Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
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Sept of the First House

Caern Leader: Queen Mary “Scours-the-Heather” Campbell Totem: Left Long Legged Haggis
Caern Guardian: Arthur 'Silver Hair' Penbrooke Secondary Totem: Ancestral King/Queen
Theurge: None, yet active. Location: Hermitage Castle, near Newcastleton
'Mad' Queen “Scours-the-Heather” Campbell: Silver Fang, Philodox, Rank 4, 5ft 6’ Tall, 50+Years old, Greyed hair. She was once beautiful, but years of forced responsibility have been hard on her and now the house decline is mimicked in her deteriorating health. Her body regeneration is pushing itself to the limit as cancer has spread through her system. She has a drip now permanently attached to help purify her blood keeping either her glabro or crinos form to ensure constant regeneration. She screams orders to imaginary retainers and argues with ghostly apparitions that appear around the castle. The few kin who attend her medical needs tread carefully as her anger can erupt for no reason, and since the loss of her kinfolk lover, killed for worshipping a bane, her mind has become more broken. She still wears the ancestral crown of Mary Queen of Scots, now with a crack in its coil.
Arthur 'Silver Hair' Penbrooke : Silver Fang Ahroun, Rank 3, 6ft Tall, 43 Years old, A thin tall man, with long greyed hair. He is incredibly lanky and graceful like a cat. Each move seems calculated and he is hard pressed to keep the failing sept together. He is the ahroun, acting as both philodox and theurge, keeping the spirit happy and dealing with the kin of the caern. His mind is also beginning to break with fresh accusations and problems daily with no rest or respite. Of the group Arthur is the only one pure of heart still with few questionable flaws. He tries to keep contact with Falcon, but he is aware that she has left the house now...and only her images remain.
Brian 'Two-Klaive' McIntyre: Silver Fangs, Galliard, Rank 4, 5ft 11 tall, 53 years old. A stocky
unshaven, well dressed man inclined to arguments. It is not the opinion he wants, merely to argue and sometimes his opinion will change to just make the argument (his derangement). His anger is always at the surface and he is quick to draw his klaives to wage war, often even with those he would call friends. When well, he is helpful and supportive, other days people can tell early on if he will be helpful, or whether he should be avoided. The few kin still in residence know to look at the floor when he tries to encourage an argument and to leave the room. Sometimes, he is well enough to apologise for the things he shouts at them. Brian McIntyre has had no contact with any other garou in many years. He no longer believes they still exist, for all outside the castle doors has been claimed by the Wyrm.
The Caern: Although a castle has been on this site since at least the 13th century the central part, probably built under the master mason John Lewin of Durham, dates from the end of the 1300's, the spiritual side has changed hands as many times as the castle has been fought for in the physical. The Silver Fangs own home is long gone and they have been in residence recently at the Caern of the Tri Spiral, the ancestral home of the Fianna. Recent years have seen them forced out by their deteriorating mental state to the point that they are now questionably of Gaian origin. An unknown sponsor allowed them to move to the new abode, a castle with barely a penumbral shield. There is a small breeding pool of wolves and humans, but they now choose to breed freely with whom they will, no longer shackled by their garou masters. No more garou are expected and it is assumed that they will die out in this generation with future garou babies being born and adopted by house Gleaming Eye.
Visitors: No one comes here, bar the public. Ian Henrys was once a visitor till they the Mad Queen threatened to kill him for brandishing a fork in a 'lethal manner' at the dinner table, the last news to the outside world came from him. If the house has fallen it awaits for the next visitor to return with news.