft tall, 53 years old, an old greying Black Fury with clever eyes and a sharp tongue and the current leader of the active pack. She faithfully serves her totem, which is Chameleon and has a long history with the spirit. Liz is not the usual Black Bury and in her mannerisms and style she can could more easily be mistaken for a Fianna, being head strong and impulsive and the cold calculating nature of a Glass Walker. This very nature though has saved her many times before in the constant war that is fought across the desert lands. She has her own plans and can be vicious, but her old hidden Black fury nature is controlled behind her cold calculating brow. She has her own agenda and even her pack does not know what it is! She dresses in modern ladies fashions or in unisex types of clothes but always smart and presentable and always ready for battle.
The Caern: This is the fabled Silent Strider Caern, although there is another, which is meant to be the original. However this is the only actively working Caern for Silent Striders, yet Set’s curse here is strong, so strong that no Silent Strider can regain Gnosis this close to Cairo. This means all Silent Striders of the Caern have to hold links with other Caerns outside of Egypt to get their supply and by encouraging other tribes to stay. Still, this caern is well respected and essential for the well being of garou in the Middle East and garou cannot afford to lose this essential caern. The sept is open in both membership and responsibilities, though a Fury has always held the position of Gatekeeper to ensure that the spirit remains appeased. The original caern leader was slain by a wyrm tainted mage in the 1990's and the Sept's Warder Omar One-Leap, is filling his murdered uncles' shoes until a suitable leader can take his place. Omar was once married to a garou at the caern but there relationship fell apart after the birth of their still born metis son. Despite the past, it seems likely he will repeat the errors of the past in the future. The area is strong with the Wyrm forcing the Caern to use the Secret Glen rite each month. It connections with the vanishing fortress can be guessed at, and the Northern Tower (when it appears) can be clearly seen from the Umbra. The Power of the Moon Bridge here is tremendous allowing almost all Caerns in the world to be accessible and increasing the Caerns relationships with other Garou. There has been a time when over 100 Garou turned up in the Caerns defence against the Wyrm. The Caern is still looking for a leader since Omar’s uncle was killed by a Wyrm tainted mage. Not any Garou can take the place as the Totem has much sway at the Caern and distrusts most. The totem protecting the caern is Amaunet, the Egyptian Goddess of the Northern wind and a remote Black Fury totem. The totem is quick to remember the power of women and the foolishness of men.
Visitors: The caern is a major transit point for travelling garou and it is the most visited caern in Egypt. It is often used as a resting place for further adventures in to the Middle East and the caern has been under frequent assaults (both physical, spiritual and political) from Wyrm and even fellow garou who have tried to wrench the caern away for political and military needs.
The Etesian Tower: A light blue marble tower resembling an arc of a sail that can only ever be seen in the penumbra and even then, only at certain times of the day. It floats above ground on a cloud that morphs into red tidal waters. Occasionally it produces scarlet lightning and rumours of banes circling its top. It is studied by the caern and a few Garou know how to enter the Tower.
Peter Maddon – Decapitated when investigating the Librarian near a ‘Tomb’ site near the Nile.