Paul Bode's Roleplay Game
Werewolf the Apocalypse
A big thanks to all the players and groups over the years who have contributed to the game.
The Sept of The Flying Death (Helsby Hill, Chester)

Caern Leader: King Lothar Totem: War Bird
Caern Guardian: Heifer Magore Secondary Totem: Gunship, Fenris
Theurge: Anita Walker Location: Helsby Hill, Chester
King Lothar: Get of Fenris, Ahrou, Elder, 44 Years Old, 6'3 Tall. Some kings are forged in the fires of their birth, others in battle; this one was forged in the fires of Fenris. A huge, hulking man with rippling muscles and an equally rippling personality; before recent years Lothar would be seen with long plaited red hair, but has favoured a perhaps more serious route with his style. This is the King of England, a title he was moulded into at an early age and has settled into it in the present day. Those that know of his upbringing are aware of how far others went to insure Lothar had his time as king; he may have spent his time before first change as a petty criminal, but there's no denying what he is now. He has an extensive kill list and a blatant dislike for all those in hierarchy, he killed his mentor before turning Cliath for showing weakness in the face of the wyrm. He has held his title since the 2003 Grand Moot which he took from Lord Gillat; a man he showed rare mercy to as the new King recognised Gillat's usefullness. He shows an active interest in those entering the Garou Nation as pups, and perhaps appreciates the simplicity of times he never truly got to experience himself. You can sense silver on the Garou but know he does not rely on the strength of such a weapon to shed his blood; he expresses his power openly, knowing full well everyone is aware he could fell groups of Ahrou by himself; most recently he was the subject of an assassination attempt by the BSDs, surviving the ambush and felling all those that attacked him. His tactics as king are brash and lined with Rage, there are those who seek to topple him from his crown for this very reason; but Lothar will not lose his crown without a good fight.
Heifer Magore 'Silence': Get-of-Fenris, Ahroun, Rank 4, 5ft 11' Tall, 49 Years old, He has deep eye sockets and a heavily muscled face and short well kept hair. The smaller of the sept leaders, he wears a thick moustache and despite his age is content in his position. He is fanatically loyal to Lothar as he still owes Lothar his life and most of the Get take life debts seriously. He belongs to one of the three key Get-of-Fernis families that have hold sway in England for thousands of years, tracing his lineage to the raiders of York, prior to 1066. Heifer is a mute (and even less of a conversationalist), his tongue ripped out by silver wielding Spirals early on in his life, they also neutered him. He has never let such trivial wounds slow him down before and like all of his battle wounds they are painted and displayed proudly in moots. Despite all the time in preparation for war, in his free time he has a keen interest in photography. His hatred for spirals is strong, and he has a personal quota of nearly 40 personal hand-to-hand kills. He often wears bomber jackets and warm clothing, has a fetish assault rifle and combat knife.
Anita Walker 'Wise Claw': Get-of-Fenris, Theurge, Rank 3, 5ft 6’ tall, 34 years old. A short but attractive blonde, turned red head. Her temper is often fiery and she remains a capable warrior, she runs most of the Caern operations since the retirement of the old theurge, but she still struggles to perform all the rites for Caern maintenance. Most of her efforts have been acquiring of rites and gifts to help her fulfil the role of head theurge - a role she is starting to fulfil well with less support needed from others. She can be appeaseable and chatty if in the right mood, but personally despises weaver taint; this has not gone un-noticed by the caern totem with whom she still needs to build a workable rapport. Her distrust of the weaver taint and friendly nature makes her one of the more approachable Fenrir at moots and remains the 'Sociable Get', one who is wise and a warrior in equal parts. Anita likes to wear baggy jumpers and has two children now with her kinfolk husband.
Frederick Bockan 'Tats': Get-of-Fenris, Galliard, Rank 3, 5ft 7’ tall, 34 Years old, square jawed, small eyes, tattooed all over, shaved head and no neck 'Tats' makes a intimidating person in any culture. Frederick is nothing more than a racist, nazi thug with nothing nice to say about anyone who is not white and has at least three generations in the graveyard. However there is no plane or helicopter he cannot fly, he is also skilled in firearms and explosives and is wanted in 12 countries for various crimes against humanity 'All in the name of combat against the Wyrm'. Pentex has repeatedly tried to kill him with several operatons being funded for the exclusive purpose of killing Tats. He now stays at this Sept for his own safety but he is more than happy to step outside the shield for a scrap when he is good and ready. He wears combat khakis and never smiles unless it is forced. He has several children, all raised independently by their mothers, most do not know their heritage, the few who do regret that they asked.
‘One-eye’: Get-of-Fenris, Ragabash, Rank 3, 6ft 1’ tall, unknown age, tall, thin with a black eye patch and mid-length, scruffy hair and he does not have a funny bone in his body. The biggest joke is the fact he is a ragabash and far from questioning the ways he amplifies them. He is just as militant as his caern, although he may add a sly remark as he blows someone away and he is always armed with a typical 'Arnie' quote for the combat sitaution. He is a bar room fighter, skilled in Kalindo and pack fighting and is one of the key trainers at this caern. He boasts his weapon specialties include ‘whatever comes to hand, including people's faces’. He has survived two assassination attempts by Pentex (one which cost him his eye), although he claims it was the Shadow Lords trying to get even. He has no respect or tolerance for the Shadow Lords and they don't actually know why. One-eye is commonly seen in his war form and spends a lot of time in the penumbral caern. When in human society he wears jeans and a Metallica t-shirt.
Ivan Dokavich 'Dutch': Get-of-Fenris, Ahroun, Rank 4, 6ft 9’ Tall, Age 38, big and beefy, with a huge physical presence. He is the Russian with an accent that sounds more fake than real and he often talks about the 'homeland' and the campaigns he has had there. He had a short stint of fame in the human world when he modelled for Games Workshop for a series of photographs depicting a Jungle Catachan fighter. In the garou world he has reaped in a fair share of glory from the constant war that the Fenrir rain down on the industrial estate in the shadow of their caern. He is capable of carrying and using support weapons (which he does) without a mount and has taken to smoking cigars as he rains fire down on his enemies. In appearance he resembles Arnold Swarzernegger, but for a slight stubble and a younger complexion. When reminded of this he points out he could knock Arnie out with a single shot. He says little else but for the occasional ‘Ha!’, 'comrade' and 'vodka'. Oh how he loves his vodka. Ivan wears the combat khakis adopted by the caern and has a variety of medals he wears when in dress uniform.
‘Black eye’: Get-of-Fenris, Ragabash, Rank 3, 5ft 10’ Tall, Age 42, A slightly overweight, black haired, dark skinned bar room drinker who idolises Klingons form Star Trek. He adopts many of their mannerisms and can even speak the language with a fair degree of originality. He is a big fan of the series 'Star Trek' and often makes quotes from them. Whenever any of the 'Federation' friendly episodes about friendship are on he describes them as 'that pansy shit' and does his best to discount it from the Star Trek franchise. He annoys many of the Sept’s denizens with his Science Fiction knowledge, but he cares little, they either accept him or they can suck eggs. He and Rothman (who calls him a 'sand nigger') do not see eye to eye and often Lothar has to step in to stop them from killing each other. He has a set of unique skills at the caern though when dealing with the Weaver spirits (the caern secondary totem is notoriously hard to deal with) and has gotten into the habit of helping the main theurge when dealing with the spirits. Unlike other ragabash he knows spirit speech and sense wyrm and has some minor caern rites. He wears bright colours to annoy the camo gear Get and is often seen with a prosthetic forhead or a fan badge.
Haikan Metwell 'Trees': Get-of-Fenris, Ahroun, Rank 3, 6ft 2’ Tall, Age 37, A big German street fighter from the Dolashvell area who grew up on the streets. He has blonde hair, a square jaw and is Hitler's epitome of German perfection. He is a capable warrior and is meant to know some basic Kalindo techniques and is a master at Klaive duelling. He carries the Grand Glaive ‘The Equaliser’ (which he is never far from), and is on secondment from the Black Forest Caern in Germany and although he is not planned to be a permanent member here it looks like he is settling in for the long haul. He does return to his native caern and his kinfolk family 2 or 3 times a year. He has two young boys who look like mini versions of him who will also visit from time to time. His English has improved over the years but he still has a thick German accent. Presently he is challenging for his next rank and is questing for a suitable person to challenge, despite there being many good candidates here - he does not feel they would give him a worthy challenge. He is heavily built, with little neck and chiseled cheek bones and does have the tendency to pull the ladies eyes. He always dresses up warm and complains endlessly about the weather despite it being much different from the part of Germany he was from.
‘Snell’: Rank 4, Get-of-Fenris, Philodox, Rank 3, 6ft Tall, Age 29, Dark hair, shifty eyes and despite being slightly shorter than the others he is by no means a weakling. He is very sharp for a Get, his tongue is wicked and has a dark side to him, seeming to know exactly what to say to disarm his opponent with words. He often belittles garou and can force a frenzy on unsuspecting Garou as a way of gaining an edge in combat and is what Gillait considered the greatest threat in the World - 'a Get with a brain or a Child of Gaia who can fight'. With such high praise and a master of the taunt and skilled with many airborne vehicles he makes a valuable asset to a Caern were life is short and violent. He wears smart suits, and ties, often dressing to impress and now has a selection of battle scars from his wars in the area. He is mated with a kin lady who is technically a Silver Fang kin and this has caused some strife at the caern. The elders never gave permission for it and the two have gone against the wishes of two septs to bring their union together. It is unsure how it will end but many suspect there will be blood before the story comes to an end.
Max ‘Cuts-to-the-Bone’ Fenris: Get-of-Fenris, Ahroun, Rank 3, 5ft 10’ Tall, Age 28, Short, dark hair, thin lanky body with wiry muscles and a geeky impression. Surprisingly he is strong, fast and terribly immature. He has the need to play with oriental weapons and loves his kung fu movies, practicing in front of a plasma screen imitating the moves of the great masters. When he uses them in combat he has the tendency to reference each move after it is landed (Jackie Chan block, Bruce Lee crane kick, Chuck Norris headbutt!) making it sound all like a WWE wrestling match, just with real gore. Despite his comical facade he does have a black belt in several martial arts, but is by no means civil or honourable 'There is no honour in losing'. Barred from competitions because of his nasty side, he now practices on passer-by’s to the caern and is always on the lookout for someone that might actually present a real fight for him. As a result he is the most likely to beat up new visitor to the caern. His evil streak is almost Spiral in its execution. He wears black leathers and rides Harley’s and though his weight has fluctuated over the years he is back to his skinny self.
‘Lark’: Get-of-Fenris, Ahroun, Rank 2, Metis, 5ft 10’ Tall, Age 26, A werewolf with a bone protrusion from his face, that vaguely resembles a beak of a bird. His face is deformed, and often bleeds when changing forms. He has had a very difficult time at the caern during his life and has often had to do more than any other warrior to make up for the fault of his parents. People take bets on each fight if he will return or not, so far he has done, but it appears his time is limited. Regardless of this, he soldiers on against all the odds and strikes a particularly noble and dutiful member of the caern. Despite this he is not particularly approachable by other garou but is often targeted to build links at this caern. He tends to treat such circumstances as an opportunity to show what Fenris would do in the same situation, much to the dismay of the person hoping to make the contact. His days of being a novelty have gone and he now is just treated as a second class citizen. Get’s as a rule do not accept Metis, so he is lucky to have got this far. He wears no clothes and is often in the umbra on guard duty.
‘Grey Coat’: Get-of-Fenris, Ahroun, Rank 4, Lupus, 3ft 10’ Tall, Age 13, A feral Get with black fur, piercing eyes and a spiky short mane. He is the caern's pride and joy and is treated well above his position, often sitting to the side of Lothar himself and advising the king on 'The Natural Way' which in all respect is a much needed advisor for this caern. His presence inspires confidence to those that would suggest that the Get in England have fallen to the Weaver. Like a true Get though, this is the warzone for him and though the caern is very closely tied with the weaver a part of it is left pretty feral for Grey Coat's comfort. He is no less savage than the Talons, and is responsible for the great killer dog stories that move about the Helsby Hill. The Impergium still continues for him and he sees these as the last days of the World, when warriors are made and the weak die in flames. He is also called ‘Red Tooth’ by the Red Talons and he speaks for the world's lupus at the Sept of the Flying Death and is a impassioned howler. He wears no clothes and very rarely uses his homid form and will often be present in the penumbra.
Darren Pensby: Get-of-Fenris, Ahroun, Rank 2, 5ft 11’ Tall, Age 26, Brown hair, kept cropped short and now slightly stocker as he has filled out with age. Still involved with kinfolk gangs who often patrol the streets looking for violence, he takes what he needs and goes where he wants. Original it was not expected that he would survive long but as he aged his skills have improved and he is now able to fight the long fight as well as burning all his rage in a short burst. He has been pressured into starting to choose a mate for breeding purposes and has been used to help recruit newer members to the caern amongst his other caern duties. He also has to fulfil the function of a Glass Walker making contacts in the human world to purchase firearms and equipment illegally. He is not particularly good at this job and a few breaches of the veil have resulted from failed missions. Overall though he is successful and supplies and receives more guns and weaponry in a year than a small African country. He has strong connections with Gun's and Stuff for obvious reasons. He tends to wear track suits, baseball caps, and speaks with a thick scouse accent. He is the latest of the ‘New Age Pups’ to the caern but it is argued that the blood is not as pure as it once was. The younger pups lack any form of pure breed.
Pugsy: Get-of-Fenris, Galliard, Rank 1, 5ft 9’ Tall, Age 17, Light brown hair with blonde highlights, an average appearance young boy who trains endlessly to try to ensure he can keep up with the big boys. He is being mentored by the likes of Stephen Rothman and although he is doing his best is a mediocre student. He is being considered as an exchange garou for another potentially more useful member to this caern. Details are only vaguely known and most guesses are pure speculation. He often wears combat clothing and is used for minor caern duties.
Krieger 'Tears-at-the-Heart-of-the-Wyrm Silvermane (honorary member): Get-of-Fenris, Ahroun, Rank 6, 5ft 9’ Tall, Unknown age - but over 60, The savage black wolf who looks like the image of Fenris himself only comparable by the grey flecks of grey in his coat. This wolf is legendary and his deeds easily exceed the combined families of all 3 of the English Get groups. He is given the respect he deserves when he visits and even Lothar himself will bow his head in respect to this wolf. He speaks little and when he does he is heard and his will is acted upon. He rarely is in attendance at the caern but will turn up for 3 or 4 of the moots each year. He is well travelled and holds several honorary places in European caerns. He is the only wolf in recent years that actively holds the gaze of the mighty Fenris and occasionally does so at night in the area of the bawn. When Krieger comes - destiny bells begin to toll.
The Caern: The Caern was built during the Second World War when the sight was an airfield used in the Battle of Britain. It received heavy bombardment by the Luftwaffe and the airfield was rendered useless, so it was modified into a radio station on the high cliffs. A mass purge of the people around the caern happened and the few who escaped were hunted down by garou who killed all the survivors. This made the hillside a 'feral' site and a caern was built on the rivers of blood. Although it still gets visitors the site is now of historical interest only and the Fernrir do not encourage visitors. There is a single pathway that loops up to the northern side of the hill and then heads back over the South side. A marker shows the highest point and the few farmers that live on the hillside are all Get kinfolk. The Get like it this way, to ensure it stays this way the occasional hiker disappears to keep people wary about going up to the hillside at unsociable hours. The black ghost dog of the Hill is often blamed and people become scared and avoid the site at night. The Caern is unusual as it has 2 secondary totems that often aid the caern, one a awoken crashed gunship that makes a strategically based asset in caern assaults due to its heavy weaponry and its great ambush points, the other is Fenris himself who will patrol the caern border looking for the weak willed and unworthy. The area around the caern has a few watcher spirits that assemble around moot time. The Caern is the largest suppliers of guns coming into this country and they supply the Garou world with firearms both mundane and exotic. It is considered a warzone by many as there is a huge industry centre churning out corruption in the shadow of the caern, the supporters of who are at constant war with the Get.
Known Fallen:
Stephen Rothman: Killed fighting a great bane at the Manchester caern. He died as a hero saving the caern.