Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
Sept of the Ever-Flowing Cup

Caern Leader: Bron Mac Fionn 'The High King of Fiann' Totem: Stag, Grain and Dana
Caern Warder/Guardian: Son-of-Moonlight, Ailis, Cormac Mac Eire Secondary Totem: Doe
Theurge: Niall 'Stag Priest' McEirin Hart
Location: Brugh Na Boinee, County Meath, Ireland (Level 5, closed - but believed to be open)
Caern member profiles
Bron Mac Fionn 'The High King of Fiann': Fianna, Galliard, Rank 5, 6ft 1’ tall, 49 years old, Big and burly with red hair and a bushy beard, he strikes a rounded figure. Quick to temple and extremely opinionated he forms a hulking black wolf when angered. Those that get to know him, learn of the gentle man, the strategist and the father who is the 'High Righ'. His main concerns are holding on to Ireland, the last bastion of land the Fianna have never had to share with other garou. He often comes to disagreement with the English Warleader (who has stolen the title 'King' from him, but he is also aware of who would win in a direct conflict. So, he is happy in this life to look after his people, defend his lands and maintain the land of Ire. He distrusts those that don't drink and those that don't share the sentiments of his people. Bron carries an exceptional 'fang dagger' in the form of a great spear, 'Gae Bolg'. He has Dana as a personal totem. Bron is considered a 'Living Legend'.
'Son-of-Moonlight': Fianna, Theurge, LUPUS, Rank 4, 5ft 10’ tall, 28 years old, a red wolf (almost blood red) and in Homid he has dark hair and green eyes, maintaining a feral look in all forms. He is a contrasting wolf. He hates humans and yet supports Catholics in Ireland as the true monkey beliefs, often making secret raids into settlements and blaming them on the Spirals. Yet there is one he hates more, his burning passion is for the elimination of Irish Wolf hounds, the dog breed to eliminate his ancestors. Originally a zoo wolf, he has lost all connection to humans and will spend time conversing with spirits especially the ancestors who pour hatred into his heart. Son-of-Moonlight serves as Bog Warden and is chosen of Stag. The savage harsh nature of the bog reflects his personality.
Niall 'Stag Priest' McEirin Hart: Fianna, Theurge, Rank 5, 5 ft 8’ tall, 61 years old, A hooded man with antlers, though in Summer, he dresses as the 'Green Man'. A green eyed, red haired man who appears still virulent but aged. Dark mooded and always abrupt, he is listened too, but not well liked. However, his spiritual knowledge is second to none and many come here exclusively to have an audience with the seer, or for an appeal for training or a gift. His role as head theurge means he has to appeal all three of the totems and maintain the odd balance between them (Dana and Grain are always falling out). He has a long suffering wife, his third, who is pregnant again and he has a scattering of illegitimate children who all share one thing in common. Red hair, they are all women and never a garou. Niall, thinks he was cursed long ago, but rather than moping on it, he continuously tires to keep pumping out breeding stock. Most of his children are well recorded, but occasionally another pops out of the wood work. He cares little for his daughters and less for their children, which are many. He only values those who are garou. Many garou still consider 'Stag Priest' to be Athro (rank 4) and not an elder due to a dispute with his elder's challenge. He is a believed to be a direct descendent of Fionn Mac Cumhail - The Fianna legend and is one of the few with Pure Breed at this caern.
'Ailis': Fianna, Ahroun, Rank 3, 5 ft 8’ tall, 26 years old, a red haired athletic woman, after giving up her human name she trained with Black Furies in Isle of Man and became a formidable warrior using all and any tactics to win. Returning here in her twenties she joined the 'Wild Hunters' pack and quickly grew, ousting a Guardian (who was of higher rank) and took her place. When she speaks, people listen, so she keeps her words few. No one tells her what to do, but she loves her family. She has a twin, Blaine, she cares for and has never understood why he never transformed. She always has a plan to draw the beast out of him...which have never worked. She is a musician and plays in a local band. She feels closer to Stag than Dana, but Dana chose her as the Guardian for the human area of the caern and protector of the kin.
Cormac Mac Eire: Fianna, Ahroun, METIS, Rank 4, 5ft 9’ tall, 36 years old (but seems older). A huge white furred beast with pink eyes and oddly no battle scars at all - strange for an ahroun. Taught the disregard for his kind early on, he had a battle uphill all his life. The turning point came when he was the only survivor from a pack betrayal. He returned, gore splattered and solemn and took up his duties without word. From that point, the beast earned respect, beating opponents until he rose to Guardian. Cormac, has never earned a deed name, but does not drink or revel, focusing on duties and always looks out to help and protect other metis. His strength against indulgence made him 'Grain Chosen' and he his guardian to the fertile farmland of the caern.
'Tears of the Land': Fianna, Philodox, Rank 4, 5ft 5’ tall, 33 Years old, a green eyed, bushy tailed beauty in all forms who gets all the male attention. A farm local, born and raised and lover of all things Irish. She uses nature spirits and Fae to help turn-back the tide of the Weaver (who she thinks in the greatest of threats). She has enjoyed her garou life right from first change, treating it all with excitement and enthusiasm. People see her as a wise philodox that understands people and can easily influence them. She performs the song of 'Brugh Na Boinne' every moot placing people in context of the past. Despite not being a Galliard, she is the Keeper of Songs at the caern.
Mary O'Reilly 'Deirdre': Fianna, Galliard, Rank 3, 5ft 9’. 33 years old. Night black coat, brown hair and blue eyes and never wears revealing clothes. She was well on the way to being a lawyer when first change ended all of that. For a Fianna, she deals with moderation. Keeping quiet about her needs, but her life is empty bar her Fianna family and they give her purpose, though she'd never admit it. Her life is running the Visitor Centre and ensures the museum keeps running. Garou wise, she deals with Litany breaches and maintains the site as Keeper of the Land.
Erin 'Lights-dancer' (unofficial): Fianna, Philodox, Rank 3, 5ft 10’ tall, 21 Years old, a green eyed good looking chap with a flush of red brown hair. One of the key pack members of 'Hart's Fuil' the caerns current first pack. Erin's likeable, a good speaker and is generally connected with the bringing of Fianna ale to other UK moots. He has limited skills as a theurge which makes up for the pack lacking in one. He is currently unmarried but looking for prospective mates, which makes him all the more popular. His unofficial garou name comes from his clever use of the gift 'Faerie Light', which he uses excessively. Noted uses include musical light shows, making a temporary lighthouse and saving a ship, giving himself a halo, making roads look busy and even helping crows to breed.
Shane Buckley: Fianna, Ragabash, Rank 3, 5ft 10’ tall, 23 Years old, dark haired and round faced an angry Irish traveller from the traveller community. Shane has stuggled with his garou life and has not settled well with kin seperation, missing family and home. He hears elders advice, but always doubts the need to keep kin at a safe distance. He is the negative one in 'Hart's Fuil' but can be swayed with tobacco and good ale and high adventure and is not especially well speaking of non-Irish. He is friendly with travellers and likes to learn stories from Silent Striders so like them, he prefers life on the road. He is married to Erin's kin sister and tries to return to her when duty leads them home.
Reece ' Tá súil' Gavin: Fianna, Ahroun, Rank 3, 5ft 11’ tall, 21 Years old, orange haired and freckled and 'Stag Priest' is his uncle. Reece was always a warrior and planned to travel in the footsteps of Fionn, but never made a huge impact. His pure breed is noticeable and the growing star was awarded the most honoured garou name they could give Tá súil' meaning 'Hope'. He has good control of his rage, a likable personality and a strong right claw making him an unchallengeable leader of the first pack. Other than this, not a huge amount is known about him, like his uncle his stories disappear into legends, more to do with the legend than the man and he does not like to be around in the telling. He has a better relationship with 'Stag Priest' than most and has a strong spiritual relationship with Dana.
'Wind Across The Hills': Fianna Ragabash, LUPUS, Rank 2, 5ft 9’ tall, 23 Years old, Black and red fur wolf with a constant smile in homid. Confident, witty (in a wolf way), good looking, instantly likable and fast. He loves women (wolf and human kin), lives life to the fullest and keeps everyone trying to do the same. He is the youngest garou to receive the Pathstone of Brugh Na Boinne and a well travelled umbral explorer. All of his challenges tend to be a race and he likes people who lose well and adores people who can beat him. The 'Wind' also has some skills as a ritemaster and functions as the Gatekeeper.
Bartholomew 'Wise-in-the-Ways-of-the-Wyrm': Fianna, Theurge, Rank 4, 5ft 10’ tall, 76 years old, Scottish born with an odd Australian accent, starting to grey with thin face and a unsmiling composure. His deeds are endless, he has stole from the Silver Fangs, sneaked into a Spiral pack, outwitted banes, crashed Pentex companies, Scouted for Bunyip, crafted fetishes and now old has retired to home lands for his last years on an exchange. His speed is gone but his mind is sharp and his interests few. No one doubts his deeds or his knowledge - he's just such a grumpy old man.
Stuart 'Stalks-the-Truth' Brown: Fianna, Ragabash, Rank 3, 5ft 10, 28 years old, A brown haired and eyed thin bodied man. Stuart is an extremely manipulating American, now over her for calling Jonas Albrecht 'A drunken whorehopper' to his face. He is beholden to the idea that all Fiann should be beholden to the Celtic throwback in Ireland, so his travels and a fuming Silver Fang brought him here. His is as Fianna as you could be, drinking and partying and kicking over hornets nests while wearing an offensive tie. When he is not trouble making he is rooting out minions of the Wyrm in Ireland and this last makes him a caern member. He maintains a popular blog in Ireland where he talks about political problems. He wears a fetish torc in all forms 'The Torc of the Wolf'.
The Caern: Between the towns of Navan and Slane on the banks of the Boyne River is one of the oldest and spiritually potent caerns in the World, yet it remains a hidden gem. Believed to been once three caerns that grew into one and is the meeting place world-wide of the Fianna. The site includes boggy marshland, savage and harsh, small traditional hamlets of Fianna kin, welcoming and warm and the fertile growing farm lands that produce a good portion of the agricultural wealth of Ireland. The Americans call the site 'The Sept of the Tri-Spiral' (The garou symbol used for the caern), which the locals find offensive seeing it as a reference to their fallen brothers the White Howlers. It is a caern of joy, life and song (the three circles)...so they prefer the name 'The Caern of the Ever-Flowing Cup'. It is the ancestral home of the High Righ (or King) of the Fianna. The one thing the Americans did have right, is that it is a closed sept only for Fianna. The High Righ denies this saying that all tribes are welcome and members who stay choose to become Fianna and abandon their parent tribe. A story that is made credible with the great mix of fur colour in the sept and backed up with some members claims. Some claim that the Fianna are insular and 'tribist' but to date they have always worked with the 'King' of England with all but territory disputes. Bron is no fool and is aware, despite his reputation, that he would lose in a fight with the current king so capitulates. The caern has three totems and an odd shape, the three patrons Dana, Stag and the minor Grain each hold sway in an area of the caern. Dana looks after the peoples and houses, Stag the wild bog lands and Grain the farm lands giving some credibility to it once being separate caerns. Each totem represents a circle Dana (song), Stag (life), Grain (Joy) and the caern will also allow many other Gaian spirits to enter its bawn making it a true spiritual mix without overpowerment by the main totem as is common in other caerns. There is no segregation at the site, but most garou activity is in the penumbra or the bogs, leaving the other areas exclusively for the kin. This site is one of the only places that Dana can be summoned and contacted with 'Rite of the Totem' making it a common pilgrimage for Fianna packs. The Fae and Hern the Hunter are also commonly seen at the site and rules are laid down for their interaction with them. Stories from the Silver Concorde are sung here (it is one of the requirements for those hoping to attain mastery in it) and the site would make a truly excellent site for a Grand Moot, if the Fianna were not so suspicious of outsiders.
Visitors: Moots always triple garou members at the least and mainly purely Fianna. Some affiliated packs with Fianna members are welcome and 48 hours are acknowledged to all garou visitors without opposition, at all times bar the moots days itself. American garou are more common than English garou and the site has many powerful moon-bridge links across the Atlantic, making this caern a common point for migrating garou. Manchester has Europe links, but Ireland has America and the Fianna see that as more valuable. Metis can be treated harshly here and there is a flogging stone for punishments directed solely at metis, promoted mainly by the older members and the stone may fall into misuse with new younger leadership. It is also a common site for marriages between kin and garou were couples seek Dana's blessings. The site still is missing a connected Glasswalker and Silent Strider despite attempts to get the caern suitable members. Currently the caern is 'recruiting' but most candidates don't seem to be 'Fianna ideology' compatible enough to become full members.
Place of Power: Dana's Burial Mound. The site has a megalithic tomb which is accessible to the public and has a museum on site. Inside in a sacred chamber accessible only by garou in the penumbra is the 'Fountain of Light'. There are holes that allow the Sun's first light to fill the chamber and awakens the spirits of all the eras the caern has known, a amazingly beautiful and tranquil experience. Many allies of the Fianna come here to tell stories of their deeds and do Rites of Accomplishment here in the first light. Some theurges just come here asking for advice, some hoping to learn ancient gifts thought lost. Getting access to the chamber is a task in its own right. One needs to know a Fianna in favour or do excessive deeds for the caern to grant access but once inside it is a garou wonder to behold.
System: At dawn, Rite masters doing Rite of Accomplishments here are at -2 difficulty. Those telling stories of their deeds allow them to earn those points of renown a second time due to the many spirits here having a much greater network and a greater abundance of spirits. Very hard to learn Gifts, or even forgotten Gifts can also be learned from these spirits here allowing the learning of old (Dark Ages, Wild West and all Fianna gifts that are specific to the UK or the Fianna) at -1 experience cost. Lastly, fetishes forged here automatically are Level 5 or 6 fetishes regardless of what they are or do and may take a secondary spirit in the fetish with a minor power. This, of course depends on the vessel housing for the fetish, that it is suitable grand and considered a worthy home for both spirits.

Song, Life and Joy
A look at the Megalithic tomb
Images of the sites of the caern