Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
Caern of the Falcon (Dover, South England)

Caern Leader: Jean-Paul Diesce Totem: Falcon
Caern Guardian: Akoloi Mealov Secondary Totem: Bottlenose Dolphin
Thurge: Andrea Betoise Location: Dover, South England
Jean-Paul Diesce 'Seigneur Vainqueur': Silver Fang, Philodox, Rank 5, 5’11ft tall, 50? Years old, A strong and powerfully built Frenchman, his hair is jet black, and is straight. He has chiselled features and a thin face. His accent is very strong and his English is very poor and he prefers to speak solely in French. Jean-Paul brandishes the ‘Coup De Grace’, a short Glaive that is brandished on a long handle. He is generally a mild mannered man, which becomes adult and very responsible in times of need. The lord speaks wisely with a hint of his power in his voice which ensures the listener of the great power that he has and the respect that he holds within the Silver Fangs. He holds the Litany and the Silver Record as not only as a gospel, but also as a way of life and he will spend some of his daily time in discussion of finer debates around the Litany and tradition. Many Fangs look up to him, and he is the obvious choice to lead the New Cairn, however he is not well loved on the British Isles seen as a foreign invader as well as an arrogant, stuck-up Silver Fang. His clothing is of the best quality and augments his high status in garou society.
Akoloi Mealov 'Songbreaker': Silver Fang, Ahroun, Rank 4, 5ft 11’ tall, 52 years old, A short haired, muscle bound, fitness freak with the air of the military. His body is stocky, and his Lupus form is like a great wolf like pit bull, heavily muscle bound with broad shoulders. He is Jean-Paul’s trusted friend and pack mate, the two have been inseparable over the years and it was Akoloi's idea to move to England to establish a power base in the ancestral home of the 'Austere Howl' and increase the presence of the Silver Fangs on the isle. He earned his garou name in a dispute with a galliard over the histories of the tsars. However Akoloi the Russian has a thirst for power and no one is sure where it will end, he would never betray his friend but slowly his friend is slipping away and it is becoming more important for Akoloi to take a leadership role. He is a firm, and makes it blatant whether he likes you or not and cares little about the consequences of that statement. He collects skulls in his spare time, and often dresses in black Goth-like clothing when in casual and black suits when working. He bears the Grand Klaive ‘Equaliser’ and traces his lineage back to the great Silver Fangs of old in Russia.
'Le Petite' Falco : Silver Fang, Ragabash, Rank 3, 5ft 9’ tall, 39 years old. The youngest member, and ‘The Little Falcon’ of the original group who came to the caern. He has a round face and a warm smile with dark brown hair with a few flecks of grey now appearing in his receding hair. He is proud and noble, yet small and enthusiastic and alternates between these aspects with surprising grace. He can speak proficient English, French and German and maintains many links for the caerns in these countries. He acts far younger than his age, but is very empathic and read social situations easily and is also often used as a spokesman of the caern around the UK. Often cheeky and at the fore of every mischievous action at the caern he takes his role very seriously and does his best to question and uphold the Litany in the same action. Many garou consider him the face of the caern and he is the most recognised person from this sept. His knowledge of the Litany is as proficient as a philodox and he loves an argument and is quite capable of arguing a point either way. He often dresses in modern fashionable French clothes, often in reds and browns reflecting Autumn.
Perrine Ponquet: Silver Fang, Philodox, Rank 3, 5ft 8’ tall, 33 Years old, a very long brown haired, well-endowed, pretty French lady with a curvaceous face and body. She has weak English skills which can make her shy so Perrine prefers to speak in her native language and actively avoids situations that force her to use English. She has the nobility of the Fangs but maintains an unusual sense of humour which is amplified by her youth. She is obsessive compulsive about having things in order and keeping things tidy. Her quarters reflect this and she can often tell when someone turns a single ornament. Perrine was part of an active pack that left Normandy to join the caern here in Dover in the early foundation years and has remained on since the formation of the caern. She has often regretted this decision for quite a while but has been kept her by her sense of duty to the caern leadership. Dressing in tight fitting ‘La Shark’ labels she makes one of the social forces for this caern with 'La Petite' and is often away on political missions with the other caerns. Missions that have more recently become more English focused than French focused.
‘Cabaret’: Silver Fang, Galliard, Rank 3, 5ft 11’, 36 years old. Speaking no English, Cabaret is the entertainer of the Caern and yet she is a moody and stoic image of the Silver Fangs through and through. This swarthy lass has just earned her garou name, and as galliard’s go there are not many stories she cannot recount or twist into a insight meaning. She is also the historian for the garou at this Caern and these duties keep her on the road between several French caerns and other Silver Fang bastions. Her skin is heavily tanned from her time on the road, her hair is black and often in dreadlocks or tied back in a styled but tangled mess. She has a fondness of red flowing dresses and always dresses for the occasion with a well developed sense of flair and style. She bears the klaive ‘Tale-Singer’ and is formidable in her crinos form showing the ancient fur of legendary heroes.
(Jean De Grace): Silver Fang, Ahroun, Rank 3, 6ft 1’ tall, 33 Years old, a suave French man with a cocky attitude and a klaive of great repute. He is not the most popular at the caern but is admired for the strength he brings to the place and his notable fighting prowess. He does bring unbalance and suspicion though, as no one is sure what he is really after and his past is dark with accusations and tales of misdeeds. He is also blamed by most for the death of many a new ‘pup’ and a few post placed garou. He is a multi millionaire and dresses in quality suits and high fashions, liking Old English fashions, particularly tweeds. His klaive dates back to the 8th century AD and has a complex and intricate history. He has become a regular visitor to Dover especially since the fall of St. Albans, something that still weighs heavily on him. He is now awaiting a proper vacancy at this caern and helps out here to help provide confirmation of a place when it becomes available.
(Hanna Be Folos): Silent Strider, Philodox, Rank 3, 6ft, Age? Another lovely French lady but this one with Eastern mysticism and the composure and grace of the Silver Fangs she keeps company. Like De Grace she only visits the caern regularly and is trying to get a regular place at the caern as well. Her origins began at 'The Sept of the Black Swan' in France and she moved to England when the new caern was proposed. She keeps contact with the other Silver Fang caern but has become less and less a visitor there. She at present is the active Strider bringing messages and news to and from the caern and has kept the place informed on many of the political goings on with the other caerns. She has a particular dislike of Ian Henries whom she accuses of bringing a poor name to the tribe. It is confident that she will become a member and she is already touching up on her French, depsite being able to speak in 4 other languages. She wears travelling khakis commonly but has a formal attire for caern meetings and discussions where she is required to uphold the dignity of the first tribe.
The Caern: One of the new caerns of this age and newly formed. It has had a tempermental start riddled with complications and set-backs. At present it is a weak caern riddled with important people which are trying to find their place within garou politics. It is hoped that given time this caern will be a leading force to unite the caerns and garou of Great Britain and lead them into a new age. It is also expected that Jean-Paul may be competing for the leadership of Great Britain when the caern is fully established, but he has commented that this is his first and foremost responsibility to Gaia. Although Falcon wants him to take an active role in garou leadership, the Native spirit Bottlenose Dolphin takes a more passive approach to the nations politics. This may, in time, cause a spiritual upheaval at this caern, although for now Andrea keeps spiritual disagreement in check. The caern has had a severe shock in recent years with the massacre of the kin that were being brought over to help the caern, one of the casualties was Jean Paul's wife, a blow which he has taken heavily. The caern though has a wild card in Silver Fang politics Rosanna Testini, 'the First and only Daughter of Antonio Testini, First of the House of the Conquering Claw' the only known true bred kin of the long lost house of Silver Fangs. She has married Stefan Hein as a Garou oracle predicts that he will breed true and that the son will be the greatest Silver Fang of all time and one that will turn the tide of Apocalypse for the Isle. However the dutiful Stefan has still yet to provide a child, never mind the predicted boy of legend.
Visitors: The sept of Silver Fangs are often visited by European traffic on the way into the British Isles but the caern needs to increase the number of its moon bridges to other caerns to become a proper traffic point. Many who come here do so for duty or to nod a head of respect to the Silver Fangs before they travel to places of real power. This fact is not lost on the leadership and if anything the caern has become less friendly in the last few years.