Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
Sept of the Mere (Delamere Forest, Cheshire)
Cairn Leader: ‘Bruno’ Peters Totem: ‘Grey’ Fenris
Cairn Guardian: ‘Simeon’ Secondary Totem: Shag (Seagull)
Head Theurge: Virus Location: Delemere Forest
‘Bruno’ Peters: Get-Of-Fenris, Ahroun, Rank 3, 5ft 9’ tall, 42 years old, an ageing Garou of little ability of which little is known about, chosen to take his place here due to his loyalty to the Get cause before any amount of skill. He is very much a working class British traditionalist to a fault. It is rumoured he is also a distant family member to the garou high king, though somewhat a family disappointment but this is but a rumour and certainly no social visits lead to this having truth. Despite all of this though, he is well liked and a fair leader, balances the ledges and duties and has good social skills (often lacking from Get leaders). He commands the respect from those beneath them and is an effective administrator. He keeps a tight caern and since the fall of 'Lost Pups' has become the most likely candidate for pups to use for training. He has a round face with thick curly hair and often raises his bushy eyebrows which leads to many making impressions of him. It has often be noted he has never taken a mate and keeps his relationships very hidden. His initial 'strong' approach to leadership has become much more friendly and he will often discuss important matters over a cup of tea. Often wearing dungarees and workman clothes he also has a favouritism for blunt instruments (like a baseball bat) to keep order.
‘Simeon’: Get-of-Fenris, Ahroun, Rank 3, 6ft tall, 26 years old, A very strong and confident garou who has slowly started to work his way up the ranks through hard work and mutually earned respect. Often silent and when speaking has meaning and purpose to his voice, though when lured into social banter he will talk almost always about 'geeky' things, board and computer games and the latest Science Fiction shows. He has grace and a great warrior’s ability which matches his lanky appearance. 'Simeon' has a thinned receding hairstyle and dresses smartly and is well spoken. An unlikely Caern guardian but owes his position to his father, the Garou King of England, despite the fact that his father is distant from him. Simeon has slowly grown an intolerance to people who abuse or harm the forest and he has been one of the reasons why some young people disappear in the woodlands late at night. Most non-Sept members approach him for requests, considering his status to be greater than that of the caern leader and can be disappointed by the results. He is yet to make his Garou name, but adopts Simeon till then, adopting the caern policy for the non-using of surnames to help anonymity.
'Virus': Glass Walker, Thurge, Rank 2, 5ft 9’ tall, 19 years old, The bubbly blonde Glass Walker from London and an ex-student of 'Space-on-Disk' (though the relationship has suffered a lot of late). 'Virus' is a pretty lady with a petite body and very English looking features with a few faint freckles scattered over her nose. She is a highly competent theurge and was given the place very early on before her training was complete. Her continuous training makes the 'City Streets' pack regular visitors to the Sept and strong allies in the war against the Wyrm. She has grown steadily over the years and is much more independent thn before, but her social standing within the caern has never grown. She is not overly liked but tolerated due to the job she is needed to do. She has a working relationship with the totem, but does struggle to deal with the large grey wolf that sees her as a weakling. Her speciality lies within the other caern spirits that are in abundance here and she is often seen with water birds around her. Despite her technical aptitude and love of tech she has taken residence in the forest itself as if preparing for some future event. She can often be seen talking with the spirits of the forest, making her one of the most unusual Glass Walkers of her time. Virus likes trendy clothes although she is having a tendency to wear ‘labelled’ track suits as this caern does not endorse a dress code like the 'Sept of the Tower'.
Simon 'Wadding': Get-of- Fenris, Ahroun, Rank 2, 6ft 2’ tall, 29 Years old, a moody body builder with rounded face, no neck and , who is both a jealous and angry man. His insecurities can make him dangerous and he is by far the most unstable of the garou at this caern, as he is quick to get angry and take revenge for sometimes imaginary slights. 'Wadding' is often used to provoke people and is a common target for inter sept politics and he can often be treated as a higher rank to ensure favour. The local gym is his regular haunt which is owned by his stepfather and he will spend much of his free time in there when not on caern duty. At present 'Wadding' has two girlfriends which do not know of the others presence and he works tirelessly to ensure this remains the same. He has some pressure to choose one and marry them but this is not a suggestion he has taken to heart claiming that he is young and has a life to lead. He guards both of them with zeal and has a criminal record for head butting a man who asked Melissa if she wanted a drink at the bar. He has a poor reputation among spirits and has difficulties in getting healed due to his abundance of rage. He is the moody one about the caern although he makes a good guard and is a strong candidate for a future warder/guardian.
'Francis': Fianna, Galliard, Rank 2, 5ft 6’. 25 years old. A smaller spectacled man with floppy, curly brown hair and a slightly curved nose with pure white fur in crinos. Francis is Simeon’s best friend and the pair of them share many mutual interests and a certain geeky nature. He caused quite a stir at his Rite of Passage when he selected 'Stag' instead of the expected 'Fenris' and it still causes some snide remarks and comments from sept members. He is more socialable than Simeon though and has a good selection of friends outside the Sept both in his human world and in the garou World. He gets on well with Lee Holden and the two will have to head drinking contests when the two get a chance to catch up (this is normally a pointless exercise as neither get drunk to the gift 'Resist Toxin'). Simeon and Francis form the 'Pack of the Bottling Battle' and they are presently recruiting for new members. Francis has poor vision and has bound some glasses to himself to overcome this, though his Glass Walker friends strongly suggest he gets contacts instead, he has so far decided against this. He is an intellectual and has provided advice to 'Virus', whom he has become very fond of and there is a suggestion that love might have bloomed between them if Gaia had not blessed them both, as it is they enjoy each other's company and support each other in caern events. Francis position at this caern is secure as long as Simeon remains here and that is not in question at the moment, as is that the two will remain connected until death separates them. He will often wear suede jackets, converse and a collection of badges on his jacket with a 'man' bag with REM on it.
‘Wyrm Foe’: Silver Fang, Philodox, Rank 4, 5ft 11’ tall, 38 Years old, a calm, wealthy man who is striking in his lacking of any unique features. He has short brown hair, fair looks and tends to blend into the background in social settings. Often seen, but never noticed. Even more unusually he is the highest ranking garou at this caern; one who should, in theory, be leader. However he is more concerned with the well being of the caern and ensuring its safety. He has little care for leadership and if anything quickly becomes tired and bored with discussions that the leadership team often have. It has been suggested that this is his derangement - a lack of ability to focus on anything that is not an immediate threat or a safety concern. This also continues in his daily life and he will struggle to focus on films, documentaries or games unless they have a direct focus on caern security. He ensures the Litany is upheld at all times, and acts as the Master of the Challenge at the caern and will deal with disputes and concerns (many of which are to do with 'Wadding'. It was originally intended to be Virus’s job it was deemed inappropriate that a Glass Walker have too much power at the new caern as she was needed to fulfil the head theurge position as well. 'Wyrm Foe' also performs all the punishment rites and his hard line justice has made many cautious about dealings with him. He cares not whether people like or dislike him, just as long as the job gets done. He is noble and well dressed and grows a greying goatee beard. In his close circles he is known as Mike ‘Wyrm Foe’. He accepts this as the caern likes a reliance on first names only.
‘Kevin’: Get-of-Fenris, Ahroun, Rank 1, 5ft 10’ tall, 18 Years old, young, self cantered with the world on his shoulders. The young garou has recently acquired his 'Rite of Passage' in battle at the factories near Helsby. He even got a commendation from King Lothar for his action, which gets grander on each telling. 'Kevin' is a troubled youth though, he has had issues with his parent and has 2 children before his 18th birthday. He was originally saved from a drug ring and found first change in a battle with vampires. Unable to stop his anger he has learned to direct it better to avoid frenzies. His future is uncertain, but the leadership have pushed for Rothman to help train him. This so far has not been successfully, with Rothman telling them where to stick the Cliath. Kevin wears jeans and shirts and tends to be overly eager to throw himself into any combats that occur around the caern. Virus warns him 'Candles that burn twice as bright, burn for only half as long', but Kevin has his own reasons.
‘Nazish’: Unknown, Unknown, Pup, 5ft 8’ tall, a small rotund Asian woman that has so far shown great wisdom and loyalty. She spends most of her time around the caern lapping up all she can to learn new things and become increasingly effective. She has officially not been assigned a trainer at the time of writing but is seems likely that 'Simeon' and 'Francis' will become her trainers and she may even join the pack. All hope she will become a ragabash, as it is something that the caern still is lacking, but it is more likely she will become a Uktena or Glass Walker theurge. Her ethicity is a problem though, with Rothman being in a high position, it is also assumed she will not last till her Rite of Passage. Garou like this bring concerns and the continuing need for a real place to give Gaia's chosen a better place in the World. Nazish will wear Asian styles, even though she has become partially Westernised.
(Steven Rothman): Get-of-Fenris, Ahroun, Rank 4, 5ft 11’ tall, 43 Years old, Steven is brown-blonde with short and curly hair, he is a white South African and related to the Boer people. He hates blacks, thinking them a minor species, the fact he is Garou makes it worse. Apart from this he is one of the more pleasurable members of the caern as long as you know how to handle him and you are white, male and not affiliated with any minority groups. If you are, then he is one of the most bigoted, racist and disliked member of the caern. Rothman is not even a full member of this caern and his main place is at 'Sept of the Flying Death', but he is here to hold the caern's focus and ensure all know who is in charge. He is also the only member to not get called by his first name and when people call him 'Steven' he can get quite upset as it is 'the familiarity of faggots boyo'. Rothman is a skilled combat specialist, specialties include jungle and desert warfare and has spent years as a MERC for hire before settling in Britain. Explosives, medical and sniper skills are paramount and he also famous for his fetish mechanical crossbow with cyanide injecting bolts. Rothman wears whatever comes to hand, and also favours a quiet drink. Stephen is not an active member of this caern, although he does help out with some weekly tasks at the caern, but his presence has become less noticeable over the years.
The Cairn: The caern originally set up by the PSP pack, however they were never around for its inception and due to the heavy support from the local Get-of-Fenris this caern was quickly snapped up and has been supported by the main caern in Helsby. The Grand Thurge from ‘Flying Death’ did the Rite, although they did not get Great Fenris, despite their efforts they got a wolf aspect which was seen as only a minor blessing. It is the only caern to have some Mage assistance in the form of the ‘Tree of Life’ which acts as the 'Caern Stone' for Moon bridges and the mystic ‘Man of the Woods’ and his spirit guide ‘Willo the Wisp’. Many of the Get see them only as spirits as their presence is only in the penumbra, however 'Virus' knows better than that. The 'Man of the Woods' sometimes takes the 'Hern' or 'Green Man' appearance to amplify his spiritual nature. He uses his power to protect the caern, often calling it 'the node' and ensure that the nature reserve remains unpolluted and free. The caern has grown greatly over the years in power and stability, pretty much able to fend for itself and has even started recruiting pups since the fall of St Albans.
Visitor: Three years ago there would not be a lot mentioned in this section apart from affiliated member of the Sept of the Flying Death and a few visiting Sile nt Striders. However,m in recent years the caern has become a hot bed for activity and it seems more likely that the caern may even house a Grand Moot one day as the bawn is very large for the power of the Sept. In recent years many notable garou have come to the caern and have checked out its facilities. Its members have been visiting more allied caerns and making links. The Tree of Souls has opened up moon bridges with France, Nottingham, Scotland and really surprisingly the Isle of Man. This later has led to the expectation of a Black Fury to join the Sept and gossip continues of likely candidates, including Nina Vale who is now non-caern affiliated. She has yet to be seen at the caern though and as 'Virus' says 'Cheap Talk can costs lives'
Fallen: No notable garou yet fill the Grave of Hallowed Heroes here, the caern is young though.