Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
Sept of the Rising Solar (Japan)
Caern Leader: Astara Totem: Eastern Wind
Caern Guardian: Tetsu Secondary Totem: Fire
Theurge: Yasamoto Location: Yoshema, Japan
Astara: Stargazers, Philodox, Rank 5, 5ft 5’ tall, 38 years old, A small Japanese lady with tear drop face and long flowing hair, who is very ceremonial in everything. Her bearing is one that shows exceeding levels of wisdom and a calm heart and she is exceptionally good at getting exactly what she wants. She is also the Shaolin master and Kalindo expert and can trace her heritage back to the Great Klaital himself and bears his pure breed. Despite the fact she is a woman she is by far the greatest Garou here and no-one disputes her leadership. She commonly wears blue or green one piece dresses with sea shell jewelry.
Tetsu: Stargazers, Ahroun, Rank 4, 5ft 7’ tall, 38 years old, Tetsu takes the appearance of a age old Samurai, again he is highly ceremonial and is the Caern guardian. He has a reputation as a womanizer among the other Garou which he doesn't really deserve, but his mask of a visage shows no sign of this. Rarely smiling about Caern and knows no temptation or luxury (apart from his midnight indulgences) but those that know him privately can say he is a gentle and emotional man who holds honor highly. His skills in armed and unarmed combat are exceptional and has twice been denied rank 5. He has a strong relationship with the Caern Totem and will always wear an emblem or motif to show this.
Yasamoto: Stargazer, Theurge, Rank 5, 5ft 4’ tall, 48 years old. A old shaved bald Shaolin monk of small size and noticeable smile lines on his eyes and mouth. He maintains the temple that forms part of the Caern, relighting braziers and restoring friendly spirits with Gnosis, apart from this he spends most of his time in Meditation or with kin when he is not on duty. He speaks rarely and normally in metaphor or riddles, occasionally having cryptic conversations with invisible resident spirits. He is often the man-in-the-corridor and knows all that goes on at the Caern. Yasamoto wears modern clothing in evening and typical orange robes during the day with a white and black sash.
Eppy: Stargazer, Galliard, Rank 3, 5ft 4’ tall, 26 Years old, a small round faced oriental girl, petite, noble and attractive. She is liked by most at the Caern although she has had a few run-ins with Tetsu during the long winter nights. She is more bubbly and friendly than the others, her young wild self still curious about the outside, she maintains the Totem and Opens any moon bridges to the Caern. She is considered foolish and 'unprofessional' by elders but tends to get away with more than the others ever could. The role was given to her to help speed up her maturity, which as of yet has had no effect. She is seen in and out of robes, choosing fashionable dresses when not on duty.
Kao-Sun-Lee: Stargazer, Lupus, Ahroun, Rank 3, A small black wolf kept here as a Caern guardian but not reaching such status, he is a good warrior with devastating claw and tooth attacks. He is also ‘Advisor of the beast’ instructing in skills and natures of the wolf. He also maintains the Caerns kinfolk both Human and wolf. He has short hair with bright pink feet and face.
Komura: Stargazer, Ragabash, Rank 2, 5ft 5’ tall, 17 years old, a young and not wildly respected girl, she is often in trouble, does badly in her studies and disturbs others in meditation. She gets scolding from Astara, but Tetsu refuses to shout at her, as she is his daughter, he is disappointed in her but loves her all the same. As Ragabash go though she is well behaved and respectful. She often talks about sneaking off to the next town with Eppy on a wild adventure but never actually does it. She wears dresses from a single wrap and a jewellery headband.
Kanada: Stargazer, Ahroun, Metis, Rank 3, 5ft 6’ tall, 25 years old, a bitter young man, who has much rage, originally of the Silver Fangs until he was nearly killed by them, his mother and father were not as lucky. He was taken in by the Sept and soon showed his deformity; Kanada cannot regenerate like other Garou.
Hep Ki Arta: Star Gazer, Galliard, Rank 4, 5ft tall 2 ‘tall, 26 years old, a small oriental lady that comes and goes with the occasional visiting Silent Strider. She forms the Caerns ears and eyes to the outside world. She also maintains many changing breed contacts. She is sweet, young and slightly over sexed. Dresses in a traditional maiden dress, unless traveling.
Kenichiwai : Black Fury, Ahroun, Rank 3, 6 ft tall, A tall Japanese man, who has quite racist views about Chinese people. He is well traveled considering most of the Caern has never set outside of the Bawn. A forward man, he can speak 12 languages, 4 of them fluent. He dresses as a statesman of the Japanese council, and still has a sway in Japanese politics.
The Caern: A quiet and restful temple Caern. Much is considered and the heavens often gazed upon as the sunsets. The lack of light pollution and its overall altitude make it an ideal site for this. Protected fiercely from Human pollution. Only things of minor weaver taint are allowed inside. The site is a teachers dream, Kalindo is taught to worthy Garou from Stargazers from all round the East. Each of the masters takes only one apprentice for 5 years. So competition is fierce. The Caerns early history is clouded as even Japans earliest documents make a hint that the Caern was already there. Galliards sing stories that it was among one of the original Caerns founded when the Star Gazer tribes settled in the East. The totem maintains its secrets. There is much debate to give this Caern up to the Changing breeds at present, but the Elders are divided, many Changing breeds certainly use the Caern as equals, and there is expected to be an flux of new Garou as Star Gazers migrate to the East. The Caern: A quiet and restful temple Caern. Much is considered and the heavens often gazed upon as the sunsets. The lack of light pollution and its overall altitude make it an ideal site for this. Protected fiercely from Human pollution. Only things of minor weaver taint are allowed inside. The site is a teachers dream, Kalindo is taught to worthy Garou from Stargazers from all round the East. Each of the masters takes only one apprentice for 5 years. So competition is fierce. The Caerns early history is clouded as even Japans earliest documents make a hint that the Caern was already there. Galliards sing stories that it was among one of the original Caerns founded when the Star Gazer tribes settled in the East. The totem maintains its secrets. There is much debate to give this Caern up to the Changing breeds at present, but the Elders are divided, many Changing breeds certainly use the Caern as equals, and there is expected to be an flux of new Garou as Star Gazers migrate to the East.