Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.

Caern Leader: Stands-with-Claw Totem: Uktena
Caern Guardian: Raging-Wild Secondary Totem: Bear
Theurge: Spirit-Speaker Location: Indian reserve, Arizona
'Stands-with-Claw': Uktena, Philodox, Rank 4, 5ft 9’ tall, 68 years old. The wise greying leader of the caern, he is well wrinkled in face but has youthful eyes behind his aged exterior. He looks the part of an Indian chief, head-dress and all. Sands with Claw is an old warrior, now wise beyond his years he tries to reduce the amount of enemies the caern has by making peace with all but the Wyrm. With the past Silver Fang trouble his leadership has become questionable and he has lost much favour and support of his people. He is (or was) a likeable old man, who up holds the traditions of the native American Indians, but is very much a man of a different age. 'Stands-with-Claw' won his garou name early on after his blooding, he stood with one arm and the defeated bane, waiting for his healing with indifference. He cares for his own people garou and kinfolk alike. His buffalo skins are rimmed with beads and coloured bone, he wears an eagle feather head dress and has a watcher staff.
'Raging-Wild': Uktena, Ahroun, Rank 4, 5ft 10’ tall, 38 years old, A shaved head with small piercing eyes, this brave is a master of fighting with bow, tomahawk and spear and an excellent rider. He is highly racist and war like and is on the verge of taking the caern for himself, his confidence and conviction grows daily and now he has the support of most of the sept. People do worry though that if in charge he will order a bloody rampage from which only Uktena kinfolk would be safe, and of those only those who look Indian. He knows much of what goes on secretly within the tribe, and is cunning and devious and is well aware of the strategies and tactics of the European garou. Get-a-Fenris would be proud of his nature and his intolerance for any that are weak and not of his kind! 'Raging Wild' speaks little English, despite being told to do so and learn more of the World and he needs a native American speaker or someone with the garou tongue to have a dialogue with him. He does keep some allies among the Gurahl. He Always wears war paint and Indian wood armour, he is often in Crinos and always armed with a fetish weapon.
'Wyrm Flayer': Uktena, Ahroun, Metis, Rank 3, 5ft 9’ tall, 29 years old. A Crinos who is always stuck in his combat form, unable to change at all. He is covered with bane armoured shells and wears a giant beetle skull, where his fur shows it is matted with feathers. A veritable tank but with the brain of a child (second deformity).He loves Gameboy and Nintendo but is often unable to play because of the laws of weaver taint, occasionally though he will travel to a ‘monkey’ settlement and break in and spend the night on the Playstation 3. The elders dislike him but he finds favour among the young, but he is easily out-smarted and tends to be the butt of any focused teasing at the caern. 'Wyrm Flayer' wears no clothes and is often in the Penumbra.
'Spirit-Speaker': Uktena, Theurge, Rank 3, 5ft 11’ tall, 26 Years old, 'No-Hands-Catches-Fishes' apprentice, rushed through the ranks on his masters death, to become a capable theurge and has quickly developed to uphold his position. He is a healer and herbalist and the witch doctor of the caern and is one of the more approachable of the caern members for non-Uktena. He has unique gifts and rites learned from his master, although most of that knowledge has been lost with the death of the master before it could be learned. 'Spirit Speaker' is cryptic and odd- often talking to unseen spirits. He too has his masters watcher staff but it is not as powerful as it once was, he wears buffalo skin with blue beads making the image of a lake serpent. He is very close with the tribal totem and the totem of the caern and spends much of his time tending the spirit. 'Spirit Speaker' wears ancestral clothing but will wear jeans at the weekend much to the dismay of 'Raging Wild'
'Ga-Ga-Baroot-Ra': Wendigo, Lupus, Theurge, Rank 4, Unknown age, A resident white wolf and is the pride and joy of the caern and a key link to Older brother at this caern. He speaks little as is the lupus nature, often referring to himself, the caern and totem as 'us' and he greatly dislikes ‘Monkeys’ and ‘White Skins’ preferring the company of animals and the trees. He intends to return home but is remaining until the ‘Fangs’ are sorted out, as he will not miss out on a good scrap. This is the racist wolf that often threatens or argues with visitors. He spends most time in Lupus and refuses to take the Homid form (The shape of the prey) unless absolutely necessary. He is ritually mated with a wild pack of wolves and they often frequent the caern lands.
'Running-Waters': Uktena, Galliard, Rank 3, 5ft 10’ tall, 49 years old, long plaited pitch black hair. John Constantine’s mother and training bane tender foe ‘Inferno’, a radiation bane from a nuclear test site that still plagues the area with constant threats of impending disaster. Often she will not be in attendence at the caern due to her duties as a Bane tender. She has had several pups in her time and child birth has taken its toll, but her beauty is still noticeable. She loves her people but does not always agree with their views. She is the only surviving daughter of Stands with Claw and is one of his supporting members still - as she loves her father greatly. 'Running Water' has an amicable relationship with John Constantine and he is one of the few 'westernised' garou to come to the caern for social reasons. She wears a plain Buffalo dress with no decoration and a plain necklace and a single eagle feather.
'Puch-Key' (Push-Key): Uktena, Gurahl, River Keeper, Rank 5, 6ft 11’ tall, A huge solitary bear-man capable of ripping a garou to pieces but still accepted as a minor member of the sept. 'Puch-Key' know his time is limited and the eventually fall of the leader will force him into direct conflict with 'Raging Wild' and has been preparing for the inevitable battle that is coming. He loves life though and enjoys the simple life of fishing and maintaining the sanctity of the land. He is a guest of the Caern because of the secondary Totem Bear, he performs the rite of the moot and maintains the Lake itself. He has a mixed relationship with the Garou, but is lonely and generally a solitary creature. He has the power to return things from the dead, but he will only perform it on animals or Gurahl, although he has had many requests. He is an huge Indian in every sense, body covered with tattoos, and his clothes are made from several buffalo’s and they are decorated with items from the lake.
'Shouldn’t-Talk-Back': Uktena, Philodox, Rank 3, 5ft 9’ tall, 29 years old. A mouthy Indian lady, she is pretty but chubby and stocky with a sharp wit of a ragabash and the tenacity of an ahroun. She often gives lip and is disrespectful to her elders if they contradict her opinions (which she has in many subjects!). She is a poor Philodox though and often causes more fights than stops them as her love of arguments is great. Sometimes she will argue against her own opinion just to make an argumentative point. 'Shouldn't-Talk-Back' earned her name as that is what people learnt about her as she grew up. Still she can be a topic of caern life with people readily complaining about the woman, but falling silent when she comes within ear shot. Even 'Raging Wild' goes quiet as he thinks she is really not worth the hassle. She has had a pup and has just become pregnant again - with her now fourth child. She breeds with wolves, who think she has a wonderful personality as a strong alpha character.
'Reptile': ??????, Ahroun, Metis, Rank 5, 5ft 9’ tall, ??? Years old. No-body, not even the spirits are sure of his tribe, but he has adopted Uktena as a totem and the native American way of life and has swore to protect the caern and as such as adopted a place at the caern. He is very ugly, looking more like a Wyrm beast than garou, he is not really liked, but is respectful by all and is a model of a good garou, so it is very hard for others to find fault him - only with his parents. He wears nothing to cover his scaly hide and gets his name because of his lizardman appearance which he does nothing to hide. He can be a social character with the few visitors get, but does not particularly get on well with John Constantine who has a tendency to insult his appearance.
'Crossing Roads': Uktena, Ragabash, Rank 4, 5ft 10’ tall, 69 years old. The other elder member of the Caern, she is very ‘Motherly’ and smoothers other garou unto submission, her latest victim is 'Reptile'. She none the less is a capable warrior and is the oldest surviving member and has had many children - a few even blessed as garou, all who have left long ago into caerns more readily accepted by garou life. Herein lies her sadness as she has never come to terms with losing them. taking their leaving as a betrayal of tradition as well as a personally insult to her. Her youngest garou child was slain by the Wyrm nearly 20 years ago. She is presently suffering from Harano, but she hides it well, but she is counting the days now, rather than the years.
The Caern: A large and powerful caern made so by its Totem and the local Lake from which Uktena draws his power. The Garou have been there since the Indian records began, stories carried on by word of mouth. It has been the custom for a garou to get his garou name during his Rite of Passage and on his acceptance of a place at the caern. The caern is a closed Sept and it will mainly only recruit from the native American tribes, there have been a few notable exceptions over the years, but these exceptions have all been merited. The Totem is so powerful and the area so pure that the rite of the moot need only be done every half year , and if performed monthly (as it still is) Uktena can manifest permanently in the physical, albeit stuck to the location of the Lake. The Caern covers a large area and contains many kinfolk and has a stable wolf population. There have been many people who have tried to take the Caern from the colonists days, but the latest threat by the Silver Fangs is the most serious and seems to have genuine garou World backing. Uktena although he loves his people has been forced to recognise the sovereignty of the Fangs, and will not fight them and the caern has kept this a close secret. The Fangs have not attacked yet due to fear, but have tried to weaken the totem by slaying the old head theurge and buying up land around the caern sight. If they attacked it is unlikely the Uktena would win, because of this Raging-Wild is in favour of changing totem to bear, and has a small following to do this so they can finally bring the fight back to the Silver Fangs.
Visitors: There are few people who visit this caern unless directly invited. John Constantine is one of the few Westerners to come here without an agenda. Several traditionalists will come, normally Wendigo or Uktena, the only other people to visit are on quests, challenges or doing research into garou society.
No-Hands-Catches-Fishes - A powerful Garou Theurge who was assassinated and decapitated by the Silver Fangs to weaken the Caern. His head is still missing, but the rest of him is buried in a special burial mound. All miss him, he was a wise and loved advisor.
Sept of the Lake (Indian Reserve, Arizona, America)